March 27-28, 1981

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met at the AIP Woodbury Offices on the afternoon and evening of Friday, 27 March, and the morning of Saturday, 28 March 1981. For clarity in presentation with reference to the printed agenda, events recorded here are not necessarily in the same chronological order in which they occurred.

Members Present: N. F. Ramsey – Chairman, R. P. Bauman (AAPT), R. T. Beyer (ASA), B. E. Bjarngard (AAPM), P. B. Boyce (AAS), J. A. Burton (APS), R. B. Clark (AAPT), C. B. Duke (AVS), J. P. Glusker (MAL), M. Goldhaber (APS), W. W. Havens, Jr. (APS), J. C. Johnson (ex officio), W. H. Kelly (AAPT), H. W. Koch (ex officio), D. Lazarus (APS), **R. P. Madden (OSA), M. H. Mueller (ACA), Y. H. Pao (MAL), J. W. Quinn (OSA), A. L. Schawlow (APS), E. A. G. Shaw (ASA), M. Strasberg (ASA), A. A. Strassenburg (AAPT), J. L. Vossen, Jr. (AVS)

Absent: E. B. Bagley (SOR), A. J. DeMaria (OSA), R. E. Marshak (APS), H. F. Weaver (AAS)

Nonvoting Participants: T. F. W. Embleton (ASA), B. H. Goodfriend (ASA), R. M. Grant, Jr. (AAPT), R. K. Hobbie (AAPT), T. C. Ingoldsby (AAPT), J. W. Layman (AAPT), **K. E. Mays (AAPT), **M. B. Monroe (AAPT), *C. G. Orton (AAPM), J. S. Rigden (AAPT), H. Voss (AAPT)

Guests: **L. M. Branscomb, Chairman AIP Committee to Select Candidate(s) for the 5th John T. Tate Award; P. M. Morse, Chairman AIP Committee for Public Policy

AIP Staff: H. W. Koch, Director; J. C. Johnson, Secretary; G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; R. H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; L. Slack, Associate Director for Educational Services; D. M. Lasky, Assistant to the Director; M. M. Johnson, Assistant to the Secretary

*Friday only
**Saturday only

1. Convene – Roll Call and Introduction of New Members

Chairman Ramsey called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m., and introduced the new members present: Messrs. Bauman, Lazarus, Mueller, and Vossen. (Mr. Madden was introduced at the opening of the Saturday morning session.)

2. Minutes of Governing Board Meeting of 31 October - 1 November 1980

Pao questioned the fact that the subject minutes state that the staff is to hire a Director of Accounting rather than a Controller, which is what the Audit Committee recommended. After explanation by the Secretary that the change in terminology took place subsequent to that report of the Audit Committee meeting, the Chairman called for a show of hands for approval of the minutes of the 31 October - 1 November 1980 Governing Board meeting as distributed. Approximately 90% voted for approval; there were no objections.

3. Report of Chairman

Ramsey reported that one of the main items of business during the past six months was completion of the move to Woodbury. Associated with that was the successful completion of a $2.175 million loan at 8 ¼% interest for 25 years. The South Woodbury Taxpayers Association lawsuit seems to be staying settled.

Another matter of continuing concern is fiscal reporting. A number of Member Societies were upset last year when the variance statements were late, and contained surprising data; also, the 1979 audit was late. Timely schedules have been set and will be met for fiscal year 1981.

AIP is now in its 50th year; special celebrations and events have started and will be continued during the remainder of the year. The new Chinese Physics journal will be out next week. Upgrading of the ATEX to Release III was approved; the UNIX has been installed and that work is progressing.

There being no further questions or comments, the Chairman's report was concluded.

4. Report on Annual Meeting of the Corporation

The Secretary reported that the Annual Meeting of the AIP Corporation was held on 27 March at 4:00 p.m. This meeting is required by New York State law. Ramsey was elected chairman of the meeting; seven of the nine Member Societies were represented by proxy. Minutes of the 1980 Annual Corporation Meeting were approved. The Secretary reported on the election of members of the Governing Board by the Member Societies, and there were reports by the Director and the Treasurer.

5. Report of Nominating Committee and Elections

The Report of the Nominating Committee was received. As a result of ensuing discussions, the following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Beyer, and passed by voice vote with one "nay."

