Ivie tapped to lead AIP’s Statistical Research Center

Rachel Ivie

Dr. Rachel Ivie has been selected to lead the Statistical Research Center (SRC) at the American Institute of Physics. Ivie has been part of the SRC team since 1998 and has served both as assistant director and as associate director of the SRC. She received her PhD in sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At AIP she has studied careers of physicists, particularly the careers of women in physics. She has designed and carried out numerous studies, from the impact of tenure and promotion practices on male and female faculty, to a longitudinal study of astronomy graduate students. As SRC director, Ivie will lead a staff of 11 researchers and analysts who provide reliable statistics on education and employment in the physical sciences, and conduct custom surveys of AIP Member Societies and other organizations.

Ivie replaces Roman Czujko as director of the center; Czujko will retire at the end of this month after 35 years of service to AIP.

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