Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
Members Present: J. W. Beams, J. W. Buchta, S. A. Goudsmit, W. C. Michels, R. A. Sawyer
Absent: Frederick Seitz, Chairman; W. S. Baird; R. H. Bolt
Guests: H. A. Erf (morning only), G. E. Uhlenbeck
AIP Staff Present: Elmer Hutchisson, Wallace Waterfall, Mary M. Johnson
Mr. Sawyer, acting as Chairman of the meeting in the absence of Mr. Seitz, called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m.
1. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of March 23, 1958, were approved as circulated.
2. Statement by Director
The Director pointed out that the agenda for the meeting contained a large number of items, quite a few of which were included principally for the information of Executive Committee members and, through the minutes, for the information of Governing Board members and officers of Member Societies. Rather than include so many such items on the agenda of meetings, the staff could prepare a monthly or bimonthly newsletter to be sent to all Board members and could then bring up at meetings only subjects on which action was required or on which discussion was suggested as a result of the newsletters. The Director suggested that this alternative be considered and that Committee members express their preference at some later time.
The Director also indicated he had an uneasy feeling that the staff might be taking too much initiative and moving too fast on the numerous projects which appeared to be calling for action. He expressed the hope that Committee members would be frank in criticizing anything he was doing. Mr. Sawyer said he felt that the Executive Committee was aware of all these activities and approval of them by the Committee left little justification for criticism of the staff. Mr. Buchta added that the staff of the Institute, as an operating organization, must make decisions and take action and the necessity for this is appreciated by most people. Mr. Michels agreed and said he felt the only danger was that the Institute might undertake more projects than it had staff to handle.
3. Financial Matters
Financial Statement for First Quarter 1958
The Secretary called attention to copies of the financial statement (copy attached) which had been distributed and proceeded to explain it in some detail. Following is a brief summary of the comments:
- Major changes during the last year including the move into the new building, changes in administration staff, and rapid expansion into new activities made it difficult to budget for the current year and also make it difficult to predict what will be the experience during the balance of the year.
- It is not unusual for the first quarter to show a loss even when years have ended substantially in the black. It appears doubtful that we will end the year as much in the black as budgeted but we do not expect to end the year in the red.
- One item which always contributes to a low first quarter is subscription income. Subscriptions continue to come in during the year and we expect them to do so this year.
- Because of the general economic situation we budgeted advertising income this year lower than last but we were a little below budget the end of the first quarter. Signs seem to point to better times later in the year and we have a hope of making budget.
- Income from special projects for the first quarter is half of what was budgeted for the whole year and this may become an unexpectedly high source of income before the year is over. A substantial amount of this income item is our overhead charge on special projects which is classified as income because it goes to help cover general administrative costs.
- RSI and JAP are both below their page budgets for the quarter. JAP is above its page budget because of the special large March issue.
- “The Physics of Fluids” grant had not been received at the end of the first quarter and so that journal showed a loss of over $5,000 for the quarter. The subsequent receipt of the grant should make the journal break even by the end of the year.
Then followed some discussion of various items by Committee members and various questions were asked and answered. In answer to one question the Secretary said that the Institute’s cash position was very good at the end of the quarter, amounting to approximately $420,000 as shown on the balance sheet.
Modernization of AIP Accounting and Circulation Handling Systems
The Secretary recalled previous comments about the need to make changes in our systems and said that the Institute’s auditors, Conroy, Smith & Co., had been engaged on a time basis to go over our entire accounting system and circulation handling methods to help us make the needed improvements. Efforts to mechanize in the past have not met with much success but it is believed that some mechanization is now possible. We are particularly interested in having a study made of our system of allocating costs and hope that the study will result in a simplification of our accounting system.
Mr. Edward Tober, formerly our Office Manager, has recently been given the title of Manager, Production and Distribution, and assigned the responsibility of coordinating the operations of the Editorial and Circulation Departments. The objective is to improve journal schedules and to shorten the time required in handling dues collection and subscription operations. Our subscription and dues-handling activities have become exceedingly complex and simpler and more accurate methods of handling them must be found.
