January 19, 1945

Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

In accordance with notices sent by authority of the Chairman, the Executive Committee met at 9:30 p.m. January 19, 1945, at Columbia University.

1. Members present: Mr. Klopsteg, Chairman, presiding; Messrs. Fletcher, Gibson, Pegram, and Tate. Mr. Barton and Miss Mitchell of the Institute staff were present by invitation.

2. The minutes of the meeting of June 14, 1944, were read and approved.

3. Election of New Associates.

Mr. Barton presented a list of 15 companies which have accepted invitations to become Associates of the Institute, which were, on motion of Mr. Fletcher, then elected Associates as follows:

  • American Optical Company, Southbridge, Mass.
  • Bristol-Myers Company, Hillside, N.J.
  • Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corporation, N.Y.
  • Detroit Edison Company, Detroit, Michigan
  • Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
  • Humble Oil & Refining Company, Houston, Texas
  • International Harvester Company, Chicago, Ill.
  • Monsanto Chemical Company, Dayton, Ohio
  • North American Philips Company, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.
  • Standard Brands Incorporated, New York, N.Y.
  • Standard Oil Development Company, New York, N.Y.
  • Taylor Instrument Companies, Rochester, N.Y.
  • Thompson Products, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
  • Union Switch & Signal Company, Swissvale, Pa.
  • Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., Newark, N.J.

Mr. Barton presented a copy of the form of invitation used and a list of companies invited but not yet heard from. Copy of the letter and the list are attached to the official copy of these minutes.


On motion it was voted that any company on this list that decides to accept the invitation extended to it be, and is upon such acceptance, elected an Associate of the Institute, and so reported to the Governing Board.

4. 1945 Budget for presentation to the Governing Board.

Mr. Barton presented for consideration a suggested budget for 1945, with comparison with 1944 budget and with figures for income and expense as estimated at the end of the third quarter of the year. A copy of this tentative budget, in four pages, is attached to the official copy of these minutes.

On motion it was voted to authorize this tentative budget as a working budget until the Governing Board meeting in March, and with any revisions of the figures for income that need to be made in the light of complete figures for 1944, to recommend this budget to the Governing Board.

5. Date for Governing Board Meeting.

It was voted to have the meeting of the Governing Board called for Friday, March 9, 1945.

6. Reappointment of Committee on Physics Monographs.

On motion it was voted to reappoint a Committee on Physics Monographs, to discuss with any interested publishers the question of whether there will be need of publishing a series of monographs on subjects of physics in the post-war period.

Mr. King was substituted for Mr. Conden in the reappointment, making the Committee: Mr. Hutchisson, Mr. King, Mr. Tate.

7. Propriety of outside connections of the Director, OSRD, NRC, WMC, Midwest Research Institute, Research Advisory Service, “Science,” etc. Committees of NAM, Council for American Soviet Friendship, Annual Nobel Dinner, etc.

Mr. Barton raised for discussion the question of how far he should go in joining, or letting his name be used in connection with, various organizations, not all non-profit, that seek his adherence.

It appeared to be the sense of the Executive Committee that while it did not wish to restrict the normal interests which the Director may have in other organizations, scientific or not, it is probable that he is exposed to approaches by many organizations that really seek connection with the name of the Institute and that therefore the Director should in each case carefully consider whether or not the Institute might become involved in an undesirable way, and in any doubtful case, should seek counsel from this Committee of from the Board.

8. Mail Ballots. Reported and confirmed.

  1. Election of an Associate. By mail ballot of August 21, 1944

    The Sharples Corporation of Philadelphia

    Was elected an Associate. 4 favorable votes – 1 member (Klopsteg) not voting (out of country).

  2. Authorizing Chairman to appoint Associate Editors and Members of Editorial Boards for the three journals published by the Institute for terms beginning January 1, 1945.

    5 favorable votes. Unanimous. Chairman Klopsteg made the appointments on December 15, 1944 as follows:

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS – Associate Editors for the term of January 1, 1945 to December 31, 1947:

    • Paul C. Cross
    • Raymond M. Fuoss
    • John G. Kirkwood
    • H. Mark
    • O. Oldenberg
    • Oscar K. Rice

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS – Associate Editors now listed in this journal are reappointed for the calendar year 1945.

    THE REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS – Associate Editors for the term January 1, 1945 to December 31, 1945:

    • D.W. Bronk
    • G.H. Burnham
    • F.K. Harris
    • A.W. Lawson
    • L.N. Ridenour
    • L.I. Schiff
    • W.A. Wildhack

The Committee adjourned about 11:00 P.M.