MOVED that the Nominating Committee for the coming year be required to hold at least one meeting.

Further, the following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Shaw and passed with 13 in favor, 2 opposed, and 2 abstaining:

MOVED that the Bylaws be amended to require Nominating Committee meetings and that the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws be instructed to prepare a new bylaw for consideration as an action item for the next meeting of the Board.

Following the above discussion and actions, the following nominations were made from the floor: Pao for Audit Committee, and Beyer and Goldhaber for Executive Committee. Since there is a statutory limit to the number serving on the Executive Committee, Chairman Ramsey called for a vote on all nominations except for that committee. The proposed slate for all other committees was elected unanimously.

The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Johnson, and passed without dissent:

MOVED that Norman F. Ramsey be elected Chairman of the Governing Board and Executive Committee for the coming year.

Quinn withdrew from nomination to the Executive Committee and Beyer was elected by secret ballot in a runoff with Goldhaber as Quinn's replacement on the slate received from the Nominating Committee; and the following Executive Committee was elected for the year 1981-82 by voice vote without dissent:

  • N. F. Ramsey (Chairman)
  • R. T. Beyer (ASA)
  • P. B. Boyce (AAS)
  • J. A. Burton (APS)
  • C. B. Duke (AVS)
  • J. P. Glusker (MAL)
  • W. H. Kelly (AAPT)
  • H. W. Koch (ex officio)
  • J. C. Johnson (ex officio)

The following motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Shaw, and passed without dissent:


MOVED that the Chairman and Director be authorized to make appointments as necessary during the interim between meetings of the Governing Board.

(A list of committees for the coming year is attached to these minutes as Appendix A.)

6. Confirmation of Adoption of New Bylaws to Become Effective When New Constitution is Approved

At the 31 October - 1 November 1980 Governing Board meeting, a new Constitution was approved for submission to the Member Societies. The Secretary reported that AAPT and SOR have approved the proposed new Constitution and there have been no rejections. At that meeting the Board also approved adoption of the proposed new Bylaws, to be effective when the Constitution is adopted; however, such approval requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the total Board and the tally, 17 in favor, was one vote shy of the number required. The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Duke, and passed with 21 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining:

MOVED that the Bylaws presented at the 31 October - 1 November 1980 Governing Board meeting (which are proposed as an amendment to the present Rules) be approved to take effect at the time the new Constitution is adopted.

7. Report of Awards Committees

  1. Karl T. Compton Award

    Koch called attention to a report from the committee chaired by W. A. Fowler which nominated Melba N. Phillips to receive the Compton Award in 1981. It was moved by Duke, seconded by Johnson, and passed without dissent to adopt the recommendation of the Compton Award Committee, as follows:

    MOVED that Melba N. Phillips be the recipient of the Karl Taylor Compton Medal in 1981 for her distinguished statesmanship in science.

  2. John T. Tate Award

    Branscomb, as Chairman of the John T. Tate Award Committee, recommended Dr. Pierre R. R. Aigrain for consideration as recipient in 1981. Upon motion by Duke and seconded by Lazarus, the recommendation was voted upon and passed without dissent, as follows:

    MOVED that Pierre R. R. Aigrain be the 1981 recipient of the John T. Tate International Medal for distinguished service to the profession of physics by a foreign national.

  3. AIP Position on Recommendations for Awards by Other Organizations

    Koch reported that AIP often receives requests for nominations, such as the recent request for nominations to the National Science Board. That request was forwarded to the Advisory Committee on Corporate Associates to try to stimulate people from industry. AIP management does not feel it is appropriate for AIP, as an organization, to submit nominations. Chairman Ramsey suggested selected requests be forwarded to members of the Governing Board in case they wish to make individual nominations. No Board action was taken on this issue.

The meeting was recessed for a reception and dinner at the Holiday Inn of Plainview at 6:00 p.m., and reconvened at the AIP Woodbury Offices at 8:00 p.m.

8. Summary of Assembly Discussions in Areas of Direct Relevance to AIP

  1. Substantial Growth in Systematic Photocopying

    A lengthy discussion took place on the potential role of AIP in systematic copying and the financial aspects thereof. Physics Briefs, information on tape, non-AIP and Society materials and related page charges were included in the discussion. No action was taken on this item, but it was generally agreed this is an issue which should be treated in some depth at a future meeting of the Board.

