AIP/Member Society Relationship and Activities

AIP/Member Society Relationship

AIP partners with and facilitates partnerships among the Member Societies, so that we can collectively and more effectively pursue our common mission to advance science and support the well-being of the physical science enterprise.

AIP provides a means for its MS to pool, coordinate, and leverage their diverse expertise and contributions in the pursuit of the shared goal of advancing the physical sciences in the research enterprise, in the economy, in education, and in society. MS also stand to strengthen their public positions on policy trends and overarching community concerns. 

AIP seeks to advance the success of its Member Societies, by addressing mutual concerns on which we might partner, by building collaborative relationships among the MS and with other organizations around topics of interest, by assisting each MS in understanding and addressing issues related to the needs and trajectory of their members, and by assisting the MS directly in value-added capacities, such as society management and program support.

Information Exchange. Member Society Liaison Committees are organized and financed by AIP, for the purposes of exchanging information and expertise and developing innovative strategies for making progress on issues relevant to all science. Liaison Committees address activities involving Education, Public Policy, History Preservation, and Under-Represented Minorities (outside societies such as the National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists join this committee, for a strong link to the minority community).

Annual Forum. AIP Member and Affiliate leaders convene to discuss areas of mutual concern at the annual Annual Forum (organized and financed by AIP). Sessions address topics such as challenges/innovations in scientific publishing, public policy, effectively communicating to the public, supporting/growing the membership base, trends in philanthropic giving, strategic planning, supporting science education, promoting science as a viable career choice to a diverse population, and so forth. The Forum is a venue where Member and Affiliated Society executives can become better acquainted and share ideas. (AIP reimburses the cost of participation for the president or alternate representative from each MS).

AIP Venture Grants. The AIP Venture Grant program serves AIP’s Strategic Framework Federation Goal through providing opportunities for AIP’s Member Societies (MS) to propose for funding to support collaborative activities with AIP that are strategy-driven and promote growth, increased stature, and innovation in and among the Federation’s Member Societies and Affiliates. The program also serves AIP’s Institute Goal through proposals from MS members, submitted through and with the support of their Society/Association, that will impact the broader physical science community. AIP Affiliates and other societies in the physical sciences, may participate in the program as collaborators on MS proposals, thereby extending the reach of the program into the broader community. All proposals require an AIP project partner who will provide help in preparing proposals, in coordinating with AIP programs and activities (if appropriate), and in assuring compliance with program requirements. Proposals may be submitted for funding of up to $60k per year for a maximum of 2 years.

Diversity. In direct response from the Member Societies' desire that AIP address diversity at the macro level (i.e. increasing minority representation in the pipeline), AIP has formed the National Task Force to Elevate African American Representation in Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy (TEAM-UP) aimed at bringing physics and astronomy bachelor’s degrees among African Americans to parity with overall bachelor’s degree outcomes for African Americans.

In October 2020, AIP hired a Diversity Officer to help craft a diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility strategy for the Institute and work with the Member Societies to amplify our community’s DEI efforts.  

Also in 2020, AIP also awarded $150K in grants to MS for programs and actions as direct response to the current focus on racial injustice.

History and preservation. AIP History Programs’ archivists, librarians, and historians:

  • collect and maintain resources on the histories of the specific disciplines represented by the MS;  
  • preserve and catalog historical records of all MS;
  • acquire and catalog online photos that are historically valuable to the MS (society leadership; key figures); and
  • train and support oral history projects for the MS.

Government Relations. AIP provides no-cost support to the MS to advance science policy campaigns, increase visibility and representation through Executive Branch and Congressional visits, sign on to Member Society statements for endorsement, and enhance other Government Relations efforts.

Connection to undergraduate students. The Society of Physics Students (SPS) joint membership program introduces students into MS membership.  SPS supports MS meetings which enriches technical programming and social engagement for undergraduate students in the physical sciences. (Poster and contributed sessions, student receptions and outreach events.) SPS student reporters also promote MS meetings via reports made available to the national membership of SPS (~5,000 students).

BoardSource. Unlimited access to reliable information to guide board leadership and governance practices of not-for-profit organizations. Available to all Member Society leadership, staff, and members.

Leadership. Member Societies appoint Directors to the AIP Board of Directors.

Fellowship administration. MS may sponsor or co-sponsor fellowships, which AIP will administer.

Meeting support. AIP offers a variety of meeting support services, including: 

  • Student Offerings – SPS can support MS meetings by enriching the technical programming and social engagement for undergraduate student attendees;

  • Invited talks – AIP staff often give invited talks at MS meetings, especially in the areas of history and statistics, including the status of minorities in the physical sciences;

  • AIP Booth Promotes Added Benefits to MS Members – AIP exhibits at MS Annual Meetings.


Additional partnership opportunities (fee-for-service):

Media services. MS receive preferential pricing for a range of services (meeting support, journal promotion, strategic communications, planning). AIP staff works together with MS staff as needed; media requests from past AIP-prepared press releases handled pro-bono. For more information about online and on-site meeting press rooms, visit AIP Science News and Media services.

