AIP Affiliates

An AIP Affiliate is any non-profit, educational, or government organization with aligned purposes with AIP. Becoming an AIP-Affiliated Society is a formal recognition of this aligned philosophy, goals, and objectives. Through the AIP Affiliate program, AIP endeavors to create opportunities for collaboration and leveraging of resources where possible. AIP Affiliate status is subject to approval by the AIP Board of Directors.

Benefits to AIP Affiliates and their Members:

  • Opportunities for information exchange, including participation in the AIP Assembly Forum.  AIP Member and AIP affiliates leaders convene to discuss areas of mutual concern at the annual Annual Forum (organized and financed by AIP). Sessions address topics such as challenges/innovations in scientific publishing, public policy, effectively communicating to the public, supporting/growing the membership base, trends in philanthropic giving, strategic planning, supporting science education, promoting science as a viable career choice to a diverse population, and so forth. The Assembly is also a forum where leaders can become better acquainted and share ideas

AIP Affiliates are eligible to tap into AIP’s expertise (fee-for-service):

  •  AIP Career Network.  Partners expand their career resources – and member value – through this shared job board for physical scientists and engineers in industry, academia, government and the non-profit sector. The network enables seamless integration of job listings on partners’ own sites and hosts career webinars. Open only to eligible AIP Member Societies and AIP Affiliates.
  • Media Services.  AIP's media professionals work together with your society as needed, offering meeting support, journal promotion, strategic communications, etc. Media requests from past AIP-prepared press releases are handled pro-bono. 
  • Statistical Research. AIP’s trained data researchers can help eligible AIP Affiliates learn more about their membership and issues that are important to them (salary data, demographics, education, etc.)

In addition to these benefits, members of AIP Affiliates might be interested in the following services that AIP provides to the broader community:

  • FYI - Science Policy News.  AIP monitors science policy developments in Washington, and publishes regular FYI news bulletins and digests, informing the community of opportunities for science and funding decisions that affect them. Subscribe.
  • E-Updates from AIP's Statistical Research Center.  Keep abreast of the latest data on education and employment in physics and related fields. Choose from among 16 topics covered by our Center's studies. Join the listserv to be notified whenever new data are available.
  • Physics Today Career Network.  For those looking to hire or be hired, visit the PT Career Network to find more than 200 jobs per month in industry, academia, and government, and more than 7,000 resumes of highly trained job seekers holding physics degrees from B.S. to Ph.D.
  • Niels Bohr Library & Archives.  Anyone interested in science history can explore the NBLA’s matchless collection of historically important printed works, including monographs, textbooks, laboratory manuals, instrument catalogs, and publishes correspondence. Contact [email protected]Emilio Segrè Visual Archives includes a collection of more than 30,000 historical photographs of influential physicists, as well as other visual materials. The Library has an outstanding collection of oral histories; more than 1,000 are online and many are given by members of the MS.

Unless otherwise indicated, to learn more or take advantage of these benefits, contact: 

Max Saffell, Federation Officer
[email protected]