October 20-21, 1985

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met at George Eastman House in Rochester, NY, in the evening of 20 October 1985 and at the Rochester Plaza Hotel on 21 October 1985. For clarity in presentation with reference to the printed agenda, events recorded here are not necessarily in the same chronological order in which they appeared.

Members Present: N. F. Ramsey – Chairman, H. H. Barschall (APS), R. T. Beyer (ASA),R. B. Clark (AAPT), C. B. Duke (AVS), A. P. French (AAPT), R. M. Grant – Secretary (ex officio), W. W. Havens, Jr., H. W. Koch – Executive Director (ex officio), N. F. Lane (APS), J. P. Meyer (AAPT), M. H. Mueller (ACA), J. W. Quinn (OSA), E. N. Sickafus (AVS), M. Strasberg (ASA), N. Suntharalingam (AAPM), J. A. Thornton (AVS), J. M. Wilson (AAPT), K. F. Wissbrun (SOR)

Members Absent: J. A. Armstrong (MAL), J. M. Bennett (OSA), P. B. Boyce (AAS), F. H. Fisher (ASA), V. Fitch (APS), A. U. Landolt (AAS), D. Lazarus (APS), H. Lustig (APS), F. B. McDonald (APS), C. K. N. Patel (MAL), J. A. Purdy (AAPM), R. R. Shannon (OSA)

Member Society Officers: R. Alley (AAPT), H. Voss (AAPT), S. Watkins (AAPT)

Guests: H. R. Crane (Mon. p.m.), J. B. Gerhart (Chairman, Committee on Constitution and Bylaws)

AIP Staff: G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; R. H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; L. Slack, Associate Director for Educational Programs; B. Dolowich, Controller; P. A. Parisi, Manager, Special Projects; L. T. Merrill, Assistant to the Director; N. A. Davis, Assistant to the Secretary

1. Convene and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., 20 October 1985, by Chairman Ramsey.

2. Resolution of Appreciation in Memory of Philip M. Morse

A resolution of appreciation in memory of Philip M. Morse, as recommended for approval by the Executive Committee, was read by Slack.

The following motion was made by Wilson, seconded by Mueller, and unanimously CARRIED.

"Be it resolved that at its meeting on October 20, 1985 the Governing Board of AIP takes note and sadly records the death on September 5 of Philip M. Morse, its chairman and spokesman from 1975 to 1980. In that capacity he presided over AIP's move to Woodbury and set the course of AIP's Committee on Public Policy.

His basic contributions to theoretical physics and acoustics are well recognized. His work in operations research was a seminal influence in its becoming a major field of endeavor. Over four decades of wide use have made his texts classics. Our national security has benefitted from his wise counsel. The effectiveness of our national laboratories reflects his accomplishments as the first director of Brookhaven National Laboratory. As founding editor of Annals of Physics, he established the international reputation of that journal.

His impact has been felt far and wide throughout the physics community. He will be missed."

The resolution will be sent to Dr. Morse's family and distributed as appropriate.

3. Report of the Secretary

  1. Minutes of 15-16 March 1985 Meeting

    The draft minutes of the March 1985 meeting of the Governing Board were approved as distributed.

  2. Change in Date for March 1986 Meeting

    Grant noted the revised date for the March 1986 meeting, which will now be held on 14-15 March.

  3. July Membership Reports from Societies

    Grant referred to Attachment B, which gave the official Society membership figures for 1985. On the basis of these figures, the OSA will add one representative to the Governing Board in 1986.

  4. Update on AGU Application for Membership

    Grant reported that seven Member Societies have responded affirmatively so far. He further noted that a 1975 Governing Board action specifies that a society hold Associate Member Society status for three years before applying for full Member Society status. As the AGU had not been an Associate Member Society, he thought that action on this would be necessary.

    Wilson made the following motion, which was seconded by Clark, and unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that the requirement of Associate Member Society status be suspended for the AGU, as regards their application for full Member Society status.

4. Report of the Chairman

  1. Actions of the Executive Committee since March

    Ramsey referred to Agenda Attachment C, which detailed these actions.

  2. Recommendation to Change Titles of Officers

    Ramsey gave background on this recommendation, which comes from the Executive Committee. Following this introduction, the following motion was unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that the titles of officers of the Institute be changed, as follows:

    Director Executive Director
    Associate Director for Publishing Director of Publishing
    Associate Director of Educational Programs Director of Educational Programs
  3. Report on October Executive Committee Meeting

    Ramsey said there was nothing specific from this meeting to be reported.

  4. Report on Approval and Distribution of Statement on Scientific and Technical Information

    Ramsey reported that this statement had been approved by mail ballot of the Governing Board.

5. Report of Ad Hoc Board Committees

  1. Ad Hoc Search Committee for New Board Chair

    Havens, Chairman of this Committee, reported that after an extensive search the Committee was recommending the candidacy of Hans Frauenfelder. Havens then presented biographical information on Frauenfelder.