  2. Proposed Elimination of Federal Programs in Science Education

    Strassenburg reported on tentative plans for NSF to reduce its science education budget from $80 million to a proposed “0,” except for graduate fellowships. He presented a proposed resolution for the Board to send to the President urging continuing substantial support to education. Following considerable discussion, the initial resolution was revised, moved for adoption by Beyer, seconded by Strassenburg, and passed without dissent, with the understanding that Branscomb and Strassenburg would make non-substantive editorial modifications. The final edited resolution which was mailed to the President follows:

    WHEREAS the productivity and economic stability of our nation is built upon a sound science and mathematics education program from elementary school through graduate education, and

    WHEREAS the defense technology upon which our national security is based has it roots in a healthy research establishment, and

    WHEREAS there has been, over the past fifteen years, a shrinking of our national commitment to excellence and international primacy in science, mathematics, and engineering as documented in the report to the President entitled "Science and Engineering Education for the 1980's and Beyond,” (NSF 80- 78, October, 1980), and

    WHEREAS competing world powers are giving increased attention to science, engineering and mathematics education,

    BE IT RESOLVED that the American Institute of Physics urges the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government to recognize the federal role in providing high quality science education for all United States citizens, urges that the dramatic reductions in the total 1982 National Science Foundation budget be mitigated to the extent possible, and requests that the National Science Board be allowed flexibility in reprogramming some of these funds for the support of critically needed science education programs.

9. Report of Committee for Public Policy

  1. Letter to President Reagan Regarding Science Education
  2. Letter to President Reagan Regarding Presidential Science Advice

    Slack distributed proposed letters on each of the above subjects. After discussion of the proposed letters, it was MOVED by Kelly, seconded by Havens, and agreed by consensus that Chairman Ramsey should do final editing and mail the letters to President Reagan. Copies of the final letters, as mailed, are attached to these minutes as Appendices B and C, respectively.

  3. AIP Position on Export Control Regulations and Open Scientific Meetings

    Morse reported that the Committee for Public Policy has had a number of meetings and now has four subcommittees. They have attempted to interpret legislative and related actions taking place in Washington, D.C. to react as appropriate. One item was brought up for Board action, namely, definition as to what constitutes an "open" conference, as a result of tight controls exercised by the Department of Commerce last year on attendance at scientific technical meetings. After discussion of this item, the following motion to define an "open" conference was made by Schawlow, seconded by Vossen, and passed by a vote of 25 in favor, none opposed, and one abstention:

    MOVED that, if anyone may attend a conference on payment of appropriate registration fees, that conference is automatically "open." Other conferences may also qualify as "open" under different criteria.

    Morse suggested that the proposed letter on this subject, copies of which had been distributed to Governing Board members prior to the meeting, as modified above, be sent to the Department of Commerce with a covering letter from the Chairman to President Reagan. A copy of the letter which was mailed is attached to the minutes as Appendix D.

  4. Role of AIP in Legal Actions Involving Societies

    Koch reported that AIP had received a letter from the Society of Rheology questioning receipt of a bill from AIP attorneys for legal services supplied to SOR. It must be a matter of record that AIP does not pay legal bills of the Member Societies.

The meeting was recessed at 9:20 p.m., and reconvened on the following day, Saturday, 28 March 1981, at 9:05 a.m.

10. Report of Committee on the History of Physics

Slack called attention to agenda Attachment D, and reported that the subject committee has been well pleased with the programs during the past year. They take particular note of the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy grants dealing with preservation of historical records of some of the national laboratories. The History Center has been particularly active in assisting the Babbidge Institute for the History of Information Processing and the Institut of Electrical and Electronics Engineers History Center.

The Committee did exhort AIP to publicize resources of the Center more to encourage greater use of them, and also recommended exploration of the possibility of establishing "a fellowship in the nature of a "postdoc," including an arrangement for academic institutions to send students to AIP headquarters to work on their theses.

