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FYI: Science Policy News from AIP

An authoritative news and resource center for federal science policy, with a focus on the physical sciences.

In the past year, leadership transitions have either taken place or been underway in several programs within the Department of Energy’s Office of Science as well as at five of the national labs that the office oversees. In addition, a recent reorganization of the office has dissolved what had been its top civil service position.

Following Lawrence Livermore National Lab’s fusion breakthrough last year, DOE is creating new research hubs to stimulate advances in inertial fusion energy and is funding a pair of companies developing inertial fusion reactor concepts through a separate program dedicated to nurturing the nascent fusion industry.

More than 2,500 scientists and community members have signed a petition calling on Fermilab to loosen cumbersome visitor access procedures. Lab management says safety and security concerns are driving access policies, but also that improvements are on the way.

This month, the National Science Foundation’s new Regional Innovation Engines program issued its first development grants and the Economic Development Administration opened its first call for applications to its new Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs program.