    Grant said that the Executive Committee has recommended that the Governing Board take a straw vote at this time to determine the sentiments of the Governing Board, and so that the candidate can be involved in Institute matters. Formal election will take place at the spring Governing Board meeting, with the person elected to take office at the close of that meeting.

    The following motion was made by French, seconded by Clark, and CARRIED, with one abstention.

    MOVED that the Governing Board declare its intent to elect Hans Frauenfelder as the next Chairman of the Governing Board at its March 1986 meeting.

  2. Ad Hoc Committee on Space Needs

    Havens, Chairman of this Committee, distributed the report of the Committee (included as Appendix A) and read the recommendations contained therein. He noted that though Woodbury can be expanded by up to 50,000 square feet, additional space is needed in New York City. The ad hoc Committee looked at possibilities for renting or buying in New York. In addition, the AAS had made a request for DC space, and Boyce had presented an idea for purchase of two townhouses at the May Executive Committee meeting. This led to investigation of the Washington scene as well.

    The Committee discussed several possible solutions, with ramifications for each.

    1. Sell the headquarters building and move AIP headquarters to DC. It was felt that it was not desirable to do this; AIP has done well in New York.
    2. Rent space in DC, as the AIAA has done, by leasing space in a newly developed building, and expand NY headquarters.
    3. Buy or rent a DC building for some AIP and Member Society activities, and also expand the New York space.
    4. Buy or rent space for sublet by AIP Member Societies, keeping AIP presence in DC minimal, and expanding NY headquarters. This option was dropped.

    Options 2 and 3 are considered viable for further investigation. The AIP staff is being asked to project future space needs and to consider the various options and possibilities. It is recognized that this is difficult for staff to do, but such a study can only be done by staff.

    The discussion which followed centered around the need for long range planning (a 10-year time period was mentioned) in order to have projections of space needs around which to design solutions. It quickly was realized that two related questions were recurring – (a) is it important for AIP to have an increased presence in Washington, DC, and (b) what is the total demand for increased space in New York and in Washington?

    Grant suggested the committee's recommendation really consists of one sentence: that a staff report be generated on future space requirements.

    Duke suggests dropping the itemized list of options from the original motion. He moved an amendment, which was seconded by Clark. The amendment CARRIED, by a vote of 9 YES, 4 NO, and 3 ABSTAIN.

    MOVED that the itemized list be deleted.

    The following motion had been made at the beginning of the discussion by Havens. Following the discussion, Ramsey reread the motion with the inclusion of the amendment, as given below. The motion was CARRIED, with two abstentions.

    MOVED that the AIP Governing Board instruct AIP management to prepare a staff report on the future space requirements of AIP and to report to the Executive Committee the additional resources necessary to prepare concrete proposals for consideration by the Governing Board.

6. Report of Constitution and ByLaws Committee – Function Plan, Part 3 – AIP-Society Relations Development Plan

  1. General Comments

    Koch referred to Function Plan, Part 3. The proposed changes reflect very little other than tidying up, which reflect the opinion that if we've done well, why change it. He feels the Constitution and Bylaws still lack specificity. This has to be developed elsewhere; he will propose developing strategic planning to supplement our function planning to meet these needs.

  2. Discussion and Approvals of Proposed Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws; and of Transmittal to Member Societies

    Gerhart reported as Chairman of the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws. He reviewed the process by which the Committee had considered and then adopted or rejected a number of proposed changes in these documents.

    Grant reported that at its 20 October meeting the Executive Committee had recommended the adoption of all three documents by the Governing Board for forwarding to the Member Societies.

    Constitution. Gerhart noted that amendments must be recommended by a member of the Governing Board. There must be favorable action by all but one Society within one year for approval of the revisions in the Constitution. He then led a page-by-page review of the proposed Constitution.

    During the review, several clerical corrections were introduced and accepted without formal vote. Questions concerning an added provision which seemed to make possible a meeting which was unknown to a significant members of the Governing Board were raised, and finally led to the following: Wilson moved, Beyer seconded, and it was unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that Article 6, Paragraph 2, relating to holding a Governing Board meeting on an ad hoc basis, be deleted from the proposed revised Constitution.

    Following additional discussion and clarifications, the following motion which had been made by Duke at the opening of the discussion and seconded by Havens, then amended as noted above, was unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that the proposed revisions to the AIP Constitution, with the incorporation of the revisions made during this meeting, be recommended to the Member Societies for approval.

    Bylaws. Gerhart said these have to be presented and be passed by a 2/3 vote of the Governing Board. They do not go to the Member Societies. The proposed changes are to bring them into line with the Constitution and to transfer some things here. They should not be adopted until the Constitution has been ratified.

