Physics Today-Uppsala University books partnership

In August 1999, one of our authors, Lennart Hasselgren from Uppsala University, and PT Editor-in-Chief Stephen Benka agreed on a joint program that allowed Physics Today to make good use of the accumulated books sent by book publishers for the magazine’s New Books list. These books are now donated to physics departments in developing countries. Since then, Physics Today has provided books to 26 universities in 21 countries, with Uppsala University covering the shipping costs.

PT Books Progam

Hasselgren has retired as head of the IPPS department at the university, and we now thank Ernst van Groningen for continuing the arrangement. Overseen by Tonya Gary (right), Physics Today packs more than 100 books every few months and arranges the shipping. The annual costs for this program exceed $15,000 and, for the past decade and a half, Uppsala has generously contributed over $200,000. The cooperative program has allowed us to affect current and future scientists in a direct way by assisting these schools with stocking their libraries with newer and more current books. These books have been graciously accepted by science departments in the following countries:

Bangladesh         Eritrea           Laos                    Sri Lanka

Burkino Faso      Ethiopia        Mali                     Suriname

Cambodia           Ghana           Peru                    Tanzania

Côte d’Ivoire      Guatemala   Rwanda              Uganda

Ecuador              Kenya            South Africa       Zambia

We are very proud to be a part of this venture, and we hope that in some small way we are furthering physics around the world.  

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Books are donated to physics departments in 21 developing countries