Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
Members Present: Philip M. Morse – Chairman, Robert T. Beyer, Charles B. Duke, W. W. Havens, Jr., H. William Koch, Sidney Millman, Jarus W. Quinn, Norman F. Ramsey
Absent: A. A. Strassenburg
Nonvoting Participants: B. E. Bjarngard (AAPM), P. B. Boyce (AAS)
AIP Staff: H. William Koch, Director; Sidney Millman, Secretary; G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; R. H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; Lewis Slack, Assoc. Dir. For Educational Services; D. M. Lasky, Assistant to the Director; M. M. Johnson, Assistant to the Secretary
Chairman Morse called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
1. Minutes
Millman stated that minutes of the 29 February Executive Committee meeting had not yet been prepared; they will be submitted for approval, together with the minutes of this meeting, at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
2. Confirmation of Telephone Ballot on Publication Charge and Subscription Price Increases
Koch noted that, at the 29 February Executive Committee meeting, the need for increasing subscription prices for 1981, as well as page charges, was discussed. AIP management felt it was imperative to change the latter as soon as possible. Accordingly, he contacted a majority of the members of the Executive Committee and got their approval for a $5.00 increase in the page charge for all AIP journals except the Journal of Mathematical Physics. He has received signed ballots approving the increase from five members of the Executive Committee (one additional approval was received subsequent to the meeting).
The following motion, made by Duke and seconded by Ramsey, was passed without dissent:
MOVED that the results of the mail ballot approving an increase in page charges effective as soon as possible, and subscription prices for 1981, be confirmed.
A list of 1981 journal subscription prices is attached to these minutes as Exhibit A.
3. Election of Corporate Associate
Lasky reported that Radiation Dynamics, Inc., has applied to become a Corporate Associate at the $500 annual rate. The following motion, made by Quinn and seconded by Duke, was passed without dissent:
MOVED that Radiation Dynamics, Inc., be elected a Corporate Associate of the Institute for 1980.
4. Report on Current Legal Problems
IRS Audit of Unrelated Business Income Tax
Gilbert reported that AIP has sent to William Lehrfeld, our tax counsel, considerable data on our unrelated business income tax returns, which he needs to file his response to the IRS.
New York City Real Property Tax Exemption
Gilbert distributed copies of a letter and attachments from the City of New York Tax Commission notifying AIP of the City's intention to place the AIP headquarters property on its tax rolls. Our attorneys will file a request for a hearing.
Woodbury Property – South Woodbury Taxpayers Association Legal Action
Gilbert distributed copies of a letter addressed to the Town of Oyster Bay from Wasserman, Chinitz, Geffner & Green, attorneys, objecting on behalf of the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association to the issuance of the permit for our Woodbury addition. Our legal counsel advises that he does not expect the town to take any adverse action.
5. Purchase of Telephone System for Woodbury Addition
Marks distributed copies of a memo dated 6 March 1980 from Alan Kranz, Manager of Building Facilities, to Koch pointed out that the existing telephone system at Woodbury is not large enough to take care of the expected increase in our needs when the addition is completed. It will require an additional expenditure of $26,000 for a new switch at Woodbury after allowing credit for the return of the switch at 800 Second Avenue and the present one at Woodbury.
The following motion, which was made by Duke and seconded by Beyer, was passed without dissent:
MOVED that an expenditure of up to $26,000 be authorized for additional telephone equipment at Woodbury.
6. Comments on Governing Board Agenda
Purchase of Furniture & Equipment for Woodbury Addition
Marks noted that the addition follows the same design as that of the existing Woodbury building and will contain the same kind of furniture. The cost of furniture and fixtures is estimated to be $360,000. An appropriation of $400,000 will cover the cost of the planned furniture and fixture purchases, including legal fees and contingencies, and we will propose an additional bond issue for a 10-year period.
Resolution Ratifying Financing Actions to Date Empowering Executive Committee to Approve Actions
Gilbert noted that our attorney has prepared a comprehensive set of resolutions for the acquisition and financing of the acquisition of the Woodbury property which the Governing Board will be asked to adopt.
50th Anniversary Committee – Action on Estimated Project Expenditures: Handbook; Exhibit; Calendar
Lasky stated that the Board will be asked to authorize $44,000 for the Handbook project, most of which we hope will come back to AIP from sales of the Handbook. Authorization will be requested for AIP to provide $60,000 toward the development of an exhibit, of which $25,000 represents staff costs of the History Division and does not add to our budget; and $6,000 to produce an accompanying flyer. $5,000 will be requested for a 1981 souvenir calendar.
Financial Handling Charge for 1981
Gilbert stated that the staff will recommend to the Board that the financial handling charge for 1981 remain at the same level as for this year, that is, five-eighths of one per cent. The following motion, made by Havens, was seconded and passed without dissent:
MOVED that the Executive Committee recommend to the Governing Board that the financial handling charge for 1981 be set at five-eighths of one per cent (0.625%).
7. Next Meeting
It was suggested that the breakfast meeting of the Executive Committee, if scheduled, is to be held in Washington on Tuesday, 29 April, at 7:30 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.