Reserve Fund for Future Development
The Secretary said that this item had been added to the agenda at the request of Mr. Seitz and with the suggestion that we establish a special reserve fund in which we could accumulate money to take care of our future building needs and for other expansion which appears inevitable. This would be in addition to the building replacement reserve which is being created by depreciation of our present quarters. The Secretary said he saw little possibility at present in building up such a special fund adequate for a new building without imposing too heavy a load on current operations but there certainly will be occasions when money can be placed in such a special fund. For example, the $200,000 mortgage on our old property on 55th Street is due on June 10, $155,000 will be needed to complete the purchase of the lot next door, and the remaining $45,000 could be placed in the suggested reserve fund for future development. Such a fund would always be available for any emergencies which might arise. The mortgage on our present building (now approximately $117,000) is not payable until the middle of 1960 and it can be renewed and amortized slowly. Treasurers of some of the Member Societies have indicated an interest in taking a part of this mortgage.
After some discussion by Committee members of the above statements, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that a Reserve for Future Development be established, and that the $45,000 remaining from the mortgage payment to be received be put into this fund.
Five-Year Projection of Plans and Finances – Committee on Corporate Associates
The Director distributed copies of a report entitled, “Looking to the Future – Activities and Cost Estimates” which had grown out of the preliminary draft presented as an aid in presenting the Institute’s future financial needs to industry. The Director then called attention to some of the projections in the report and said that copies of it would be sent separately to all Governing Board members.
The Director reported that Mr. Guy Suits had agreed to act as Chairman of a Committee on Corporate Associates and that plans were being made to hold a meeting of all our Corporate Associates on October 28. The brochure will be used at that meeting.
Charges for Operations Performed on Behalf of Member Societies
The Director reported that, at the present time, the percentage of Society dues which the Institute receives pays about 14% of the net cost of Institute activities other than publications and by 1962 it is estimated that it will be about 11% which seems like a relatively small part. As discussed at the last meeting dues percentage paid by Member Societies has varied over the years from 15% to 10% and is currently 10%, estimated to aggregate $27,500 in 1958. Increasing this to 15%, which is the maximum allowable under the present contract with the Societies would provide approximately $14,000 more. An alternative which might be more acceptable to the Member Societies would be to charge a commission on non-member subscriptions. The Institute promotes and handles all non-member subscriptions and it would be logical to charge a commission on them the same as on advertising. A 10% commission on non-member subscriptions of Society journals would bring in approximately $20,000 per year.
There was some discussion of the above proposal by the Committee and it appeared to be the consensus that some commission on non-member subscriptions might be more acceptable to Member Societies than an increase in dues percentage. It was pointed out that such a commission arrangement would require a modification of the service contract between the Institute and Member Societies. The subject was left for further consideration at a later meeting.
4. Matters for Information
Printing Facilities for JCP
The Secretary recalled discussion at previous meetings about finding a new printer for JCP to relieve some of the overload at Lancaster Press. He reported that a new Baltimore organization called Mono of Maryland had been found which has monotype composition but no printing facilities and an arrangement had been made whereby Lancaster will subcontract the composition on JCP to Mono and the printing job will be completed at Lancaster. Mono’s composition appears to be good and no increase in price is involved. This should ease our printing difficulties if everything works out as planned.
Meeting of Committee on Physics Abstracts
The Director reported that “Physics Abstracts” is covering considerably fewer papers this year than last year in spite of its 1958 budget which calls for greater coverage. To evaluate the seriousness of this situation the joint APS-AIP Committee on Physics Abstracts is planning to canvas by means of a postal card questionnaire, a small sampling of members and thus obtain their opinions on its coverage and general usefulness. Mr. Goudsmit suggested that the questionnaire might better be sent to authors such as those who presented papers at the New York or Washington meetings of the Physical Society.
Associate Member Societies
The Secretary reported that no new contacts had been made with prospective Associate Member Societies since the last meeting except for a discussion with Mr. Norman Ricker about the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Mr. Ricker indicated that now was not a propitious time to approach SEG again about affiliation with AIP but he thought the subject might be discussed later in the year. The Secretary said Mr. Ricker pointed out one obstacle to affiliation which should be considered by AIP because the same problem may exist in other prospective Associate Member Societies. In SEG’s total membership of approximately 5,000 there are about 3,500 active members who have an interest in physics and about 1,500 associate members, the majority of whom are dynamite salesmen. Whereas SEG might be willing to pay the prescribed 75 cents for each of its active members, it would probably be unwilling to pay 75 cents each to have “Physics Today” sent to its associate members.
