Sigma Pi Sigma opens fall 2016 session of Adopt-a-Physicist

“What is a neutron star?” and “How important is writing?” These are among the thousands of questions posed by students to their adopted physicists during Sigma Pi Sigma’s “Adopt-a-Physicist” sessions each year. The physicists, selected by high school classrooms across the globe, respond with detailed and often amusing answers. The fall 2016 sessions, set for a three-week period, opened October 7.

Adopt-a-Physicist connects high school students to real physics graduates, recruited primarily from among the Sigma Pi Sigma membership, who are eager to share their stories as a means of helping students understand the benefits of studying physics and the possible career opportunities it provides.

Working in areas ranging from particle physics research to freelance writing, the participating physicists embody a huge range of careers, backgrounds, interests, and educational levels. Each physicist can be "adopted" by up to three classes, making lively, in-depth discussions possible.