Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
Roll Call
The 29 April 1980 AIP Executive Committee meeting was called to order at 7:45 a.m. by Chairman Ramsey.
Executive Committee Members Present
Norman F. Ramsey, Chairman of AIP; Charles B. Duke, AVS; William W. Havens, Jr., APS; John C. Johnson, Secretary; H. William Koch, Director; Jarus W. Quinn, OSA
Robert T. Beyer, ASA; Peter B. Boyce, AAS; Arnold A. Strassenburg, AAPT
Nonvoting Representatives Present
William H. Kelly (for A. A. Strassenburg, AAPT); William G. Rampley (for Peter B. Boyce, AAS)
AIP Staff Present
Gerald F. Gilbert, Treasurer; Dorothy M. Lasky, Assistant to the Director; Robert H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; Lewis Slack, Associate Director for Educational Services; Sidney Millman, Outgoing Secretary
1. Minutes
After a brief discussion, the minutes of both the 29 February and 28 March Executive Committee meetings were approved (no dissent).
2. Letter of Commitment on Construction Loan
Gilbert reported that Bankers Trust Company has finally confirmed its commitment to purchase bonds of a previously requested amount to provide financing for construction currently underway at the AIP Woodbury facility.
3. Request for Permanent Injunction by South Woodbury Taxpayers Association
Koch reported that the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association, representing owners of recently buil[t] homes adjacent to the AIP Woodbury property and concerned with possible adverse effects the AIP Woodbury facility might have on the residential aspects of their homes, introduced litigation aimed at stopping the construction of the Woodbury addition. Koch enumerated salient actions which AIP has taken since 6 January 1980, which included two meetings by Alan Kranz and Koch with the home owners. Koch is optimistic that an amicable solution to the situation will be reached in a timely manner. Though no Executive Committee action was asked for or taken on this item at this meeting, it was regarded as an extremely serious matter. Special action by the Board may be required (on short notice) at some future time.
4. Lehrfeld Brief on IRS request for Advice
Gilbert reported that William Lehrfeld, the AIP tax counsel, has filed the brief on the AIP unrelated business income with the Manhattan District Director, as requested by the IRS. This item required no Committee action at this time.
5. Slack’s Response to NSF Request for Views on Science Education
Slack reported that he received a request from the NSF Assistant Director for Science Education (F. J. Rutherford) for information/opinions on whether U.S. science and education policies at the secondary and university levels are sufficient to preserve the Nation's long-term scientific and technological strength. Slack responded as an informed private citizen rather than as a representative of AIP, and copies of his response were previously distributed as an attachment to the agenda. No formal Committee action was required on this item.
6. Koch Request of Frank Press re International Quantum Electronics Conference
Koch reported that he has requested information from Frank Press, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, on the administration’s policy regarding open, public, international and scientific conferences—particularly those not perceived to be governed by policies on export of high technology. Upon receipt of such information, AIP will be in a better position to re-evaluate its involvement in such conferences.
7. APS Response to ATEX-UNIX Report
Koch reported that the American Physical Society has decided to continue using the UNIX computer system and plans for procurement and installation of a UNIX composition facility at the AIP Woodbury location. Koch noted that the APS action was taken even though the AIP staff, including M. Koch, the manager of the division assigned to publish the APS journals, recommended the purchase of an ATEX system. AIP staff intend to do their best in operating whatever system is installed. No formal Committee action was taken on this item.
8. Future Meetings
Millman reported that the June meeting of the Executive Committee, originally scheduled for 18 June, has been changed to 19 June 1980, as a more convenient date to all Executive Committee members. It will be held at AIP headquarters.
The tentative dates for the following meeting are 5, 6 September, possibly extending to the morning of Sunday, 7 September. It will start with lunch on 5September. The location will probably be in the Falmouth-Woods Hole area.
9. Other Business
Notification by OSA that AIP Discontinue Publishing JOSA Starting 1 January 1981
Koch informed the Executive Committee that the Optical Society of America has notified AIP of its intention to discontinue the use of AIP services for the Publication of JOSA, effective January 1981.
Increase of Advertising Rates in Physics Today
Marks recommended that advertising rates in Physics Today be increased. The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Duke, and passed without dissent:
MOVED that Physics Today advertising page rates be increased from $1,625 to $1,790, effective immediately, with corresponding increases for fractions of a page and special rates for use of color in the advertisement.
New York City Real Property Tax Exemption
Gilbert reported that, on 23 April, he and Koch appeared at the offices of the New York County Tax Commission to answer questions related to the AIP claim that its real estate tax-exempt status should be continued. If AIP were to lose its tax-free status, it is anticipated the taxes would be approximately $100,000 per year. No action was required for this item.
New NSF Indirect Cost Rate
Gilbert reported that NSF has approved the proposed overhead rate for AIP of 27.15 per cent of total direct costs.
Status of Proposed Chinese Physics Translation Journal
Koch reported that NSF has informally agreed to provide AIP funds to underwrite possible losses involved in undertaking the translation of the Chinese Physics journal for one year.
10. Financial Compensation for Chairman and Secretary
This item was deferred for later consideration.