December 12, 1964

Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

Members Present: Ralph A. Sawyer – Chairman, S. A. Goudsmit, W. W. Havens, Jr., R. B. Lindsay, Vincent E. Parker, S. L. Quimby, Mary E. Warga

AIP Staff Present: Wallace Waterfall, G. F. Gilbert, Mary M. Johnson

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

1. Minutes

Upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, the minutes of the meeting of 2 October 1964 were approved as distributed.

2. Financial

  1. Third Quarter Statement and Budget for 1965

    The Secretary reported that copies of the Third Quarter 1964 Financial Statement and the Budget for 1965 had been distributed to all Board members prior to the meeting together with explanatory letters. (Copies attached to minutes sent to other than Board members.) It was pointed out that a correction should be made on Page 6 of the letter which accompanied the Budget, as follows: The last item under “Budget 1965” – RSI – should be $30,450 instead of $30,750, making the total $105,900 instead of $106,200.

    The Secretary called attention to Pages 17 and 18 of the 1965 Budget covering Soviet Physics Translation Journals, and said that the Institute expects to realize a net income equal to about 12 ½% of total expenses for the last six months of this year with no administrative overhead included in expenses is expected to equal about 18% of total expenses. These percentage figures should be compared with the 15% NSF has allowed in past years and with the 5% allowed on most of the work in the grant for the 1964-65 year which we have asked NSF to cancel.

    Upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, the Third Quarter 1964 Financial Statement was accepted and the Budget for 1965 was approved.

    Mr. Gilbert distributed and explained the following charts illustrating reduced costs for dues and subscription fulfillment operations. (Copies attached to official minutes):

    Dues and subscription unit costs 1965 budget
    Dues and subscription fulfillment operations 1965 budget vs. 1964 budget
    Dues and subscription fulfillment operations – timing of reduced costs 1965 budget vs. 1964 budget
    Analysis of reduced costs – dues and subscription fulfillment operations 1965 budget vs. 1964 budget
  2. Authorization to Absorb Increased Charges to Associate Member Societies

    The Secretary reported the Committee of Society Secretaries and Treasurers and the AIP Finance Committee, at their joint meeting on 30 September 1964, had recommended that the Institute absorb increased charges to Associate Member Societies again in 1965 as was done in 1964. These charges will amount to about $2,350 this year and approximately $2,150 in 1965. This was included in the 1965 budget.

    The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the Institute absorb in 1965 increased charges which would otherwise be made to Associate Member Societies for the preparation and maintenance of member lists.

    Mr. Havens then made the following motion which was seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the Secretary be instructed to request officers of the two Associate Member Societies to notify their members in some appropriate manner that the Institute has absorbed part of their expenses.

  3. Increase in APL Publication Charge to $60

    The Secretary stated that the staff recommends the publication charge for APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS be increased to $60 per page, which is in line with the page charge for PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Approval of this was assumed in preparing the 1965 budget but specific action is desired. The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the publication charge for APL be increased to $60 per page starting in January 1965.

  4. Supplementary Appropriation for Physics Book List

    The Secretary reported that consideration had been given by the staff to the publication of a five-year cumulative index of all books received by editors and listed in our journals. Information about this was received after the 1965 budget was prepared and the estimated net cost of $3,000 to $5,000 was not included in the 1965 budget. After brief discussion, it was the consensus that there would not be sufficient interest to justify undertaking this project and it was rejected by the Executive Committee.

  5. Transfer of $150,000 from Income to Building Reserve

    The Secretary suggested that the Executive Committee authorize the transfer of $100,000 from 1964 income to a Building Reserve, with a view toward paying off our mortgage as soon as feasible. In the discussion which followed, Mr. Havens suggested that the amount be increased to $150,000, and the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the sum of $150,000 be transferred from 1964 income to a Building Reserve.

    Mr. Parker then made the following motion which was seconded and passed without dissent:

    MOVED that the officers of AIP be commended for the excellent manner in which they have administered the affairs of the Institute during the past year.

    (The Secretary wishes to point out that the fine teamwork and cooperation of the entire staff is largely responsible for the good showing of the past year.)

3. Report of Committee to Survey Activities of the Institute and Select Candidates for Director

Mr. Lindsay reviewed the circumstances which led to appointment of the subject Committee in the fall of 1963. He described the temporary arrangement which had been made last October when Elmer Hutchisson retired, and stated that the Committee believes it has now found a full-time Director in the person of Van Zandt Williams who is willing to accept the position if the Governing Board approves. Mr. Lindsay then gave some background information about Mr. Williams and read the letter written to Mr. Williams stating conditions of the offer. (Copy attached to official minutes.)

