October 21-22, 1984

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met at the Breckenridge Concourse Hotel in St. Louis, MO on the evening of 21 October and 22 October 1984. For clarity in presentation with reference to the printed agenda, events recorded here are not necessarily in the same chronological order in which they occurred.

Members Present: N. F. Ramsey – Chairman, H. H. Barschall (APS), R. P. Baumann (AAPT), J. M. Bennett (OSA), R. T. Beyer (ASA), C. B. Duke (AVS), L. L. Elliott (ASA), A. P. French (AAPT), R. M. Grant (ex officio), W. W. Havens, Jr. (APS), H. W. Koch (ex officio), N. F. Lane (APS), D. Lazarus (APS), T. E. Madey (AVS), E. C. McIrvine (MAL), J. P. Meyer (AAPT), R. R. Shannon (OSA), M. Strasberg (ASA), J. A. Thornton (AVS), J. M. Wilson (AAPT), K. F. Wissbrun (SOR), A. E. Wright (AAPM)

Members Absent: J. A. Armstrong (APS), P. B. Boyce (AAS), M. Dresselhaus (APS), F. B. McDonald (APS), M. H. Mueller (ACA), G. E. Pake (APS), J. A. Purdy (AAPM), J. W. Quinn (OSA), H. F. Weaver (AAS)

Nonvoting Participants: R. B. Clark (AAPT), H. Voss (AAPT)

Guests: S. Abrahams (Committee for Publishing Policy), R. Geballe (Committee for Public Policy), F. D. Smith (Committee on Fiscal Policy), B. F. Porter (Mon. p.m. session)

AIP Staff: H. W. Koch, Director; G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; R. H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; L. Slack, Associate Director for Educational Programs; B. Dolowich, Controller (Mon. session); L. T. Merrill, Assistant to the Director; N A. Davis, Assistant to the Secretary; P. A. Parisi, Manager, Special Projects

1. Convene – Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ramsey.

2. Report of the Secretary

  1. Minutes of 15-16 March 1984 Meeting

    The draft minutes of the March 1984 meeting of the Governing Board were approved.

    Grant noted that the motion, reported on page 4 of those minutes, authorizing the Chairman of the Governing Board to appoint persons to AIP committees in the interim between Governing Board meetings, is unnecessary as this provision is covered by Article XII.5 of the Constitution.

  2. Policy Committee and Subcommittee Structure

    Grant called attention to Attachment A, a report on AIP policy committee and subcommittee structure, membership, and terms of office, which had been requested at the previous Governing Board meeting.

  3. July Membership Reports from Societies

    Grant noted that on the basis of the July Society membership reports, given in Attachment B, there will be no change in the number of Governing Board representatives from each Society in 1985.

3. Report of the Chairman

  1. Actions of the Executive Committee

    Ramsey noted Attachment C, a report prepared by the Secretary listing Executive Committee actions since the March Governing Board meeting. He called particular attention to the growing need for additional space to serve Member Society and AIP staff requirements.

  2. October Executive Committee Meeting

    Ramsey briefly reviewed the actions of the Executive Committee meeting held on 21 October.

  3. Report on Distribution of March 1984 Resolutions

    Ramsey reported that no discussions had arisen from the Board resolution on scientific freedom. The resolution on the radian as a base unit had resulted in an exchange of correspondence with Ambler (NBS). It was suggested that the ASTM committee have members from APS and AAPT if standards with physics implications are under consideration.

    French said he received a call from the Chairman of this ASTM Committee, saying that he agreed with the AAPT position and would like a copy of the AAPT resolution.

  4. Appointment of Compton Awards Committee

    Ramsey said that he had no announcement of the membership of this committee as candidates had not been formally contacted.

4. AIP-Society Relations Development Plan

  1. Introduction – Koch

    Koch noted the executive summary contained in the Function Plan, Part 4 (see Appendix A to these minutes), and reviewed the history of the task force. In addition to the overall structure of AIP, the Task Force has considered Educational Services and Information Services, for each of which he hopes to develop five-year Function Plans.

