October 31-November 1, 1980

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met at the Meadowlands Hilton Hotel in Secaucus, N. J., on 31 October, and at the AIP Woodbury Offices on 1 November 1980.

Members Present: N. F. Ramsey – Chairman, R. T. Beyer (ASA), P. B. Boyce (AAS), J. A. Burton (APS), R. B. Clark (AAPT), J. B. Gerhart (AAPT), J. P. Glusker (MAL), W. W. Havens, Jr. (APS), R. W. Hoffman (AVS), J. C. Johnson (ex officio), W. H. Kelly (AAPT), H. W. Koch (ex officio), J. W. Quinn (OSA), E. A. G. Shaw (ASA) , W. J. Smith (OSA), H. Strasberg (ASA), A. A. Strassenburg (AAPT), H. F. Weaver (AAS), R. A. Young (ACA)

Absent: E. B. Bagley (SOR), B. E. Bjarngard (AAPM), W. F. Brinkman (APS), A. J. DeMaria (OSA), C. B. Duke (AVS), H. Frauenfelder (APS), M. Goldhaber (APS), Y. H. Pao (MAL), A. L. Schawlow (APS)

Nonvoting Participants: Robert P. Bauman (AAPT), Robert G. Fuller (AAPT), Roderick H. Grant. Jr. (AAPT), Russell K. Hobbie (AAPT), John W. Layman (AAPT), Philip M. Morse (Past Chairman), Maria B. Penny (AAPT), John S. Rigden (AAPT), John L. Vossen, Jr. (AVS)

Guests: Frank E. Jamerson, Chairman 50th Anniversary Committee for Item No. 11. Gerald F. Wheeler, Chairman Committee on Public Education and Information, for Item No. 10d.

AIP Staff Present: H. William Koch, Director; John C. Johnson, Secretary; G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; Robert H. Marks, Assoc. Director for Publishing; Lewis Slack, Assoc. Director for Educational Services; Dorothy M. Lasky, Assistant to the Director; Mary K. Johnson, Assistant to the Secretary; John Auliano, Manager of the Data Processing Division, for Item No. 5b.

1. Opening of Meeting and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ramsey Friday, 31 October 1980, at 4:05 p.m., and was followed by the roll call and introduction of Jenny P. Glusker as a new member.

2. Minutes

Upon motion made and passed without dissent, the minutes of the 28-29 March 1980 Governing Board meeting were approved as distributed.

3. Report of Chairman

Chairman Ramsey opened his report by noting the recent passing of John Hasbrouck Van Vleck, and proposed a resolution for formal Board action. Upon motion made by Burton, seconded by Strasberg, and passed without dissent, the following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS, John Hasbrouck Van Vleck served as a member of the Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics from 1953 to 1956, and

WHEREAS, he has been especially generous in his interest, encouragement, and support of the Center for History of Physics of the Institute since its inception, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the Governing Board of the Institute wishes to express its sorrow at his death and does hereby note in its records the end of a career marked from start to finish by abundant and important contributions to the advancement of our science, and of a life that won not only the esteem of all, but the deep affection of those who knew him best, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to his family.

Ramsey then expressed appreciation to AIP management on behalf of the Board for bringing the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association lawsuit to a satisfactory conclusion, in spite of serious cash flow problems which were delicately handled at minimum extra expense. He then reported that there has been a serious problem of delay in the audit and final accounting, which has taken up much time of the Executive Committee; however, it is believed adequate future attention can resolve this problem. Chairman Ramsey noted that it had been called to his attention that in some publications there is a tendency to divide physicists into "academic" and “non-academic" categories. It has been suggested that those in industry should be referred to as "industrial" physicists rather than "non-academic." The Chairman asked for advice regarding the use of an executive session at the end of regular Board meetings. By show of hands, the majority indicated this option should be chosen at the discretion of the Chairman.

Chairman Ramsey closed his report on an optimistic note for the period ahead. He indicated that many items which might otherwise be included in his report will be reserved for further discussion during this meeting.

4. Introduction to Long Range Planning in 1980 for 1981-1986

Koch referred to past planning which has brought forth plans and commitments for the improved Woodbury building and the computer now housed in the basement of that building. He stated his belief that five years is a good time frame to project into the future. The Woodbury building now houses 300 people, however it is still necessary to update computing capabilities at the earliest time possible.

