The 2016 AIP Assembly of Society Officers - Thursday, March 24
Read the event summary in AIP Matters
8:30 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 Welcome
9:10 SESSION I Future of the Physical Sciences; Future of Societies/Associations
How societies should position themselves to remain relevant given the outlook for physical sciences; consideration of the scope of societies and associations--where it makes sense to broaden and where it makes sense to partner--to reach new communities. What can we do as a federation of societies to elevate the importance federal science funding?
Chair and Session Framing: Robert G.W. Brown, AIP - Presentation
- Robert Conn, Kavli Foundation - "The Role of Foundations and Scientific Societies in Supporting Frontier Research at Disciplinary Boundaries" - Presentation
- Howard Garrison, FASEB - "Federal Funding for Science and What We Can Do About It" - Presentation
11:30 SESSION II Engaging Communities in the Digital Age
How societies can make the most of their social media efforts to engage the membership and/or to educate the general public. Policies for ethical social media behavior at conferences and beyond. How might societies build online communities to complement/advance their role as a professional society, or how might they partner with existing communities that self-organize online to further their mission.
Chair: Ellen Weiss, Biophysical Society
- Jill Straniero, ASHA - "Creating Online Communities to Deepen Member Connectivity and Engagement" - Presentation
- Rick Fienberg, AAS - "Rules of Engagement for Social Media" - Presentation
- Chris Faesi, Astrobites - "Astrobites: An Extensible, Reproducible, Student-led Online Development Resource for Science Communication" - Presentation
- Sara Conners, APS - "Creative Engagement with Social Media" - Presentation
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:20 Discussion
2:15 SESSION III Issues Affecting Scholarly Publishing
Trends of emerging technologies and open access and their impacts on scholarly publishing. Acceptable practice in sharing published research via scientific social networks. Organizing and publishing research data.
Chair and session framing: Jason Wilde, AIP Publishing - Presentation
- Kent Anderson, Caldera Publishing Solutions- "Technology and Social Trends: Nine trends society leaders are facing in the early 21st Century" - Presentation
- Bryan Heidorn, University of Arizona - "Publication: One Immunization Against Dark Data" - Presentation (Powerpoint)
4:10 Adjourn to RECEPTION (ends at ~5:30)