Publishing Dialog Stakeholder Messaging - Toolbox

The value of scientific society publishers is an underreported benefit to our fields and our society. The Publishing Dialog Communications & Messaging Working Group brought together dozens of physical science publishers to develop messaging that highlights the benefits of society publishing and how it ties into the mission of scientific societies. This involved defining the key audiences and stakeholder groups most relevant to the scientific publishing enterprise and customize messaging to each audience. 

The ads below are available for organizations to freely use to either promote the Publishing Dialog messages, or your own parallel efforts to promote your value as scientific publishers. The below ads include targeted messages for key stakeholder groups as well as general messages applicable for multiple audiences.

We hope that you use these messages to promote our sector so that scientific scholarly publishers can speak with a more unifying voice, thus amplifying individual society efforts and promoting greater awareness of the values our publications and our societies offer.

Society Publishers benefit society

Edited by scientists, created for the world

Written, edited, and trusted by scientists

Honoring the scientific tradition. Pushing the scientific frontier


Readers and Researchers



University Administrators