March 31 - April 1, 1978

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met at the Holiday Inn of Plainview on Friday evening, 31 March, and at the AIP offices in Woodbury, Long Island, on Saturday, 1 April 1978.

Members Present: P. M. Morse – Chairman, R. T. Beyer, *E. L. Brady, *L. M. Branscomb, A. A. Bartlett, *William Brinkman, A. M. Bueche, J. A. Burton, R. B. Clark, C. B. Duke, W. A. Fowler, Hans Frauenfelder, L. W. Fredrick, J. B. Gerhart, Marvin Goldberger, W. W. Havens Jr., I. J. Hirsh, R. W. Hoffman, Robert Karplus, H. W. Koch, I. M. Krieger, A. I. Mahan, Sidney Millman, Jacques Ovadia, J. W. Quinn. N. F. Ramsey, Murray Strasberg, A. A. Strassenburg, Dudley Williams, Emil Wolf, R. A. Young

*Present for the Saturday session only

Absent: H. L. Anderson, Martin Greenspan, Ivan King

Nonvoting Participants: R. E. Alley Jr. (AAPT), H. R. Crane (Past Chairman, Governing Board), B. H. Goodfriend (ASA), R. M. Grant Jr. (AAPT), H. M. Gurin (AAS), Clifford Swartz (AAPT – Friday evening only), H. F. Weaver (AAS)

Guest: William J. Lehrfeld of Webster and Chamberlain (AIP Tax Counsel) for Friday evening session.

AIP Staff: H. William Koch, Director; Sidney Millman, Secretary; G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; R. H. Marks, Assoc. Director for Publishing; Lewis Slack, Assoc. Dir. for General Activities; D. M. Lasky, Assistant to the Director; M. M. Johnson, Assistant to the Secretary

Chairman Morse called the Friday evening session to order at 7:30 p.m. and introduced the new Board members who were present: Bartlett, Clark, Frauenfelder (replacing Krumhansl who resigned), Goldberger, Hoffman, Krieger, and Williams.

1. Minutes

Upon motion made and passed without dissent, the minutes of the Governing Board meeting of 29 October 1977 were approved as distributed.

2. Summary of Report from AIP Tax Counsel William J. Lehrfeld of Webster and Chamberlain, and Discussion of Proposed Revocation of the AIP 501(c)(3) Status

Koch briefly reviewed recent IRS activities against societies with 501(c)(3) status (American Physical Society, American Chemical Society, American Society of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and indicated the major problems AIP might face if the revocation of its 501(c)(3) status is upheld (Federal taxes, question of collecting page charges, possible loss of second class mail privilege, exemption from paying state and local taxes). He then introduced William J. Lehrfeld, the AIP tax counsel, citing his background of experience in IRS matters.

Lehrfeld first discussed the substantive issues in the context of the historical evolution of exempt organizations in the Federal tax laws dating back to 1894. He cited a Supreme Court decision of 1924 that exemption of an organization as charitable, scientific, and religious depended on the "destination of income," i.e. what the institution did with it rather than the source of income. He cited the famous case of C. F. Muller and Company, makers of macaroni and owned by New York University, being declared charitable. He also related the subsequent dispute resulting from 1950 Congressional legislation and 1958 action by the Court of Claims about feeder organizations that run a business and turn over profits to an exempt organization like a college. Lehrfeld compared the IRS case against AIP on the grounds that it is a service organization to the 9 Member Societies with the case of a company organized by several hospitals to provide laundry services for them. He stated that the hospital service cases have all been won by the hospitals.

Lehrfeld stated that, in the protest he prepared, he tried to establish that AIP deserves to hold on to its exempt 501(c)(3) status on each of three counts, that it is scientific, that it is educational, and that it is charitable.

Lehrfeld then outlined the procedural steps to be followed. He anticipated being called to a conference with an IRS conferee (a person in IRS different from the original agent who did the auditing). (This has already taken place on 5 May 1978.) The conferee will make an independent evaluation of the case. If he rejects the agent's original proposal, the case will be closed and AIP will maintain its present status; if the conferee upholds the agent's recommendation, Lehrfeld will file for AIP another protest pointing out the inconsistency of the agent's action with court decisions or published rulings that IRS itself has adopted.

