Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
1. The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met in Windsor Court of the Hotel Commodore, New York, N.Y.
Present: Ralph A. Sawyer – Chairman, Arnold Arons, H.R. Crane, Herbert A. Erf, W.W. Havens, Jr., A.C. Helmholz, R.B. Lindsay, A.I. Mahan, Robert S. Marvin, Melba Phillips, Vincent E. Parker, S.L. Quimby, Paul M. Routly, Isadore Rudnick, John A. Sanderson, R.S. Shankland, Mary E. Warga, John A. Wheeler and Elizabeth A. Wood.
Guest: Elmer Hutchisson – Director Emeritus
Absent: E.U. Condon, E.C. Creutz, S.A. Goudsmit, E.R. Piore, Frederick Seitz, C.H. Townes.
AIP Staff Present: Wallace Waterfall, G.F. Gilbert, Mary M. Johnson
Chairman Sawyer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. and introduced the new Board member, Mr. Shankland
2. Minutes
On motion made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the meeting of March 26, 1966, were approved as distributed.
3. Financial Statement for First Six Months 1966
Mr. Gilbert reported that copies of the financial statement for the first six months of 1966 had been sent to all Board members with his letter of August 12. (Copies of financial statement and covering letter enclosed for those who were not included in the initial distribution.) Mr. Gilbert reviewed the highlights of his letter, and the following motion was made by Mr. Parker, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the Governing Board commend the staff for its continuing success in producing maximum results with maximum economy.
4. Appointment of Committee to Nominate Chairman, Executive Committee and Director-at-Large for 1967
Upon recommendation of the Chairman, a committee consisting of Messrs. H.R. Crane (chairman), Frederick Seitz and Isadore Rudnick was appointed to nominate a Chairman, Executive Committee and director-at-large of the Governing Board for the coming year. This committee will be expected to present its report at the Board meeting in March 1967.
5. Consideration of Recommendations from Assembly of Society Officers
Although there were no specific actions taken during the Assembly of Society Officers and Board members on October 5 and 7, Mr. Havens said he would like to have resolved some questions which were raised during the Secretary's presentation of the Institute's space requirements. The discussion which ensued appeared to indicate that most Board members favored maintaining at least administrative offices in a major city, and a suggestion that some operations could be located elsewhere--in a suburb, for example, seemed to meet with approval. The Chairman said it is planned to appoint a committee to study future space requirements of AIP and what should be done about them.
6. Report of Committee and Election of New Director
At an informal meeting of 20 of the 25 members of the Governing Board held on the evening of October 5, Mr. Lindsay reported that his committee was prepared to recommend the appointment of H. William Koch as Director of the Institute. Mr. Lindsay said that 74 candidates had been considered and that a number of them had been interviewed or contacted. Dr. Yoch was highly recommended by a number of people, meets all the requirements set by the committee and reported to the Executive Committee at its meeting on June 10, 1966, and was interviewed by all members of the committee. Dr. Koch indicated his intention of accepting the appointment if it were offered to him. Mr. Lindsay asked for informal assurance of Board approval so that Dr. Koch could be invited to come to New York to be presented to the Assembly of AIP Board members and Society officers on the morning of October 7. Such assurance was unanimously given.
Mr. Lindsay referred to the informal action taken on the evening of October 5, mentioned above, and offered the following motion:
MOVED that H. William Koch be appointed Director of the American Institute of Physics, to serve at the pleasure of the Board, and that the Chairman be authorized to write him a letter stating the conditions of employment.
The above motion was seconded and passed unanimously and the Chairman read the letter of appointment (copy attached to official minutes).
7. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Governing Board was scheduled for Saturday, March 18, 1967. There will be a meeting of the Executive Committee at the offices of the Institute on the preceding day, Friday, March 17.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.