  2. History of AIP-Society Relations – Havens

    Havens said that there was little coherence to the development of Society-to-Society relations when several societies split up in the 1920's. Individually they had no clout for obtaining good publishing services, therefore AIP was formed to handle this. The staff was very small, and all of the work was contracted out. After Waterfall became Secretary-Treasurer in the early 1940's, he expanded the activities of AIP. AIP bought its first building in 1943. When Hutchison became Director, he proposed that AIP do things collectively that could be done better this way. Areas identified included dues collection, advertising, exhibits, education, history of physics, and public education. Early in their history, all of the operations of the Member Societies were done on a volunteer basis. The operations of both AIP and the Member Societies have become much more complex. Documents prepared in the 1930's to spell out the relations between AIP and the Societies, and to define AIP’s structure, no longer cover today's operations. Thus there is a need to revise these arrangements.

  3. Findings of Task Force – Wright

    Wright noted the growth in AIP and Society activities in the last 20 years as illustrated in the Task Force report. She then reviewed the findings of the Task Force (see Appendix A). The Member Societies want convenient and economical services. To meet these needs, AIP in some cases must incur high capital expenditures or enter into extended lease arrangements. There is a need to cooperate to protect all parties.

    She also noted the disparity in the membership of the Member Societies, which raises the question of fair and appropriate representation on the Governing Board and Executive Committee.

    Gerhart, noting the historical changes in AIP outlined in the report, asked whether a change in the scope of AIP's activities is being suggested? Ramsey thought this was not the intent; the principle remains that AIP should complement the activities of the Member Societies.

    Wilson felt that in addition to its publishing and service functions, AIP could provide a place for Societies to discuss the things that affect Societies jointly, and where they can cooperate on activities that aid physics.

    Koch said the Assembly of Society Officers is not mentioned in the Constitution or Bylaws, but it could serve to support these goals.

  4. Recommendations of Task Force – Madey

    Madey referred to the Task Force report in which these recommendations are listed (Appendix TF). He noted that the Task Force suggests some minor and some major changes; he called special attention to the following:

    • Structure. A careful review of the Articles of Incorporation, the Constitution, and the Bylaws is suggested. He called attention to a few points in the Constitution and Bylaws which require clarification.
    • Memorandum of Agreement. It seems sensible to require a longer term agreement. The present one focuses mainly on publishing, and should be expanded to include other services. The Task Force recommended that draft revisions be prepared by Management in consultation with the Committee on Society Services.
    • Rules and Regulations. A proposed new document, it would list standard procedures and codify Governing Board policy decisions. The Task Force recommends that the Secretary's Office develop this document.
    • Financial Support. The Task Force recommends exploring means for increasing financial support in two ways: 1) Ramsey's proposal for a Physics Foundation: 2) Consideration of the relationship of long term needs to fund raising.

5. Introduction to Assignments to Key Advisory Committees

  1. Committee on Constitution & ByLaws – Gerhart
  2. Committee on Society Services – Boyce
  3. Committee on Publishing Policy – Abrahams
  4. Committee on Fiscal Policy – Smith

These were not discussed at this point in the Agenda.

6. Proposals for Three Workshops

Ramsey explained the idea for the workshops to discuss the Task Force recommendations. Koch distributed a memo assigning each person present at the meeting to one of the three workshops to be held the following morning.

(The meeting recessed at 8:30 p.m., and a reception and informal discussion followed. The meeting reconvened on 22 October at 8:30 a.m. Three workshops were held in parallel from 8:30-10:30 a.m.)

  1. Workshop on Constitution – Havens

    Sample issues for discussion: 1. Basic Assumptions for an Association of Societies. 2. Criteria for Membership. 3. Size and Composition of the Board.

  2. Workshop on ByLaws – Wright

    Sample issues for discussion: 1. Advisory Committees to Board. 2. Obligations of Societies to AIP. 3. Rules and Regulations.

  3. Workshop on Memorandum of Agreement – Madey

    Sample issues for discussion: 1. Separate Contracts. 2. Charges for Services. 3. Options for Termination.

7. Reports from Workshops

Following the workshops, the meeting reconvened in plenary session. Ramsey called on the chairpersons of the workshops to present reports of their discussions.

  1. Constitution – Havens

    Havens referred to Function Plan, Part 4. He discussed Lehrfeld's suggestions on the Articles of Incorporation, the Constitution, and the Bylaws. There is some duplication between the first two. Lehrfeld had suggested that some of the Constitution be put into the Articles. The workshop disagreed with this suggestion, since the Articles are a legal document that has to go through state and legal procedures. It seems better to keep them as simple as possible.