In discussing the above situation most of the Executive Committee members appeared to feel that it would comply with the spirit of the Governing Board’s decision on this subject if the 75 cent per head tax were paid on those membership classes which were really interested in physics and in receiving “Physics Today” provided they represented at least 50% of the total membership. No action was taken but it was agreed that the staff could use this interpretation in continuing negotiations and that final decision with respect to any particular Associate Member Society would have to be made by the Board.
Possible Tenant for Part of Fourth Floor
The Secretary reported that it is planned to move the Education Department to the fourth floor as soon as some repairs are completed but they will occupy only a small part of the floor and an effort was being made to find other tenants to provide some income. It is believed that such tenants should be affiliated with the Institute in some way and that, instead of just renting floor space, the Institute should offer some services along with the space and make a service charge for the whole package. The Foundation for Instrumentation Education and Research, Inc., is a small organization with two employees and would like to occupy a 15’ X 25’ room beginning later in the year. They are willing to pay an acceptable service fee and also to vacate the property whenever we need it. They would also like to become an Affiliated Society of the Institute and the staff believes they would be acceptable as such. After brief discussion the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the staff be authorized to provide space on the fourth floor of the Institute building for suitable affiliated organizations on some appropriate cost-plus basis as determined by the staff.
Advertising Arrangement with K. G. Heyden & Co. of London
The Secretary reported that the Institute is considering making an agreement with the subject organization to solicit advertising for Institute publications in Europe. The initial agreement would be for a period of one year and the commission would be paid only on new advertising actually obtained by Heyden. Heyden is now advertising representative for “Science” and a number of other technical periodicals in Europe. Committee members expressed no objection to this arrangement.
Statement Made to Committee on Government Reorganization
The Director reported that he had been invited to testify before a Congressional subcommittee which had been set up to investigate the matter of a central information bureau within the proposed Department of Science. He had prepared a written statement for the subcommittee and he distributed copies of this statement to members of the Executive Committee. In the statement he had said that he would welcome an information coordination center but hoped that it would not duplicate the work already being done by private organizations such as the Institute or professional societies. The Director reported that he was cordially received and warmly thanked by the subcommittee.
Report on the Supply of Physics Teachers
The Director distributed copies of a report on the above subject prepared by W.C. Kelly and explained the contents briefly. He commented on the report, saying that we are particularly concerned about the problem of smaller schools which are graduating fewer physicists than formerly. One reason for this is undoubtedly the lack of research program in these institutions to attract outstanding new Ph. D’s.
Nobel Prize Winners Collection
The Director reported that W. F. Meggers, who has a very fine collection of autographed pictures of Nobel Prize winners in physics, has agreed that the Institute would be a good depository for this collection which represents One Million Dollars in prize money. He has requested that we keep the collection up to date and send him copies of any new photos we add to it. We would plan to display the pictures in the hall outside the Board room, and the suggestion was made that it called “The Meggers Collection.” The Executive Committee agreed that the Institute should accept the collection.
5. Status Reports on Certain Proposals and Active Projects
Research Project on Publications
The Director distributed copies of a proposal to the National Science Foundation dated March 7, 1958, for a grant of $29,700 for research on publications for a period of 18 months, which was a project recommended by the Committee to Study Publishing Problems in Physics. This amount is almost equal to the sum ($29,300) which was returned to NSF because the JCP backlog for which it had been granted turned out to be not nearly as large as estimated. We have been led to believe that this grant will be approved, and that subsequent grants will finance the project for at least three years.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
The Director distributed copies of a proposal to NSF dated May 19, 1958, requesting a grant of $64,800 for publication of the subject journal. He reported that we had been turned down by AEC, although they regretted the necessity of this action and suggested we try elsewhere. We were encouraged to approach NSF.
