SPS Jobs

Illinois Physics REU | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Physics Department

2 months 1 week ago
Urbana, Illinois, The Department of Physics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign hosts a 10-week National Science Foundation (NSF)–sponsored summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Offered since 1993, the REU provides undergraduates the opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of our world-class researchers. Students participating in this program will spend the summer,   May 27th, 2025 – August 1st, 2025 (10 weeks) , on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus working directly with senior physics faculty on challenging, meaningful projects. The summer experience is aimed at developing students' research literacy skills and exposing them to the wide diversity of physics subfields using experimental, computational, and theoretical approaches: Astrophysics, Relativity, and Cosmology Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics Biological Physics Condensed Matter Physics High Energy Physics Nuclear Physics Physics Education Research Quantum Information Science The NSF-funded REU program can only support citizens or permanent residents (including Green Card holders) of the United States, but the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Department of Physics is excited to host at least one international student each summer.  All students must be enrolled at institutions other than the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Application Information To receive full consideration for the program, apply online by January 24th, 2025. A completed application consists of the following: an online application, which requires at least one letter of reference (two letters is strongly recommended) ( advice on getting strong reference letters ), a 250–word (approximately 1/2 page) Research Statement describing your personal research goals and any previous experiences in physics or research that support your selected projects, a 250-word (approximately 1/2 page)  Personal Statement describing your unique experience in physics (or STEM in general) and how this REU will impact your future in physics, and an official or unofficial transcript from the most recent semester. This website  (Pathways to Science)  has resources with helpful information on preparing applications to summer research programs. Eligibility Students must be currently enrolled (summer 2025) in an undergraduate program at a two-year or four-year institution (recently graduated seniors are not eligible for the program) in physics or a related field. Students must be a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States to be eligible for National Science Foundation (NSF) funding. NSF funding accounts for 12 student spots in the REU.  The NSF-funded REU program can only support citizens or  permanent residents (including Green Card holders) of the United States. This includes U.S. citizens studying abroad.  International students currently in the U.S., undocumented students and students with DACA status are also welcome to apply to the REU and may be funded by the Physics Department . Department funding accounts for a minimum of 1 student spot in the REU.  Students are best prepared if they have completed their sophomore year by May 2025 with at least 4 semesters of physics and having an average technical (math/physics) grade point average of 3.0/4.0.  This requirement does not apply to community college students.  Interested community college students who have completed one year of studies are very much encouraged to apply to our program. Some research topics recommend more prior preparation than others. To review the research topics, check out the Projects tab, or click  here .  Applications are  not accepted  from currently enrolled students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Timeline December 1, 2024 — Applications open! December 15, 2024 — 2025 faculty projects finalized December 18, 2024 — Applications office hours with Irene 1PM to 4PM (Central) January 15, 2025 — Applications office hours with Irene 1PM to 4PM (Central) January 23, 2025 — UIUC summer programs webinar 6PM to 7:30PM (Central) January 31, 2025 (11:59PM) — Application deadline March 3, 2025 — Offer letters sent to REU prospective participants March 10, 2025 — Deadline for REU participant acceptance May 24–May 26, 2025 — REU participants arrive on UIUC campus May 27–May 30, 2025 — REU Research Bootcamp July 31–August 1, 2025 — REU final project presentations The $6,000 stipend is included in addition to coved housing on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus, travel reimbursement and occasional meals.

Michigan Semiconductor Hands-On Research Experience REU | University of Michigan Lurie Nanofabrication Facility

2 months 1 week ago
Ann Arbor, Michigan, Semiconductor technology is critical to all facets of modern society, from day-to-day consumer activities to state-of-the-art defense needs. To “shore up” our domestic workforce, this three-year REU Site: Semiconductor Hands-On Research Experience (SHORE) will provide opportunities for 9 students each year to participate in summer experiential training in nanofabrication of semiconductor materials, devices, and related technologies. The 10-week REU projects will focus on research enabled by the  Lurie Nanofabrication Facility  at the University of Michigan (U-M). The research projects, supervised and mentored by U-M faculty and graduate students, will address key research challenges in semiconductor materials and devices, focusing on three thrusts: (1) wide bandgap materials and devices, (2) complex oxide materials and devices, and (3) nanotechnology for devices. More information, including detailed project descriptions and application information can be found on the M-SHORE website . This program is funded by NSF and one of the program goals is to improve access to semiconductor research to students from an educational, cultural, or geographic background that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan. In addition, the program aims to engage students at minority serving institutions, at primarily undergraduate institutions (institutions with no PhD program), at community colleges, and at institutions with limited nanofabrication facilities.   You must apply through our website to be considered!   Housing in U-M dorms and a $750 food allowance are provided. $500 will be provided for travel costs.

REU: National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure | University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2 months 1 week ago
Lincoln, Nebraska, The Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF) is a member of the NSF-funded National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) program which includes 16 major research centers in nanomaterials throughout the US. NNF, with support from the  Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience  ( NCMN ) provides researchers from academia, government, and industry access to facilities with leading-edge instrumentation which enables innovations, discoveries, and contributions to education and commerce.  NNF offers a 10-week summer fellowship that provides undergraduate students with an opportunity for interdisciplinary research in a nanoscale science or engineering laboratory on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. The Nebraska Nanoscale Facility summer research REU includes faculty mentors from the following university departments:  Physics, Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering. The fellowships will carry a $6,000 stipend for ten weeks of research. At the end of the Summer, students will also be expected to present their research at the UNL SRP, and the NNCI REU convocation, which will be held at the University of California San Diego.  The trip to San Diego will be covered by the NCMN.  Competitive stipend: $6,000 Suite-style room and meal plan Travel expenses to and from Lincoln Campus parking and/or bus pass Full access to the Campus Recreation Center and campus library system Wireless internet access