    Changes in the Constitution would depend on what AIP wants to be. One could take a narrow approach and say that AIP should deal only with support of the publishing, administrative, and financial operations of the Societies. However, the IRS has ruled that AIP could not function solely in this way, since a 501(c)(3) organization, to maintain its tax-exempt status, has to have an independent educational and charitable operation for the benefit of physics.

    One problem identified by the workshop for immediate discussion concerns the origin of the authority for the Executive Committee to make decisions concerning the operation of AIP. In particular, concern was expressed about whether the committee was empowered to make financial decisions, e.g., approval and management of the budget of the Institute.

    McIrvine said it appears that with the existing wording in the Constitution, a resolution could be passed by the Governing Board authorizing expenditures by the Executive Committee to agree with the bottom line of the budget. He suggested that each year the Governing Board should pass a resolution authorizing the Executive Committee to spend within the budget.

    Grant said that the Institute has a capital expenditures budget. This is revised and often updated at Executive Committee meetings. A resolution should not require delays until the next Governing Board meeting before approvals for replacement of depreciated equipment can be obtained. McIrvine felt that replacement line items should be allowed within Executive Committee discretion.

    Duke said that an interim solution would be for the Governing Board to pass a resolution now for the 1985 budget, and then to approve the budget in March after the Executive Committee approves it. The problem cannot be fully resolved before discussion with legal counsel.

    The following motion was made by Havens, amended by Duke, seconded by Beyer, and unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that the Executive Committee be authorized to approve the 1985 budget for the Institute in December, and that this budget be presented to the Governing Board in March 1985.

  2. Bylaws – Wright

    Wright reported that this workshop attempted to resolve essential (substantive) issues and passed over housekeeping or semantic issues. She referred to the items in Lehrfeld's letter pertaining to the hierarchy of AIP documents. They made judgments of what would be right or practical. They urge that when recommendations are referred to the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws legal counsel should be available.

    As a working guideline, if an item refers to membership, it belongs in the Constitution. If it refers to the Governing Board, it belongs in the Bylaws. If it refers to procedural actions to enable the business of the Institute to be conducted, it would go in the Rules. If it doesn't have to be in the Constitution, pass it to the Bylaws; if it is not necessary in the Bylaws, pass it to the Rules.

    Koch suggested that details and semantics could be dealt with at a later time. The intent of this meeting is to solicit attitudes of the Governing Board so that they can be conveyed to the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws. He said that the relevant portion of the Secretary’s Aide-Memoire for this meeting would be available to the committee.

    Thornton said that the members of this workshop had two views. 1) The Bylaws should be streamlined, from a functional point of view. 2) A document that spells out the responsibilities of the officers of the Institute would be useful.

(The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:15 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.)

  1. Memorandum of Agreement – Madey

    Madey said that this workshop felt that the present Memorandum of Agreement is too limited in scope, as it deals only with publishing. They discussed A) structure of document, B) charges for services, C) termination of Memorandum of Agreement, and D) issue of minimum services used.

    The latter issue is not now covered in the Memorandum of Agreement. No conclusion was reached on this point, except that it does not belong in this document. The workshop thought it should be addressed by the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.

  2. General Conclusions and Action on Executive Committee Recommendations

    Ramsey reported that the Executive Committee endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force (Appendix A, page 8), and asked how the Board would like to proceed.

    The following motion was made by Bauman, seconded by Beyer, and unanimously CARRIED.

    MOVED that these recommendations be referred to the appropriate committees for consideration.

    Koch said that he has discussed plans with Gerhart, who chairs the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws. The committee will meet within the next few months.

    Bennett said that it had been suggested that the Memorandum of Agreement be reviewed mostly by management. She said that the draft presented at this meeting had problems. Ramsey said that the draft was meant to be a basis for discussion, and that it would be appropriate for the Committee on Society Services to be involved in the early stages of further revisions.

8. Executive Committee Recommendations on Space Needs

Marks reviewed the two physical plants of the Institute. The lower level at Woodbury is being renovated now for office use. If necessary, it would be possible to build another 30,000 square feet on that property. The resident Member Societies are expanding the services that they offer and need more space. The headquarters building is now full. Approval has been received from the Executive Committee for renting the additional space that is needed immediately. Our lease for this property is for five years. These developments raise the issue of long term needs, and it seems appropriate to have a committee look at these.

