September 27, 1961

Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

Members Present: Ralph A. Sawyer, Chairman; Wallace R. Brode; S. A. Goudsmit; W. W. Havens, Jr.; R. Bruce Lindsay; S. L. Quimby; Francis W. Sears

Guest: Frederick Seitz

AIP Staff Present: Elmer Hutchisson; Wallace Waterfall; Henry A. Barton; Mary M. Johnson

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m.

1. Minutes

Upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, the minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1961, were approved as distributed.

2. Financial Statement for Six Months Ended June 30, 1961

Copies of the financial statement were distributed (copy attached) and the Treasurer commented in detail on various items, briefly summarized as follows:

  1. Departmental expenses for the six months and projections to the end of the year are generally in line with the budget.

  2. Subscriptions have increased for all journals this year but not quite as much as expected. All journals except PHYSICS TODAY and the JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS are exceeding their page budgets. This will result in higher costs and lower net income or greater loss for most. It appears advisable to increase publication charges for 1962, and later we will probably recommend increasing some subscription prices for 1963. The anticipated year-end JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS deficit of $8,510 should be noted particularly.

  3. PT expenses continue to rise because of increased circulation and editorial expense and the cost per member has also risen.

  4. Advertising net income for the year should be close to budget and well above the $168,600 for 1960.

  5. Total net income for the year (Page 4 of Statement) should be close to budget.

  6. Accumulated deficit has increased from $96,524 on January 1 to $117,274 at mid-year. This is due mostly to expenditures in connection with our building addition.

  7. AIP net worth on June 30 was $127,819 plus land, building, equipment, and the three special funds.

3. Amendment to Pension Plan

The Secretary described the Institute’s Pension Plan which provides for two funds. Fund A is contributed to by both AIP and Plan members and pays a retiring member 1% of his annual compensation multiplied by the number of years employed. Fund B is made up of AIP contributions equal to 5% of members’ salaries and is invested in stocks and bonds. As the Plan now stands, each member receives his proportionate share of Fund B in a lump sum on retirement. Such payment would be greatly to the disadvantage of an employee retiring at a time when the stock market was low. Also, the employee would have a disadvantageous tax liability if he retired late in the year. It is proposed that the Plan be amended to provide for three alternatives in the payment of Fund B:

  1. Purchase of an endowment life insurance policy

  2. Periodic payments over a period of not more than 15 years

  3. Payment in a lump sum

The method of payment of Fund B to each individual would have to be at the option of the Pension Committee to maintain favorable tax status but the employee’s wishes would be considered.

After brief discussion the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

MOVED that the AIP Pension Plan be amended to provide alternative methods of payment as recommended and, specifically, as stated in the amendment provided by the Institute attorney. (Copy attached to official minutes.)

4. Election of New Corporate Associate

The Director reported that the following organization had requested to become a Corporate Associate of the Institute and, on motion duly made and carried, it was so elected, effective January 1, 1962:

Aerojet-General Corporation $1,000

The Director stated that we now have 190 Corporate Associates. He said it is customary for the number of new applicants to decline toward the end of the year. There followed a brief discussion as to whether AIP should solicit universities but no conclusions were reached.

5. Member Society-AIP Relations

At the request of the Director, Mr. Brode recounted the experience of the Optical Society in applying to NSF for a grant to initiate a new journal – APPLIED OPTICS. In discussions among AIP, OSA and NSF, questions were raised as to whether a Member Society of the Institute should seek funds for publication independently or whether it should request the Institute’s cooperation. NSF indicated reluctance to furnish the financial means for establishing another large scale physics organization which might duplicate some of the functions AIP was set up to perform.

The Director recalled that the Institute was founded to act as agent for the Societies. All publishing was delegated to the Institute at the beginning, and the Publication Board was created to formulate policy. Advertising was centralized and income from it was initially retained by the Institute. As AIP has grown and has sought supplementary funds, conflicts have arisen, and the staff feels it would be appropriate at this time to study the relationship between the Institute and the Societies and to formulate policies concerning the responsibilities of each. Member Societies admittedly have the legal right to be completely autonomous but they should recognize that by so doing they may reduce the effectiveness of the Institute as an agency for joint action.