REU Site: Sustainability and Resilience of Civil and Environmental Infrastructure in Rural Areas | University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2 months 1 week ago
Lincoln, Nebraska, Despite their significance, rural areas have historically been underrepresented in research and disproportionately underserved in terms of infrastructure and community development. Rural areas, characterized by low population density, agricultural-based economies, and localized transportation networks, present unique challenges and opportunities for civil and environmental engineering. However, the increasing challenges posed by climate change, including extreme weather events and shifting environmental dynamics, underscore the pressing need to prioritize sustainability and resilience initiatives within rural areas to ensure the long-term prosperity and well-being of these vital communities. In this ten-week summer research program, students will work with faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to conduct research and will contribute new knowledge to improve our understanding of how best to address the challenges facing rural environments.  Through collaboration with industry partners, students will also be given opportunities to learn how infrastructure challenges are currently being addressed by the civil and environmental engineering industry. In addition, this program offers a series of communication development opportunities including preparation of a conference paper, informal presentations to their peers, formal poster presentations, and outreach to high school students. Competitive stipend: $7,000 Suite-style room and meal plan Travel expenses to and from Lincoln Campus parking and/or bus pass Full access to the Campus Recreation Center and campus library system Wireless internet access

Summer Research Program - REU: Emergent Quantum Materials and Technology (EQUATE) | University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2 months 1 week ago
Lincoln, Nebraska, Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies (EQUATE) is a $20 million NSF-funded project placing Nebraska researchers in the second quantum revolution. This project focuses on research and workforce development to advance knowledge on topics related to quantum materials, technologies, and computation. These new technologies will revolutionize fields such as information technology, medicine, meteorology, and cryptography, with an impact on security areas such as defense and banking. EQUATE consolidates the quantum science and technology expertise of 20 faculty researchers across the four Nebraska research institutions, establishing collaboration and feedback between theory and experiment to guide discoveries and expedite the findings of new emergent quantum materials and phenomena. Competitive stipend: $6,000 Suite-style room and meal plan Travel expenses to and from Lincoln Campus parking and/or bus pass Full access to the Campus Recreation Center and campus library system Wireless internet access

REU Research Experience for Undergraduates - Physics & Astronomy Dept, University of Rochester 2025 | University of Rochester

2 months 1 week ago
Rochester, New York, The University of Rochester Department of Physics & Astronomy welcomes applicants for our summer REU program in physics and astrophysics. Each summer, 10 highly qualified students undertake supervised research projects in our department for a period of 10 weeks. Much of the research done by past undergraduate research assistants has been published in scientific journals, and many students have presented their work at national conferences and undergraduate research symposia at the University of Rochester. Over the summer research period, participants will attend a series of informal seminars covering research and related topics, such as preparing for graduate school and developing skills for communicating their work with others. These seminars are intended to foster discussion among REU students and faculty. The core research experience takes place in the context of research groups working at the University's research facilities. At the end of the program, students present their work at an informal symposium. They are encouraged to continue with their research advisors toward completion of publications, submission of abstracts, and presentations of their research at professional and student conferences. Our program supports a diverse group of participants. More than half of the NSF REU funds support students from other institutions, and the program aims for 50% representation of women and minority students. Participants receive a stipend of $6,000 for the 10-week program. All participants are housed together in an on-campus residence hall, and supplemental compensation for meals and incidentals is provided. Frequent trips to explore Rochester and the surrounding region are coordinated by the students, including attending the world renowned International Jazz Festival and visiting Niagara Falls, Ontario Beach Park, and Letchworth State Park. Participants also enjoy an evening trip to our C.E.K. Mees Observatory, located in the beautiful Bristol Mountains.   Program runs from May 27th - August 1st, 2025 (Additional information available at: https://www.pas.rochester.edu/undergraduate/reu/index.html ) Apply at: https://etap.nsf.gov/   ( applications accepted 12/9/24-1/31/25 ) To apply to the REU students must: Create an account with the NSF ETAP site. Complete the basic Registration details (Registration on side menu) that are common application details that are used for applying to our program and also to other programs. This component of the application asks about previous research experience (not required) but more specifics can be included with your application materials.  The ETAP site requests your test scores (SAT, ACT or GRE) but Rochester will not look at that information.  Other institutions might do so and your registration page is part of your 'profile' that is part of all your applications.   Enter / upload other Application Materials (Application Materials on side menu) that include your personal statement, resume (or CV), your unofficial OR official transcript(s) (can upload transcripts from more than one institution).   All uploads to ETAP must be in pdf format. Request your References (My References on side menu).  This enables you to invite your two references to enter basic reference details and upload a letter of reference.  You should receive an email from NSF ETAP when a reference has been submitted.  The letters can be from faculty members, employers, or previous research or REU program supervisors familiar with your abilities, interests, and motivation toward research so contact them about writing on your behalf before you start applications.  Note that the letters uploaded to the ETAP portal apply to all opportunities so should not refer to specific programs.  There are a few additional questions beyond the basic registration that we ask as part of our REU Site application.  Please complete this section as well. Application deadline is January 31 . This REU program joins other Physics REU sites with the common date of the first Monday of March for first round offers sent to students. Replies to offers, whether accept or decline, should be communicated to REU programs up until the second Monday in March.   REU application help and step by step instructions available  HERE . Questions? email [email protected] $7,000 Stipend for 10-week program

REU in Physics & Astronomy at TCU | Texas Christian University

2 months 2 weeks ago
Fort Worth, Texas, The TCU REU program provides research opportunities in a variety of areas of physics & astronomy including: Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Observational Astronomy, Planetary Science, Theoretical Modeling and Computer Simulation, and Materials Science. As a participant in the TCU Physics & Astronomy REU program, you will:  Collaborate on a research project with TCU faculty mentors, graduate students and other students Learn about potential career options through behind-the-scenes field trips (if possible) Participate in outreach opportunities with local non-profits Develop skills in giving a research presentation Receive a $5,400 stipend Receive free housing on campus and have access to the library, computer and recreation facilities Receive travel support to/from TCU Participate in professional development seminars Have travel expenses paid to present your results at a scientific conference after the program   TCU is centrally located in Fort Worth, TX, with easy access to local museums, the zoo, parks and gardens, and an extensive network of walking and biking trails along the Trinity river.