Ramsey added that it has been proposed that a committee look at the overall picture, not implying any solution. The right time to approach the problem is now.

Ramsey stated the action that had been recommended to the Governing Board from the Executive Committee. It was unanimously CARRIED.

MOVED that the Governing Board establish an ad hoc Committee on New Building and Space Requirements, with the charge as formulated and approved by the Executive Committee, and with membership to be appointed from among the current members of the Governing Board.

The charge to the committee, as formulated and approved by the Executive Committee at the September meeting, is as follows:

  • Basis:
    The current and projected activities of AIP and its resident Societies have developed pressures for additional space for operations and facilities available to Member Societies. An economical and equitable long term solution to these needs is required.

  • Action:
    1. The committee should ascertain the needs of the Institute and resident Member Societies for space over a 5-10 year period.
    2. The committee should establish priorities for:
      1. Maintaining facilities within Manhattan for communication and business reasons.
      2. Providing leased space for Member and affiliated Societies.
      3. Retaining present production facilities on Long Island.
      4. Combining in one location the operations of AIP.
      5. Establishing additional locations for providing services, e.g., in the Washington DC area.
      6. The possible acquisition of a larger building in Manhattan for AIP use and/or as an investment in space available for leasing to other organizations.

Ramsey gave the tentative list of Committee members, as follows: Havens (Chairman), Beyer, Madey, Pake, Wilson.


9. Function Planning in 1984

  1. Introduction

    Koch commented on the development of the 1984 Function Planning volumes. Part 4, the AIP-Society Relations Task Force Report, has now been discussed by the entire Governing Board. He noted the executive summary which is meant to make the information contained in the remainder of the volumes as accessible as possible. Because AIP has a large budget and staff, the complete details are and should be available for those who need it.

    The chairpersons of three policy committees will review those functions that fall within the range of their committee. The Information Services Function will be reviewed at the March 1985 meeting.

  2. Publishing Services (including distribution and marketing) Functions I-III
    Discussion Leader – S. Abrahams, Chair, Committee on Publishing Policy

    Abrahams said that he appreciated this opportunity to make a more personal report to the Governing Board. This committee met in June and will meet again in November. All the recommendations from the June meeting have been acted upon. He noted that several subcommittees have been formed to consider specific areas, a process he thinks useful. Subcommittees bring up matters as well as being given them to consider.

    1. Possible AIP involvement in Co-sponsored Journals

      Abrahams said that in considering possible new journals, the two given in the agenda seem to be the most important. There are already some journals in these areas, but he felt that the subjects could be served by another journal.

      1. Journal of Materials Science

        Koch said that the MRS needs a journal of its own or a co-sponsored journal. Materials research is a broad subject. The Society has limited resources. AIP is concerned that if we don't help, the journal will be started by a commercial firm. Officials of MRS visited AIP last week for discussions.

        Duke commented that many have wanted this development for a long time.

        Koch said that such a plan needs active endorsement from the Governing Board.

        The following motion was made by Duke, seconded by Bauman, and unanimously CARRIED.

        MOVED that AIP be encouraged to proceed with development of a proposal to start a journal of material science with the possible co-sponsorship of such societies as APS, AVS, and MRS.

        Madey asked about the selection of an editor and editorial board. Koch said the choice of editor would be made by an editorial board. He would make appointments for a journal owned by AIP in consultation with others. As it is such a broad topic, it would be good to have a broad base.

        Elliott asked for clarification of the term co-sponsorship. Koch said it means co-owned, which would include absorbing part of a deficit during the startup of the journal.

      2. Journal of Computers in Physics Education, Research, and Instrumentation

        Abrahams said there are many journals in this field. The scope of this journal is not being proposed in terms of any one individual society, although Koch noted that APS and AAPT had expressed interest.

        McIrvine and Duke both said they would like to see the concept of the journal broader than suggested. Education should be only one component. There is wide interest in the use of computers in physics.

        Duke made the following motion, which was seconded by Wright, and unanimously CARRIED.

        MOVED that AIP proceed to develop a plan for a journal or journals on the use of computers in physics.

    2. Plans for General Physics Advance Abstracts

      Marks distributed sample copies of GPAA. It will include all AIP journals and Member Society journals published by AIP and will cover a semi-monthly period. It is being offered at a reasonable member price.