    During a page-by page-review there was no comment on the proposed changes.

    Articles of Incorporation. Koch noted that these will be incorporated into one document, rather than as a series of amended documents.

    The following motion was made by Grant, seconded by Havens, and unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that the Governing Board recommend that the AIP Corporation at its next meeting amend the Articles of Incorporation, as proposed by the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.

    Gerhart called attention to Function Plan – Part 3, Appendix 1 (blue pages), which contain several matters the Board needs to consider in the future.

    Grant suggested that he confer with Gerhart as to what is needed and bring the recommendations to the Executive Committee.

    Ramsey thanked Gerhart and the Committee for their fine work with these revisions.

  3. Status of Memorandum of Agreement

    Marks said that as part of the Constitution and Bylaws study, the Memorandum of Agreement was examined. AIP Management prepared a draft document with a shopping list of options for each Society. An individual document is needed for each Society. Discussions have begun with APS, as they are the largest customer.

    The meeting recessed at 9:15, and was followed by a reception in Eastman House. The meeting resumed on Monday, 21 October, at 8:30 a.m., in Ballroom 3 of the Rochester Plaza Hotel.

7. Recommendations re Policy Planning in Part 3 – AIP-Society Relations Development Plan

  1. Past Relationship of Function Plan, Part 1 to Part 2 – Development Plan
  2. Proposed Relationship of Policy Planning to Part 2 – Development Plan
  3. Involvement of Executive Committee and Policy Committees in Policy Planning

    Koch said he was glad to hear references to the need for long range planning in the previous session. He used viewgraphs to explain his proposal to add policy planning to the Function Planning procedures now in place. He feels that Function Planning has served well in evaluating our present services. He proposed an annual planning cycle during which the Board would concentrate more on policies at its March meeting and on functions at its October meeting.

    Koch noted the AIP committees that are involved in policy. He suggested that the Executive Committee could function as the Financial Policy Committee. Management tries to implement administrative policy. He then listed areas where policies are needed:

    Use of net income. The net income from the AIP archival journals has supported educational services. He thinks it advisable that this net income go into publishing reserves and not be touched for other services. The archival journals should be based on the needs of the physics community, not the income needed. Income from other areas (e.g. books, translation, journals, conference proceedings, Corporate Associates, buildings, and fund raising) could be used for educational programs.

    Space needs for AIP and Member Societies. It might be useful to build an oversized building and rent out space as one source of income for educational programs.

    Our competition and constituencies. Commercial publishers are our competitors, while Member Societies represent our constituents. We need to see how to respond to these facts in ways that will help the Member Societies. If something can be done on a volunteer basis by the Member Societies, it should be done that way. If not or if it is a common problem, then AIP should do it.

    Koch closed by noting that the conclusion from the September meeting of the Executive Committee was to add a policy session to every Executive Committee meeting, and that management would have a goal to produce a policy plan plus a function plan for the fall of 1986. He thinks these things would result in an improved long range planning effort.

8. Reports of Policy Committees

  1. Committee on Publishing Policy

    1. General

      Marks said that publishing policy starts with the policy committee, which has a number of subcommittees. The five-year plan has become a rolling five-year plan. He used viewgraphs to highlight various aspects of activities in this area.

    2. Function Plan, Part 1 – Function 1 & 2 Activities

      1. Chinese Journal of Lasers
      2. Journal of Materials Research
      3. FIZ Agreement and Marketing of Tapes
      4. Japanese Edition of Physics Today
      5. Book Program

        Function I – Publication Production Service. This function provides publishing services for the Member Society journals and for AIP-published journals. He reviewed the organization of Publishing I and II Branches. The AIP journals are handled by Publishing I. All journals are now composed on state-of-the-art equipment in the ATEX system (65,000 pages per year). Publishing II produces all the APS journals, using the UNIX system (37,000 pages per year). The graphic arts section is run by Publishing II.

        Function II – Publication of AIP-owned Research and Educational News and Reports. This is designed to produce publications such as archival journals, translation journals, Physics Today, books, and educational news and reports. Here AIP has a profit and loss responsibility. The net income on these publications accrues to AIP.

        Marks then reviewed some of the achievements during the past year: the journals are on schedule; they are of excellent quality and cost effective; they yield low-cost by-products such as indexes, information services, advance abstracts, directories; new journals are being started or proposed; a laser printer has been installed, which has achieved production savings; a Kurzweil optical character reader is in operation, saving on production costs under appropriate circumstances; a new FIZ contract has been signed, which will have long-term benefits for AIP and the physics community; the DOE contract continues annually; a Japanese translation of PT – Parity – has been started; and book production activities have new vigor.

        These operations generate a large net income which is used to fund educational services. He noted that we need the support of the Member Societies, as their members use these products and services.