Funded Fellowship – ISTernship Summer Program | Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

2 months 2 weeks ago
Klosterneuburg, Austria, Funded Fellowship – ISTernship Summer Program The  Institute of Science and Technology Austria  (ISTA) is looking for highly qualified  Bachelor’s  or  Master’s  students in the fields of  Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry & Materials, Computer Science, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Earth Science, Mathematics, Physics, Neuroscience  and interdisciplinary areas to apply for the ISTernship program. The ISTernship (“ISTA-” + “(int)ernship”) is a  summer program  for students from all over the world who are looking to expand their scientific research experience. Every summer since 2013, students join the ISTernship program and work closely with our faculty or a lab member on a short research project. As part of the application, prospective participants choose a research group to work in, and successful applicants agree on a research project with the group leader. Upon arrival, ISTerns receive an introduction to research at ISTA as well as an introduction to the ISTA Graduate School. The program culminates with a research symposium, where ISTerns present their work to peers, faculty, and lab mentors. You can find more information on the ISTernship here . Internships are full-time, compensated, and will be conducted exclusively in English.   DURATION 2-3 months between May 15 and September 15. Exact dates and length are decided together with the supervisor.   APPLICATION MATERIALS Candidates must be enrolled Bachelor- or Master of Science students (or similar) in good standing at a degree granting institution. They must have completed at least the fourth semester of their bachelor’s studies (before the respective start date). We ask you to upload the following documents to the application portal: CV Statement of purpose that explains your research experience and the research area(s) you find the most interesting, your motivation for applying to the ISTA ISTernship program, and which professor(s) you are interested in working with. (1 page maximum.) University transcripts and diplomas  of all degree programs and all years you have attended and/or are currently enrolled in (we recommend to submit these in the original language as well as in English). Contact information of 1 or 2 referees   FINANCIAL SUPPORT Each successful candidate receives a scholarship compensation to assist with the cost of living in Austria and travel to and from Austria. EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION ISTA cherishes diversity in personalities, backgrounds, experiences and thoughts among all our employees. Diversity creates a workplace that enables employees to gain new ideas and insights and that will take science into exciting new directions.                                                                                           ISTA is committed to equal opportunities and social equity, regardless of age, gender (identity), ethnicity, race, social/cultural background, creed, religion, sexual orientation, and physical/cognitive abilities. Please see our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion web page for more information.   The application deadline for the 2025 ISTernship is February 5, 2025. APPLY NOW The  Institute of Science and Technology Austria  (ISTA) is an international institute dedicated to basic research and graduate education in life science, physics, mathematics, and computer science. ISTA is an interdisciplinary research institution that aims to break down the traditional boundaries between disciplines and foster both theoretical and experimental research. In 2019, ISTA was ranked #3 in the world-wide Nature Index ranking (normalized).

Collaborative Approaches among Scientists and Engineers Research Experience for Undergraduates | Auburn University College of Sciences and Mathematics

2 months 3 weeks ago
Auburn, Alabama, The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) funded Collaborative Approaches among Scientist and Engineers (CASE) Research Experience is a 10-week research program for undergraduates located at Auburn University. Field and laboratory research projects are available for students majoring in STEM disciplines including chemistry, biology, physics, geosciences, and all branches of engineering. The multidisciplinary nature of STEM disciplines allows for innovative collaborations and as students, encourages deeper critical thinking skills. The CASE REU offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate students majoring in STEM disciplines to work on a cross-disciplinary project led by teams of 2 faculty mentors from 2 distinct disciplines. Additionally, students will participate in professional development and social activities. Students will have the opportunity to present their research at the closing symposium. All applicants must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. National, or permanent resident and an undergraduate that has at least completed their freshman year.  Individuals from historically excluded groups in STEM are especially encouraged to apply  (i.e. African American, Hispanic American, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, students with disabilities, first generation college students, and students who demonstrate a financial need). Students will receive a food stipend and up to $500 in travel reimbursement.

Soft Matter REU at Cleveland State University (May 27-Aug 1, 2025) | Cleveland State University

2 months 3 weeks ago
Cleveland, Ohio, The Departments of Physics and Chemical & Biomedical Engineering at Cleveland State University invite you to experience cutting edge soft matter research in a supportive environment of our Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program Synthesis, Assembly, and Characterization of Soft Matter , sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  Projects include: electron imaging of soft matter systems; design and characterization of protein-based materials; volume phase transition in polymer microgels; chain confinement in polymer-grafted nanorods, assembly of anisotropic nanoparticles; fluorescent quantum defects; microfluidic channels and mixers; microemulsions in absinthe; cellular microsensation to fluid flow; waste to energy via chemistry.                             Eligibility: current undergraduate students who are US citizens and permanent residents. Underrepresented minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Website: https://artsandsciences.csuohio.edu/physics/soft-matter-reu-csu Support: $6000 stipend (for 10 weeks; housing provided at no charge); up to $500/student travel funds to CSU; at least $500/student conference travel funds after completion of the REU.