      In response to Bennett's question, Havens said that 70% of the APS members who have requested PR Abstracts have also requested GPAA.

    3. Status of Kurzweil Optical Character Reader Experiment

      Abrahams said that the Committee on Publishing Policy is interested in exploring new ways of preparing manuscripts for publication. The Kurzweil machine, an optical character reader, is now undergoing trial use by AIP.

      Marks said that the Kurzweil is doing manuscripts for several journals. He will have a report on this for the next meeting of the Subcommittee on Electronic Publishing.

      In response to a question from Thornton concerning the ability to accept manuscripts on tape, Marks said that this may be five or ten years away. The UNIX system accepts manuscripts in Compuscript, but the procedures are very complex. He is not convinced that it is cost effective for the author or for the Institute; at present it costs more to process manuscripts in this way.

  3. Fiscal and Administrative Activities – Function IV
    Discussion Leader – F. Dow Smith, Chair, Committee on Fiscal Policy

    Smith explained that the Committee on Fiscal Policy has been a useful forum and provides a route to AIP Management and to the Governing Board for Member Society concerns regarding fiscal issues.

    1. Financial Statements for Six Months Ended 30 June 1984

      Gilbert distributed the balance sheet and the statement of revenue and expense (attached herewith as Appendix B) and reviewed the figures.

      Reviewing the statement of revenue and expense, he said that the largest category of revenue in the publishing operations is subscriptions. We are on target in this area. The budget for 1984 provided for an investment income of $425,000. When this figure was compiled in 1983, it was not anticipated that we would continue to have double digit interest rates. As of 30 June, we exceeded the annual budget for investment income. The bulk of this normally comes in November and December. He now anticipates $1 million in net investment income for 1984.

    2. Audit Committee Report – H. Barschall, Chair

      Barschall reviewed the report of the Audit Committee, and enumerated their recommendations, as given below.

      1. Acceptance of 1983 Audit Report

        The following motion was unanimously CARRIED.

        MOVED that the Audit Report for 1983 by Touche Ross & Co. be accepted.

        Barschall reported that the auditors and the committee are satisfied with management response to the auditors' recommendations on the Institute's system of internal accounting controls.

      2. Appointment of Auditors for 1984

        The following motion was unanimously CARRIED.

        MOVED that Touche Ross & Co. be retained for the 1984 audit at a fee to be negotiated between Touche Ross & Co. and management.

        The committee recommended that the fourth quarter variance statement be prepared on an estimated rather than on an actual cost basis before completion of the final prorations.

        By way of background on this recommendation, Barschall explained that the Member Societies had been concerned that the audit usually takes about half a year. This occurs partly because auditors don't give priority to not-for-profit corporations, and partly because AIP staff is busy at this time with renewals and other matters. The Audit Committee had asked for consideration of shifting the calendar year to a fiscal year. However, AIP management found the suggestion impractical and suggested alternative ideas. The committee recommends that the last quarter variance statements be based on estimates, so that the books could be closed to enable the audit to start sooner. The variances are a small fraction of the total billing. The Audit Committee is convinced that this would work and that the audit could be completed in four rather than six months.

        Gilbert distributed a further explanation and a suggested revised wording of Recommendation 4 of the Audit Committee report. He noted the dilemma of priorities; if the audit is to be speeded up, these variances would need to be estimated. This plan is satisfactory to our auditors.

        Wright moved acceptance of the recommendation as stated in Gilbert’s memo, Beyer seconded the motion, and it was CARRIED with one abstention.

        MOVED that commencing in 1984 the fourth quarter variances (adjusting quoted prices to actual costs) be estimated for the financial statements of the Institute and the books be closed on this basis to facilitate an early audit.

    3. Progress with New Computer System – B. Dolowich

      1. Accounting System

        Dolowich reported that the accounting equipment is operating smoothly. The UNIVAC is being phased out. Budget data are being entered on the Data General. An Accounts Payable package is being modified for AIP needs, and should be ready by December. The staff is now learning the Lotus 1-2-3 software package which will be used to shorten and automate prorations. Pubs and Reprints billing will be computerized soon.

        A new accounting manager has been hired who is knowledgeable in computing operations. Management is looking for a systems analyst, but the type of person needed is hard to find.