Review Articles for Physics Journals
The Director distributed copies of a proposal to NSF dated May 26, 1958, requesting a grant of $29,325 for the purpose of obtaining better review articles for physics journals. It has been increasingly difficult to get good review articles and one way to improve the situation would be to have more money to offer authors. The Committee to Study Publishing Problems in Physics had recommended this action and, although the American Physical Society did not completely agree with that part of the proposal covering “Reviews of Modern Physics”, they did agree that it was proper for the Institute to make such a proposal, and the changes they suggested were made before it was submitted. The Director asked if there were other objections to the proposal and Mr. Beams said that APS objections had been taken care of and that the proposal as submitted was satisfactory.
Research in College Teaching Problems
The Director distributed copies of a proposal to NSF for a grant of $45,770 to coordinate and evaluate a program of experimentation on the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of introductory physics courses in colleges. This proposal resulted from recommendations of several AAPT conferences. Separate requests for grants are being made by five educational institutions which will participate in the broad program and the AIP Advisory Committee on Education recommended that this grant be requested to provide for proper coordination and evaluation of all of the activities. We have been advised by NSF that further information about our proposal is needed and this is being prepared. Present indications are that no action will be taken on the proposal for some time.
Design of Physics Buildings
The Director distributed copies of a joint AAPT-AIP request dated February 10, 1958, for $52,210 which was submitted to the Ford Foundation. This proposal resulted from the preliminary work of an AAPT committee headed by Yale K. Roots. A questionnaire circulated by the committee indicated that many new physics buildings are being planned and that a detailed study should be made to determine the proper design and construction of physics buildings to make them most useful for physics instruction and research. The proposal contemplates accumulation and distribution of such information.
Career Booklets at High School, College and Graduate Levels
The Director distributed copies of a proposal to NSF dated June 6, 1958, requesting a grant of $17,710 for the writing, reproduction and distribution of the above-mentioned booklets. The booklet for high school students is now actually being written and we propose to print approximately 100,000 copies. The college booklet would be a complete revision of our present “Physics as a Career” and approximately 20,000 copies would be printed. The need for the graduate booklet was pointed out by those physicists who participated in the Visiting Scientists Program and the booklet would be designed to inform physics students in smaller colleges on how to proceed to graduate work.
Evaluation of TV and Films – Conference Scheduled
The Director reported that Mr. Gales’s project concerns films and TV generally although, in practice, it has dealt only with the Harvey White films. His tests indicate that students are benefitting from the films and a review of the films will appear in the “American Journal of Physics.” We have a complete set of the films which may be borrowed or viewed here. They consist of 162 half-hour films. A conference is scheduled for July 29 and 30 to discuss these activities and, we hope, lead to a final report.
The Secretary reported that the total of the new grants requested and described above is approximately $265,000 on which the Institute’s 15% would be close to $37,000.00. In addition, we are requesting grants for the continuation of the Russian translation journals and for continuation of the Physics Register. The Director reported that our proposals for the Visiting Scientists Program at both the college and high school levels have been approved.
Copies of the proposals described in items 5a through 5g are available to any Board member who may wish to have a copy.
6. Appointment of Committee to Nominate New Chairman
The Secretary reported that Mr. Seitz had expressed a wish to be relieved of the Chairmanship of the Board after his present term is completed next spring and had suggested that a committee of Messrs. Beams, Michels and Lindsay be appointed to nominate a successor. Although a new Chairman cannot be formally elected until the full new Board meets next spring, a majority of those Board members will be carried over from the present Board. Mr. Seitz had expressed the hope that the present Board could agree on a new Chairman at the meeting this fall and that the matter could be cleared in advance with new Board members so that the new Chairman, when formally elected next spring, could be prepared to take over. The Committee agreed with Mr. Seitz’s proposal and Chairman Sawyer appointed the following Committee to Nominate a New Chairman:
- J. W. Beams, Chairman
- R. B. Lindsay
- W. C. Michels
The Secretary reminded the Committee that a Chairman may be selected from any present or former members of the Board and furnished a list of all Board members since 1940. Mr. Beams invited all Board members who have special candidates in mind to contact the Nominating Committee.
