Robert Doering

Robert DoeringRobert Doering joined Texas Instruments in 1980, and he is currently Research Manager in the company’s Technology and Manufacturing Group at its Dallas headquarters.  An expert in the semiconductor device design and manufacture of high-tech analog and digital integrated circuits, Doering formerly served as Director of the Microelectronics Manufacturing Science and Technology (MMST) Program, a $100M+, 5-year R&D effort funded by DARPA, the U.S. Air Force, and Texas Instruments that developed a wide range of advanced technologies for semiconductor manufacturing.

A Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Doering received a BS in physics from MIT and obtained MS and PhD degrees in physics from Michigan State University. Prior to joining Texas Instruments, he was on the physics faculty at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. His research was on nuclear reactions and was highlighted by the discovery of the Giant Spin-Isospin Resonance in heavy nuclei in 1973 and by pioneering experiments in medium-energy heavy-ion reactions in the late 70’s. Doering holds 23 U.S. patents and has authored or presented 253 publications and invited talks.