March 25, 1960

Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

Members Present: R. A. Sawyer, Chairman; J. W. Buchta; S. A. Goudsmit; R. B. Lindsay

Absent: J. W. Beams; W. C. Michels

Board Member Present: W. W. Havens, Jr.

AIP Staff Present: Elmer Hutchisson; H. A. Barton; Wallace Waterfall; Mary M. Johnson

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m.

1. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of January 29, 1960, were approved as circulated.

2. Financial Report for 1959

Copies of the financial statement for 1959 were distributed to all Board members prior to the meeting (copy attached). The Treasurer stated that the auditors' report for 1959 had just been completed and was being sent to all Member Society Secretaries and Treasurers.

It was recalled that the reasons for variations between 1959 budget and actual performance were discussed at the December 11 meeting of the Executive Committee and, at that time, $50,000 of net income was transferred to the Building Reserve bringing it to $124,346.22 at year end. The Treasurer distributed copies of a sheet showing income and expenditures on special projects for the 1959 calendar year (copy attached). This sheet gives details of the item, "Income from Special Projects," which appears on the "Statement of Income and Expense" in the financial report and similar sheets will be included as part of the regular quarterly financial statement hereafter.

In answer to a question, the Treasurer stated that the increase in editorial management costs budgeted for 1960 is due to an additional journal, a total of about 20% more pages in all AIP journals and increasing costs in editors’ offices. He commented that the total amount of money we handled in 1959 was $2,616,000 compared to $2,146,500 in 1958.

  1. Percentage of Dues to be Paid by Member Societies in 1961

    The Treasurer said it is customary for the Executive Committee to present a recommendation to the Board on this subject, and the staff suggests that the dues percentage for 1961 be continued at 10%. From all reports it would appear that the Member Societies are satisfied with this arrangement. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the Executive Committee recommend to the Governing Board that the dues percentage to be paid by Member Societies to the Institute in 1961 be set at 10% of dues collected in 1960.

  2. Allocation of Income from Investments to Building Reserve

    The Treasurer recalled that the Executive Committee, at its meeting on December 11, had authorized the transfer of $50,000 from net income to the Building Reserve. In a conference with the auditors they had suggested that it might be better in the future to credit some income items directly to reserves on a quarterly basis rather than include them in general income and transfer large sums to reserves at the end of the year. Pursuing this suggestion, the staff recommends that the income from all investments, except the Karl T. Compton Fund, be credited quarterly to the Building Reserve and that the net income from AIP-owned journals, except “Physics Today,” be put quarterly in an Operating Reserve. The reasons for an Operating Reserve were discussed at the December 11, 1959, meeting and the 1960 budget includes $40,000 to start such a reserve. The Treasurer suggested that this $40,000 item be removed from the budget and that, instead, the Executive Committee authorize placing income from AIP journals in an Operating Reserve, as explained above. Net income from the journals was $23,000 in 1959, $35,000 in 1957, but there was a loss of $4,600 in 1955. An Operating Reserve could be used to even out this variation in journal income or for such other purposes as the Executive Committee may direct. According to the 1960 budget the Treasurer estimated that the proposed actions would add about $23,000 to the Building Reserve and $47,000 to the Operating Reserve in the current year and AIP would show an over-all net loss of about $15,000 at the end of the year. However, income may exceed expectations and money can be withdrawn from reserves at any time to cover losses, if desirable. After further brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the staff be authorized to transfer quarterly all net income from investments, except the Karl T. Compton Fund, to the Building Reserve; and all net income from Institute-owned journals, except “Physics Today,” to the Operating Reserve; with the understanding that the $40,000 figure for an Operating Reserve included in the 1960 budget will be deleted.

3. Corporate Associates

The Secretary reported that the following organizations had requested to become Corporate Associates of the Institute and, on motion duly made and carried, they were so elected:

  • Allied Chemical Corporation
  • A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company
  • Itek Corporation
  • Hoffman Electronics Corporation
  • Sangamo Electric Company
  • International Harvester Company
  • Basic Books, Inc.
  • Mallinckrodt Chemical Works
  • Veeco Vacuum Corp.
  • Armco Steel Corporation
  • The Foxboro Co.

The Director distributed copies of a report on Corporate Associates (copy attached) and commented that our net income from this source is $12,000 over the 1960 budget at the present time. He said we expect to have 180 Corporate Associates by the end of 1960. The Director pointed out that journal subscriptions are credited to Member Societies at the full non-member rates. Mr. Goudsmit recalled that the Executive Committee had previously agreed that the staff should be somewhat selective in accepting Associates in order to maintain a high standard.


It was recalled that a prospect list had been distributed at the last meeting of the Executive Committee but no suggestions based on that list have been received to date. The Director asked again that names of suitable organizations and appropriate contacts therein be furnished to the staff.