    3. Function Plan, Part 1 – Function 3 – Marketing

      1. Components and Budgets
      2. Printed and On-Line Catalogues
      3. Success of Buyers' Guide in Physics Today

        Marks said that AIP wants to maintain a competitive position in marketing of physics literature. Four divisions are involved with this: Subscription Fulfillment, Publication Sales, Marketing, and Advertising and Exhibits.

        Marks noted that the results of Marketing include: an increased advertising income; the PT Buyers' Guide had been expanded and is in the black; a marketing agreement with Physica Scripta has been signed; we have a renewed marketing agreement with IOP and FIZ (tape and printed product); we have been experiencing increasing book sales, and Conference Proceedings sales have increased greatly.

        Duke said he's a member of IEEE, which introduces several new journals each year. He noted that we are in a competitive environment. Our journal subscriptions are decreasing. He is concerned that not enough attention is paid to being competitive; AIP should not feel complacent.

        Marks said it was this concern that led to the formation of the Subcommittee on Journals. It is hard to start a new journal in the AIP environment.

        Quinn said that the IEEE does not face the problem of deficits, as AIP would probably have for several years. They have a different structure; they can start a journal with minimal risk.

        Quinn suggested that AIP Conference Proceedings are not promoted enough. They do not have interesting covers. There is tremendous competition in this area. The AIP product is excellent but the marketing is inadequate. Marks said the marketing people are looking at this area.

        Duke commented that starting a new journal with no base requires discussion and agreement. The proposed computer journal is bogged down, as people cannot agree on what it should do. Starting a specialty journal is hard because different factions have their own interests. He said there will be a proposal at the March 1986 meeting. He thinks the Subcommittee on Journals, of which he is Chairman, is not an effective way to achieve progress in this area. The best way is for existing journals to spin off specialty areas.

    4. Function Plan, Part 2 – Function 8 – Information Service

      In introduction, Koch said that the elements necessary to start an information network had crystallized because of the variety of data bases in our production scheme.

      1. Concept of PHYSNET and On-line Information Service

        1. Financial Viability Based on Existing Databases
        2. Board Committees and Subcommittees to Be Involved

          Merrill noted that his presentation is an update of the one made at previous meetings. He showed the main menu for the proposed PHYSNET [name subsequently changed to Pi-NET). All the services have potential for expansion. As of now, the proposed network includes the following:

          1. Job opportunities. Existing files would be uploaded to PHYSNET.
          2. Calendar of meetings. This is done mainly by PT on the ATEX system. The limitations would be the size of the meeting and whether it is open. The file would be searchable in various ways. Offering an on-line registration service with payment by credit card is a possibility.
          3. Advance abstracts. This would include various options and would have free language search.
          4. Publication catalog and ordering. This would be an electronic version of the 48-page catalog. Payment could be arranged by credit card.

          PHYSNET has been developed on the Datapoint system as this is already in house. Some additional programming is still required. It is not expected that any additional keyboarding of material will be necessary. The system will require an administrator, possibly the equivalent of one person for one year.

          Merrill then reviewed the implementation and timeline of the plan. He proposes a one-year pilot project in three phases:

          1. Finalization of design. 3 months.
          2. Operation and further development. 6-12 months.
          3. Evaluation and planning. On-going.

          Lane noted the enthusiasm for computer projects within SPS. On the educational side, the capability to make available to these thousands of students a way to come into physics through the computer could be desirable, but it would need to be done carefully. Merrill said that Shea (SPS advisor) is on the Task Force.

          Quinn asked about the technical aspects. Would special equipment be needed to transmit data to the AIP Datapoint system from other sources? He also asked about the charges and prices.

          Merrill thought that material could be sent by modem, without the requirement for special equipment as there is no unique operating system. Societies could enter and modify their information. Regarding pricing, he said they are recommending no charge for the first year of operation. Methods of access are being considered.

          (Further discussion on on-line electronic services is reported under Agenda Item 10B.)

  2. Committee on Fiscal Policy

    1. General
    2. Proposed Restructuring of Financial Committees

      Gilbert called attention to Attachment F, which contained his memo regarding the proposed restructuring of the AIP financial committees. This was discussed in detail at the May meeting of the Executive Committee. He reviewed the present and the proposed committees:

      • Audit Committee: Remains the same.
      • Committee on Fiscal Policy: Change name to Committee of Society Treasurers.
      • Committee on Finances (Investments): Change name to Investment Advisory Committee. This committee feels that investment decisions should be made by the Executive Committee; they will only make recommendations on proposed investments.

      Gilbert reviewed the possible assignments for a Finance Committee. He had suggested in the past that he would like to have a committee with which to work. The Executive Committee presently functions as a finance committee, but they have many other responsibilities.

      Koch suggested retaining the Executive Committee for this role for the next year. They will review policy in the evening prior to the Executive Committee meeting.