During the discussion which followed it was recognized that there are undoubtedly some things which the Societies can do better for themselves but there are other things which can be done better through the Institute. It was the consensus that a broad policy study is desirable and the staff will draft a proposal for consideration by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.

6. Report on Building Addition

  1. Authorization for Mortgage and Loans, and Leasing 4th Floor

    The Secretary called attention to the excavation and construction on our vacant lot which was started on September 1, and said that the Property Committee had been kept advised of details. Plans for financing the addition to our building are as reported previously, i.e., $350,000 mortgage money from Bankers Trust Company; $40,000 from Dannie Heineman for the Niels Bohr Library, and $220,000 which will be the amount of our Building Reserve by the end of this year. Payments on the mortgage, including amortization of principal and interest, will be about $35,000 per year for 15 years. We plan to discontinue depreciating our building, which we now do at $29,800 per year. We hope to lease the fourth floor of the addition for approximately $15,000 per year for a minimum of five years. Maintenance of our present building, excluding depreciation, amounts to $34,000 per year and we estimate maintenance on the addition will be about $25,000 per year. From these figures we estimate that there will be little increase in the space charge which is distributed on services to Member Societies.

    It should be noted that the foregoing scheme for financing our building addition does not include any means of providing for future expansion. It is felt that, after another five years or so, AIP should go to individual members and industry if further expansion is necessary.

    The Secretary stated that we will probably need construction loans before we get the mortgage money and Bankers Trust Company has offered us $350,000 at 6% interest on simple notes. Mr. Quimby said that APS might be interested in furnishing construction loans at this rate and Mr. Sears added that AAPT might also be interested. The Secretary stated that AIP would be pleased to accept construction loans from any source.

    The following motions were then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:

    MOVED that the Executive Committee authorize officers of the Institute to commit the Institute for mortgage and loans from Bankers Trust Company.

    MOVED that the Executive Committee authorize the staff to lease the fourth floor of the addition to our building for a term not to exceed five (5) years.

  2. Dedication

    The Director suggested that the Executive Committee and Governing Board might wish to consider holding a dedication ceremony some time after completion of the addition, which is expected to be June 1962. We might wish to invite Niels Bohr and possibly hold the ceremony in the fall, combining it with our annual meeting of Society officers and Corporate Associates.

7. Management Study

The Secretary reported that some years ago a survey of Institute operations was conducted by A. T. Kearney and Company, management consultants. One of the recommendations made by Kearney was an increase in administrative personnel. Some additions have been made but not in proportion to our growth. The Secretary said that, in addition to his duties as Secretary and Treasurer, he has been acting as Manager of Operations and, with our increased activities and staff, he has not been able to give this latter role the attention it deserves. In order to strengthen our management personnel, Gerald F. Gilbert has been employed as administrative assistant to the Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary gave Mr. Gilbert’s background and personal history and stated that his first assignment is to become familiar with all of the operating problems of the Institute, including services performed for member organizations. Eventually he will want to talk with the Secretaries and Treasurers of the Societies to learn how we can serve them more effectively.

8. AIP Staff Changes

The Director reported that the following projects and personnel have been added since the last Executive Committee meeting in June: A project on the Recent History of Physics in the United States under the direction of Dr. W. James King who was formerly with the Smithsonian Institution; a documentation project being carried out by Pauline Atherton with the cooperation of Mr. Robert Howerton who is acting as unpaid consultant. We have received a grant from NSF for a study of manpower statistics and are currently searching for a man to supervise the work. The Visiting Scientists Programs have been taken over by R. W. Lefler who has joined the staff on a leave-of-absence basis from Purdue University. As reported previously, Donald Cunningham, who formerly guided this project is now dividing his time between Student Sections and PT. There followed a brief discussion of limited-term appointments.