AIP management makes use of three reports which are regarded as part of the long range planning process, namely, the Function Planning book, the Appendices to that document, and the Handbook for Member Society Officers. Finally, a fourth report essential to short range operations is the annual Budget proposal which is acted upon at the end of each year. The first three are updated annually and, at the 5-7 September meeting, the Executive Committee recommended no additions or deletions in the seven basic functions described in the AIP Function Planning documents which have been made available for Governing Board review.

The Chairman emphasized that the Executive Committee has strongly recommended that the next up-date of Function Planning by AIP management be more quantitative, both in costs and in matters through which tradeoffs can be judged.

5. Status of Major Facilities

  1. Building

    1. Completion and Proposed Dedication of Woodbury Addition

      Marks gave the chronology of the move to the Woodbury addition. Operations began there on 27 October 1980, and the certificate of occupancy was obtained two days later. Though the ATEX computer system was moved on 9 October, it has not yet been put into completely satisfactory operation, and other methods of composition are in use.

      The schedule was reaffirmed for the dedication of the Woodbury building at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, 1 November 1980, and all those invited were encouraged to bring their spouses.

    2. Conclusion of Taxpayers Suit

      Koch reported that the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association lawsuit has been concluded. This has cleared the way to proceed toward permanent financing which is being actively worked on with Guardian Life Insurance Company. The goal for completion of permanent financing is mid-November.

    3. Plans for Future

      At the moment, there are no plans to further expand the Woodbury building. Shaw noted the letter from AIP counsel (Attachment A to the agenda) which seems to make it clear that this was the final disposition of the matter.

    4. Confirmation of Mail Ballot on Furniture Purchase

      Koch reported that during the 28-29 March Board meeting, it was discussed that the balance of the authorized bonds is still available for furniture and equipment; however, after the lawsuit was finished and, as the building was completed, it was decided that the best arrangement was to use subscription monies for this purpose, as was done in financing construction of the building. The Executive Committee gave approval for a mail ballot of the Board. In this ballot no "nay" votes were received, although not every member of the Board voted, and Koch asked for action at this meeting for approval of purchase of furniture and equipment with the $400,000 previously authorized.

      The following motion was made by Shaw, seconded by Strasberg, and passed with one abstention and none opposed:

      MOVED that the staff be authorized to purchase furniture and equipment for the Woodbury addition to a maximum of $400,000, with the purchase to be self-financed by AIP.

  2. Computer

    1. Proposals for Distributed Data Processing

      The AIP management and staff, including Koch, Gilbert, and Auliano, described the problems which must be addressed and some proposed actions toward solutions to those problems in handling the Member Society accounting needs, subscription fulfillment, and other miscellaneous but important functions. The background information furnished included existing equipment plus leading contenders for replacement equipment and problems associated with separated facility bases. The above information was interspersed with reports from special studies already conducted and in process by interested Board members and related Board committees (such as the Audit Committee).

      After considerable lively discussion and debate, the Chairman appointed the following Ad Hoc Committee on Computer Changes:

      • R. M. Grant, Jr., Chairman
      • P. B. Boyce
      • W. W. Havens, Jr.
      • John Auliano

      The purpose of this ad hoc committee was described as advisory to the Chairman of the Board and the Director of the Institute regarding guidelines on next generation computer selection, acquisition, and distribution.

      The meeting was recessed at 10:00 p.m., 31 October 1980, at the Meadowlands Hilton Hotel, and reconvened on the following day, 1 November 1980, at the Woodbury Library conference room, beginning at 9:35 a.m.

      On 1 November, the above Ad Hoc Committee on Computer Changes reported their views to the Board, summarized as follows:

      1. The committee concurred there should be two computers, each dedicated to a specific primary function
      2. It is desirable to have the same operating system for accounting and subscription fulfillment
      3. Accounting should be given first priority in system acquisition, with authorization for the Executive Committee to approve detailed plans and acquisition expenditures, and the UNIVAC should be retained during transition for handling of subscription fulfillment
      4. A new philosophy for the accounting system must be instituted on a high priority basis.