Lehrfeld also outlined some legal steps that are being taken on a national level in the case of ASHE, which is further advanced since in their case the conferee has already upheld the recommendation of the IRS agent.

A good part of the evening was spent by Lehrfeld answering various questions by members of the Governing Board and other Society officers. For example, if AIP wins this time, can IRS auditors come back a few years later and again find some basis for revoking our status? The answer is "Yes," if the decision is an administrative one, but if it is the result of a court decision, it is not likely to be reopened. The question of whether a society promoting continuing education is in conflict with 501(c)(3) status was also raised. Lehrfeld stated that, in one case, the IRS auditor had cited such activity as grounds for a recommendation for changing the organization's status to 501(c)(6), but he believes that such activity is educational in the same sense as that of a school for bank tellers which the IRS regulations have approved as educational. Page charges and subscription price differentials also came in for considerable comment.

Lehrfeld ended up by expressing considerable optimism that AIP has a strong case and that it will be able to maintain its exempt 501(c)(3) status.

The meeting was recessed at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened on the following day at 8:30 a.m.

3. Report of Chairman

Morse called attention to the actions taken by the Executive Committee on 19 December 1977, the annual budget meeting, noting a budgeted net income for 1978 of only $72,000. This rather low figure is due in part to expected increases in employee benefits cost, to planned additions to the Data Processing staff, and to the added costs in getting Accounting computerized. Morse also noted the authorization given to the Manpower Statistics Division to proceed with a pilot manpower study.

The consolidation of our three Manhattan locations came in for another review with the reconsideration of possible purchase of the International General Electric building on Madison Avenue and East 32nd Street and it was again turned down, mainly on the basis that the location would not enhance the image of physics.

4. Report of Annual Corporation Meeting

Millman reported on the brief meeting of the Corporation which was held the previous day at Woodbury. There were no Member or Associate Member Societies to be elected or dropped. The meeting was therefore quite routine. Brief reports were given by the Director and the Treasurer.

5. Report of Nominating Committee

Burton, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee called attention to the report of his Committee which had been distributed as Attachment A to the agenda prior to the meeting. The other members of the Committee were R. T. Beyer, K. E, Davis, F. K. Edmondson, R. Emrich, and Emil Wolf. He noted that the Nominating Committee met on 1 February and decided on the proposed roster. He pointed to a recommended change in the membership of the Publishing Policy Committee, from Betty H. Goodfriend to Lois L. Elliott. He stated that these selections were based on suggestions received from Member Society Secretaries and from the present chairpersons of the various committees. The Nominating Committee also consulted with Koch and Millman.

The Nominating Committee also raised the question of whether there should be an additional position on the Executive Committee, without arriving at a recommendation. A suggestion was made that it would be desirable to specify whether appointees are representing Societies and, if so, whether their terms on a committee should be tied to the terms of the offices they hold in their respective Societies.

Burton first moved that the Nominating Committee's recommendations for Chairman (Morse) and Secretary of the Institute (Millman) be approved. The motion was seconded and passed without dissent.

Burton then moved that the remaining nominations, including that of Dr. Betsy Ancker-Johnson as director-at-large for a 3-year term, the nominations for members of the Executive Committee for the coming year, and the nominations for the various Board committees, be approved. The motion was seconded and passed without dissent. Chairman Morse then named the chairpersons for each of the Board committees for the coming year.

Millman moved that the Chairman and Director be authorized to make any necessary appointments to committees in the interim between meetings of the Governing Board. The motion was seconded and passed without dissent.

Members of the Executive Committee for the year commencing 1 April 1978 are as follows:

  • Philip M. Morse, Chairman
  • Robert T. Beyer
  • Lewis M. Branscomb
  • Charles B. Duke
  • W. W. Havens, Jr.
  • H. William Koch, ex officio
  • Sidney Millman, ex officio
  • Jarus W. Quinn
  • Arnold A. Strassenburg

A complete list of Governing Board committees for the coming year is attached to these minutes as Exhibit A.


