Climatic changes

Interviewed by
David Zierler
Interview date
Interview dates
September 9, September 25, October 9, October 19, November 3, November 9, November 23, November 30, December 7, and December 14, 2020
Video conference

In this interview, Ernest Moniz, Emeritus Professor and Special Adviser to the President of MIT, discusses his time as U.S. Secretary of Energy under Barack Obama. Moniz discusses his time as an undergraduate at Boston College working under Joe Chen and their efforts building a resonant cavity. He speaks about his experience as a graduate student at Stanford University working Dirk Walecka on the study of theoretical condensed matter physics and how it led to his eventual publishing of a paper about using a modified fermi gas to understand deep inelastic scattering. Moniz describes his time working in Washington with the Office of Science and Technology Policy and how the OSTP became marginalized under the George W. Bush and Trump Administrations. He discusses the Wen Ho Lee scandal and subsequent development of the National Nuclear Security Administration and how it has evolved throughout the years. Moniz talks about his partnership with John Deutch at MIT on a policy-oriented study of the future of nuclear power which eventually became known as the series, The Future of... He details his time working in the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology during the Obama Administration and his eventual role as the Secretary of Energy. Moniz Discusses the development of the Iran Nuclear Deal and the cooperation of the countries involved, as well as how the U. S’s relationship with Iran has changed over the years. He reflects on how the Trump Administration undid several Obama era initiatives pertaining to energy and climate and the lasting impacts of those actions. He also discusses becoming an advisor to Saudi Arabia and the planned mega-city of the Tabuk region. Lastly, Moniz reflects upon the challenges the Biden Administration may face moving towards a more decarbonized energy future.

Interviewed by
David Zierler
Interview date
Video conference

Interview with interviews Michael Oppenheimer, Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs and the High Meadows Environmental Institute at Princeton University. Oppenheimer describes the three-way nature of his work at Princeton, between the School of Public and International Affairs and the Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy program. He describes the possibilities for climate change policy in the transition from Presidents Trump to Biden, and he discusses the moral dimension to climate change diplomacy and what the “Global North” owes the “Global South.” Oppenheimer recounts his childhood in Queens, the opportunities that allowed him to enroll at MIT at age 16, and his decision to focus on chemistry and to become involved in political activity in the 1960s. He explains his decision to go to the University of Chicago for graduate school, where he studied under the direction of Steve Berry on low-temperature spectroscopy of alkali halides. Oppenheimer describes his postdoctoral research at what would soon become the Center for Astrophysics at Harvard to work on astrophysics from an atomic and molecular perspective and on the chemistry of comets. He explains how the acidification issue in the Adirondack Lakes serves as an entrée to his interests in environmental policy and how this led to his work for the Environmental Defense Fund. Oppenheimer describes his work on the linearity question and why it is relevant for understanding carbon emissions and his advocacy work on the Clean Air Act. He explains the early science that concluded that even a few degrees of warming would be globally catastrophic, and the early signs that the Republican party would serve generally to block legislation to mitigate climate change. Oppenheimer discusses his involvement with international climate negotiations and policy with the IPCC and the issue of contrarianism in global warming debates. He contrasts the simplicity of the greenhouse effect with the complexity of understanding climate change, and he explains his decision to move to Princeton within the context of what he thought the Kyoto Protocol had achieved. Oppenheimer reflects on how climate change has increased in the public consciousness, and at the end of the interview, he considers early missed opportunities for more change in climate policy, and where he sees reason for both optimism and pessimism as the world faces future threats relating to climate change.