4. Director of Publications

The Director reported that AIP had acquired the services of Hugh C. Wolfe as Director of Publications, and he distributed some background information on Mr. Wolfe. Mr. Kelly, Director of our Education Department, will be on leave of absence from September 1, 1960, to February 1, 1961, and Mr. Wolfe was originally approached as a candidate to replace Mr. Kelly during that period. Through later negotiations, Mr. Wolfe agreed to join the Institute staff on a permanent basis beginning September 1 and will take care of Mr. Kelly’s responsibilities during the latter’s absence, gradually assuming the duties of Director of Publications. Mr. Wolfe has been highly recommended and an appropriating to cover his salary was included in the budget for 1960.

The Secretary reported that Miss Norma Frankel had been named Publications Editor and had replaced Miss Bryans who will henceforth be assigned to special projects.

Mr. Goudsmit reported that some members of the Publication Board had expressed some displeasure because that Board was not consulted about the creation of this new office of Director of Publications. The Secretary replied that the subject had been under consideration for about a year and was discussed at the last meeting of the Publication Board.

5. Reports of Journal Editors

The Director stated annual reports had been received from the editors of all AIP journals and are available to anyone who wishes to see them. We have raised page budgets this year and have made a special effort to avoid backlogs and otherwise satisfy editors. The Editor of “The Review of Scientific Instruments” is taking steps to make that journal more attractive.

  1. New Editor for the “Journal of Applied Physics”

    The Director reported that Mr. Krumhansl had submitted his resignation as Editor of JAP, to take effect about the middle of this year. He has offered some suggestions as to his successor and the Director recommended that a Committee to Select a New Editor for JAP be appointed. Mr. Krumhansl had estimated that he spends about 40% of his time on this journal and details of our financial arrangement with him were discussed. The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the Chairman and Director be authorized to appoint a Committee to Select a New Editor for JAP.

6. Advisory Committee on Documentation Research Program

The Director proposed that an Advisory Committee on Documentation Research Program be created, pointing out that this would parallel our advisory committees for education and public relations. The Director said additional funds had been requested from the National Science Foundation for continuation of our documentation work. He suggested that the Advisory Committee consist of about five appointed members and that the Chairmen of the Science Abstracts Committee and the Publication Board be ex officio members. He proposed that K. G. McKay be asked to serve as Chairman. The Director indicated that, with the establishment of this new Advisory Committee and more active participation of the Publication Board in current problems, there seemed no need to reappoint the Committee on Publishing Problems in Physics. The Executive Committee agreed with this proposal.

  1. Contribution to International Federation for Documentation (FID)

    The Director gave some background information on the FID, which was established in 1895, and said that Burton W. Adkinson, head of the documentation branch of NSF, feels that FID should be strengthened. He has indicated that NSF proposes to contribute up to about $15,000 per year at the start although he believes it should be supported in the long range by various scientific groups. The Director estimated a reasonable contribution from AIP would be $1,000 per year and he felt other similar groups would do likewise. He said he would like to cooperate with NSF and would expect the above-mentioned Advisory Committee on Documentation Research Program to follow this venture very closely. The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that AIP contribute up to $1,000 per year as, if and when needed to help strengthen FID.

7. New NSF Proposals

Copies of our current grants received and requested were distributed (copy attached) and the Director called attention to our request of January 4, 1960, to NSF for a grant to cover career booklets. He distributed copies of the proposal and described briefly the three booklets it is intended to cover. He explained some of the problems which led to our submission of the proposal and noted that our previous career booklets have been very successful. In answer to a question, the Director explained that AIP had financed “Physics in Your High School” and was distributing about 10,000 free copies. Another 10,000 copies had been sold to McGraw-Hill for resale by them. He displayed some very favorable letters which had been received from recipients of the handbook.

The Director also distributed copies of our proposals on the Visiting Scientists Programs; a proposal for a grant to finance preparation of a catalog of educational films, and a proposal to extend the Documentation Research Project for three years. He reported that Mr. Maizell is working on a possible title index of all Institute journals, with graduate students participating in tests of the permuted index system. The Director also mentioned a pending proposal for an apparatus office.

8. Second Karl T. Compton Award

The Director pointed out that it has been almost three years since the first Karl T. Compton Award was made to Dean Pegram, and the suggestion has been made that now would be an appropriate time to consider a second presentation. The award was established for occasional conferment upon some distinguished physicists who has made an outstanding contribution to physics – not necessarily for distinguished research but for outstanding statesmanship in science. It had not been planned to give the award at stated intervals but at whatever time and place appeared appropriate. Some suggestions for possible recipients have been made and the Director asked that a committee be appointed to consider candidates. He proposed that the presentation be made later this year at a meeting of the Institute “family” similar to the one held last fall at Arden House. The cost of the medal, certificate, and cash award will total about $1,250 which will come from the endowment established for this purpose. The Chairman was authorized to appoint the committee.