2025 NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) | Wright State University and Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)

2 months 3 weeks ago
Dayton, Ohio, 2025 NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Dates and Topic Research Experience Dates:  June 1—August 10, 2025 Topic:  Cybersecurity in Trusted Microelectronics: Addressing Challenges in Hardware Security and Resilient Supply Chains   Program Overview Secure and Trusted Systems The summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, funded by the NSF Division of Computer and Network Systems, focuses on Training Research for Undergraduate Students in Secure and Trusted Systems (TRUST). It emphasizes hardware security in areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded AI security, detection and mitigation of side-channel attacks, and the security and trust of firmware and embedded systems. Project Objectives Engage in trusted microelectronics research to gain practical experience in areas critical to national. Facilitate self-assessment for interns regarding their interests in cybersecurity and potential graduate studies. Acquire advanced knowledge in hardware security, encompassing hardware, software, IoT, communications, and machine/deep learning security. Activities Hands-on FPGA development and simulation of CNN accelerators Data analysis of voltage traces captured during inference. Application of noise reduction techniques for accurate data interpretation. Exploration and implementation of countermeasures against hardware side-channel attacks. Design partitioning and hardware integration for enhanced security measures. Topic Areas Hardware Security in Trusted System Side-Channel Attack and Countermeasures AI Hardware Security and Firmware Protection Embedded System Security in IoT Applications Research Collaboration in Secure Microelectronics Development Award Information $6,500 stipend for 10 weeks On-campus housing included Food allowance Round-trip travel expenses up to $600 ? The total is approximately $9,000 Application Information Deadline:  March 1, 2025 Announcement of Awards:  April 1, 2025 Eligibility Requirements U.S. citizen or permanent resident Electrical engineering, computer/software engineering, computer Science, or any other related disciplines with a 3.0 or higher GPA Sophomore, junior, or senior Must graduate after September 2025 Link to apply: https://engineering-computer-science.wright.edu/research/nsf-research-experiences-for-undergraduates $7000 stipend for 10 weeks On-campus housing included Food allowance Round-trip travel expenses up to $600 ? The total is approximately $1,000

Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System (CIMES) Research Internship Program at Princeton | Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System

2 months 3 weeks ago
Princeton, New Jersey, The Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System (CIMES) at Princeton University in collaboration with NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory is recruiting undergraduate students for 8-9 week research internships in atmospheric, oceanic and earth system science. Awardees will work with host scientists at Princeton University and NOAA/GFDL, a world-leading center of earth system modeling, research and prediction.  Interns will work on a focused scientific problem under the close supervision of their GFDL/Princeton host, and benefit from resources and activities at GFDL, including interaction with scientists and graduate students, access to high performance computing and library facilities, and opportunities to participate in a wide range of seminars and GFDL social events. We particularly encourage applications from students whose participation will add to the diversity of researchers in earth system science, including students from underrepresented groups, first-generation college students, and students who have minimal previous experience engaging in scientific research.   The 2025 summer internship program will be in-person at GFDL in Princeton, New Jersey. Interns will receive a stipend of $5,600 - $6,300 for a 40-hour work week depending on the length of the internship. Starting dates and length of the internship are flexible depending on host availability. On campus room and board is typically made available to interns from early June to early August and is provided as part of the program.  Interns not living at home but using housing other than campus housing will receive a commensurate housing allowance. Local interns who choose to live at home can be considered on a case-by-case basis to receive reimbursement for daily commuting. Interns will also receive reimbursement for travel to and from Princeton at the beginning and end of the summer.  Applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at time of application and be either a US Citizen or permanent resident or have US work authorization. The application deadline is  January 15, 2025 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. The link to the application form is provided below.   In lieu of a cover letter, applicants are asked to explain: How this internship will contribute to their long-term goals, how their academic background (including relevant courses) provides them with the skills they could apply to this internship, and whether they have had any previous research opportunities. Applicants will also be asked to provide contact information for two professional references.  Please be advised that applicants and their references will be contacted only if there is further interest in their application.  Princeton University is an  Equal Opportunity Employer , and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. EEO is the law. Salary depends on duration of internship.

Penn State Physics REU: Sustainable Physics and Materials Research | Penn State University

2 months 4 weeks ago
University Park, Pennsylvania, Are you interested in a paid summer research experience for undergrads (funded by NSF)  focused on physics and how physics research contributes to global sustainability? For more info and research projects To apply The department of Physics and the Center for Nanoscale Science at Penn State hosts two REU's: The Physics REU includes experiment, theory, and simulation opportunities in multimessenger astrophysics, cosmology, atomic and optical physics, condensed matter physics, soft matter experiment, dark matter, and gravitational wave physics.  The Center for Nanoscale Science REU includes experiment, theory, and simulation opportunities in nano-scale condensed matter physics, and materials physics, materials engineering, chemistry, electro-optics , 2D materials and quantum physics. Students are matched with a research lab and mentor based in their interests, and attend weekly professional development exposing them to cutting edge research, professional development skills, sustainable research practices, graduate school, careers, and participate in social gatherings and outreach activities. For more detail on 2025 projects click here Undergraduate students who have not yet graduated in Summer 2025, are 18 years old, and US citizens are encouraged to apply. You get a stipend of $7000, free housing, and  travel reimbursement.  To apply click here You will need 1 letter of recommendation and an unofficial transcript to upload with your application form Tips for applying are here  

