March 26, 1937

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

The Board of Governors met in response to call of the Chairman at 9:40 a.m., Friday, March 26, 1937 at the Hotel Pennsylvania.

Present: Chairman Tate, Members Compton, Crittenden, Davey, Dodge, Fletcher, Palmer, Peek, Pegram, Rayton, Richtmyer, Waterfall, and Messrs. Barton, Buffum and Hutchisson.

Absent: Members Klopsteg, Knudsen and Mooney.


The Minutes of the meeting of March 21, 1936 were read and on motion approved.


  1. Report of Chairman:

    The Chairman read a printed statement of the operations of the Institute for 1936 referring to the fact that the journals now appeared to be in good financial condition except the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, the income form which does not yet pay the annual service charge. He referred also to the activities of the Council on Applied Physics; to the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS which has grown out of the journal PHYSICS turned over to the Institute by the American Physical Society; to the joint meeting of the Societies and the Institute in October 1936; and to the successful conference on metallurgy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  2. Report of Secretary:

    The Secretary reported the following elections of directors at the Annual Meeting of the Institute on February 27, 1937:

      term to end at annual meeting
      George B. Pegram February 1940
    E.C. Crittenden February 1940
    Wallace Waterfall February 1940
    Editor Wheeler P. Davey February 1938
    Sec'y R.L. Peek Jr. February 1938
    Pres. Melvin Mooney February 1938
      Frederic Palmer Jr. February 1940

    Note: The continuing members of the Board are:

    John T. Tate February 1938
    Karl T. Compton February 1939
    F.K. Richtmyer February 1938
    W.B. Rayton February 1939
    Harvey Fletcher February 1938
    Vern O. Knudsen February 1939
    Paul E. Klopsteg February 1938
    Homer L. Dodge February 1939
  3. Report of Treasurer:

    The Treasurer reported that the full auditors’ report for the year 1936 had been submitted to the Annual Meeting of the Institute and one copy sent to the Secretary of each of the member societies.

  4. Report of Director:

    The Director of the Institute, Mr. Barton, submitted two written reports, first the report of the Director for 1936, and second a section of the report of the auditors, namely Exhibit B – Balance Sheet of the Institute as of December 1936. Copies of these reports were distributed to the members of the Board and copies were appended to the official copy of these Minutes.

    The Director also discussed informally the increased demand for physicists in industry; the possibility of increasing the subscription lists for REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS and JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS; of increasing  the income from advertising; and referred particularly to the fact that the activity of the Institute in stressing recently the application of physics to industry is not to be taken as indicating any lack of attention to the furthering advance in fundamental physics. The Director told of the symposium on bio-physics which is being arranged to be held in Philadelphia, and also of a proposal to have a meeting at Ann Arbor for discussion of physics in the automobile industry.

  5. Report of Editor of JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS:

    The Editor, Mr. Hutchisson, submitted a written report, copies of which were distributed and one copy of which is appended to the official Minutes.

    On motion it was voted:

    to express the appreciation of the Board to the Editor of the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS for the work he has done on this journal.


On motion it was voted:

that the Chairman appoint a committee to make nominations at this meeting for officers of the Governing Board.

The Chairman named on this committee Messrs. Palmer, Waterfall and Crittenden.


The Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting on February 27, 1937 were read for the information of the Board. There was general discussion of financial problems and prospects of the Institute particularly the question of how to reduce the deficit; how much to reduce the service charge to the societies; how to get and use more money for the Institute for the advancement of physics. Mr. Compton stated that the proper ideal would seem to be to have the Institute obtain all the income it could, carry out the work that the Institute can do to advantage for the societies, and turn over to the societies some income for work they can do best individually; that of course any surplus would naturally go to decreasing the deficit but as a practical matter it might be well to decrease the service charge gradually before even clearing up all of the deficit. Mr. Davey thought the deficit should be reduced first. Mr. Fletcher noted that representation had already been made to the societies as to possible reduction of service charges. Mr. Dodge referred to the four hundred dollars the Institute had allotted to the American Association of Physics Teachers which he assumed was for special promotion and development that the Association had been doing without trying to get any return for advertising in its journal. Mr. Compton enquired if the Executive Committee had it in mind to hold out hope that by 1941 the Institute might be having enough surplus to apply some both to the deficit and to reducing the service charge, to which the Chairman’s reply was “yes”. Mr. Buffum suggested that the Institute set rather larger objectives than it has so far and to go out for the sum of one hundred thousand dollars to devote to its work. Mr. Compton suggested a goal of twenty thousand dollars a year for the next five years and spoke of the possibility of getting corporations to subscribe for more than one associateship apiece. He referred to the research associates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology which are one thousand dollars each and of which more than one are supported by several corporations. Mr. Compton promised two associateships from M.I.T. Mr. Fletcher thought that some companies might even be willing to contribute to decreasing the deficit rather than tie themselves up to associateships if there were any implication of permancy in the obligation. Mr. Rayton suggested that the Institute’s budget for the year include an item for the deficit; that we should go at it year by year; that companies may pledge themselves to help pay for  a definite deficit but did not like to make commitments for the future. Mr. Davey agreed with Mr. Buffum that the Institute should try to get larger amounts of money.

On motion of Mr. Fletcher it was voted:

that each of the resolutions of the Executive Committee under VII of the Minutes of that Committee on February 27, 1937 be ratified and adopted.

The resolutions so adopted are as follows:

"On motion it was voted:

that it was the sense of the Committee that $1000 should be used in the coming year to promote the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS.

On motion it was voted:

that a committee consisting of the Director, Editor and Chairman be empowered to make with any appropriate engineering or scientific society arrangements for subscriptions for the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS at reduced rate to the members of such society.

On motion it was voted:

that the Executive Committee recommend that as soon as it can be done without interfering with the present activities in the Institute or undue restriction on its expansion, the Governing Board should from any surplus provide (1) for some reduction of the deficit, and (2) for some reduction in the service charge.

On motion it was voted:

that a man be employed to take charge of the advertising sales, subscription promotions, and other matters of business including taking over the books of theTreasurer."

The Director submitted a proposal for allotment of space in the REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS which after discussion and some changes was on motion adopted as follows:

  1936 Budget 1936 Actual 1937 Proposed
Physics Forum 359 76 66
Instrument Articles 334 300
Lab. and Shop Notes 36 24.5 18
News and Notes 24 31.5 36
Book notices 25 9 10
Book reviews 32 32
Current Literature 72 74 72
Advertising 170 202 226
Volume Index 16 15 16
Covers 48 48 48
  750 846 824*

*Exclusive of proposed Apparatus Index to be financed by itself.

On motion it was voted:

to fix the salary of the Editor of the JOURNAL OF THE APPLIED PHYSICS at $1,800.00 and to make a travel allowance not to exceed $500.00.

On motion it was voted:

  1. To adopt the balanced budget for the REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS as follows:

      Budget 1936 Actual 1936 Proposed Budget – 1937
    Number of Pages 750 846 824
    Number of Subscribers 3500 3801 3635
    Subscriptions $6600 $6958 $7000
    Pub. and Rep. 700 585 5001
    Single copies 200 312 310
    Advertising, net 6000 7206 63402
    Total $13500 $15061 $14150
    Printing and Mailing $7700 $9202 $9000
    Ed. Mech. 1000 801 750
    Ed. Office 2000 1706 1800
    Bus. Man. 2600 2593 2600
    Total $13300 $14302 $14150
    Profit $200 $759 0

    1 Assumes 300 pages of contributed articles.

    2 This figure allotted to R.S.I. from Net Advertising Income hereafter to be considered a part of Institute Income. (The total Net Avt. Income estimated for 1937 is $10,050 less, $1,750 for office expense – $8,300. Thus a balance of $1,960 is left for J.A.P.)

  2. to adopt a budget as follows for the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS showing $4,100.00 deficit (in addition to the $1,000.00 for promotion voted earlier in the meeting):

    Number of pages 1200
    Number of paid subscribers 2000
    Subscriptions $10,800
    Pub. Chf. & Reprint Sales, net 500
    Single copies
    Allotment from Net. advt. inc. 1960a
    Printing and mailing $11580b
    Ed. Mech. 1220
    Ed. Office 3100c
    Bus. Man. 1460
    Profit (loss) $4100 (red)

    a See explanation on Budget for R.S.I.

    c See attached schedule.