      After some discussion, the following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Boyce, and passed with 17 votes in favor and 1 abstention:

      MOVED that the Governing Board delegate to the Executive Committee authority to approve detailed plans and expend funds for a new computerized accounting system as soon as possible, subject to the availability of funds.

    2. Consultant's Report on Computer Facilities

      Advance information given to the Board was utilized in the subject discussions of proposals for Distributed Data Processing; therefore, no separate discussion or action on this item was necessary.

    3. Formation of Two Ad Hoc Committees

      Chairman Ramsey reported that he had appointed two ad hoc committees, as follows:

      1. Fiscal Reports – It was reported that Jarus Quinn had accepted assignment as chairman of the ad hoc committee which will investigate the fiscal reporting needs from the perspective of Member Societies. This committee will expect to start its review during the latter part of calendar year 1980.
      2. Subscription Fulfillment – John Auliano was assigned to contact the Member Societies to determine the information which they would like to have in conjunction with subscription fulfillment; and to determine their computer equipment on hand and associated data exchange media, data access and transmission requirements, and other factors associated with computerized subscription information. A handout was given to the Board which gave the information obtained to date. The one common thread was that the Societies want more data maintained in the subscription fulfillment files. 
    4. Report of Society Services Committee (Functions III and IV)

      Strassenburg reported that the Committee on Society Services met at AIP headquarters on 22 October. They discussed with Auliano the desirability and feasibility of AIP's keeping only its own needed record files and have each Society maintain its own record-keeping equipment. Such decisions need to be made before AIP makes final decisions on software equipment. It was the committee's feeling that there might be other vendors who are capable of providing the same service as that offered by Business Controls Corporation. There is great concern on the part of the committee and a number of the Member Societies as to whether AIP can make a smooth transition to a distributed data processing system without a chaotic interim period.

    5. Approval of Subscription Fulfillment Feasibility Study

      Chairman Ramsey reported to the Board that the Executive Committee, based upon a three to two vote, has authorized the AIP staff to spend $2,500 for a subscription fulfillment system proposal from Business Controls Corporation.

6. Status of Publication Production at AIP (Function I)

  1. Proposed Developments on Physics Briefs

    Marks called attention to agenda Attachment D containing a proposal for AIP to become publisher of Physics Briefs for which there are about 300 subscribers worldwide. There were about 1,400 subscribers to Physics Abstracts in the U.S. when AIP was handling that journal; there are now about 900 in the U.S. and perhaps another 1,000 in the rest of the world. The German Government had decided to consolidate their activities in Germany, creating a data base, and to publish Physics Briefs in English, buying AIP material on tape. However, it was not satisfactory to others in the European Economic Community, and it has become desirable to get someone else to publish the printed product.

    The Executive Committee has recommended that AIP proceed to negotiate an arrangement which provides as a byproduct a means for furnishing member services at runoff costs.

    After a brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded, and passed with 13 votes in favor, 0 opposed, and 3 abstentions:

    MOVED that the Governing Board approve in principle the proposal for AIP to become the publisher of Physics Briefs and authorize the Director of AIP to negotiate and sign a suitable agreement with Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ), subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

  2. Progress on Chinese Physics

    Koch called attention to agenda Attachment E. During their recent trip to China, A. W. K. Metzner (Director of Publication Division I) and Koch met with Mr. Yeh, Head of Science Press, and were somewhat discouraged with the result at first; however, they are now optimistic about agreements involving the Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics and the Chinese Laser Journal. Koch reported he had appointed six members to the board of editors for AIP's forthcoming Chinese Physics translation journal, as follows:

    • Theodore H. Geballe (Stanford)
    • Samuel C. C. Ting (MIT)
    • C. S. Wu (Columbia)
    • William Yen (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)
    • Patrick A. Lee (Bell Labs., Murray Hill)
    • Chen Ning Yang (SUNY, Stony Brook)

    It is planned to have the first issue come out in January 1981, and to include titles and abstracts of all participating journals.

  3. Resolution Proposed by Executive Committee to Require AIP Journals to be Self-Supporting Within Three Years

    Havens read a motion which had been proposed by the Executive Committee. He explained that this matter resulted from a question about whether the AIP journals should be covered by page charges. He believes it is best to follow a regular pay-as-you-go policy, or AIP cannot afford to fulfill its publishing responsibilities; therefore, the motion is intended to establish a formal policy for the Institute. The proposed policy does not represent change, but does clearly state what has been an informal policy.