Project Vacuum Engineer | California Institute of Technology

3 months ago
Richland, Washington, Project Vacuum Engineer Caltech Job Category: Fulltime Regular Exempt Overtime Eligible: Exempt Benefits Eligible: Benefit Based Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions. We thrive on finding and cultivating talented people who are passionate about what they do. Join us and be a part of the diverse Caltech community. Job Summary Caltech's Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) seeks a highly motivated and skilled Project Vacuum Engineer to join its Cosmic Explorer Beamtube Experiment (CEBEX) team at the Richland, Washington observatory site. LIGO Laboratory is a major National Science Foundation facility dedicated to observing the newly discovered gravitational-wave universe. Jointly operated by the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LIGO operates the world's leading gravitational observatories near Richland, WA and Baton Rouge, LA, as well as campus R&D centers in Pasadena, CA and Cambridge, MA. This position is a fulltime in-person role located at LIGO Hanford in Richland, WA. To learn more about LIGO Laboratory, please visit LIGO.caltech.edu . The Laboratory's mission supports the young science of gravitational-wave physics and astronomy and includes observatory operations, analysis and dissemination of astrophysical observations, detector science and technology R&D, gravitational-wave astrophysics, and education and public outreach. LIGO now also leads the effort to expand humanity's gravitational wave horizon with a next-generation observatory, Cosmic Explorer (CE). Slated for construction in the 2030's, CE will be ten times the size and reach of LIGO, able to gather signals from the edge of the observable universe. The selected applicant will join an elite team charged with conceiving, designing and testing advanced technology for the CE vacuum systems, destined to be the largest ultrahigh vacuum systems ever built. We will exercise and develop this technology in a new, purpose-built UHV research facility, the Cosmic Explorer Beamtube Experiment (CEBEX) Laboratory, located at LIGO Hanford. This is an Organizational Critical position. In the event of an emergency on campus, an employee designated as organizational critical is expected to report to Campus as soon as possible to assist in division/department response and recovery efforts. Essential Job Duties Current Washington and Louisiana LIGO installations occupy 4 km long, 10 million-liter UHV systems operating at one trillionth of atmospheric pressure (10-9 millibar), making them the two largest contiguous UHV volumes ever constructed. The planned Cosmic Explorer observatory will require beamtubes 10x longer, up to 40 km in length. This will multiply CE's detectable source range by ten, increasing the accessible volume of space thousandfold. However, UHV structures of this size and volume have never been attempted. As a key founding member of the CEBEX team, the selectee will contribute to the modeling, trade study, design, fabrication, installation, bakeout and characterization of engineering prototypes and technology demonstrators for CE beamtubes up to 40 km in length. Tests will include qualification of a planned 1.2-meter diameter, 120-meter-long demonstration tube, to be erected in the new purpose-built CEBEX laboratory at LHO. In parallel, the chosen candidate will take a lead role in forging results of these investigations into a conceptual design, construction and installation plan, and parametric cost estimate. These will form the core of our future CE observatory construction proposal. This position will report to the Vacuum Team Lead at LIGO Hanford Observatory. To accomplish these objectives, the selectee will be expected to: Collaborate with research scientists and engineers in modeling and investigation of UHV techniques, surface preparation, residual gas characterization, material surface analysis, welding and fabrication technology, structural statics and dynamics, and related disciplines. Plan and oversee specification and procurement of instruments and equipment, including budget development, technical requirement definition, competitive vendor selection, contract monitoring, and quality assurance. Serve as a contributing member or chair on Design, Technical, Installation and other internal Review panels as may be required. Initiate and collaborate in writing and delivering research papers and technical presentations. Develop, oversee and operate UHV material preparation and test facilities, including cleaning plants, bake ovens, and outgassing test chambers used to prepare or evaluate UHV components and instrumentation. Other duties as assigned. Travel from time to time to other LIGO campus and observatory sites, major vendor facilities, and collaborating institutions, both domestic and international. Basic Qualifications BS in Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical or Systems Engineering; Physics; Material Science; or a related scientific or engineering field. 5+ years of equivalent experience will be considered in lieu of a degree. 5 or more years overall of direct engineering or research work experience in relevant industrial or scientific applications. Demonstrated experience in design, operation, analysis, and performance characterization of high- or ultra-high vacuum systems, including safety analysis, pressure measurement, pump and valve selection, surface preparation, bakeout, and seal technology. Knowledge and experience in selection and application of UHV-compatible materials. Proficiency in application and interpretation of spectra from residual gas analyzers. Experience in application of helium mass?spectrometer leak detection (MSLD) apparatus. Effective English?language written and verbal communication skills and habits. Level-headed professionalism and excellent interpersonal and team skills. Ability to obtain and maintain an automobile driver's license valid in the United States. Ability to lift at least 25 pounds. Preferred Qualifications Experience related to industrial automation as applied to large-scale vacuum systems. Hands-on experience in building, improving and maintaining high- or ultra- high vacuum systems. Experience related to fluid, cryogen, pressure, flow rate, and gas sensors and instrumentation. Computer-aided design (CAD) experience and demonstrated proficiency (SolidWorks™ preferred). Finite-element analysis (FEA) experience and demonstrated proficiency (e.g., Ansys™ or equivalent). Gas dynamical modeling expertise (e.g., using MOLFLOW™ or equivalent Monte Carlo codes). Required Documents Cover letter summarizing your relevant experience and why you'd like to work at LIGO Lab on the CEBEX experiment. Resume. To be considered for this position please visit our web site and apply on line at the following link: https://apptrkr.com/5782825 We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Copyright ©2024 Jobelephant.com Inc. All rights reserved. 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Nanofabrication and Electron Microscopy Technician | UC Riverside, RED