11. Report of Committee to Review The Physics of Fluids

Koch called attention to agenda Attachment E containing the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Review of The Physics of Fluids. One of the principal recommendations was to develop a fast communications of The Physics of Fluids (PF). Since the editor of PF has reached the age of 70, it will be necessary to seek a replacement to conform to age limitations imposed by action of the Governing. It is the responsibility of the Director to appoint the AIP journal editors, and the journal review committees report to the Director. It is planned to review each of the AIP journals about once every five years.

12. Development of Various Planning Activities

  1. Introduction

    Koch reported that the 1974 Long-Range Planning Committee report was not looked on with favor by the Board. As a consequence, AIP now addresses short range procedures. This is considered to be working very well with the function planning procedures. The following issues will be addressed in the period ahead:

    1. Review staff and Executive Committee questions of Society memberships
    2. Society dues
    3. Member Society use of AIP services
    4. Requests from Affiliated Societies to have more of their work done by AIP
  2. Report on Publication Products and Their Pricings in 1982 Including Physics Briefs and Chinese Physics

    Marks reported that AIP has been asked to prepare a pricing and marketing plan for AIP journals and secondary products. Considerations include increases of 40-60% in nonmember prices and commensurate member prices, eventually to lower page charges.

    Negotiations on Physics Briefs are expected to be concluded within the next few months, with or without the French, to be published by AIP in 1982.

    For the Chinese Physics journal, there is a goal for 300 subscriptions of which there are now ten, so there is an extensive marketing program under way. Support has been received from NSF for the first year. The subscription price will be $175.00.

  3. Studies of Communication Among Scientists

    Koch reported there is a question of the profound changes going on in the technology regarding communication among scientists. The Committee for Public Policy suggested the Publishing Policy Committee look into this, and the latter named a subcommittee consisting of Heinz Barschall, Sidney Abrahams, R. M. Grant Jr., and Koch that will look into a summer study. Whether the National Academy of Sciences or AIP should start a study is not yet clear.

  4. Report on Proposals for New Computer Configurations for Accounting. Subscription Fulfillment, and Publishing

    Gilbert reported that, upon authorization of the Executive Committee, the services of Business Controls Corporation (BCC) were engaged to study potential computer configurations. The preliminary report contained a hardware recommendation and budget for the Woodbury and New York locations. BCC is now conducting an application review of current subscription fulfillment and marketing operations.

    Extensive discussion of the procedures being pursued versus those recommended by the Audit Committee and the Executive Committee ensued and culminated in a motion made by Bjarngard, seconded by Bauman, and passed by voice vote, as follows:

    MOVED that a committee be established to be chaired by a member of the Executive Committee and charged with assisting and advising both the staff and the Board in the development of the computer program.

  5. Report on Fiscal Reporting Including Progress on 1980 Audit

    Gilbert gave a summary of actions taken toward accelerating the audit report; these included engagement of Ed Kuczmarski, formerly of Touche Ross & Co., who is advising on steps to shorten the time needed for the audit and evaluating the accounting system with a view toward improving it. He can also assist in finding a Controller and in changing over to a minicomputer for accounting.

    Touche Ross is currently auditing 1980 prorations, to be done by 31 March. Variance statements will be issued in early April.

    In order to assure progress toward early implementation of improved computerized accounting, the following motion was made by Bauman, seconded by Bjarngard, and passed with no "nays" and two abstentions:

    MOVED it is the sense of this Board that the Chairman of the Executive Committee should appoint such committees as may be helpful to assist the Executive Committee in developing application specifications and in implementing the decision of the Governing Board to move forward on a new computer-based accounting system.

    Subsequent to the meeting, the Chairman appointed the following Ad Hoc Committee on Computer Needs:

    Ad Hoc Committee on Computer Needs

    • J. W. Quinn, Chairman
    • R. T. Beyer
    • P. B. Boyce
    • W. W. Havens, Jr.
    • Y. H. Pao
    • R. A. Sparks

The meeting was recessed at 11:50 for a photograph of the Governing Board, and reconvened at 12:00 noon.

13. Annual Report for 1980 and Authorization to Publish in Physics Today

Koch referred to Attachment F to the agenda, a draft of the Annual Report for 1980. It was suggested that on Page 7 of the report, under Physics Today, the reference to the article entitled "Does Gravity Change with Time?" be deleted. The following motion was made by Schawlow, seconded by Burton, and passed without dissent:

MOVED that the annual report of the Director be approved, with modification as noted above, as the Report of the Board to Members for 1980, and that authorization be granted for its publication in Physics Today.