7. Matters Requiring Action
Request that Executive Committee Overrule Institute Editor
The Chairman stated that he believed all members of the Executive Committee had received correspondence from Joseph Slepian about his controversy with the Editor of JAP. The Director reported that this matter had been under discussion for some time and that several referees had been involved in the case. The referees were divided on their recommendations but several strongly recommended rejection. Mr. Slepian has refused to accept the Editor’s rejection. The Director and Mr. Seitz had conferred with Mr. Slepian recently, and the Director had also written him a letter outlining the bases on which an appeal to the Executive Committee could be made and Mr. Slepian had so appealed. During the discussion of this subject by the Executive Committee, it was pointed out that Mr. Slepian could undoubtedly have his material published in some other journal, and it was also agreed that it was not the function of this Committee to pass judgment on the technical quality of the paper. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that it is not the function of the Executive Committee to pass judgment on the technical quality of material submitted to Institute journals and that, as a matter of administrative policy, the Executive Committee considers it necessary to support the Editor.
The Committee adjourned for luncheon at 12:30 p.m. and reconvened at 1:50 p.m.
Appointment of Assistant Editor for JAP
The Director distributed copies of a letter from the Editor of JAP requesting that Mr. Paul J. Leurgans be appointed Assistant Editor of JAP. The letter contained biographical information about Mr. Leurgans, and the Director stated that there was to be no salary involved. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that Paul J. Leurgans be appointed Assistant Editor of JAP to take effect immediately and continue at the pleasure of the Board.
Resolution on Purchase of Adjacent Lot
The Secretary recalled that authorization had previously been given to purchase the vacant lot next door. We have already paid $10,000 and will pay the balance of $155,000 when we take title on June 30. We have been advised by our attorney that New York State law requires a two-thirds majority vote of our Executive Committee to acquire or dispose of property, and he has prepared a resolution on the purchase which the Committee should pass. The Secretary then read the resolution and a motion that it be adopted was made, seconded and passed by a vote of 5 to 0. (A copy of the resolution is attached to official minutes.)
Authorization for Savings Account
The Secretary said that the Institute’s auditors had urged that some of the continuing special purpose funds shown on the balance sheet be placed in separate savings account or otherwise segregated from our working funds. This applies to the Karl T. Compton fund of $11,944.95 and to the Building Replacement Reserve of $23,154.21. We should also have a special account for the Reserve Fund for Future Development authorized earlier in this meeting and it would be well to have a savings account for temporarily unneeded funds so that we could get some interest on some money now in our working account. The yield on short-term Government securities is now not as attractive as the interest offered by savings banks. At a later date the Institute may wish to consider investment of some of these special funds in securities having better yield and growth possibilities. The Secretary requested that the Committee now authorize the opening of the above four savings accounts at Bankers Trust Company. The following motion was then made, seconded and carried without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the appropriate officers be authorized to open the four recommended savings accounts at Bankers Trust Company and that the Committee hereby adopts such resolutions as are required by the Bank for the opening of such accounts.
In discussion of the above action Mr. Buchta and others recommended that the Treasurer give thought promptly to investing reserve funds in securities where there is a possibility of appreciation. The Treasurer suggested that it might be well to have an advisory committee for this purpose and promised to make some recommendations at the next meeting.
Corporate Associates
The Secretary reported that Avco Research Laboratory had requested to become a Corporate Associate of the Institute and, on motion made and carried, Avco was elected.
It was pointed out that, with the addition of Avco, we now have 96 Corporate Associates which is only one less than we had last year before the dues were increased from $250 to $350.00. With the twelve Corporate Associates who each contributed an extra $350 for 1958, our net income from this source will be nearly $15,000 better this year than it was last year.
8. New Proposals for Discussion
Reinhold Book Company Proposal for Series of Technical Books in Physics
The Secretary reported on a discussion which he and the Director had had with representatives of Reinhold in which they had proposed that the Institute sponsor a series of small books intended principally to be of interest to industrial physicists which would sell for about $5.00 each. Typical of the subjects suggested were ultrasonics, physics of surfaces, magnetism, etc. The arrangement proposed would be similar to that which Reinhold has with the American Chemical Society for the publication of monographs. The Institute would appoint and arrange to compensate a consulting editor and he and Reinhold would agree on the subject and author of each book. The author would receive 10% royalty and the Institute 5%. Reinhold believes this royalty would be acceptable to authors because of the added prestige of sponsorship by the Institute. The Secretary said that the staff would like to have opinions on this proposal to know whether it should be investigated further.
