September 27, 1961

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

1. The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met at the offices of the Institute, 225 East 45th Street, New York 17, New York.

Present: Ralph A. Sawyer, Chairman; James G. Baker; R. H. Bolt; Wallace R. Brode; Dirk Brouwer; J. H. Elliott; Herbert A. Erf; N. S. Gingrich; S. A. Goudsmit; W. W. Havens, Jr.; R. Bruce Lindsay; David L. MacAdam; H. Victor Neher; Leonard O. Olsen; C. J. Overbeck; S. L. Quimby: Francis W. Sears; Frederick Seitz; C. Guy Suits; Mary E. Warga; William R. Willets

Absent: Harvey Brooks; W.V. Houston; Winston E. Kock; Ray Pepinsky

AIP Staff Present: Elmer Hutchisson; Wallace Waterfall; Henry A. Barton; Mary M. Johnson

Chairman Sawyer convened the meeting at 2:00 p.m. and introduced Messrs. Gingrich and Suits who were attending their first Board meeting.

2. Minutes

On motion made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the meeting of March 25, 1961, were approved as circulated.

3. Financial Statement for Six Month Ended June 30, 1961

Copies of the financial statement were distributed (copy attached to Executive Committee minutes of September 27, 1961). (For details of the Treasurer’s remarks, see above-mentioned Executive Committee minutes, Item 2.)

The Treasurer answered some questions about certain figures in the Statement and, in reply to an inquiry about the Regional Counselor Program, the Director reported that a promise of funds has not yet been received. Our requests were rejected by NSF and the Carnegie Foundation but we intend to approach other sources. Response to the program has been enthusiastic and Mr. Kelly is devoting a great deal of attention to it at the present time.

4. Report on Grants

Current lists of grants received and requested were distributed (copies attached) and the Director described briefly the activity which is being pursued under each of the grants received. He reported that the total expenditure on grants now received amoutns to about $600,000 per year.

Mr. Sears explained the Teacher Recognition Program and said that it is designed to afford nationwide recognition to superior high school physics teachers although there are no monetary awards connected with it.

5. Report on Building Addition

The Secretary recalled that the Governing Board, at its meeting on March 25, 1961, authorized the Executive Committee to proceed with plans for construction of an addition to the Institute's building on our vacant lot. The work has begun. James E. Mitchell and Son, who remodeled our present building, was the low bidder for the job at a price of $533,000.00. With the inclusion of New York Steam for $13,700, and architects and engineers fees at $50,000, the total cost will be $597,000 or $31.80 per square foot gross. This means the addition of 17,300 square feet net to our space and it will provide for a total of 200 employees. (Details of plans for financing the construction are reported in the Executive Committee minutes of September 27, 1961, Item 6.)

The Secretary displayed a rendering of the completed building and described some of its features. He also displayed a rendering of the Niels Bohr Library and said it can also be used as a supplementary meeting room. The meeting room on the first floor of the addition will accommodate about 30 people and will be accessible from the street without opening the whole building. In answer to a question, the Secretary said furniture will be acquired as it is needed.

6. Preview of Arden House Program

The Director reported that copies of the program had been distributed previously and he stated that this is expected to be a very important planning meeting for the Institute. He reviewed the program and said the staff expected help from those who would be present in developing future programs and in establishing priorities. It is hoped that officers will bring up any questions they may have concerning AIP operations and that they will speak frankly so that harmony and unity in physics may be maintained.

The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.