      2. Subscription Fulfillment System

        Dolowich said that great strides have been made since February. AIP staff is giving information to AZTECH in flow charts rather than narrative, which speeds up the process. The only major item left for the detail design is statistical reports. The critical area is file maintenance, which AZTECH is starting this week. Dolowich noted that the material we gave AZTECH for renewal billing (about 10% of the total project) came to 100 pages, which alone is as large as any entire project AZTECH had done previously. AZTECH is committed to finishing the project. Optimistically, completion could come in the late spring of 1985.

        Dolowich reviewed the payment schedule. The project was amended in April 1984, as AZTECH had gotten very little money for their work and needed more payments to cover their costs. AIP started a plan of accelerated payments. To date $708,000 has been committed for this project. This includes $60,000 for the NCR cash processor which had not been envisioned at the beginning of the project. AZTECH had estimated $36,000 for programming, which AIP Management had all along thought was much too low. He estimates the real figure for programming (not received from AZTECH) to be closer to $90,000. AIP agreed to $17,000 for time and materials for testing, $8,000 for time and materials for conversion, and $10,000 for time and materials for backup and restore.

        Dolowich estimates that an approval for $200,000 is needed to assure that the project can be completed. The Executive Committee at its meeting on 21 October had recommended to the Governing Board approval of this additional $200,000.

        Duke asked how the Governing Board could be sure that the project will reach a successful conclusion.

        Dolowich said that most of the major projects are completed. We are satisfying more than subscription fulfillment in the development of this system. He thinks that the fixed cost contract was a problem. Joint efforts on the part of the vendor and AIP will bring the project to a successful conclusion.

        He emphasized that AZTECH has not yet asked for these additional funds, but he is anticipating their needs.

        The following recommendation of the Executive Committee was CARRIED, with eight abstentions.

        MOVED that the recommendation of the Executive Committee authorizing the expenditure of up to an additional $200,000 for the completion of the new subscription fulfillment system be approved.

    4. Possible Fund Raising Efforts

      Slack reviewed the background on fund raising efforts. The two firms contacted thought we should not pursue further efforts until we know how much impact a building campaign would have.

      Ramsey said that in light of various considerations that have arisen, his suggestion for a Physics Foundation now seems less practical. The idea has not been eliminated but is lower in priority than when it was originally conceived. The act of getting the proposals from the fund raising firms was useful for pointing up several considerations.

      Smith said that a clear concept of use for the money and statement as to its importance are essential.

      Duke said that both fund raising firms thought it better to raise funds for programs rather than buildings. As a member of the Committee on Educational Policy he thinks funds are needed in this area of AIP’s activities.

      Lane said that if AIP is to move into fund raising proposals, it is important that the Member Societies get involved at the early stages to coordinate their needs. Many Societies are interested in the educational area. It may not be helpful for them to proceed individually without coordination of efforts.

      Slack said that the Committee on Educational Policy is to provide the coordination and see that programs are not duplicated.

    5. Report of Committee on Finances (Investments)

      Gilbert reported on the 20 October meeting of this committee. (The report of their 20 July meeting was given in Attachment D.)

      The following recommendations, as approved by the Executive Committee, were CARRIED on motion by the Governing Board, with one abstention.

      1. MOVED that an additional $300,000 be placed with Drexel Burnham Lambert, bringing AIP's total investment with them up to $1,000,000.
      2. MOVED that investments be made in no-load, aggressive growth mutual funds, as follows:
        1. Fidelity Fund Group – $200,000 in the Fidelity Magellan Fund with telephone exchange privileges to and from the Fidelity Cash Reserves Fund.
        2. T. Rowe Price Fund Group – $200,000 in the New Era Fund with telephone exchange privileges to and from the T. Rowe Price Prime Reserve Fund.
        3. Stein Roe & Farnham Fund Group – $200,000 in the Stein Roe & Farnham Capital Opportunities fund with telephone exchange privileges to and from the Stein Roe & Farnham Cash Reserves Fund. 
    6. Sale of Meggers Coin and Stamp Collection

      Gilbert explained the history of this collection (as given in Attachment F). Gilbert said that the Executive Committee, after consideration, had recommended that the collection be sold. The letter from Scott Galleries included in the attachment states that the material must be received by their galleries by 2 November 1984 if it is to be sold at their December/January auction. There will be separate auctions for coins and for stamps. The inventory was studied by this firm for insurance purposes. The market value of the collection (appraised when it was received by AIP in 1965 at $43,731) is now between $250,000 and $500,000. The gallery wants to meet with management to decide whether to have a private or public sale, and they need time to catalog and to complete their research on the collection.