6. Search for RSI and JHP Editors

Koch reported on the current need for the replacement of the Editors of The Review of Scientific Instruments, and the Journal of Mathematical Physics about whom we learned after the mailing of the agenda to the Board. He noted that J. B. Horner Kuper, the Editor of RSI for the past 24 years, has done a tremendous job. In 1975-76 a review committee, chaired by Sidney Abrahams, analyzed that journal's performance and concluded that it was holding its own in spite of competition, and that RSI was highly regarded in the scientific community. To start the replacement procedure, Morse and Koch had appointed a search committee, also chaired by Abrahams, which came up with six candidates. The top two will be invited to meet with the search committee, and Koch then expects to negotiate a final arrangement with one of those two. The journal editorship will take approximately one-third of the Editor’s time and his salary will be commensurate. The total cost of operating the Editor's office is in the range of $20,000.

Koch thought it was important to make clear that the journal editor is directly responsible to the Director. He therefore plans to make the final arrangements without coming to the Board or to the Executive Committee or to the Publishing Policy Committee, since he regards the editors of AIP journals as staff members, responsible to him.

Koch also stated that he plans to stimulate periodic reviews of all AIP journals.

Havens wondered, when it comes time to change the editor of a journal, whether it wouldn't be easier to get one if he were to be appointed by the Chairman rather than the Director. Fowler said he would favor the Director's appointing the editor; however, in matters of editorial policy, the editor should be free to proceed as if he is responsible to the Publishing Policy Committee.

The following motion was then made by Fowler and passed with 1 nay vote and 8 Board members not voting:

MOVED that the Director be authorized to appoint new editors of AIP journals as needed, and specifically, to appoint the new Editor of The Review of Scientific Instruments after consultation with the RSI Search Committee and the Publishing Policy Committee.

Koch then turned to the editorship of the Journal of Mathematical Physics. He stated that Morton Hamermesh expressed a wish to be relieved from the editorship of JHP about next September, and proposed several names for a search committee. Koch stated that he plans to write to the JMP Editorial Board and to Heineman Prize awardees for their recommendations (for both members of the search committee and a possible editor of JMP) and to encourage Hamermesh to publish an editorial in JMP. There will also be a statement in Physics Today.

7. Reports from Chairmen of Some Governing Board Committees

  1. Tate Award

    In the absence of S. A. Goudsmit, the Committee Chairman, Branscomb reported on behalf of the Tate Award Committee which included V. F. Weisskopf besides himself and Goudsmit. The Committee has proposed Abdus Salam as the recipient of the 4th John T. Tate Award. Since the funds are very modest and the award is not given every year, the Committee suggested that a bronze medal, instead of gold, be presented and the difference be put into increasing the monetary award which is very modest at the present time. Branscomb then read a draft of the citation prepared by Weisskopf and suggested that it be shortened. Morse asked Branscomb and Millman to come up with an appropriately worded revised citation and, upon motion made and passed without dissent, the Tate Award Committee's recommendations were approved. The revised citation is as follows:

    Founder of the Trieste Center for Theoretical Physics, Abdus Salam has contributed greatly to the progress of theoretical physics all around the world, by offering to scientists of all countries opportunities to collaborate productively. The numerous papers that originated from such collaborations have advanced knowledge in diverse fields of physics, from elementary particle physics to solid state physics. Under Salam's leadership the Center gave unique opportunities to physicists from developing countries to collaborate with leading theorists from all around the world, thus increasing greatly the productivity of physicists at universities in developing countries, strengthening scientific cooperation on a global scale.

  2. Public Education and Information

    Brady, Chairman of the Committee on Public Education and Information, stated that his Committee consists of a mixture of physicists and professional communicators. The latter consider that the public affairs activities of AIP are carried out in a professional and high quality manner. Brady noted that comments on his original draft report that he received subsequent to its submission to the Secretary for distribution to Board members, were that the report could have been more complimentary to Slack and to members of the Public Relations Division.

