May 14, 1932

Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

I. The Executive Committee met at the call of the Chairman at 2:15 p.m., Saturday, May 14, 1932, at the office of the American Institute of Physics, 11 East 38th Street, New York City.

Present: Chairman Compton, Messrs. Davey, Jones, Miller (in place of Mr. Fletcher), Palmer, Pegram and Director Barton.

II. The Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee on April 17, 1932 were read and approved.

III. Journal of Association of Scientific Instrument Makers:

  1. It was voted to refer the plans of the journal of Association of Scientific Instrument Makers to the sub-committee on Financial Arrangements with the Founder Societies, composed of Messrs. Tate, Barton, and Pegram.
  2. On motion it was voted:

    that it is the sense of the Executive Committee that the editorial management of the instrument part of the Review of Scientific Instruments should remain with the Optical Society for the present at least; that an assistant editor appointed by the Institute should have charge of the additional matters to be included; and that the whole of the business management of the editorial mechanics should become the responsibility of the Institute of Physics.

IV. Journal of Chemical Physics:

On motion it was voted:

that the plans for a journal of chemical physics as authorized by action of the Governing Board this day shall be referred to the sub-committee consisting of Messrs. Davey, Barton and Tate, with Chairman Compton and Treasurer Buffum as consultants.

V. The committee adjourned at 3:15 p.m.