      French thought that a lot of this concern rests with Society Treasurers.

      Gilbert, referring to the report of the chairperson of the Fiscal Policy Committee (F. Dow Smith) said that the Treasurers do not want to be involved in AIP financial affairs.

      Duke noted that some of the proposed assignments are rather technical. Are they now resolved by the Executive Committee? Gilbert said they are now resolved by him, as it would take too much time for the Executive Committee to deal with them.

      Clark asked that the proposed charge to the Committee be read. Gilbert read this and quoted from Smith's report of the August meeting of the Committee on Fiscal Policy (composed of Society Treasurers).

      Wilson reiterated that the committee will not be constituted now; the Executive Committee will discharge these duties for the coming year. He feels that the formation of this proposed committee is a distinct break from present policy and we should not jump into it. This discussion recognizes the need for a committee and that committee members need expertise in financial matters. The Executive Committee wants input on the development of a new committee.

      Wissbrun asked why membership on the proposed committee would be restricted to members of the Governing Board. Gilbert said that it need not be. The Executive Committee wants to consider how to proceed. The memo states that the composition could be Governing Board members.

      Grant said the committee could request studies by specialists on particular issues. Members of such a committee need to be knowledgeable about AIP matters.

      Beyer said when he came on the Fiscal Policy Committee, he was surprised to find they did not discuss AIP fiscal policy. The Committee serves as an exchange of views. He thinks it is better to strike out afresh with a new committee and he supports the idea of the Executive Committee to consider this.

      French said that he would feel more comfortable if the Boards of the individual Societies could consider this proposal before action is taken.

      Ramsey said the action now appropriate would be to change the name of the Committee on Finances, as recommended. At a later time more input can be obtained from the Treasurers and the Member Societies.

      The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Lane, and unanimously CARRIED.

      MOVED that the name of the Committee on Finances (Investments) be changed to Investment Advisory Committee.

      Suntharalingam asked if this meant that the matter of the charge to the Fiscal Policy Committee would be referred to the Member Societies for feedback. Grant said this would be done; he thought there was no need for a motion to that effect.

    3. Report of Committee on Finances (Investments)

      Gilbert reviewed the report, as contained in Attachment G. Third quarter reports will be received in November from the investment managers. The Institute now has $6,900,000 in long term investments. All these funds are under professional management. We also have an excellent cash management plan for short term funds, which range from overnight repose to 90-day CD’s.

      The 1986 non-member billing (which goes out in August) has amounted to $25 million so far. Kinokuniya forwarded $2.5 million by wire transfer.

    4. Report of Audit Committee

      Thornton, Chairman of the Audit Committee, reported that the Committee had met just prior to the Governing Board meeting (19 October), both with Touche Ross and AIP management and separately. They received detailed information on several topics, as requested. Their conclusions are as follows:

      1. The Committee recommends that the 1984 audit be accepted.
      2. The Committee recommends that Touche Ross be retained for the 1985 audit.
      3. The Committee and the auditors are satisfied that the AIP management is being responsive to the auditors' recommendations concerning internal accounting controls.
      4. That consideration be given to having Touche Ross conduct a more in-depth review of the new AIP computerized accounting system as part of the 1985 review process.

      The report noted that with more rapid processing of data over the past year, it was not necessary to prepare the fourth quarter variances based on estimated rather than actual figures, as had been suggested by the audit report of the previous year.

      The following motion was made by Duke, seconded by Thornton, and unanimously CARRIED.

      MOVED that the report and recommendations of the Audit Committee be accepted.

      Quinn asked if everyone was satisfied that using a big 8 audit firm is the best. Thornton said the Institute felt it was advisable. Gilbert said he has mixed feelings on this. The reason AIP switched was due to the magnitude of the operation. The cost is about 25% more for this kind of company. However, if you request a loan or do business with the government, and your audit report is from one of the big 8, it goes through with no questions or requests for additional information.

    5. Function Plan, Part 1 – Function 3 Activities

      1. Report on Data General Computer Project


        1. Accounting

          Dolowich reviewed the improvements since the March meeting:

          1. Quarterly Society statements are prepared completely by computer in great detail before finalizing, so that problems can be checked before they go to the Member Societies.
          2. The major focus has been on online computerization, a change from batch computer accounting on the UNIVAC.
          3. There is greater use of electronic spread sheets.
          4. APS has been using the Data General for accounting since September.
          5. The Accounting Division has helped AAS by printing their account numbers on the AIP statement.
          6. Statements are generated quarterly, with budget comparisons, for AIP divisions.
          7. Accounts Payable has been installed on the Data General and is running well. All checks are printed in New York.
          8. The use of overtime in Accounting has been almost eliminated.
          9. A terminal has been placed in the Advertising Division so they can see when the accounts are being paid, which is very useful for them.
          10. Single Copy Sales handles about 12,000 invoices per year; this is now done manually. They are looking for a computerized solution which will also help the Marketing Division.
          11. Plans are being made to computerize the job order system.
        2. Subscription Fulfillment
        3. Involvement of Consultant

          Dolowich reviewed the various development stages of the new system: design, programming, testing, and conversion. Major modules of the programming will be finished in November. The critical path is file maintenance and cash. He reviewed the estimated times required for testing portions of the system; 120 man days are estimated as needed for testing file maintenance, which comprises about 40% of the system.