Interviewed by
Megan Ballard
Interview date
Video conference

In this interview organized through the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Marcia Isakson, Director of the Signal and Information Sciences Laboratory at the Applied Research Laboratories at UT Austin, discusses her life and career in underwater acoustics. The interview begins with Isakson recounting the many positions she has held within ASA over the years, including President in 2017. She discusses her appreciation for ASA’s collaborative and interdisciplinary environment. Isakson then describes her childhood in Illinois and her early interest in math. She recalls her undergraduate studies in engineering physics and mathematics at West Point, as well as the semester she spent at Brookhaven working on nuclear engineering research. Isakson explains her choice of UT Austin for graduate school and describes her thesis work in surface science. She discusses her research in underwater acoustics and recalls stories from field work in Italy and France. Isakson shares her thoughts on the future of underwater acoustics and the importance of acoustics in ocean science as a whole. Isakson reflects on moving from a research role into a leadership role at the Applied Research Laboratories, and, at the end of the interview, she shares about her family and other interests outside of science.

Interviewed by
Ian Varga
Interview date
Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania

Interview with James Kasting, geoscientist and Distinguished Professor of Geosciences at Penn State University. Kasting describes a childhood spent in many places due to his father’s job at General Electric. For a time, he lived in Huntsville, Alabama near the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, which piqued his interest in science and space. Kasting discusses his undergraduate studies at Harvard University, where he gravitated toward theory over experimentation while studying chemistry and physics. His developing interest in astronomy and space science led Kasting to graduate school first at UC San Diego, then University of Michigan. He recalls his postdoc at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and then his position at NASA’s Ames Research Center working with Jim Pollack. Kasting discusses his return to academia at Penn State, as well as the committees and panels he has served on over the years, such as the Terrestrial Planet Finder Science working group. Throughout the interview, Kasting talks about many areas of his research such as habitable zones, climate models, atmosphere studies, and extrasolar planets. The interview concludes with Kasting’s thoughts on extraterrestrial intelligent life and sending manned missions to Mars.

Interviewed by
Will Thomas
Interview date
University of Maine at Orono

This interview was conducted first solely with Terry Hughes, then a brief segment with both Hughes and George Denton, and finally a segment with only Denton. It is part of a series of interviews done documenting the history of scientific work on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), and it concentrates primarily on Hughes’s career. It briefly covers his upbringing in South Dakota and undergraduate education in metallurgy at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and discusses his introduction into glaciology through Johannes Weertman, while doing graduate work in metallurgy at Northwestern University. The interview moves on to field work in Antarctica as a research associate under Colin Bull, subsequent employment at the Institute of Polar Studies at The Ohio State University, and production of his ISCAP Bulletins outlining the possibility that WAIS might disintegrate. Hughes’s move to the University of Maine as part of the CLIMAP project and his association with Denton and Hal Borns, are discussed. There is a focus on Hughes and Denton’s identification in The Last Great Ice Sheets of marine portions of ice sheets as playing a crucial role in the destruction of past ice sheets, as well as their identification of Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers as a potential outlet for rapid ice loss from WAIS. There is also discussion of early attention to the WAIS disintegration problem circa 1980 and Hughes’s distance from subsequent research on ice streams. Denton describes field work in reconstructing past climate conditions, including the contributions of John Mercer.

Interviewed by
Morgan Seag
Interview date
Colorado State University

Interview with Dr. Diana Wall, University Distinguished Professor and Professor of Biology at Colorado State University. The interview begins with Wall reflecting on her childhood in Kentucky, the importance of the Girl Scouts in her life, and her early appreciation for the outdoors. She discusses her undergraduate studies in biology and botany at the University of Kentucky and her decision to stay there to pursue a doctorate degree. Wall describes her research on microscopic animals living in soils as well as her thesis on nematodes. She then discusses her postdoctoral position at University of California, Riverside and her field work in Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. Wall explains the factors that influenced her to begin her work in Antarctica and talks about the shift from individual work to a more collaborative research environment. The interview concludes with Wall’s reflections on international collaborations, the Antarctic Treaty, and climate change.