The Secretary stated that, if the Executive Committee endorses the recommendation contained in Mr. Lindsay’s report, the appropriate procedure would be to submit the recommendation to the Governing Board for a mail ballot. Included in the mail ballot would be a draft of the letter which the Chairman would write to Mr. Williams confirming the appointment and stating the conditions.

The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the report of the Committee to Survey Activities of the Institute and Select Candidates for Director be endorsed, and a mail ballot on the appointment of Van Zandt Williams as Director of the Institute be authorized.

(As of 5 January 1965, of the 25 ballots sent, 24 have been returned and all have approved the recommendation.)

Although it is proposed that Mr. Williams will become Director on 1 April 1965, Mr. Lindsay said his Committee recommended that the consulting arrangement with Mr. Sawyer be extended to 30 June, and the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the consulting arrangement with and stipend of the present Acting Director be continued to 30 June 1965.

Mr. Lindsay reported that the subject Committee had considered suggesting some Bylaw changes in connection with its charge to survey AIP activities, but it was felt that it would be unwise to make any revisions until the new Director has had a change to become better acquainted with the organization and its operations. By the time of the 1965 fall meeting of the Governing Board it may be desirable to reconsider this subject and a new committee can be appointed to work on it at that time.

The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the Committee to Survey Activities of the Institute and Select Candidates for Director be discharged with thanks.

4. Membership

  1. Application from ISA to Become Affiliated Society

    The Secretary recalled that the Governing Board, at its meeting on 2 October 1964 had authorized the Executive Committee to accept the Instrument Society of America as an Affiliated Society upon receipt of an application. A formal application has now been received. The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissent:

    MOVED that the Instrument Society of America be elected an Affiliated Society of the Institute effective immediately.

  2. Handling of Exhibit for AVS

    The Secretary reported that the American Vacuum Society has asked us to handle their exhibit at the Hotel Statler Hilton the end of September and first of October 1965. They are an Affiliated Society and we have been publishing their journal. The exhibitors will be mostly the same people who advertise in the journal. We anticipate no conflict with the annual APS-AAPT exhibit and would expect to net something over $5,000 from the AVS exhibit. The staff recommends that the Institute handle the 1965 exhibit for AVS. There were no objections.

  3. Society of Applied Spectroscopy

    The Secretary stated that the Institute has received an inquiry from the Society of Applied Spectroscopy about our taking over publication of their journal, solicitation of advertising, dues collection from their members, and possibly other services. We told them we could only consider performing such services if they had some organizational connection with AIP. Their Governing Board passed a motion authorizing an application for Affiliated Society status but we have not received it yet. A meeting has been arranged with several of their officers to discuss the matter.

    Miss Warga stated she is a member of SAS and she explained that, while there is some overlap with OSA, there is no conflict. She stated it is her belief SAS is having organizational problems at the present time because of rapid growth.

    After brief discussion, it was the consensus that the Secretary should proceed with the proposed conversations without making any firm commitments.

  4. Reinstatement of American Oil Company as Corporate Associate

    The Secretary reported that the American Oil Company, which had been a Corporate Associate, had failed to renew their membership a couple of years ago. We have now received a request for reinstatement from them together with a dues payment for 1965. Upon motion made and passed, the American Oil Company was reinstated as a Corporate Associate of the Institute, effective 1 January 1965.

5. Appointments

  1. Editorial and Advisory Boards for AIP Journals

    The Secretary distributed copies of proposed Editorial and Editorial Advisory Boards for AIP journals for the coming year (copy attached) and, after brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the Proposed Editorial and Editorial Advisory Boards for 1965 be approved, with the understanding that the Chairman is authorized to make substitutions if necessary.

  2. Editor and Associate Editor for JAP and APL

    The Secretary said that, since the last Executive Committee meeting on 2 October 1964, Elmer Hutchisson had changed his mind about editing the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS and APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. We have about completed negotiations with Argonne National Laboratories for the services of Frank E. Meyers as Editor, and our proposed contract is awaiting approval by the Atomic Energy Commission. Foster F. Rieke and Lester Guttman have agreed to be Associate Editors. Upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, the above arrangement was approved.