    Schedule of Calculations
    b Printing and Mailing  
    Composition 1200 pp. $3600
    Engravings 2240
    Covers 960
    Paper and press work 2500 cc. 3700
    Mailing 2000 cc. 1080
    c Editor’s Office  
    Editor's Salary $1800
    Secretary 600
    Travelling allowance 500
    Office expenses 200
  3. to adopt a budget for Institute operations other than publication as follows showing a profit of $1,750:

    Income 1935 1936 Budget 1936 Actual 1937 Budget
    From service charge $10347.31 $10000 $10699.35 $10000b
    Dues of associates 1551.00 3000 1473.00 4000
    Contributions 3000.00 1000 100.00 2000c
    Miscellaneous 18.52 7.70
    (Anniversary Program) 951.65
      $14916.83 $14000 $13231.70 $16000
    Organization & Education  
      Salaries $6077.29 $7300 $8084.38 $8000
      Other Exp. 1289.75 2100 3021.98a 2500
    Travel Exp.  
      Board and Ex. C. 403.43 1000 742.28 750
      Other 294.98 672.53 1000
    Office Expense 1612.63 1600 1815.05 2000
    Grant to A.W.I.T. 400 400.00
      $9678.08 $12400 $14736.22 $14250
    Excess of Income over Exp. $5238.75 $1600 $1504.52 (red) $1750

    a Includes printing and mailing Anniversary Program

    b Assumes normal increase less 15% of all costs of Journal PHYSICS

    c In case more contributions are received, they would be assigned to the standing deficit or to special projects.

    Summary of Budgets for 1937
    Budgets Profit
    Institute Non-Journal Operations $1750
    Review of Scientific Instruments
    Budgeted Deficit
    Journal of Applied Physics $4100
    Plus Special Promotion 1000
    Deficit for Year 1937 $3350 (red)


Mr. Hutchisson explained a very simple and limited type of placement service that the Institute is attempting. The Institute has sent to each large department of physics cards on which names and brief statements about men trained in physics who are seeking positions can be made. The Institute does not attempt to recommend men to fill positions but will keep this file of names on hand and will make suggestions of men who seem to have suitable qualifications to employers who ask for men and specify the qualifications. Mr. Hutchisson reported that approving letters had come in from departments of physics and that twelve requests had come in from employers.

Mr. Davey made certain suggestions in discussing this employment file (a) that usually a call from industry is for men who combine physics and something else – engineering, chemistry, metallurgy, ceramics, etc. – and suggested that the Institute’s file should note these points about the men who are listed; (b) that monthly postcards with lists of men who combine the knowledge of physics with the knowledge of some other field should be sent to numerous industries; (c) that whenever possible both the employer and employee and the department recommending men emphasis should be placed upon the desirability of combination of the knowledge of physics and some other special field.


On motion it was voted:

that beginning January 1, 1938 the advertising rates in the REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS and in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS be as follows: $75.00 per page in either journal alone, $100.00 per page in both journals together.


On motion of Mr. Compton the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: that the American Institute of Physics Incorporated adopt a program for raising one hundred thousand dollars as soon as possible to finance the following three year program:

  1. pay off the entire accumulated deficit and succeeding reduced deficits on the present publication and promotional activities at the rate of $10,000 per year
  2. partially refund service charges to member societies to permit them to extend their activities in publication, meetings, and promotional and educational activities at the rate of 0, $2,000 and $4,000 in the next three years
  3. maintain a central free employment and personnel service in physics, in close cooperation with industries and universities
  4. set up, over the three years, an operating reserve fund of $40,000 – required to maintain credit during the ordinary annual operations
  5. extend the program of national conferences on research, in cooperation with industries, universities and societies, in such fields as steel, non-ferrous metals, textiles, automotive, cement, chemical, electrical, rubber, communication, motion picture and similar industries, and in applications of physics in medicine.


On motion of Mr. Fletcher the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: that the Chairman and Director be empowered to sign an agreement with the Optical Society whereby all editorial authority for the REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS is transferred to the Institute.


On motion it was voted:

that the second Friday in March be set as the regular date for the meeting of the Governing Board following the Annual Meeting of the Institute in February.