    Following a brief discussion, including the subject of starting new journals, the following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Smith, and passed with 1 dissent and 1 abstention:

    MOVED that all established scholarly journals of original research published by the American Institute of Physics should be self-supporting when averaged over a three-year period. If any journal is not self-supporting for two consecutive years, it should be brought to the attention of the Governing Board.

7. Status of Fiscal Accounting

  1. Woodbury Financing

    Gilbert reported that initial explorations were directed toward securing financing for the Woodbury addition from Bankers Trust Company by issuing tax-exempt bonds. However, as a result of the lawsuit by the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association, the initial loan commitment was negated; alternatively, AIP resorted to the use of subscription funds for financing the construction. In addition, the AIP investment portfolio was liquidated.

    Because of the changes that have taken place, the Governing Board was asked to approve a new set of resolutions prepared by the AIP attorneys and, upon motion made and passed with 17 votes in favor and none opposed, the following new resolutions were adopted:

    RESOLVED, that all of the actions heretofore taken by the officers of this Corporation to purchase, add to and further improve certain land having an area of 11.032 acres, more or less, at 500 Sunnyside Boulevard, Woodbury, New York, and the building thereon and the personal property, including fixtures, thereon (said personal property, together with any substitutions therefor and additions thereto, and said real property being hereafter collectively called the "Property"), including, without limitation,

    1. the purchase and mortgaging of the Property;
    2. the execution and delivery of a "Memorandum of Inducement and Intent" dated July 26, 1979 between this Corporation and the Nassau County Industrial Development Agency (the "Agency") providing for industrial development bond financing of additions and improvements to the Property and the issuance of the Agency's industrial development bonds in the principal amount of not more than $2,900,000 for that purpose, all pursuant to resolution of intention to issue industrial development bonds and authorizing the execution and delivery of said Memorandum of Inducement and Intent, which resolution was duly adopted at a meeting of the members of the Agency held on May 29, 1979;
    3. the execution of an agreement dated July 12, 1979, as amended and supplemented by letters dated July 24, 25 and 26, 1979, between this Corporation and The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America ("Guardian”) providing for the permanent financing of such purchase and improvement;
    4. the execution and delivery of a construction agreement dated January 3, 1980 with Blitman Construction Corp.;
    5. the negotiation with Bankers Trust Company to arrange for construction financing; and
    6. the decision to proceed without external construction financing;

    be, and they hereby are, in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed;

    RESOLVED, that the officers of this Corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to enter into an agreement or agreements with Guardian and the Agency providing, among other things, for the purchase by Guardian of the Agency's industrial development bond or bonds ("the Bond") in the aggregate principal amount of $2,175,000, the proceeds thereof to be used to the extent necessary to pay the indebtedness of this Corporation secured by the now outstanding mortgage on the Property, to bear interest at the fixed rate of 8-1/4% per annum, to require level monthly payments of $17,164.38 each, to be applied first to the payment of interest and then to the payment of principal, the interest rate being subject to increase in case of default or loss of tax-free status, and to be due and payable in full approximately 25 years after the purchase by Guardian of the Bond and to be guaranteed as to principal, premium, if any, and interest by this Corporation;

    RESOLVED, that the officers of this Corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to pay the indebtedness of this Corporation secured by the now outstanding mortgage on the property, such payment to be made out of the proceeds of the Bond, if feasible, and, if not feasible, by arranging for external conventional financing;

    RESOLVED, that the officers of this Corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized in the name and on behalf of this Corporation to arrange for a mortgage of the Property or any part thereof by the Agency to Guardian to secure the payment in full of principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Bond and also to provide for the payment to a bank or trust company as Depositary of the proceeds of the Bond to be disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the commitment for the financing of additions and improvements to the Property;

    RESOLVED, that the sale of the Property or any part thereof by this Corporation to the Agency on appropriate terms in connection with the issuance of the Bond be, and it hereby is, approved;