3 months ago
Riverside, California, The Nanofabrication and Electron Microscopy Technician provides critical support to highly specialized equipment including the maintenance, operation, and repair of machines. The incumbent supports the facility leadership in planning for and facilitating the ongoing maintenance of existing equipment and new equipment that may be acquired. This position will also participate in troubleshooting issues with equipment, making recommendations to the operational and faculty directors on how best to resolve immediate and long-term issues that arise, including performing the necessary repairs or coordinating third-party repairs when required. The full salary range for the Nanofabrication and Electron Microscopy Technician position is $81,500 - $150,000 annually. We base salary offers on a variety of considerations, such as education, licensure and certifications, experience, and other business and organizational needs. Applicants must have current work authorization when accepting a UCR staff position. Currently, we are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment Visa for staff.  In the Heart of Inland Southern California, UC Riverside is located on nearly 1,200 acres near Box Springs Mountain in Southern California; the park-like campus provides convenient access to the vibrant and growing Inland region. The campus is a living laboratory for the exploration of issues critical to growing communities' air, water, energy, transportation, politics, the arts, history, and culture. UCR gives every student, faculty and staff member the resources to explore, engage, imagine and excel. UC Riverside is recognized as one of the most ethnically diverse research universities in the country boasting several key rankings of which we are extremely proud. UC Riverside is proud to be ranked No. 12 among all U.S. universities, according to Money Magazine's 2020 rankings, and among the top 1 percent of universities worldwide, according to the 2019-20 Center for World University rankings. UC Riverside is the top university in the United States for social mobility. - U.S. News 2020 UCR is a member of the University Innovation Alliance, the leading national coalition of public research universities committed to improving student success for low-income, first-generation, and students of color. Among top-tier universities, UC Riverside ranks No. 2 in financial aid. - Business Insider 2019 Ranked No. 2 in the world for research, UCR's Department of Entomology maintains one of the largest collections of insect specimens the nation. - Center for World University Rankings UCR's distinguished faculty boasts 2 Nobel Laureates, and 13 members of the National Academies of Science and Medicine. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty and staff. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. For information about our generous employee benefits package, visit:  Employee Benefits Overview We base salary offers on a variety of considerations, such as education, licensure and certifications, experience, and other business and organizational needs.

BioXFEL Undergraduate Summer Internship | BioXFEL

3 months ago
Phoenix, Arizona, BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center (STC) that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs). Summer Research Internships are available in several locations for highly qualified undergraduate with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, computer science and all related fields. All applicants should be interested in pursuing a career in research and MUST be US citizens or US Nationals. Women and minorities underrepresented in STEM fields are strongly encouraged to apply.  OUR PROGRAM OFFERS: A $6,000 stipend, plus housing and travel expenses associated with the internship Authentic full-time research training. Presentation skills Seminars on current XFEL-related research and Structural Biology Social events The chance to network with pioneering researchers in XFEL science Information about career opportunities in research The chance to work with top researchers on projects that include: protein crystallography, biochemistry, computational analysis, algorithm development, and microfluidics   T O APPLY FOR SUMMER 2025: Complete the online application at https://www.bioxfel.org/education/undergraduate-internships/summer-internship-application The deadline for submission is F riday, February 14th, 2025. ­­ Our interns go on to have successful careers in BioXFEL and beyond. Find out more about our graduated BioXFEL interns or explore more opportunities for internships with our partner institutions at www.bioxfel.org/internship.

Vacuum Engineer | California Institute of Technology

3 months ago
Richland, Washington, Vacuum Engineer Caltech Job Category: Fulltime Regular Exempt Overtime Eligible: Exempt Benefits Eligible: Benefit Based Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions. We thrive on finding and cultivating talented people who are passionate about what they do. Join us and be a part of the diverse Caltech community. Job Summary Caltech's Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) seeks a highly motivated and skilled Vacuum Engineer to join its Cosmic Explorer Beamtube Experiment (CEBEX) team at the Richland, Washington observatory site. LIGO Laboratory is a major National Science Foundation facility dedicated to observing the newly discovered gravitational-wave universe. Jointly operated by the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LIGO operates the world's leading gravitational observatories near Richland, WA and Baton Rouge, LA, as well as campus R&D centers in Pasadena, CA and Cambridge, MA. This position is a fulltime in-person role located at LIGO Hanford in Richland, WA. To learn more about LIGO Laboratory, please visit LIGO.caltech.edu . The Laboratory's mission supports the young science of gravitational-wave physics and astronomy and includes observatory operations, analysis and dissemination of astrophysical observations, detector science and technology R&D, gravitational-wave astrophysics, and education and public outreach. LIGO now also leads the effort to expand humanity's gravitational wave horizon with a next-generation observatory, Cosmic Explorer (CE). Slated for construction in the 2030's, CE will be ten times the size and reach of LIGO, able to gather signals from the edge of the observable universe. The selected applicant will join an elite team charged with conceiving, designing, and testing advanced technology for the CE vacuum systems, destined to be the largest ultrahigh vacuum systems ever built. We will exercise and develop this technology in a new, purpose-built UHV research facility, the Cosmic Explorer Beamtube Experiment (CEBEX) Laboratory, located at LIGO Hanford. This is an Essential Reporting position. In the event of an emergency on campus, an employee designated as essential reporting has essential job skills that are needed for response and recovery and is expected to report to Campus as soon as possible. Essential Job Duties Current Washington and Louisiana LIGO installations occupy 4 km long, 10 million-liter UHV systems operating at one trillionth of atmospheric pressure (10-9 millibar), making them the two largest contiguous UHV volumes ever constructed. The planned Cosmic Explorer observatory will require beamtubes 10x longer, up to 40 km in length. This will multiply CE's detectable source range by ten, increasing the accessible volume of space thousandfold. However, UHV structures of this size and volume have never been attempted. As a key founding member of the CEBEX team, the selected engineer will contribute to the modeling, trade study, design, fabrication, installation, bakeout and characterization of engineering prototypes and technology demonstrators for CE beamtubes up to 40 km in length. Tests will include qualification of a planned 1.2-meter diameter, 120-meter-long demonstration tube, to be erected in the new purpose-built CEBEX laboratory at LHO. This position will report to the Vacuum Team Lead at LIGO Hanford Observatory. Collaborate with research scientists and engineers in modeling and investigation of UHV techniques, surface preparation, residual gas characterization, material surface analysis, welding and fabrication technology, structural statics and dynamics, and related disciplines. Assist with procurement of instruments and equipment, technical requirement definition, and quality assurance. Collaborate on writing and delivering research papers and technical presentations. Operate UHV material preparation and test facilities, including cleaning plants, bake ovens, and outgassing test chambers used to prepare or evaluate UHV components and instrumentation. Other duties as assigned. Travel from time to time to other LIGO campus and observatory sites, major vendor facilities, and collaborating institutions, both domestic and international. Basic Qualifications BS in Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical or Systems Engineering; Physics; Material Science; or a related scientific or engineering field. 5+ years of equivalent experience will be considered in lieu of a degree. 3 or more years overall of direct engineering or research work experience in relevant industrial or scientific applications. Experience in operation, analysis, and performance characterization of high- or ultra-high vacuum systems, including safety analysis, pressure measurement, pump and valve selection, surface preparation, bakeout, and seal technology. Knowledge and experience in selection and application of UHV-compatible materials. Effective English language written and verbal communication skills and habits. Level-headed professionalism and excellent interpersonal and team skills. Ability to obtain and maintain an automobile driver's license valid in the United States. Ability to lift at least 25 pounds. Preferred Qualifications Hands-on experience in maintaining high- or ultra- high vacuum systems. Experience related to fluid, cryogen, pressure, flow rate, and gas sensors and instrumentation. Proficiency in application and interpretation of spectra from residual gas analyzers. Experience in application of helium mass spectrometer leak detection (MSLD) apparatus. Computer-aided design (CAD) experience and demonstrated proficiency (SolidWorks™ preferred). Finite-element analysis (FEA) experience and demonstrated proficiency (e.g., Ansys™ or equivalent). Gas dynamical modeling expertise (e.g., using MOLFLOW™ or equivalent Monte Carlo codes). Required Documents Cover letter summarizing your relevant experience and why you'd like to work at LIGO Lab on the CEBEX experiment. Resume. To be considered for this position please visit our web site and apply on line at the following link: https://hr.caltech.edu/work/job_openings We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Copyright ©2024 Jobelephant.com Inc. All rights reserved. Posted by the FREE value-added recruitment advertising agency jeid-6b48fae2f9da084e97f6ac89ec86af15