          Dolowich has recently met with both AZTECH and Gudes, the consultant. If the programs are good, the system should be concluded by March 1986. AIP will play a major role in the testing effort. Gudes has been and will be helpful in developing testing procedures. His original estimate for completion was March 1986, if AZTECH used three programmers. Until July they only had 2-1/2.

          There have been some power problems and fluctuations that have been affecting the operation, and staff does not know as yet if they will need auxiliary power.

          AIP staff feels it would be wise to have the Data General run parallel with the UNIVAC until the staff is comfortable with the Data General. The UNIVAC is depreciated, thus the major cost for it will be $50,000 per year for maintenance.

      2. Financial Statements for Six Months Ended 30 June 1985 (Appendix B)

        Gilbert reviewed the six months Statement of Revenue and Expense, comparing 1985 with 1984. This excludes activities for the Member Societies. There has been a significant increase in subscription income, resulting from the following factors: 1) Price increases, and 2) a large increase in published pages in the translation program. This has resulted in additional revenue of about $800,000 and was due to catching up on the backlog and to a strict cutoff policy of closing issues.

        The increase in Member Society dues represents the approved increase from $1.00 to $2.00. The decrease of about $93,000 in Educational Activities is due to transfer of production of the DPASM and the GPB to the Publishing Branch from the Educational Branch. The net investment income has increased by about $353,000 over 1984, due to transfer of $2,300,000 from short-term investments to long-term investments under professional management. Publishing Operations increased about $1,500,000 due to the increased number of pages published. There is an increase in the total excess revenue for the first six months. The year end revenue is dependent on the number of pages published by the end of the year.

        Gilbert then reviewed the balance sheet. Cash and short-term equivalents ($10,131,116) represent the funds in the cash management account. The bulk of this figure is offset by Deferred Income and Deferred Subscription Income. Accounts Receivable ($1,569,754) consists mainly of the following: page charges, advertising sales, and reprint sales totaling about $750,000; and DOE and FIZ contracts, Soviet royalties, and grants totaling about $800,000. Property, Plant, and Equipment total figure is $7,367,211, representing the book value of these (original cost less accumulated depreciation). Long-term investments ($7,190,915) are marketable securities carried at cost.

        Total assets of the Institute amount to $28,9905,418. Equity is vested in outside creditors represented by Total Liabilities (totaling $13,672,968) and equity represented by Total Fund Balances (totaling $15,322,450).

        Gilbert next reviewed the Fund Balances, noting the percentages adopted by the Executive Committee to be applied to the distribution of the annual net revenue, as previously reported. As of 30 June, the funds contain the following: Building Fund: $2,137,531 (25%); the Equipment Fund: $2,137,531 (25%); the Publication Fund: $4,275,061 (50%). The latter goal should equal one year's publishing expense; total publishing expense for 1985 is expected to be $13.8 million.

        Gilbert again noted that the Governing Board should carefully consider and establish policies for these goals, a task that it has not completed.

(The meeting recessed at noon for lunch and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.)

  1. Committee on Educational Policy

    1. Meeting on 26 September 1985

      1. Need to Develop Policy Guidelines

        Meyer (chairperson of this Committee) reviewed the background, targets and areas of oversight of the Committee. He then called on Slack to review what is currently being done at AIP.

        Slack said that Strassenberg is presently in the AIP office one day a fortnight, working on various assigned projects. One of the important topics under consideration is the teaching of high school physics. The Manpower Division has core activities that have been going on for 20 years: the supply surveys done by Ellis constitute the best data base of any of the scientific societies. The History Division continues to be a model for other comparable organizations. He noted the award by the Society of American Archivists to this Division, which is unusual for our type of organization. The Division serves as a catalyst for getting papers to the appropriate institution. AIP recently was notified that it will be one of four groups to receive an award for its TV shorts.