On motion the following resolutions were adopted:

  1. American Society of Testing Materials and others

    RESOLVED: that the Director be authorized to arrange on behalf of the Institute for cooperation with the American Society of Testing Materials, American Society for Metals and the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, and other suitable organziations, in setting up a cooperative committee for the development of x-rays and their applications to engineering uses.

  2. National Association of Manufacturers*

    RESOLVED: that the Governing Board authorizes the presentation of the attached proposal to the National Association of Manufacturers and empowers the Executive Committee to take such further steps as may be necessary to carry out the Institute’s commitments thereunder.

    *copies of the proposals referred to were distributed to the members of the Board and a copy is attached to the official Minutes.

The Governing Board adjourned at 12:45 p.m. and resumed its meeting at 2:05 p.m.


Mr. Barton and Mr. Hutchisson spoke about a proposed index of apparatus to be published by the Institute. An incomplete list has been prepared by Mr. Van Atta of manufacturers of equipment. To make a list complete would be rather difficult. It had been suggested that instead of trying to publish a complete list certain centers of information be designated, if laboratories can be found that are willing to undertake to give information about apparatus and specialties in the fields in which they are doing special work. Mr. Compton suggested that in any list it might be well to list the manufacturers under general subjects, for example, high voltage.


Mr. Barton referred to the fact that the American Chemical Society and the Sigma Xi Society appeared to be doing very well with the arrangements of lecture tours by men who are able to give interesting lectures on their work. There would seem to be no reason why the Institute of Physics should not be able to arrange for certain physicists to make lecture tours, expenses to be met by the organizations before which they lecture. No definite action was taken but the discussion was favorable to the suggestion that the Institute do something of this sort.


The objects and status of the Documentation Institute of Washington, D.C. were explained by Mr. Barton and on motion the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: that the Institute extend its general cooperation to the Documentation Institute without, however, making any financial commitment or change in publication policy except as may be authorized by subsequent action of the Governing Board.


On motion the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: that the previous action of the Governing Board appointing Messrs. Giauque and Kraemer Associate Editors of the Journal of Chemical Physics be rescinded and that Messrs. Lars Onsager and E. Bright Wilson Jr. be appointed for the three year term ending December 31, 1939.


The Nominating Committee, appointed in the morning session, reported the following nominations:

  • Chairman: John T. Tate to succeed himself.
  • Secretary: George B. Pegram to succeed himself.


On motion it was voted:


that the Secretary be asked to cast a single vote for the Board for these nominations.

The vote being cast the Chairman declared the present Chairman and the present Secretary to succeed themselves.


On motion it was voted:

that the Chairman be authorized to appoint the members of the several standing committees for the year.

The Chairman subsequently appointed the following committees:

Executive Committee: Paul E. Klopsteg, R. L. Peek Jr., George B. Pegram, F.K. Richtmyer, Wallace Waterfall, Henry A. Barton, Wm. W. Buffum, John T. Tate, Chairman.

Committee on Science Abstracts: George B. Pegram, Chairman, Henry A. Barton, John T. Tate.

Committee on Printing Contracts: Henry A. Barton, Chairman, George B. Pegram, Wm. W. Buffum, John T. Tate.

The Chairman stated that membership of the Advisory Council on Applied Physics would be appointed later.


Mr. Barton stated that pursuant to discussion in the Executive Committee of the Board he had talked with Mr. Frank Jewett, President of the Museum of Science and Industry, on the question of whether and how the Institute might be of service in connection with the scientific exhibits and plans of the New York World’s Fair which is to open in 1939. It appeared that there was nothing that could be done immediately.

Mr. Compton stated that he understood there was no plan in the present plans for general science exhibits, that the Fair is to be centered about a half dozen or more fields of national importance, for example, housing, transportation, communication and public health.


Mr. Buffum discussed the work of the Treasurer’s office, states that he would like to see the work better done by the appointment immediately of a man who could act as Assistant Treasurer, that he himself could hardly continue as Treasurer unless a suitable assistant treasurer could be employed to attend directly to the work. As to a suitable man, he referred to a young man, Mr. Green, now showing exceptional ability in some work for the Chemical Foundation not in a line related to the work of Treasurer.


On motion the Board adjourned at 3:15 p.m.