Senior Vacuum Engineer | California Institute of Technology

3 months ago
Richland, Washington, Senior Vacuum Engineer Caltech Job Category: Fulltime Regular   Exempt Overtime Eligible: Exempt   Benefits Eligible: Benefit Based   Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions. We thrive on finding and cultivating talented people who are passionate about what they do. Join us and be a part of the diverse Caltech community. Job Summary Caltech's Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) seeks a highly motivated and skilled Senior Vacuum Engineer to join its Cosmic Explorer Beamtube Experiment (CEBEX) team at the Richland, Washington observatory site. LIGO Laboratory is a major National Science Foundation facility dedicated to observing the newly discovered gravitational-wave universe. Jointly operated by the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LIGO operates the world's leading gravitational observatories near Richland, WA and Baton Rouge, LA, as well as campus R&D centers in Pasadena, CA and Cambridge, MA. This position is a fulltime in-person role located at LIGO Hanford in Richland, WA. To learn more about LIGO Laboratory, please visit   LIGO.caltech.edu . The Laboratory's mission supports the young science of gravitational-wave physics and astronomy and includes observatory operations, analysis and dissemination of astrophysical observations, detector science and technology R&D, gravitational-wave astrophysics, and education and public outreach. LIGO now also leads the effort to expand humanity's gravitational wave horizon with a next-generation observatory, Cosmic Explorer (CE). Slated for construction in the 2030's, CE will be ten times the size and reach of LIGO, able to gather signals from the edge of the observable universe. The selected applicant will join an elite team charged with conceiving, designing, building, and testing advanced technology for the CE vacuum systems, destined to be the largest ultrahigh vacuum systems ever built. We will exercise and develop this technology in a new, purpose-built UHV research facility, the Cosmic Explorer Beamtube Experiment (CEBEX) Laboratory, located at LIGO Hanford. Current Washington and Louisiana LIGO installations occupy 4 km scale, 10 million-liter UHV systems operating at one trillionth of atmospheric pressure (10-9 millibar), making them the two largest contiguous UHV volumes ever constructed. To further expand sensitivity, a new observatory will be constructed: Cosmic Explorer (CE). This observatory will require beamtubes 10x longer, up to 40 km in length. This will multiply CE's detectable source range by ten, increasing the accessible volume of space thousandfold. However, UHV structures of this size and volume have never been attempted. As a key member of the Cosmic Explorer Beamtube Experiment (CEBEX) team, the selectee will contribute to the modeling, trade study, design, fabrication, installation, bakeout and characterization of engineering prototypes and technology demonstrators for CE beamtubes up to 40 km in length. Tests will include industrial fabrication and qualification of a planned 1.2-meter diameter, 120-meter-long demonstration tube, to be erected in the new purpose-built CEBEX laboratory at the LIGO Hanford Observatory (LHO). In parallel, the chosen candidate will take a lead role in forging results of these investigations into a conceptual reference design, construction plan, and parametric cost estimate for CE. These will form the core of our future CE Observatory construction proposal. This is a Campus Critical position. An employee designated as campus critical is expected to be aware of the campus emergency management plan and to report to Campus as soon as possible in the event of an emergency to assist in campus wide response and recovery efforts. Essential Job Duties Collaborate with research scientists and engineers in modeling and investigation of UHV techniques, welding and fabrication technology, structural statics and dynamics, thermal processing, surface preparation, residual gas characterization, material surface analysis, and related disciplines. Establish, track, and maintain team workplans, schedules and budgets to accomplish mission objectives. Supervise and mentor junior engineering and technical staff. Plan and oversee specification and procurement of instruments and equipment, including budget development, scheduling, technical requirement definition, competitive vendor selection, contract monitoring, and quality assurance. Responsible for professional communication (written and verbal) internally within the organization and externally to parties outside the organization. This includes liaising and interacting with US and international collaborators, contributors, and industrial partners. Liaising, collaborating, and exchanging information with LIGO Laboratory vacuum teams concerning best practices, organization standards and methods. Serve as a contributing member or chair on Design, Technical, Installation and other internal Review panels as may be required. Initiate and collaborate in writing and delivering research papers and technical presentations. Develop, oversee, and evaluate UHV material preparation and test facilities, including cleaning plants, bake ovens, and outgassing test chambers used to prepare or characterize UHV components and instrumentation. Travel as requested to other LIGO campus and observatory sites, major vendor facilities, and collaborating institutions, both domestic and international. Undertake additional leadership or contributing responsibilities as needs of the program may require. Other duties as assigned. Basic Qualifications BS degree in Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical or Systems Engineering, Physics, Material Science, or a related scientific or engineering field. 8 or more years of direct vacuum engineering or research work experience in relevant industrial or scientific applications. Demonstrated proficiency in practical design, analysis, and performance characterization of high- or ultra-high vacuum systems, including structural and safety analysis, pressure measurement, pump and valve selection, surface preparation, bakeout, and seal technology. Thorough knowledge and experience in selection and application of UHV-compatible materials, material processes (welding, surface preparation, etc.) Demonstrated proficiency in application and interpretation of spectra from residual gas analyzers. Experience in application of helium mass?spectrometer leak detection (MSLD) apparatus. Effective English?language written and verbal communication skills and habits. Proven ability to mentor junior engineering and technical staff. Level-headed professionalism and excellent interpersonal and team skills. An automobile driver's license valid in the United States, or ability to obtain one once employment begins. Ability to lift at least 20 pounds. Preferred Qualifications Master's or Doctoral graduate degree in Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical or Systems Engineering, Physics, Material Science, or a related scientific or engineering field. Certificate, coursework, or other professional qualification in Project Management. Demonstrated expertise in application of industrial automation to large-scale vacuum systems. Hands-on experience in building, improving, and maintaining high- or ultra- high vacuum systems. Experience related to fluid, cryogen, pressure, flow rate, and gas sensors and instrumentation. Computer-aided design (CAD) experience and demonstrated proficiency (SolidWorks™ preferred). Finite-element analysis (FEA) experience and demonstrated proficiency (e.g., Ansys™, COMSOL™ or equivalent). Gas dynamical modeling expertise (e.g., using MOLFLOW™ or equivalent Monte Carlo codes). Required Documents Cover Letter summarizing your relevant experience to this role and also your interest in LIGO Lab. Resume.   To be considered for this position please visit our web site and apply on line at the following link: https://hr.caltech.edu/work/job_openings We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.     Copyright ©2024 Jobelephant.com Inc. All rights reserved.   Posted by the FREE value-added recruitment advertising agency jeid-2e72d61c78e1814198237670b58c60e6

