June 19, 1980

Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

Roll Call

The 19 June 1980 AIP Executive Committee meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Ramsey.

Executive Committee Members Present

Norman F. Ramsey, Chairman of AIP; Robert T. Beyer, ASA; Peter B. Boyce, AAS; Charles B. Duke, AVS; William W. Havens, Jr., APS; John C. Johnson, Secretary; H. William Koch, Director; Jarus W. Quinn, OSA; A. A. Strassenburg, AAPT

Nonvoting Representative Present

Jenny P. Glusker, Member-at-large of the Governing Board


Philip S. Agar, Windels, Marx, Davies & Ives, AIP attorney for Item No. 2(c); Kenneth W. Greenawalt, Windels, Marx, Davies & Ives, AIP attorney for Item No. 2(c); Joseph A. Burton, APS Treasurer for Item No. 2(d); John Auliano, Technical Advisor to the Director for Item No. 3; Victor Crone, Manager of Data Processing for Item No. 3

AIP Staff Present

Sidney Millman, Outgoing Secretary; Gerald F. Gilbert, Treasurer; Robert H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; Lewis Slack, Associate Director for Educational Services; Dorothy M. Lasky, Assistant to the Director; Mary M. Johnson, Assistant to the Secretary

1. Minutes

Upon a motion made by W. W. Havens, seconded and passed without dissent, the minutes of the 29 April 1980 Executive Committee were approved.

2. Status Report on Woodbury Addition

H. W. Koch advised he would like Committee guidance or action on (1) litigation, (2) a possible agreement with the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association (SWTA), and (3) financing.

  1. Construction

    R. H. Marks reported that construction was on schedule for completion by the last week in September. No action was required by the Committee.

  2. Confirmation of Telephone Ballot re Covenant

    H. W. Koch requested confirmation of the mail/telephone ballot distributed under the 20 May 1980 letter concerning a draft covenant for settlement agreement with SWTA. A majority of the Executive Committee members telephoned their approval. W. W. Havens moved that the results of the mail/telephone ballot be confirmed; the motion was seconded by C. B. Duke and passed without dissent.

  3. South Woodbury Taxpayers Association Litigation

    Kenneth W. Greenawalt will represent AIP at the court trial scheduled for 23 June 1980. H. W. Koch asked for official endorsement to proceed with the court action and for Board response to a counter-proposal for settlement agreement. The following resolution was adopted upon motion by W. W. Havens, seconded by C. B. Duke, and passed without dissent:

    Although the Executive Committee wishes AIP to be a “good neighbor” in Woodbury and has approved a covenant to that end as proposed by the AIP, it finds on examination the counterproposal covenant submitted by the lawyer of the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association, Inc., dated 10 June 1980, to be not acceptable.

    The Executive Committee encourages continuing efforts by AIP to achieve mutually supportive relations with its neighbors at the Woodbury site.

    In light of the foregoing, the Executive Committee authorizes the AIP to proceed with the litigation initiated by the South Woodbury Taxpayers Association.

  4. Financing

    G. F. Gilbert distributed a two-page handout entitled, “Financing of Woodbury Addition,” dated 19 June 1980 and copies of a letter from J. A. Burton, dated 19 June 1980, in which APS has offered to extend a construction loan to AIP, subject to approval by the APS Executive Committee. After a brief discussion of the financial report and the APS letter, the following motion was made by C. B. Duke, seconded by J. W. Quinn, and passed with one abstention (without prejudice):

    AIP is authorized to borrow up to $750,000 under the terms outlined in J. A. Burton's 19 June 1980 letter from The American Physical Society.

3. Status of Computerization of Accounting

J. Auliano reported the computerization of accounting is proceeding on schedule. “Fixed Assets” will be operational early in August. He is trying to build interface with the General Ledger in all cases. Three additional persons have been hired to work on computerization of publications and reprints. The “Accounts Payable” system is working and in good shape and they are working on the “Accounts Receivable” and “Fixed Assets” systems. Some Committee members reported on significant subscription fulfillment problems experienced by societies being served.

4. Review of Journal Prices Established for 1981

New journal prices for 1981 were established at the 28 March 1980 Executive Committee meeting. The Publishing Policy Committee has recommended selective cumulative indexes be prepared for the most recent five-year period for the AIP journals and that costs of these indexes be built into the subscription price. It was agreed to start with The Physics of Fluids.

