NACE International's Flagship Journal Now Hosted on AIP's Scitation Platform

News Release

Melville, NY, March 10, 2010 — The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is proud to announce that Corrosion, the flagship journal of NACE International, is now hosted on AIP's Scitation platform. NACE International is the leader in the corrosion engineering and science community, and is recognized around the world as the premier authority for corrosion control solutions.

"We welcome the addition of this prestigious publication to Scitation," said Paul DeCillis, AIP's Director of Online Publishing. "Science is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, and NACE International joins a growing list of Scitation clients–large and small–publishing research that blurs the line between the physical sciences and other aligned fields. By making use of AIP's most advanced technology, we've given Corrosion a web presence that matches its high quality content."

AIP has worked closely with NACE International to design a website that is consistent with, and accurately reflects the society's unique brand identity. A number of powerful product features will ensure that Corrosion remains a critical research tool for those in the corrosion engineering and science community. Users will find the journal's functionality greatly enhanced, enabled by an XML infrastructure that can turn granular markup into meaningful content services, reduce discovery time, connect similar concepts dynamically, and expose related content.

AIP's Scitation publishing platform hosts 2,000,000 articles from more than 200 scholarly publications for 28 learned society publishers, in fields including physics, chemistry, geosciences, engineering, acoustics, and other sciences. Scitation's evolving, next-generation platform, C³, represents today's best-of-breed technology, with an XML foundation and flexible framework for multi-channel distribution of content and services that enables both publishers and end users to manipulate and deliver content as never before and creates the tools and environment for content producers to position themselves for future publishing opportunities.

NACE International was known as "The National Association of Corrosion Engineers" when it was established in 1943 by 11 corrosion engineers in the pipeline industry. With more than 60 years of experience in developing corrosion prevention and control standards, NACE International has become the world's largest organization committed to the study of corrosion. From just 11 engineers, the association has grown to more than 22,000 members in more than 100 countries. NACE International is involved in every industry and area of corrosion prevention and control, from chemical processing and water systems, to transportation.

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American Institute of Physics
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