14. Report on AIP 50th Anniversary Celebration

Lasky reported that the special anniversary calendars are being distributed. There was an Open House at AIP headquarters on 45th Street on 26 January, and a salute to AIP at the APS-AAPT annual meeting and an anniversary session. Other Member Societies may choose to do likewise. Also, an anniversary handbook is in preparation, to be sold at a price of about $15.00, with first distribution scheduled for next October. The anniversary Corporate Associates meeting will be held 15-16 October 1981 at the National Academy of Sciences and the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington. The AIP letter inviting the President to speak during that meeting period has been acknowledged, but he has not yet accepted. The Tate and Compton Awards, Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics, and US Steel Science Writing Award will be given at that time. There will be an anniversary issue of Physics Today in November 1981.

15. Woodbury Addition Cost Overrun

Gilbert distributed copies of a memo dated 25 March 1981 to H. W. Koch from A. Z. Kranz, which provided a status report on the Woodbury facility expansion financing. The cost of operation for both the Woodbury and the New York buildings is about $10.00 per square foot. The final cost overrun, presently estimated at between $400,000 and $425,000, will be charged against accumulated reserves of the Institute. No action was requested since final accounting is not yet possible due to minor settlements still in process.

16. Financial Report for 1980

Gilbert distributed copies of a document entitled "Estimated Summary Statement of Operations/Year Ended 31 December 1980," and briefly described the major items. (Gilbert was complimented on having this preliminary statement available at the time of the meeting.)

AIP started the year with a General Fund deficit of $8,000. During 1980, this was increased by $384,000 but it was used to absorb the Woodbury overrun of $400,000. New equipment for the Woodbury building amounted to $400,000, and for the New York building $25,000. At the end of 1980 there should be an accumulated deficit of $400,000. Assets include $6,000,000 in land and buildings. AIP property in New York City is worth much more than the $260,000 book value.

17. Financial Handling Charge for 1982

Gilbert stated that the AIP Bylaws provide that Member Societies pay to the Institute a financial handling charge, not to exceed one per cent, on the monetary value of business done on their behalf, which is to be fixed each year by the Governing Board. Last year that percentage was fixed at five-eighths of one per cent for 1981, and the staff recommended that it again be set at five-eighths of one per cent for 1982.

The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Kelly, and passed without dissent:

MOVED that the financial handling charge for 1982 be set at five-eighths of one per cent (0.625%).

18. Status of AIP Tax Problems

Gilbert reported that the New York City Real Estate Tax exemption matter is still awaiting a decision from the City. The last quarterly payment brings the total paid under protest to $105,000. If the decision is unfavorable, AIP will be entitled to a full hearing; if that is unfavorable, a decision must be made whether to go to Tax Court. The application for exemption must be filed annually.

19. Election of Corporate Associates

Lasky reported that a promotion mailing was made in November on behalf of the Corporate Associates program. In February, the Executive Committee elected eight new Corporate Associates and four more are proposed now, two of which are FFR&D's. Upon MOTION made and passed without dissent, the following were elected Corporate Associates of the Institute for 1981:

Union Carbide Corporation $2,000
EG&G Idaho, Inc. $2,000
Mathematical Sciences Northwest, Inc. $500
The Dow Chemical Company $1,000

To date, 105 Corporate Associates have paid dues of almost $110,000 with 14 outstanding bills amounting to a little over $16,000.

20. News of Other Organizations of Interest

Koch distributed copies of a "Summary of Anti-Trust Suits Against AMS and ASHE." No action was requested and none was taken.

21. Next Meeting

  1. Governing Board

    The next meeting of the Governing Board will be held on the evening of Friday, 16 October, and on Saturday, 17 October 1981, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, following the Corporate Associates meeting.

  2. Executive Committee

    As previously reported, the next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore on the morning of Thursday, 23 April, in conjunction with the APS meeting there.

    The Executive Committee plans to meet again on 19 June 1981.

22. Other Business

Quinn distributed a report of the Publishing Policy Committee meeting which was held on 24 February 1981. No action was requested and none was taken.

23. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.