        Meyer then reviewed some of the ideas under consideration by the CEP:

        1. The addition of a senior staff education fellow to work on various projects.
        2. The development of new or revised literature, including both of the following: a booklet, perhaps 32 pages, regarding physics as a career and a physics career envelope-stuffer.
      2. Recommendations on: Gemant Award, Meggers Award, Science Writing Award, Cataloging of Photographs, Poster Project, Visiting Physicists Program, Survey of Secondary School Physics Education, SPS Review, Manpower

        Meyer reviewed these projects, as follows:

        1. Gemant Award. A proposal is now under review.
        2. Meggers Award. Various proposals are under consideration.
        3. Science Writing Award. Funding is being sought for this continuing award.
        4. Cataloging of photographs recently given to the Archives by PT. $4,500 would be needed to carry out this project.
        5. Poster project. The four posters have been completed and are ready for printing and distribution.
        6. Visiting physicists program. Reinstatement of this program, aimed at the four year colleges.
        7. Survey of secondary physics education. This is high on the list of priorities. There is to date only anecdotal evidence on this subject.
        8. SPS review.
        9. Manpower. The Division has NCES tapes on hand which will require analyzing to yield useful data on high school physics.

        For future consideration: survey of foreign teaching assistants; faculty supply/demand; aging of high school and college teachers; impact of AGU joining AIP; computer access; career information.

      3. International Physics Olympiad

        Meyer explained the structure of this program. (Reports of the two AIP representatives who attended were available for attendees.)

        Wilson said he was disappointed with the CEP over their rejecting financial support for the Olympiad. The inaction by this committee probably means a delay of at least one year. AAPT just voted $1,000 toward support of this project.

        Duke said he was opposed to AIP's supporting this activity, although he is not opposed to the enterprise. He thought guidelines for expenditures by AIP were needed. Until these are established he thought it would not be advisable to expend large funds.

        Wilson thought that this is not a large sum. A 501(c)(3) organization is obligated to spend its funds for projects.

        Meyer read the resolution of the CEP, which he called enthusiastic non-support.

        French said he thought the observers (Edge and Eisenkraft) who were sent by the Governing Board should report directly to the Board. Their reports were enthusiastic. He would not want to take the nonaction of the CEP as the last word on this project.

        Koch said the principal reason the observers were not invited was because of the negative action of the CEP.

        Grant said he heard the reports on the Olympiad at the CEP meeting. In looking at the range of things the committee has under discussion, plus other important ones, he thinks that the priorities they came up with are the right ones. He hopes we do not lose track of things in which AIP can involve itself immediately. He thought it would be more appropriate for the observers to make their reports to the joint APS/AAPT meeting.

        Quinn asked what dollars were involved. Meyer said estimates are that in most years it would be $20-40,000. When the US became the host country, which it must be within five years, the costs would be about $100,000.

        Quinn asked why the AAPT did not assume this project themselves. Wilson said they could, but they think it is a good thing for the physics community to be involved in as a whole.

        Quinn suggested that the Governing Board establish an ad hoc committee which would report back their recommendations on the matter. Meyer agreed with this suggestion.

        The following motion was made by Duke, seconded by Beyer, and was unanimously CARRIED.

        MOVED that an ad hoc committee be appointed to review the reports of the AIP-sponsored observers to the 1985 Physics Olympiad and to report to the Governing Board in March 1986 on appropriate further actions.

        Later in the meeting Ramsey proposed the following people for the ad hoc committee on the Physics Olympiad: Lane as Chairman, Meyer, French, Strasberg, and Clark. (Meyer had left the meeting at the time of this announcement.) [Subsequent to the meeting, all accepted this appointment.]

        Clark recalled an item two years ago of something comparable to SPS for high schools, but of which nothing had been heard since.

        Slack said that this was on the SPS Council agenda last year, but it did not resurface this year. Clark suggested this should be considered in policy discussions.

      4. Reports of Subcommittees on Public Information, Manpower, Physics Today, History


    2. Staff Reports of Activities in Function Plan, Part 1 – Functions 5, 6, 7

      These are covered in the above agenda items. The report of the Manpower Advisory Committee Meeting was distributed to the Governing Board, along with their recommendation regarding the AIP/AAPT high school physics teaching survey.

  2. Committee for Public Policy

    1. Responses to Statement Distribution
    2. Letter of Society Presidents

      This was not discussed. The list of recipients of the statement, responses to the statement, and the letter from 12 society Presidents in the IEEE were distributed with the agenda.

9. Workshops on Three Major Board Issues

  1. Establishment of an AIP Presence in Washington
  2. Development of On-Line Electronic Services
  3. Seriousness of Crisis in Physics Education

Koch read his proposed makeup of the workshops. They convened and then reported back to the Governing Board following their discussions, as follows:

  1. Establishment of an AIP Presence in Washington
    (This was a continuation, with some repetition, of discussions contained in Agenda Item 5.B.)

    Wilson said lots of discussion is going on: this is in the data-gathering phase. There is growth both in Member Society and AIP needs. The New York office is too small for both AIP and the Member Societies who wish to be in New York, although it is in an excellent location. Woodbury is excellent for publishing but not appealing to the Member Societies. Presently several Member Societies have DC offices, which are scattered and have duplicated services.

