October 4, 1963

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

1. The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met in the French Suite of the Hotel Biltmore, New York, New York.

Present: Ralph A. Sawyer – Chairman, S.S. Ballard, Laurence Batchelder, Herbert A. Erf, N.S. Gingrich, S.A. Goudsmit, W.W. Havens, Jr., James Hillier, R.B. Lindsay, David L. MacAdam, Leonard O. Olsen, Vincent E. Parker, S.L. Quimby, Paul M. Routly, Horance M. Trent, Frank Verbrugge, Mary E. Warga, Elizabeth A. Wood

Absent: Malcolm Correll, John D. Ferry, W.V. Houston, Richard C. Lord, John C. Miller, Frederick Seitz, C.G. Suits

Guests: James T. Bergen, R.S. Marvin

AIP Staff Present: Elmer Hutchisson, Wallace Waterfall, Mary M. Johnson

Chairman Sawyer convoked the meeting at 1:30 p.m.

2. Minutes

On motion made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the meeting of 16 March 1963 were approved as distributed.

3. Confirmation of Mail Ballot on TV Channel 37 Resolution

The Director reported that, under New York State law, it is necessary to confirm the results of the mail ballot concerning Channel 37 which was voted by the Governing Board last April. The following resolution was approved by 24 affirmative ballots and was communicated to Newton N. Minow, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission:

Be it resolved by the Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics that the restriction of Channel No. 37 to astronomical research throughout the United States during the entire twenty-four hour day is of great importance to the progress of radio astronomy. Information obtained through this spectrum window of the earth’s atmosphere from natural as well as artificial objects in outer space can be of inestimable value to a wide variety of scientific investigation.

The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics therefore strongly recommends that no action be taken in assigning Channel 37 at this time such actions if taken, would undoubtedly be irreversible. At the same time, it is recommended that the FCC request the National Academy of Sciences to study this matter with a view to pointing out the possibility of resolving this and similar other problems which seem certain to arise for the FCC in the near future.

The following motion was made, seconded, and passed without dissent:

MOVED that the results of the mail ballot concerning Channel 37 be confirmed.

(Subsequent to this meeting, it was learned that the decision of the FCC was to restrict TV Channel 37 to radio astronomy for a period of ten years.)

4. Financial Statement for First Six Months 1963

Copies of a financial statement for the first six months of 1963 had been sent to all Board members prior to the meeting together with an explanatory letter from the Treasurer (copies attached). In answer to a question about the financial status of PHYSICS TODAY, the Treasurer explained that it will probably be affected by the anticipated changes in methods of cost distribution next year. He also stated that with the new systems and equipment which have been and are continuing to be installed, it is hoped that financial statements can soon be prepared and ready for distribution before the end of the month following that which they cover.

5. Authorization for Bankers Trust Company Borrowings

The Treasurer reported that our arrangement with Bankers Trust Company authorize the Institute to borrow money upon signature8 of any two of the following four officers: Elmer Hutchisson. Wallace Waterfall, Henry A. Barton, and Kathryn Setze. The staff recommends that this authorization be amended, and the following motion was made, second and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that borrowings from Bankers Trust Company may be made only if at least one of the two signatures required is that of either the Director or the Secretary and Treasurer; the other signature may be that of G. F. Gilbert, H. C. Wolfe, or Kathryn Setze.

6. Application of American Vacuum Society of Associate Member Society Status

The Secretary read two motions concerning the American Vacuum Society which were passed by Executive Committee at its meeting on 7 June 1963. The first recommended that AVS be nominated for election as an Associate Member Society of the Institute and the second authorized the Institute to assume publication services for AVS. He stated that a recent check indicates only six or seven percent of their members are members of at least one AIP Society, rather than 25% which was reported earlier based on a cursory examination of a membership list supplied at that time.

There was a rather lengthy discussion during which it appeared to be the consensus that, although AVS may have a large proportion of engineers and technicians among its membership at the present time, indications are that professional and academic membership is on the increase. In answer to a question, the Secretary stated that servicing their 1,751 members would not adversely affect tour present operations. In view of the present studies which are being made of the Institute’s activities and its relationship to the Societies, it was the consensus that it would be unwise to add to the Institute membership at present and the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the Governing Board not recommend the American Vacuum Society to the Member Societies for selection as an Associate Member Society of the Institute at this time.