      In response to questions about the advisability or necessity of selling the collection now, Ramsey said that the Institute can plan better in dollars than in coins. Gilbert noted that it is now in a restricted fund, so only the nature of the asset will change.

      The following recommendation of the Executive Committee was CARRIED, with one no vote and one abstention.

      MOVED that the Governing Board authorize management to arrange for the sale of the Meggers' Coin and Stamp Collection through a public auction on a commission basis.

  4. Educational Programs – Functions V-VII
    Discussion Leader – R. Bauman, Chair, Committee on Educational Policy

    1. Society Involvements in Education

    2. Cooperation with Other Disciplines

      Bauman said that this recently formed committee had adopted a statement of purpose and scope (attached herewith as Appendix C). A major conclusion was that the Institute should be concerned with physics and physics education at all levels. At their second meeting in September the committee concentrated on priorities. They recommended that the four posters prepared by Kalson be sent to high schools during the coming year. Each Society has educational programs of various types in progress. Cooperation with other disciplines is important. AIP and some Societies were represented at the Triangle Conference and will be at the Pyramid Conference (8-9 November); both conferences are dedicated to education, with IEEE serving as the organizing agency.

      There is a need in the educational area for people to carry out projects with some staff support, but there are no specific proposals now.

    3. Nominating Committee for Subcommittees

      The Committee on Educational Policy recommends retaining the present subcommittee structure, with the present three-year terms for members. They moved that for the next year nominations for replacements on these subcommittees be made jointly by the Chairman of the CEP, Chairman of the Governing Board, and the Director of AIP.

    4. Report on Gemant Award

      It appears that about $10,000 per year will be available for this award. The funds available suggest that this would be one of our most prestigious awards. It should not be redundant or competitive with other existing awards. There seem to be good reasons to limit it to only one recipient, and to have a candidate chosen by a committee reporting to the Governing Board. A number of suggestions have been made for criteria for the award, but no recommendations are ready for Board action at this time. A subcommittee of CEP is considering various ideas, and welcomes comments.

    5. Report on Usage of Radio and TV Reports, and of Manpower Placement Services

      Slack said that Berry has made a tape of time checks of his radio programs, which is available to anyone interested. He distributed a handout giving statistical comparisons of AIP placement centers at various meetings from 1980 to 1984.

    6. Prospects for One Common Education and Manpower Data Base for All AIP Societies – Porter

      Porter gave a talk on the development of data bases, which have both great potential and complexity. She focused on the manpower statistics base. A statistical data base needs continuity and confidentiality. A longitudinal base links individual records over time. Any data base is meaningless unless it is used. Her chart showed the users of manpower data bases. She also gets a number of foreign requests. AIP's data base has been developed over a 20-year period. In 1979, the Manpower Division began experimenting, on the advice of the Manpower Advisory Committee, with Society membership. This started slowly and was expanded in 1981. They are making a major effort in tracking dropped members.

      Porter showed projections of various items generated by the Division, including sample questionnaires, annual publications, and 1982 salaries. The latter is one of the most popular surveys, so they hope to continue it and to market it in the future.

      What are the potentials for the future? 1) Increased efficiency. 2) More complete followup of dropped members. 3) Wider and more timely dissemination of data. 4) Linkage with other data bases. 5) Expansion of data bases. 6) Data base retrieval.

      Madey asked if any other societies have a comparable data base. Porter said that ACS has a simple one; the American Psychological Association has a complex one. AIP's is probably near the forefront in its levels of complexity.

10. Other Business

There was no other business.

11. Future Meetings

  1. Briefing for Chief Elected Officers of Societies – Thursday a.m., 14 March 1985
  2. Assembly of Society Officers – Thursday p.m., Friday a.m.: 14-15 March 1985
  3. March Governing Board Meeting – Friday p.m., Saturday: 15-16 March 1985
  4. October 1985 Meeting: Rochester, NY

12. Executive Session

The staff was excused for the executive session, which continued from 4:50 to 5:15 p.m., and is reported in the official minutes.

13. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.