    The possibility of renting space in the AGU building seems very promising and can be achieved soon. However, a long range plan and projections are also needed.

    Wissbrun asked if, for AIP, this would mean transferring activities to DC or creating new activities. Ramsey thought it would be both.

    Ramsey thought it desirable to get greater consolidation in DC. If the AGU space can provide this, it could be a useful experiment.

    Marks said that the present New York rental space is leased through 1988. Management hopes to find a solution by then, as this space has not proved desirable.

    Quinn said he does not see why solving the New York space is a problem. He thinks tearing down the present building and erecting a new building, thus better utilizing the site would be prudent. The space could be utilized in various ways. He thought it seemed best to keep the headquarters in New York.

    Koch said this possibility is not being ignored, but it is necessary to go through the process of looking at various options; facts and figures are needed.

    Ramsey said this would be a big investment and would mean that AIP would be going into the real estate business. Koch said we are in the real estate business in New York but are not making money on it.

    Ramsey said if $20 million were invested in a high rise and then a bust occurs, AIP could be in trouble.

    Wilson said accessibility to DC creates many contacts. The granting agencies are not in NY. Many scientific societies are in DC, making it possible to provide service to members who want to meet there.

    Havens said that every activity Wilson has mentioned takes money, it does not bring in money, and the money has to come from someplace.

    Sickafus noted growth patterns of AIP and said he could see weighing the relative size of the DC and the NY problems. He cannot see spending too much time on the DC problem, rather solving it quickly, as it is not a major investment. He thinks in any case an investment here would not be too great a loss. Meanwhile we could really work on the NY problem.

    Havens said that DC expansion will not correct the space problem in NY. Duke agreed and felt priorities need to be set relative to the needs. He sees a consensus for fixing the minor need in DC and addressing expansion in NY.

  2. Development of On-Line Electronic Services

    Barschall, the leader of this workshop, said two points were the primary topics of discussion:

    1. What would people want from a service;
    2. What would it cost and who would pay for it.

    If information is readily available in another form, the popularity would be less. If there were something, in addition to advance abstracts, such as tables of contents for journals for which an annual index is not yet available, this would attract users. Programs of Society meetings would be helpful with travel plans. Placement services would be useful to a small group of people. Regarding the cost, unless it is free, at least in the beginning, it will not establish itself.

    Before the cost of the experiment can be judged, it needs to run for at least two years. Major costs would be a full-time person and long-distance connections. The total cost for the first year is estimated at $95,000-100,000.

  3. Seriousness of Crisis in Physics Education

    Meyer, leader of this workshop, said that once it has been established that the crisis is real, then what can be done? What should AIP put on high priority? A survey is needed to get good data.

    Duke asked what the parameters of the crisis are, and what will happen?

    Meyer said the problem is only anecdotal so far. If teaching is inadequate, enrollment in courses will drop off, then there will be less need for teachers. Porter knows how to collect data which is needed to prove the need for better teaching.

10. Summary of AIP Involvements in International Conferences

  1. 1987 IUPAP General Assembly

    Koch said that AIP has assumed responsibility for raising funds, with APS and NAS. He noted that NAS had agreed to go with AIP to NSF with a proposal for funds. He reviewed the background of this undertaking. The organizing committee met on 14 October. The total target for funds is $250,000; it is hoped to raise $100,000 from the Corporate Associates. He thinks an additional $30-40,000 could be raised from larger Corporate Associate members. He asked if AIP should now approach the Member Societies to put an additional item on the dues bill for voluntary contributions toward this assembly?

    Ramsey was dubious about soliciting individual contributions. He thought it would be more desirable to approach the Member Societies for educational projects than for this undertaking.

    Havens said that the budget is fairly certain. The registration number is known one month in advance. If it is very low, social events (totaling $100,000) can be cancelled. He also thought if this specific request were put on the dues bill it would receive a negative reaction.

  2. 1987 ICSTI General Assembly

    This was not discussed.

  3. 1985 American Academy of Arts and Sciences-Niels Bohr Symposium

    This was not discussed.

  4. 1988 International Measurement Congress

    Koch said that this Congress, which will meet in Houston, would like AIP to be a sponsor, without financial obligation. He asked if there is interest in being listed as a cooperating society.

    The following motion was made by Wilson, seconded by Barschall, and unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that AIP serve as a sponsor, without financial obligation, for the 1988 International Measurement Congress.

11. Other Business

There was no other business.

12. Future Meetings

  1. Briefing for Chief Elected Society Officers: 13 March 1986
  2. Assembly of Society Officers: 13-14 March 1986
  3. March Governing Board Meeting; 14-15 March 1986
  4. October Governing Board Meeting: Exxon Research Lab, Annandale, NJ

13. Executive Session

The executive session took place beginning at 4:45 p.m. It is reported in the official minutes only.

14. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. following the executive session.