The history of African Americans in the physical sciences

This summer, the Center for History of Physics (CHP) is producing materials to help teachers introduce lessons on the stories of African Americans in the history of the physical sciences. The team producing this Teachers Guide includes two SPS summer interns and two graduate research assistants, shown left: Simon Patane (a rising senior in physics at Vassar College), Jacob Zalkind (a rising senior in physics at Shippensburg University), Sharina Haynes (BS and MS in physics, working on a PhD in history of science at the University of South Carolina), and Serina Hwang-Jensen (BS in physics, MA in history, and MLS from the University of Maryland). The Teachers Guide will be similar to the one on the history of women in the physical sciences, produced in summer 2013 (see AIP Matters piece), which is now on the CHP website.

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Teaser text
New Teacher's Guide is in the works