  3. Advisory Committee – Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials

    The Secretary explained that the subject Advisory Committee of 30 members, half of which are appointed by AIP and the other half by IEEE. The terms of five of our appointees will expire the end of this year, and the following replacements were proposed for three-year terms:

    • John F. Dillon, Jr.
    • William D. Doyle
    • John B. Goodenough
    • John A. Osborn
    • Jan Smit

    Upon motion made and passed, the above appointments were approved.

  4. Replacement of Elmer Hutchisson on AIP Committees, etc.

    The Secretary stated that Elmer Hutchisson is listed as a member of several AIP committees and it may be desirable to replace him. The staff recommends that Ralph Sawyer replace Mr. Hutchisson on the Publication Board, the Committee to Designate Student Sections, and the Library Committee. It is recommended that Hugh C. Wolfe replace Elmer Hutchisson on the Science Abstracts Committee. Mr. Havens suggested that Mr. Hutchisson may wish to continue as the Institute’s representative on the US National Committee of FID.

    A motion was made and passed without dissent that Ralph Sawyer should replace Mr. Hutchisson on all committees where the Director as such is a member and that the Chairman should decide other cases.

  5. Second John T. Tate Award

    The Secretary reminded that Committee that it had been three years since the last award was given to Paul Rosbaud in September 1961. The action establishing the award contemplated it would be given every three to five years and it would be appropriate to appoint a committee soon to select the next recipient. A motion was made and carried authorizing the Chairman to appoint such a committee.

6. Reports

  1. Personnel Survey

    A final report has not yet been received from Smyth & Murphy but one is expected by the end of the year and our preliminary discussions with Mr. Murphy convince us that the survey has been worthwhile. In general our present salary levels appear to be about right but there are some exceptions and these will be corrected in time. Also some of our personnel policies need changing and plans will be made to do so. The details of the report should obviously be treated confidentially but AIP officers plan to make a further “off the record” report to the Committee later and a copy of the final report will be available to any Committee member who wants to see it.

  2. Pensions Study Committee

    Mr. Quimby read the report of his Committee a copy of which is attached to these minutes.

    Mr. Waterfall said that Mr. Quimby had studied the details of the proposed pension plan with amazing thoroughness and the report which he had prepared for the information of his Committee was a masterpiece.

    Marsh & McLennan, the Institute attorney, and the trustee bank are working together to put the new plan into effect, and Mr. Quimby has agreed to follow the work to its conclusion.

  3. Center for Research in the History of Physics

    At the last meeting of the Governing Board, Elmer Hutchisson proposed that AIP consider raising several millions of dollars for the construction and operation of a Center for Research in the History of Physics. The Board recommended that the staff explore the desirability and feasibility of the project.

    Messrs. Sawyer and Kelly discussed the subject with a well known firm of professional fund raisers and were told that one of the first steps would be to consult historians of science to determine their enthusiasm for the project, whether the Center would be used by them and their students, and whether they would lend their names, time and energy to making the Center a reality. To this end Mr. Kelly arranged a meeting of historians of science at the Institute on 7 December. Professor Charles C. Gillispie of Princeton was chairman. Seven historians and four AIP staff members attended.

    The Secretary read Professor Gillispie’s memorandum reporting on the meeting from which the following paragraph is quoted:

    “Finally, as chairman, may I add that I have never been a member of a panel of my colleagues whereon agreement was so general, enthusiasm so genuine, or confidence in the merit of the matter before us so complete.”

    The full memorandum is attached to the official copy of these minutes.

    In discussing the report Mr. Lindsay said he had great enthusiasm for the project but believed that philosophy and sociology of science should have a place in the title of the proposed Center and should be given more consideration than was evident in Mr. Gillispie’s report. After further discussion the Committee agreed that the Gillispie report and the entire subject should be referred to the AIP Advisory Committee on the History and Philosophy of Physics for recommendations.

    If and when it is decided to pursue the project further, we understand we should employ a professional fund raising organization to make a study of the feasibility of the project and the possibility of obtaining necessary funds, the cost of such study estimated to be $2,000 to $5,000.

  4. Corporate Associates

    The present status of our Corporate Associates program is given in the attached report.

7. Future Meetings

Executive Committee Friday, 29 January (breakfast – Statler Hilton)
Executive Committee Friday, 19 March
Governing Board Saturday, 20 March
Executive Committee Friday, 11 June

8. Other Business

Mr. Quimby moved that Elmer Hutchisson be awarded the title “Director Emeritus” and the motion was passed without dissent.

The meeting adjourned at 12:47 p.m.