Interviewed by
David Zierler
Interview dates
May 18 & June 22, 2021
Video conference

Interview with Steven Chu, former United States Secretary of Energy and current Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology in the Medical School at Stanford University. Chu begins by taking us through his changing research interests across his time at Berkeley, Bell Labs and Stanford, and then recounts the beginnings of his interest in climate change in the early 2000s. He talks about his work advising companies who are working on climate change solutions such as carbon capture, and he gives an overview of the research and action being taken around renewable energy sources. Chu then goes back in time and recounts the story of his family, starting with his grandfather in China who emphasized education for all his children. Growing up in Nassau County, Chu describes feeling like a “disappointment” in his family because he didn’t go to an Ivy League school and instead completed his undergraduate studies in math and physics at the University of Rochester. Chu discusses his decision to attend Berkeley for grad school and meeting his advisor Eugene Commins, who was working on weak interactions. Then Chu recounts his transition to Bell Labs and describes the laser work going on there at the time, as well as his burgeoning interest in beta decay experiments. He talks about his research surrounding laser cooling and explains his decision to move to Stanford after Bell. Chu remembers his experience winning the Nobel Prize and accepting the position as director of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Chu ends the interview with stories from his time as Secretary of Energy under the Obama administration, such as his experiences with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, setting up the DOE Loan Program Office, and his international work on climate change.

Interviewed by
David Zierler
Video conference

The interviewee has not given permission for this interview to be shared at this time. Transcripts will be updated as they become available to the public. For any questions about this policy, please contact .

Interviewed by
David Zierler
Interview date

In this interview, Saul Perlmutter, Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley and Staff Scientist and senior faculty member at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, discusses his life and career. Perlmutter shares that his research has not been slowed down by the pandemic by happy coincidence that he is currently focused on remote data analysis, and he recounts his childhood in Philadelphia where he was educated in Quaker schools. He discusses his early fascination with quantum mechanics and his decision to go to Harvard for his undergraduate education, where he cemented his interests in experimental physics. Perlmutter explains his decision to go to Berkeley for graduate school, where he worked in Buford Price’s group before Richard Muller became his graduate advisor. He discusses his early awareness of the cosmic microwave background and how he became involved with robotic searches for supernovae. Perlmutter describes the importance of NASA’s BITNET program as a way to connect observatory data worldwide to the computer systems at Berkeley, and he explains the intellectual and observational connections between the inflation, expansion, and acceleration of the universe. He discusses his postdoctoral research at Berkeley, and the circumstances leading to him becoming leader of the supernova group and how the DOE became more involved in astrophysics funding. Perlmutter explains the group’s focus on deceleration and he conveys the difficulties in scheduling telescope time to demonstrate spectroscopy proof of type Ia supernovae. He describes the origins of the SNAP satellite project, some of the early theoretical discussions on the nature of dark energy, and when, finally, his group secured long-term support from the Lab. Perlmutter narrates his first interactions with Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess and he describes the batch technique that could predict the discovery of supernovae, which vastly improved the efficiency of scheduling time on large telescopes. He explains the role of dark matter in speeding up the universe’s expansion, and he narrates the celebration with his team when he won the Nobel Prize and how he has chosen the use the political platform that comes with this recognition. Perlmutter discusses his interest in studying climate change, and at the end of the interview, he conveys his excitement about future observational discovery in astrophysics and cosmology.

Interviewed by
David Zierler
Interview dates
May 24, 25 & 26, 2021
Video conference

In this interview, Brandon Sorbom, Chief Science Officer at Commonwealth Fusion Systems, discusses the development of his company and interest in nuclear fusion. Sorbom speaks about his time as an undergraduate student at Loyola Marymount University where he majored in Electrical Engineering and Physics and how he discovered his interest in fusion during this time. He describes how his interest in nuclear fusion led him to pursue graduate school at MIT. He details his time as a graduate student working at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, as well as his experience working with his advisor Dennis Whyte. Sorbom discusses how he first became involved in the development of SPARC, whose goal is to generate net energy from fusion, during his time at MIT. He details the variety of investors for his company and the roles he and his cofounders take on within CSF. Sorbom explains CSF’s current project of demonstrating that superconducting magnets at high fields can be used in fusion. Lastly, Sorbom discusses how fusion energy will likely become the dominant form of energy in the future and how it can help combat climate change.