9. Committees and Appointments

The Director requested Executive Committee approval of the following committee appointments and, upon motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously, they were approved:

AIP Advisory Committee on Manpower

  • Marsh W. White
  • Lindsey R. Harmon
  • John N. Shive
  • Katherine Way
  • L. G. Parratt
  • Philip M. Morse

AIP Advisory Committee on Public Relations


  •                          Chairman
  • Walter Sullivan
  • Harry F. Arader
  • Harold Renne
  • Francis Pray
  • John Hastings

AIP Advisory Committee for the Recent History of Physics


  • Gerald Holton, Chairman
  • Sanborn C. Brown
  • Derek J. de Solla Price
  • Charles C. Gillispie
  • Cyril Stanley Smith
  • Hilliard Roderick
  • George E. Uhlenbeck
  • Thomas S. Kuhn
  • R. Bruce Lindsay
  • Raymond J. Seeger

In answer to a question, the Director explained that the project on Recent History of Physics is intended to develop source material and information on equipment which has historical significance and to make provision for its preservation. It will not conflict with the Quantum Revolution project but will relate to our new Niels Bohr Library and the Committee will probably assist in selecting and obtaining books for the Library.


Upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, the following AIP representatives were appointed by the Executive Committee:

Representative to Scientific Manpower Commission

  • Henry A. Barton – term to 12/31/63

Representative to AAAS Council


  • Mary E. Warga – term to 1/15/64

Representative to AAAS Cooperative Committee on the Teaching of Science and Mathematics


  • W. C. Kelly

The Director stated that, although it is customary for the Executive Committee to approve appointment of editorial boards for AIP journals at the December meeting, it has been found that this leaves too little time to include the names in print in the January issues. The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:


MOVED that the Director be authorized to appoint editorial boards for AIP journals on recommendation of the editors; such appointments to be confirmed at the Executive Committee meeting in December.

10. Publication Charge on AIP Journals

The Director reported that the number of manuscripts received by JCP is continuing to increase and we expect to have a 3-months’ backlog by January even though the page budget was increased during the year. The journal will operate at a deficit and the staff proposes that the page charge be raised from $30 to $40 starting the first of next year. We do not believe such an increase will affect the number of pages received, especially in view of the fact that it is understood the JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY will introduce a page charge, possibly as high as the one we propose.

The Director said that we have been concerned of late about the widespread use of photocopying. If our page charge were to cover the cost of publication up to the point of run off we could be almost independent of circulation and photocopying would not be a matter of such grave concern. The staff proposes also to make a study of the desirability of raising the publication charge for JMP and THE PHYSICS OF FLUIDS as of January 1. After brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously:

MOVED that the publication charge for JCP be increased from $30 to $40 per page, effective January 1, 1962; and that the staff be authorized to increase the publication charge for JMP and PF if studies indicate that an increase is necessary.

11. Directors Medal

The Secretary asked the Executive Committee to consider the desirability of providing some memento to retiring Board members in appreciation of their service to the Institute. The staff has obtained cost figures on various types of medals and it is estimated that dies and models would amount to less than $1,000.00. After some discussion it was agreed that the subject be deferred until the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

12. Future Meeting Dates

As previously reported, the next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on Saturday, December 9, at the offices of the Institute.

The Director read a list of suggested meeting dates for early 1962 and the following were agreed upon:

Executive Committee Friday, January 26 (breakfast – Hotel Statler)
Annual Meeting Friday, February 23
Executive Committee Friday, March 23
Governing Board Saturday, March 24

Some time during the week of September 10 was suggested for a combined meeting of the Governing Board, Society officers, and Corporate Associates.

A date of Friday, June 8, was suggested for a meeting of the Executive Committee but it may not be suitable for all members and it was decided to wait until the next meeting to set the June 1962 meeting date.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.