    RESOLVED, that the lease or purchase by installment sale agreement (under which lease or agreement this Corporation will retain possession of the Property and reacquire title thereto promptly after the execution and delivery of the mortgage and disbursement of the loan proceeds) by this Corporation from the Agency of the Property or the portion thereof sold to the Agency, on such terms that payments under the lease or installment sale agreement will provide in full for payment of principal of and interest on the Bond be, and it hereby is, approved;

    RESOLVED, that any such lease shall grant to this Corporation an option to purchase the Property at a nominal price ($1.00) upon the payment in full of the Bond;

    RESOLVED, that the guarantee by this Corporation of the payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Bond be, and it hereby is, approved;

    RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee be, and it hereby is, authorized to take such action at any time and from time to time with respect to the foregoing resolutions as to it may seem appropriate;

    RESOLVED, that the officers of this Corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed to perform all such acts and things necessary and to execute, deliver, record and file all such agreements, deeds, bills of sale, assignments, promissory notes, security agreements, financing statements and other documents as may appear to be necessary or advisable to the officer or officers executing any thereof to carry out the intention of the foregoing resolutions, the approval of any such document by any officer to be conclusively evidenced by his execution and delivery thereof;

    RESOLVED, that any inconsistencies between the foregoing resolutions relating to the Property adopted by this Board at its meeting held on November 1, 1980 and any and all resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board with respect to the Property shall be resolved in favor of the foregoing resolutions adopted on November 1, 1980.

  2. AIP Reserves and Improvements in Cash Flow Position

    Gilbert noted that the Woodbury construction program has caused a most unusual cash flow activity during the past year. As of 31 December 1979, AIP had completely exhausted its reserves, and had a deficit of $8,006 going into 1980. To correct the fund balance situation, the accounting staff was diverted from the 1979 audit so that Society financial statements and resulting payments to AIP could be expedited. To maintain a positive cash flow position, AIP also accelerated by two months the 1981 nonmember renewal billing, yielding an additional $800,000 in collections over the September-October period last year. Executive Committee approval was granted to negotiate a short-term loan from Bankers Trust Company at the prime rate plus 1/4 of 1%, if needed; so far, this has not been used. The Member Societies have been most cooperative and, though the "cash crunch" is not over at this time, there is reason for cautious optimism.

    Gilbert also reported that the legal fees for all of the indeterminables associated with the Woodbury addition have been enormous since the Institute must pick up the legal expenses of three law firms involved. For the Industrial Development Agency permanent financing, the current cost is $50,000 and there will probably be a cost of another $30,000 for the three law firms; the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association lawsuit cost $80,000. The tax-exemption problem With the New York City headquarters building, yet to be resolved, has cost us $13,000 so far; the cost of a permit to erect the fence at Woodbury was $6,000, and other nominal legal services for AIP include $13,000 for the Unrelated Business Income Tax problem which is still not resolved. These total $192,000. With continued care, it is believed the complicated financing of the past year will soon have proven successful and worthwhile.

  3. Report of Audit Committee and Appointment of Auditors for 1980

    Weaver reported that the Audit Committee, of which he is chairman, met on 29 October. The auditors gave AIP a clean bill of health for the year ended 31 December 1979. There has been a change in accounting for publishing revenue, and the committee had a long session with the auditors for discussion of a number of points of considerable importance. One problem area was the difficulty AIP has been having in providing timely accounting. It has concentrated on providing accounting services to the Societies at the expense of its own accounting needs. The committee feels it is of the utmost importance that AIP convert its whole accounting system to a computerized process as soon as possible. To help accomplish the needed improvements, Weaver introduced the following motion which was seconded by Havens and passed with 13 votes in favor, 2 opposed, and 1 abstention:

    MOVED that the Institute appoint a Director of Accounting with a strong background in both accounting and computer usage and data processing and, further, that the Institute acquire for the New York Office a computer dedicated to the accounting process.

    In accordance with the Audit Committee's desires, the following motion was made by Weaver, seconded by Strassenburg, and passed by a vote of 17 in favor and 1 opposed:

    MOVED that Touche Ross & Co. be appointed as the AIP's independent auditor for 1980.

8. Proposal for Age Limitation for AIP Officers and Editors

Chairman Ramsey called attention to agenda Attachment F regarding the concerns of age limitations, and read it. The following motion was made by Havens and seconded by Boyce:

MOVED that no person may serve as a compensated officer of the Institute or as an editor of an Institute journal beyond the age of seventy.

