Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
Present: George R. Harrison (Chairman), G. P. Harnwell, George B. Pegram, Harold K. Schilling, John C. Steinberg
AIP Staff: Henry A. Barton, Wallace Waterfall, B. H. Goodfriend
The Executive Committee met at 3:55 p.m. at the office of the Institute.
1. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of November 28, 1950 were approved as circulated.
2. Student Sections:
Mr. Barton reported that several problems had arisen in connection with the student section requirements as originally set up and asked the Committee to consider certain modifications. After some discussion the following motions were made, seconded, and carried:
MOVED that the requirement of 15 active members in Student Sections be reduced to 10 in cases of institutions which, though small, give evidence of unusual interest and are known to maintain high academic standards; such action to be taken only at a meeting of the Executive Committee.
MOVED that in the case of a new Student Section adhering after the January issue of PHYSICS TODAY has been mailed, the dues for the first year only be prorated in proportion to the number of issues remaining through the October issue, but that no adherences be allowed after the May issue has been sent until the beginning of the next academic year.
MOVED that in any institution where there is no student section and the physics department is willing to accept the financial and clerical responsibility, a group subscription of not less than 5 to PHYSICS TODAY for bulk delivery to a member of the faculty designated as responsible for further distribution be provided that such distribution is limited to undergraduate students.
3. Election of Associate:
On motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the application of the Photo Products Department of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company for Associate Membership was accepted.
4. Appointment of Committees:
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously carried, that the following committees be appointed:
Committee for Election of Associate Members
- Henry A. Barton
- Wallace Waterfall
Institute Representatives on Publication Board
- Henry A. Barton
- Wallace Waterfall
- Ruth F. Bryans
Committee on Physics Abstracts
- Elmer Hutchisson, Chairman
- F. G. Brickwedde
- G. P. Pegram
- Norman Ramsey
- Howard A. Robinson
- Frederick Seitz
- G. H. Shortley
Committee on Donors’ Tablet
- Homer L. Dodge, Chairman
- Richard H. Bolt
Committee for Anniversary Meeting
- Paul E. Klopsteg, Chairman
- Karl K. Darrow
- Arthur C. Hardy
- W. R. Willets
- John C. Steinberg
- J. C. Boyce
- E. H. Land
- L. Turner
Finance Committee
- Caryl P. Haskins
- O. E. Buckley
Committee on Government Aided Research
- W. V. Houston, Chairman
- A. H. Compton
- R. C. Gibbs
- P. E. Klopsteg
- F. W. Loomis
- M. H. Trytten
- M. A. Tuve
- H. A. Barton
In accordance with instructions of the Governing Board, the following committees were appointed:
Committee on Future Plans for PHYSICS TODAY
- P. M. Morse, Chairman
- Wallace R. Brode
- S. A. Goudsmit
- F. V. Hunt
- I. I. Rabi
- Duane Roller
Committee of Society Treasurers
- G. B. Pegram, Chairman
- H. A. Erf
- G. J. Dienes
- W. W. Graeper
- Paul E. Klopsteg
Nominating Committee for Member-at-Large of the Governing Board
- J. H. Williams, Chairman
- S. S. Ballard
- W. T. Bonner
- W. R. Brode
- L. Marton
- W. P. Mason
- H. O’Bryan
- O. Oldenberg
- J. C. Slater
- M. H. Trytten
- W. W. Watson
5. Date for next meeting:
The date for the next meeting was tentatively set for Thursday, May 17.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.