March 30, 1979

Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

Members Present: P. M. Morse – Chairman, R. T. Beyer, L. M. Branscomb, W. W. Havens Jr., H. W. Koch, Sidney Millman, J. W. Quinn, A. A. Strassenburg

Absent: C. B. Duke

Nonvoting Participants: J. Ovadia (AAPM)

AIP Staff: H. William Koch, Director; Sidney Millman, Secretary; G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; R. H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; L. Slack, Associate Director for Educational Services; D. M. Lasky, Assistant to the Director; M. M. Johnson, Assistant to the Secretary

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

1. Minutes

The Secretary noted that, because he was away on vacation for 3 ½ weeks, the minutes of the 22 February 1979 meeting of the Executive Committee were not prepared in time for mailing with the agenda for the present meeting. He expected to have the minutes of both meetings in time for the next meeting, scheduled for 25-26 June 1979.

2. Financial Report for 1978

Gilbert distributed a one-page "Estimated Summary Statement of Operations" for 1978 that he intended to submit to the Governing Board the following day.

3. Recommendation to Board on Financial Handling Charge for 1980

Following a brief statement from Gilbert on the need for an approval by the Board of the proposed Financial Handling Charge for 1980, which he suggested should be 5/8 of 1%, the same as this year, the following motion was passed without dissent:

MOVED that the Executive Committee recommend to the Governing Board that the Financial Handling Charge for 1980 be set at five-eighths of one per cent (5/8 of 1%).

4. Financing of Woodbury Building Addition

Gilbert summarized the current status of AIP Reserve Funds and pointed to the need for seeking an outside mortgage to finance the addition to the AIP Woodbury building, estimated to cost about $1.3 million. The following motion, made by Havens and seconded by Strassenburg, was passed without dissent:

MOVED that the Executive Committee recommend to the Governing Board authorization for AIP to proceed with the addition to the Woodbury building.

5. Report to the Board on the Initiation of Strategic and Operational Planning by the AIP Staff

Koch noted that he intended to present to the Governing Board the following day a general outline of the steps he has taken for initiating long range planning, including his suggestion to have a longer than usual June meeting of the Executive Committee and another meeting at the end of August. It was agreed to schedule the June meeting for the 25th and 26th, and to decide then on a specific date for the August meeting.

6. Publishing Policy Committee Meeting

Marks reported on some of the discussions and actions taken at a recent meeting of the Publishing Policy Committee. He noted particularly the discussion of the favorable experience with the ATEX computer composition system and the Publishing Policy Committee recommendation, which Marks will make at the Governing Board meeting later in the evening, that AIP acquire another disk drive and some additional input keyboard capacity at a cost of $39,000.

Marks reported also that the Publishing Policy Committee suggested that consideration be given to setting up a joint APS-AIP committee next summer to evaluate the relative merits of the UNIX and ATEX systems.

7. Plans for China Trip by H. W. Koch

Koch reported on his plan to be in China from 23 April to 8 May, as part of a group of scientific and technical publishers that will visit three principal cities. He will be particularly interested in looking into the question of the Chinese photocopying and translating AIP and Society journals.

8. Continued IRS Audit of AIP’s Form 990T for 1974

Gilbert reported on his being informed by the IRS auditor of his intent to resume auditing AIP’s Form 990T for 1974, dealing with our unrelated business income.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.