It was proposed by Kelly to change the word "may" to "should." A motion made by Strasberg and seconded by Beyer to defer action on this item until the next meeting was defeated. A motion to close further discussion was passed. The main motion was then acted upon and passed by vote of 10 in favor, with Ramsey casting the tiebreaking vote, And 9 opposed.

9. Proposed Revisions to Constitution and Bylaws

Slack opened by reminding the Board that some years ago a committee was appointed to "tidy up" the AIP Constitution. The committee met several times, but mostly by mail and telephone. One version of a revised Constitution was presented to the Governing Board at the March 1980 meeting; and further changes were made as a result of instructions from the Board at that meeting. Slack called attention to agenda Attachment G for the ensuing discussion, and highlighted substantial changes being proposed. Article VII of the revised Constitution would provide for action by the Governing Board at other than face-to-face meetings, and there was some discussion of the proposed Article VII. A motion, made by Burton and seconded by Havens, to delete Paragraph 3 of Article VII of the proposed revised Constitution was defeated by a vote of 5 in favor, 10 opposed, and 1 abstention.

Subsequently, the following motion was made by Shaw, seconded by Smith, and passed by a vote of 16 in favor, with none opposed and no abstentions:

MOVED that the proposed revised Constitution be submitted to the Member Societies for approval.

The following motion was then made by Smith, seconded by Hoffman, and passed with 17 votes in favor, none opposed and no abstentions:

MOVED that the new Bylaws (which are proposed as an amendment to the present Rules) be approved, to take effect at the time the new Constitution is adopted.

(Secretary's Note: Since an amendment to the present Rules requires the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of the Governing Board, presently 28, the above vote in favor of adopting the proposed new Bylaw was insufficient to meet this requirement.)

10. Function-Oriented Committee Reports

  1. Publishing Policy Committee (Function I)

    Quinn distributed copies of the report of the Publishing Policy Committee for 1980. Based upon recommendation of the Publishing Policy Committee, the following motion was made by Quinn, seconded by Johnson, and passed without dissent:

    MOVED that the proposed scheme of producing and scheduling AIP journal cumulative indexes be endorsed, leaving details of implementation to the Executive Committee.

    After further brief discussion, the following motion was made by Quinn, seconded by Havens, and passed by a vote of 8 in favor, 5 opposed, and 4 abstentions:

    MOVED that AIP journals of record be published on acid-free paper, beginning within the next year and one-half, the added cost to be reflected in increased subscription prices to members and nonmembers.

    Quinn indicated it will cost $5.00 to $15.00 more per subscription. (Presumably, the Publishing Policy Committee's recommendation is that the increases be allocated by the Executive Committee, with the library prices to be higher.)

  2. Advisory Committee on Physics Today (Function II)

    Kelly reported that the subject committee feels Physics Today is in a very fine state. It recommends that more applied topics be discussed in "Search and Discovery." "Letters to the Editor" should continue to include letters on controversial topics. Major articles per issue should be increased from three to four. Another opportunity is for a subscription interchange between Physics Today and Spectrum of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the committee recommends that this be explored further. The committee believes "State and Society," "We Hear That…," and the editorials could be "jazzed up" a bit.

    In reviewing credentials of the staff, almost all are from academia; it would be good to add someone from industrial physics. Criteria for acceptance of letters to the editor should provide for refusal to publish letters if they contain technical arguments or personal attacks.

  3. Committee on Manpower (Function V)

    Clark distributed copies of the report of the AIP Advisory Committee on Manpower. Most of the recommendations have to do with taking advantage of the present situation. Chairman Ramsey noted that the Executive Committee will include that in its next meeting.

  4. Committee on Public Education and Information (Function VI)

    Wheeler distributed copies of the report of the AIP Committee on Public Information and Education. The report covered general observations and specific products on radio programs, television programs, news releases, and physics in the future. It was emphasized that one should recognize there is a difference between public understanding of science, and public appreciation of science. The committee is concerned with developments in the conduits of science; for example, the Federal Communications Commission has just reduced the power requirements for television stations, and it is felt this is going to change the structure of how information gets to the public. The AIP staff efforts were commended for the progress made during the past few years.