In the discussion which followed it was pointed out that the Institute’s book publishing adventures in the past had consisted of the “Handbook” and books reporting conferences and in all cases a number of authors had been involved in each book. In such instances it seemed logical for the Institute to act as coordinator and sponsor. In the current Reinhold proposal there would only be a single author for each book and the Institute’s role is of questionable importance because qualified authors seem to have no difficulty in finding publishers without AIP sponsorship.
Public Relations Audit
The Director reported that he has been very well pleased with the work of our Public Relations Department, and he called attention to the public relations display on the board in the hall. He said Mr. Kone’s press rooms at recent meetings have attracted a great deal of attention and Mr. Kone has been asked to write a booklet on how to conduct a press room for scientific meetings. Our public relations consultants, Burson-Marsteller Associates, have been working closely with Mr. Kone. The Director distributed copies of a Public Relations Audit prepared by Mr. Rosapepe of the above-named firm, and explained that the audit is an appraisal of the public’s attitude towards physics and physicists and what should be done about it. He outlined briefly the conclusions contained in the report and said that Mr. Rosapepe had suggested that we appoint a public relations committee of the Board to study the report. If action is decided upon later, the committee can be expanded or changed as may appear appropriate.
Chairman Sawyer suggested the following Committee on Public Relations:
- Winston E. Kock
- Richard H. Bolt
- Walter C. Michels
The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that a Committee of the Board, consisting of the above-named directors, be appointed to review the Public Relations Audit.
The Director said he would send copies of the Audit to AIP Board members and officers of Member Societies.
Physics Course on TV National Network
The Director reported that Mr. Eurich of the Ford Foundation had expressed interest in an early morning TV program designed particularly for teachers of physics in secondary schools. The Director said he had had conversations with officials of NBC and others on the subject, that costs of such a program would amount to several million dollars, that the situation was still quite nebulous and it was not clear what part AIP would be asked to play in the picture, if any.
Organization of Governing Board by Committees
The Director reported on a recent meeting of AIP staff officers with similar officers of other scientific organizations in which method of operation were discussed in some detail. One interesting bit of information was about the way the American Chemical Society has its board divided into various committees, each concerned with one of the principal activities of the Society. The Director suggested that such an arrangement might work well in AIP. It would be very helpful is such committees could be established for intensive study of certain problems and these committees could later meet with the Board to explain their conclusions. Board members would thus become better acquainted with details of AIP activities.
Some discussion followed from which it was concluded that the idea was worth exploring further and it was suggested that the staff recommend two or three specific committees and their composition for discussion at the next Executive Committee meeting. If the idea then seems to be worth while to the Executive Committee, it can be brought up at the October meeting of the Board.
New International Medal
Mr. Michels said there was nothing new to report since the last meeting and it was suggested that further discussion be postponed until the next meeting when it was hoped Mr. Seitz would be present.
Dannie Heineman Prize in Mathematical Physics
The Director distributed copies of a letter he had written to Professor Cecilie Froehlich of CCNY in response to a communication from her about the desire of the Dannie Heineman Foundation to make a cash award of $2,500 every two years for an outstanding publication in the field of mathematical sciences. The Director gave some background information on Dannie Heineman and the Foundation and said he had discussed the proposed award with Secretary Darrow of APS. The Director said it had been suggested that the Institute administer the award by establishing a committee which would pick the recipient on the basis of some outstanding contribution in the field of mathematical physics. One condition of the award is that the recipient present a paper at the meeting where the award is given and this could presumably be at a meeting of APS or one of the other Member Societies.
From the discussion which followed it appeared to be the consensus that the Institute should accept responsibility for administering such an award provided details can be worked out satisfactorily and provided the Foundation is willing to enter into a contract with the Institute to assure continuity or is willing to establish an endowment. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the staff be authorized to negotiate with the Foundation substantially along the lines indicated in the Director’s letter of May 14, 1958, to Professor Froehlich.
9. Next Meeting
Although a tentative date of September 13, 1958, had been established for the next meeting of the Executive Committee, a canvass of the members present indicated that three of them could not attend on that date. It was agreed that the Secretary should settle the date of the next meeting by correspondence.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.