Human Resources services. Services available to MS include consulting in areas of compensation, employee relations, performance management and recruitment. Member Societies may be eligible to participate in AIP health and flexible spending plans for employees. Inquiries may be directed to [email protected]

AIP Career Network. Partners expand their career resources – and member value – through this shared job board for physical scientists and engineers in industry, academia, government and the non-profit sector. The network enables seamless integration of job listings on partners’ own sites and hosts career webinars. Discounted rates apply to eligible Member Societies. 

Statistical research services. The Statistical Research Center has more than 20 years of experience in conducting leading-edge surveys on issues of concern to specific scientific and scholarly societies. MS projects are given priority over other societies' projects (timing-wise), and staff time is billed at a lower rate. Member Societies also get free member surveys and free review of survey instruments, grants and contracts, as staff resources allow.

Retention and Renewal Support. MS can entice back lapsed members or retain existing members by using Physics Today as a membership marketing vehicle. MS receive one free month of support, and may pay for additional months afterwards. 

Advertising in Physics Today. Member Societies can place ads in Physics Today at a 60% discount (guaranteed placement/timing), and can submit “house ads” for consideration when ad space is unsold (no guarantee, but no cost).

Additional services provided by AIP Publishing LLC:

AIP Publishing, AIP’s subsidiary, has a mission to serve scientists and serve society partners through the dissemination of high-quality research in order to support research, education and scholarship in the physical sciences. To achieve this, AIP Publishing partners with leading societies and can provide a full suite of publishing and other services, including:

Membership data management services. With a robust database environment and application framework, as well as an understanding of its partners' objectives, AIP Publishing can handle the increasingly sophisticated subscription and member data management requirements that societies struggle with. Our Oracle platform allows us to track a myriad of activities and is extremely scalable, enabling enhancements and growth while providing all the functionality necessary to manage ever-evolving subscription files and membership databases. All functions integrate seamlessly with the Scitation publishing platform. For more information, contact: [email protected]; 1.800.344.6909.

Exhibit & meeting management. For over 30 years, the AIP Publishing team has provided professional, cost-effective organization of successful vendor showcases at society meetings and conferences. For additional information, contact Dan Cooke, [email protected]; +1 516 576 2629.

Publication of conference proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings report findings presented at many of the most important scientific meetings around the world. Published proceedings are valuable as topical status reports providing quick access to information before it appears in the traditional journal literature. Contact: [email protected]

For societies interested in discussing publishing opportunities and the benefits of partnering with AIP Publishing, please contact Alix Vance, CEO, AIP Publishing ([email protected]).

Of Interest to AIP Member Society (MS) members

Physics Today (PT). MS Members receive free print and online subscriptions to PT, the most respected and widely read physical sciences magazine in the world. PT covers material of interest to entire MS community and broadens members’ knowledge of diverse fields; content also includes the human, social, and political sides of science. 12 issues/year; new material is posted to Physics Today Online daily. Make Physics Today your homepage, or sign up for Physics Today's RSS feeds or news alerts.

AIP journal subscription discounts. MS Members are eligible to purchase individual subscriptions (substantially discounted from institutional rates) to the highly acclaimed AIP peer-reviewed journals. For current MS member rates and order forms, please contact customer service at +1 516.576.2200 or [email protected].

History resources. Access to the historical records, members' oral histories, and photographs of the AIP Member Societies (Records are restricted for 25 years from the date of creation but may be used with permission of the MS.)

Public policy fellowships. Only members of AIP Member Societies are eligible to apply for AIP's Congressional and State Department Fellowships.

Amplifying the Physical Sciences with the Wider Community

MS support AIP’s efforts to support a wider community than that which the Member Societies can go alone. Membership in AIP extends the Member Societies' reach, to further their missions and reach a larger population of stakeholders, including students, educators, policy makers, historians, and the general public.

FYI: Science Policy News. AIP monitors science policy developments in Washington, and publishes regularly through FYI. FYI informs the physical sciences community of opportunities for science and funding decisions that affect them. Sign up here.

E-Updates from AIP's Statistical Research Center. Keep abreast of the latest data on education and employment in physics and related fields. Choose from among 16 topics covered by our Center's studies. Join the listserv to be notified whenever new data are available.

Physics Today Career Network. For those looking to hire or be hired, visit the PT Career Network to find more than 200 jobs per month in industry, academia, and government, and more than 7,000 resumes of highly trained job seekers holding physics degrees from B.S. to Ph.D.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives. Anyone interested in science history can explore the NBLA’s matchless collection of historically important printed works, including monographs, textbooks, laboratory manuals, instrument catalogs, and publishes correspondence (contact: [email protected]). The Emilio Segrè Visual Archives includes a collection of more than 30,000 historical photographs of MS presidents and influential physicists, as well as other visual materials. The Library has an outstanding collection of oral histories; more than 1,000 are online and many are given by members of the MS.

Public Lectures. Lectures in science heritage and outreach are organized several times per year at AIP's headquarters in College Park, MD, the American Center for Physics.

To take advantage of any of these services

Contact Director of Federation Engagement Jessica Simpson ([email protected]), who can put you in touch with the right individuals.