The Secretary said that the AIP staff, in view of previous action of the Executive Committee, had been negotiating with AVS officers on handling their journal and other services. No actual commitment had been made but there might be some moral obligation to provide services for a time. It was agreed that AIP officers should appraise the situation and follow whatever course appeared best.

7. Consideration of Recommendation from Assembly of Society Officers

The Chairman said it is incumbent upon the Governing Board to consider action taken by the Assembly of Society Officers concerning the establishment of a finance committee. There was considerable discussion as to whether the primary purpose of the proposed committee should be to advise and assist the Institute on financial affairs or to act as liaison with the Societies. Finally, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissent:

MOVED that the Chairman be instructed to appoint a committee consisting of one member from each Member and Associate Member Society, this committee to act in an advisory capacity to the Board on Institute financial matters affecting the Societies and, as individuals, to report and explain such matters to their respective Societies.

It had been reported to the Assembly of Society Officers that Mr. Hutchisson wishes to retire in the fall of 1964 and it had been suggested that the purposes and structure of the Institute should be reexamined in conjunction with the selection of a new Director. The Assembly had recommended that the Governing Board act accordingly. Therefore, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the Chairman appoint a committee to survey the activities of the Institute and select a list of candidates for the position of Director who are able to carry out what the committee believes to be the objectives of the Institute. This committee shall be instructed to report to the Executive Committee within a specified period of time.

8. Appointments

The Director stated that the staff feels it would be advisable to set up two new committees (a and b below) in connection with Institute projects. He also reported that the terms of AIP representatives to various organizations will expire at the end of this year and it is in order for new appointments to be made. The Director suggested the following appointments and, upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, the following committees and representatives were appointed subject to acceptance by the individuals named and with authority granted the Chairman and Director to make substitutions if necessary:

Laurence Batchelder, Chairman
Wallace R. Brode
Sanborn C. Brown
Karl K. Darrow
R.S. Rivlin
Hilliard Roderick

S.A. Goudsmit, Chairman
Walker Bleakney
Robert L. Sproull

Roman Smoluchowski

John Shive

Malcolm Correll
Serge Korff
Laurence Batchelder

  1. Advisory Committee for Information Center on International Physics Activities
  2. Committee to Review Editorial Structure of AIP Journals
  3. Representative to Board of ACTA METALLURGICA
  4. Representative to Scientific Manpower Commission (if requested)
  5. Nominations to US National Commission for UNESCO (if requested)

9. Corporate Associates Program

The Director distributed copies of a status report on the Corporate Associates program (copy attached) and reported that attendance at the meeting on October 3 1963 was larger than it had been in Arden House where previous meetings have been held.

The Director reported that the following organization had requested to become a Corporate Associate of the Institute and, on motion duly made and carried, it was so elected:

Kennecott Copper Corporation $500

  1. Status Report
  2. Election of New Corporate Associate

10. Foreign Affiliated Societies

The Director said he had received a request for Institute affiliation from an organization outside the United States. We have no foreign Affiliated Societies at present and some policy in this regard should be formulated.

After brief discussion, it was agreed to defer this subject until the next meeting of the Executive Committee or the Governing Board.

11. Report on Friends of the Niels Bohr Library

The Director distributed copies of a report on the project to enlist support for the Niels Bohr Library (copy enclosed). He stated that, since the report was compiled, the number of "Friends" has increased from 29 to 32 and contributions from $4,450 to $6.665. The over-all total received for the purchase of books is more than $8,600.

12. Future Meetings

The following dates for future meetings were suggested by the Secretary and met with no objections:

Executive Committee – Friday, 6 December 1963

Executive Committee – Friday, 24 January 1964 (breakfast meeting in connection with APS-AAPT meetings.)

Annual Meeting – Friday, 21 February 1964

Executive Committee – Friday, 20 March 1964

Governing Board – Saturday, 21 March 1964

Executive Committee – Friday, 12 June 1964

The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.