Summer 2025 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Participant | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

3 months ago
Tallahassee, Florida, The MagLab's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) is an exciting summer program for college students interested in a science career by giving them the chance to work with MagLab scientists on an in-depth research project. This program is funded by the National Science Foundation. The MagLab REU program offers a wide range of research experiences in physics, chemistry, biological sciences, geochemistry, materials science and magnet science and engineering. Participants work closely with MagLab mentors on a research project. Students also participate in weekly seminars and colloquia that broaden their knowledge of MagLab research and future careers. Participants will receive a $6,500 stipend for their participation in the program that is given in two increments during the summer. Housing is provided through the program should you need it. We cannot reimburse housing costs that are not through our program. We can provide travel support for participants to come to the MagLab on the first day of the program and to return home on the last day of the program. The travel support is up to $800. Students will be selected by mentors at any one of the following 2 MagLab locations: Florida State University, in Tallahassee, FL or University of Florida in Gainesville, FL Housing and travel assistance provided, if needed.

Physics Teaching Jobs at K-12 Private Schools | ATOMS Placement Services

3 months 1 week ago
Nationwide, Let ATOMS Placement Services help you find your next teaching job. ATOMS is a boutique educational recruitment firm that specializes in the placement of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) educators in private and independent schools. We work with hundreds of leading day and boarding schools in 39 states.    Our services are free to job-seekers (all fees are paid by our client schools). If you are accepted as an ATOMS candidate, we will provide you with personalized job opportunities that match your geographic and position requirements, as well as the requirements of the hiring school.  Job Summary: ATOMS client schools are looking for Physics, Mathematics and/or Engineering Teachers for the 2025-2026 school year. Become a candidate with ATOMS today and let us help you take the next step in your career.   Ideal candidates will have: • a deep knowledge in their subject matter • strong interpersonal, organizational, and communication (oral and written) abilities • a passion for developing student interest in science and scientific inquiry • the ability to work collaboratively and independently • experience integrating up-to-date technology in the classroom • the ability to differentiate instruction and design lessons based on students’ learning styles • a commitment to professional growth in their discipline and teaching practice Desired Qualifications and Experience: • Bachelor's degree required; advanced degree(s) preferred • Teacher certification is not required • 2+ years of relevant teaching experience • Independent or private school teaching experience is beneficial   Please note: Due to the large number of applications received, we are unable to respond to all applicants, or give application status updates. Candidates selected for an interview will be contacted by an ATOMS staff member. List of Benefits: Compensation and benefit packages will vary by school and will typically depend on geographical location, experience, and level of degree. Benefits packages will include medical insurance and 403(b) TIAA-CREF, and may also include dental insurance, vision insurance, housing, relocation assistance, tuition remission, and professional development.
42 minutes 28 seconds ago
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