  1. Investment in a Mutual Fund

    The Secretary recalled that the funds to endow the Karl T. Compton Award were donated by Mr. Alfred P. Sloan, and he said we now have about $12,500 of this money remaining which is in a 3% savings account at Bankers Trust Company. We could probably realize a much better return if it were invested in a mutual fund, and the Secretary recommended the Loomis-Sayles Mutual Fund which is admittedly quite conservative but has yielded an average of 7.7% per year over the past six years. After brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the Treasurer be authorized to invest the Karl T. Compton Award Fund in the Loomis-Sayles Mutual Fund.

9. Report of Property Committee

The Secretary reported that the staff sees a space crisis approaching much earlier than had been anticipated. We had 75 employees in the middle of 1957 and about one year later predicted 100 by the end of 1962 whereas we actually hired our 100th employee a week ago. He displayed a graph depicting our rate of growth which indicated that we may have well over 200 employees by 1970 if projected plans materialize. Our present building is adequate for about 125 people and we expect to exceed this number by the end of 1962. For this reason, a meeting of the Property Committee was held on March 7 and it was the consensus of that Committee that we should start now to make provisions for the period up to 1970. We have several alternatives, as follows: We can build an addition on our vacant lot next door; buy a larger building somewhere else and sell this one; rent space outside; or buy a lot and build a new building. We have employed an architect to study the feasibility of an addition next door, and estimate we can build a four-story addition for about one-half million dollars. We have also been looking at larger building and at rental space in this area. We may be forced to take some action on this problem before the end of 1960.

10. Appointment of Committees and Representatives

Copies of a list of proposed committees and representatives for the current year were distributed (copy attached). The Director said we plan to delete the word “Russian” from the name of the Advisory Board on Russian Translations because the Board is now investigating the desirability of translating Chinese material.

Mr. Barton said he had a talk with the Chairman of the John T. Tate Memorial Fund Committee recently and he is preparing a letter which will be processed and distributed through the Institute to a group of about 200 selected names. The Director explained that the Committee on History and Philosophy of Physics was created as the result of a request for assistance from the Smithsonian Institution. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the list of committees and representatives as appended to these minutes be appointed for a period of one year except where other terms are specified.

11. Preview of Governing Board Agenda

Copies of the Governing Board agenda and a draft of the Director’s annual report had previously been distributed. The Director explained the agenda had been planned so that routine business matters could be completed early and the rest of the day could then be spent in covering one part of Institute activities in some detail. For this meeting our activities in recruitment and education of physicists had been chosen and various members of the Board had been asked in advance to introduce and discuss phases of the subject in which they had particular interest.

The Director explained that recruitment and education had been selected because some disagreement had developed recently between himself and the President of AAPT as to how projects in this area should be administered and conducted and it was hoped that a thorough discussion of the projects themselves would bring better understanding. Then followed lengthy discussion of AIP-AAPT relations from which the Secretary drew the following conclusions:

  1. General projects intended to aid in the recruitment and training of physicists are of interest to all physicists and all AIP member organizations and should be conducted and publicized with due regard for the interests of all.

  2. In publicizing the results of projects of interest to AIP and one or more Member Societies, due credit should be given to all participating organizations.

  3. When projects of interest to one or several Societies are undertaken by AIP, they should be administered by AIP with the advice of committees or boards representing the interested Societies and with the understanding that decisions on controversial matters will be made by the AIP Governing Board or Executive Committee.

  4. AIP may, at the specific request of a Society, undertake projects of interest to that Society only and, in such cases, the Society may direct how the work should be done and should bear full financial responsibility for it and receive full credit for it. However, all AIP personnel working on such projects shall be under the supervision of the Director of the Institute or his delegated representative.

The Executive Committee agreed that there should be further discussion of AIP-AAPT relations on education and recruitment projects at the Governing Board meeting on the following day and that enlargement of the Advisory Committee on AIP Education Program should be recommended to include representatives of all Member Societies interested in such activities.

12. AIP Sponsorship of Conference on Semiconducting Compounds

The Director reported that AIP had been asked to act as a sponsor of a conference on semiconducting compounds. The Solid State Division of APS declined because attendance will be limited to 300. He said AIP had acted as a joint sponsor of conferences on magnetism and temperature but none of them were limited. Even though the proceedings may be publishing in JAP, it was the consensus of the Executive Committee that AIP should not act as a sponsor unless the limitation on attendance is removed.

13. Reduced Rate on “Physics Today” to Members of Affiliated Societies

The Secretary stated that the staff recommends offering PT to members of Affiliated Societies at $2.00 per year. In answer to a question, he said that we would just about break even financially and increased circulation should make possible increased advertising revenue. The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the staff be authorized to offer “Physics Today” to members of Affiliated Societies at an annual subscription rate of $2.00.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.