AIP Venture Fund Pre-Proposal Application

Pre-proposals are due by June 1.

These pre-proposals must contain sufficient information to evaluate the merits of the proposed work and include a notional budget with approximate costs per year, including a list of major cost items. It is anticipated that annual proposed costs not exceed $60k per year, up to two years.

Any questions can be addressed to Liz Dart Caron, Chief of Staff, at [email protected]. Proposers will learn whether they are invited to submit full proposals by the end of June, and full proposals will be due on August 1.

Project Lead
Project Co-lead (partner organization) if appropriate
AIP Partner
If you have not yet determined a potential AIP staff partner, enter "TBD" and we will work with you to identify soneone.
(500 words maximum)
(Approximate funds to be requested; list of major expenses. Note that efficient budgets will be viewed more competitively by the committee.}
Submission Approved by Member Society CEO or Equivalent?