In view of this recommendation, it was moved that costs be at least partially covered by increasing the nonmember rate of The Physics of Fluids from $125 to $135 for 1981. On a motion by Quinn and seconded by Duke to this effect, the proposed rate was approved without dissent.

5. Status of Audit for 1979

Several factors have adversely affected the progress of the 1979 audit such that it is now planned to publish the 1979 annual report in the August issue of Physics Today with AIP-prepared statements. This is about one month later than it should have appeared. AIP will accept a Touche Ross offer of several weeks consulting time; they will be asked what can be done to produce the report earlier. No committee action was required for this item.

6. Report on IRS Review of Unrelated Business Income Tax

W. Lehrfeld, Tax Attorney, has been unofficially advised that a review of the AIP case is being circulated and reports are favorable to AIP on all points except one. This concerns page charges which have been treated as contributions rather than income. W. Lehrfeld will advise as soon as he learns anything further. No action was required.

7. Report on Fiscal Policy Committee Meeting

G. F. Gilbert reported one item of concern to the attendees of the 16 May 1980 meeting was W. Lehrfeld's optimistic view of the outcome of AIP's Unrelated Business Income Tax case with IRS. They questioned his optimism and expressed their own reservations. No action was required.

8. Bill for New York City Real Estate Taxes

G. F. Gilbert reported AIP has received a bill for $105,000 for New York City real estate taxes for the fiscal year starting 1 July 1980. There is a fifteen-day grace period. The first installment of $26,250 will be paid on or about 15 July 1980 with a formal letter of protest. No Committee action was required.

9. Application for Renewal of Woodbury Property Tax Exemption

G. F. Gilbert reported that no trouble is anticipated in the renewal of tax exemption on the Woodbury property. No action was required.

10. Copyright Clearance Center Activities

H. W. Koch described agreements being negotiated by CCC with foreign collection agencies. They have an agreement with the Dutch agency, Stichting Reprorecht (SR), which collects money from the government based on an estimated volume of photocopying in the various Netherlands' institutions. Since there were no objections from Executive Committee members, H. W. Koch will sign authorization for the Dutch agency to collect payment from the government for photocopies for the various institutions. He will also plan to authorize similar agreements with other agencies as appropriate.

11. Plans for September Executive Committee Meeting

Committee members should plan to meet from noon on Friday, 5September 1980 through noon Sunday, 7 September 1980. Arrangements have been made for use of the National Academy of Science (NAS) facility at Woods Hole and local hotels and motels have been contacted for room reservations, although arrangements are not yet final. No formal action is required by the Committee.

12. The Physics of Fluids Review Committee

The Physics of Fluids Review Committee has now been established with the following six members: Fred L. Ribe (Chairman), Lester Tuttman, T. J. Hanratty, Thomas C. Marshall, Barry Ripin, and Milton Van Dyke.

13. Proposal for AAPM to Reestablish Headquarters Office at AIP

In reference to agenda attachment B, the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Executie Committee has recommended acceptance of the AIP proposal to reestablish headquarters at AIP headquarters, but their full Board (which meets in July) must act on it. No formal action by AIP's Executive Committee is required at this time since there appears to be no objection in principle to the proposal.

14. Report on Meeting of International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Abstracting Board

AIP’s classification scheme is now being used in three languages. At the ICSU/AB meeting in Spain during the week of 10 June there were many discussions, including: (1) document access, (2) derivative data bases (including who gets the royalty), and (3) copyrightability of abstracts. The monitoring of such issues at these meetings is helpful to AIP management.

15. Status of Annual Corporate Associates Meeting

The program for the 30-31 October 1980 Corporate Associates meeting at Bell Labs in New Jersey is just about complete with confirmation from all but one of the speakers. The program will take place at Bell Labs on the first day and at the Meadowlands Hilton Hotel in Secaucus, NJ, the second day.

16. Status of Plans for 50th Anniversary Celebration

Herbert L. Anderson is editor of the “Anniversary Handbook” and he is getting outlines from twenty-two section editors. The schedule calls for the complete manuscript to be in the hands of the AIP Publication Division by January 1981. The Board has authorized $44,000 for this project and the selling price of the handbook will be $15 for single copies. An anniversary calendar and the exhibit plans are proceeding normally.

17. Status of Chinese Physics Journal

H. W. Koch has made contact with the Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology who expects to send us a letter after he receives clearances in China. AIP has proposed six input journals but two are not within his jurisdiction. It is planned to start with four.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.