  5. Committee for Public Policy (Function VII)

    Morse reported that the full committee has met once and there has been one meeting of its steering committee. Committee activities are not intended to replace the activities of any of the other committees of the Board but to provide quick response for handling problems that come up in a hurry and cannot be easily dealt with in other ways. For example, the case of AVS invitations to foreigners and disclosure of information to certain persons is one that might have been handled by the Committee for Public Policy (CPP).

    The question of time allocation on research is an area that the APS Panel on Public Affairs is interested in, and CPP will keep in touch with them on that. It is hoped to soon insert news in Physics Today on some of these questions. It is also hoped to keep in touch with Congressional actions so that these inputs can be utilized. There may also be a need for quick responses to science writers; or CPP may want to initiate some studies on selected issues. There is also a need, in the next couple of years, for a systems study of the whole informational cycle.

    There will be another meeting of the full committee prior to the December Executive Committee budget meeting so that CPP budgetary needs can be considered at that time.

  6. Council of Friends of the Center for History of Physics (Function V)

    A report on the program to document the history of solid state physics had been distributed prior to the meeting. No action was requested, and none was taken.

  7. Confirmation of Seven Functions for 1981

    In as much as no changes were proposed in the seven functions of AIP for 1981, no action was requested and none was taken.

11. AIP 50th Anniversary Celebration

  1. Report on Progress and Plans

    Jamerson reported it is proposed to have the Anniversary Handbook out by 1 October 1981, and to produce 10,000 copies to be sold at $15.00 each ($10.00 in bulk).

    The 1981 Anniversary Calendar has already been distributed to members of the Board. There is to be an exhibit called "Physicists in America 1931-1981;" this is in preparation, the Governing Board having allocated $66,000 for four fully mounted copies. (In December, at the Executive Committee budget meeting, plans to produce an Anniversary Exhibit were cancelled.)

    There will be an anniversary issues of Physics Today in November 1981. The AIP Anniversary Meeting will be an expanded Corporate Associates meeting. It will be held at the Hyatt Hotel and the National Academy of Sciences in Washington on 15-16 October 1981. An open house at AIP headquarters is planned for 26 January 1981, during the time of the joint APS-AAPT annual meeting in New York. Member Society meetings will have salutes to AIP.

    The attempt to have a postage stamp honoring physics issued has failed.

  2. Proposed New Logo for AIP

    The Chairman noted that copies of four logo designs, including the present one, were distributed to the Board. It was decided to vote first on the first two designs, and then on the other two. On the vote between Nos. 1 and 2, the results were 13 votes in favor of No.1, and 3 in favor of No.2. On the vote between Nos. 3 and 4, the results were 4 votes in favor of No. 3 and 12 for No.4. In the runoff between No. 1 and No.4, the results were 14 votes for No.1, and 4 votes for No.4; therefore, the present logo, No.1, will be retained.

12. Future Meetings

  1. Executive Committee

    The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 18 December 1980 at AIP headquarters.

  2. Governing Board

    It was noted there is a conflict with the ACA meeting and the 27-28 March 1981 meeting of the AIP Board. A discussion followed concerning changing the dates for the AIP Governing Board meeting, but it was the consensus of the Board to adhere to the previously scheduled dates of 27-28 March 1981.

  3. Annual Corporation Meeting

    There will be an annual meeting of the AIP Corporation, as required by New York State law, preceding the March 1981 Governing Board meeting.

13. Other Business

  1. Sakharov Conference

    AIP has been requested to be a sponsor of a scientific conference in honor of the 60th birthday of A. D. Sakharov. Following some discussion of possible guidelines for sponsoring the proposed conference, it was the consensus that such requests should normally be delegated to the Executive Committee for decision. No action was taken by the Board; however, Burton volunteered to have this case considered by the APS Executive Committee.

  2. Appreciation to AIP Management and Staff

    The following motion, made by Quinn, was seconded and passed by acclamation:

    MOVED that the Governing Board of the Institute extend its appreciation to the management and staff of the Institute on this dedication day for this extraordinary accomplishment.

14. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m., 1 November 1980, with the announcement that, following lunch, the formal dedication ceremonies would take place in the new Woodbury facilities, beginning at 1:30 p.m.