    Concerning the radio science reports, there was a feeling among Committee members that these should not be just popular treatment of something that could have been written 20 years ago, but the emphasis should be on selecting science topics that are more newsworthy.

    The Committee also discussed the advisability of AIP's initiating television reports. It turns out that none of the professional television people was able to attend the last meeting, but the rest of the Committee urged the staff to consult with the professional television people before going too far in that direction because TV reports could be very expensive if AIP would want to get into the production end of such activity.

    The Committee is seeking ways to assist AIP and the Member Societies with their programs, and requested Brady to prepare a letter to Society Presidents offering the services of the Committee in this regard. There were no specific recommendations at this time for joint action.

    Slack noted, in answer to a question, that AIP had previously been involved in the production of two half-hour films, "Birth and Death of a Star" and "Life and the Structure of Hemoglobin" under a grant from NSF.

    The Public Relations Division has just submitted a proposal to NSF for AIP to supervise the production of three sets of a series of five related short topics, each of 90 seconds duration, that can be used by TV stations, one topic each day, in their one-hour news programs. We expect to rent production facilities and make use of existing distribution networks. Branscomb thought that even the task of contracting for production calls for a professional talent of the kind that AIP cannot afford to acquire. Duke suggested that, since there are already a large number of high quality science films on TV, perhaps it should be the job of AIP to limit itself to trying to influence their choice of subject matter. Bueche agreed that AIP might look elsewhere to see what others are doing and if there is a niche it can fill, bearing in mind the type of audience we are trying to reach.

  3. Comments on Other Committee Reports

    Wolf called attention to the last item in the report of the Committee on History of Physics expressing the Committee's concern about the "inadequate substandard space in which the Center's archives are still housed." Slack replied that the present plan for improving the quarters of the Center include using part of our climate-controlled computer space, which will become available after 9 June when the computer is moved to Woodbury, for this purpose.

8. Financial Matters

  1. Status of Computerization of Accounting System

    Gilbert noted that the AIP consultant, Robert J. Moynihan, rendered a detailed report to the Executive Committee the previous day (see 31 March 1978 Executive Committee: meeting minutes, Item 8a., Page 6) and that copies of his report are available to any Board member. An item of particular interest to many Board members is that the first monthly financial statements covering our transactions with Societies on a cash basis for the month of January were mailed to the Societies the last week in February.

  2. Financial Report for 1977

    Gilbert distributed copies of a "Summary Statement of Operations/Budget 1978," and went over some of the figures in some detail. He noted the large 1977 net income of $107,000 and touched on some of the factors that make up the difference between that figure and the budgeted $200.000. Subscription income exceeded expectations, including the income from the four relatively new Soviet translation journals. Advertising in Physics Today, which was budgeted at $660,000, came in at $800,000. He called attention to the two types of investment income: (1) interest on short-term investments, and (2) income from our Investment Advisory Account the market value of which is currently about $675,000.

    Young wondered, in the light of such a large net income, whether AIP should discontinue the practice of delaying the publication of non-honored pages. Koch noted first, that AIP has increased the publication of non-honored pages in the last few years so that delays are not shorter than three nor longer than seven months. Moreover, the net income on AIP published journals is needed to make it possible to have Physics Today and to pay for AIP's General Activities, such as Public Relations, the Center for History of Physics, Manpower Statistics, Placement, and the Society of Physics Students.

  3. Financial Handling Charge for 1979

    Gilbert stated that the AIP Bylaws provide that the Societies pay to the Institute a financial handling charge not to exceed one per cent of the business done in their behalf. This charge was five-eighths of one per cent for 1978, and on 31 March the Executive Committee recommended that it be set at the same rate for 1979. The following motion was passed without dissent:

    MOVED that the financial handling charge for calendar year 1979 be set at five-eighths of one per cent (0.625%).

9. Publishing Matters

Status and Tour of Woodbury Building

Koch reported that the first group from Stony Brook moved into the Woodbury Building on 19 March. Fifty-eight of the 64 people in that group made the move. The Subscription Fulfillment group of about 46 people is scheduled to move on 19 May. The Data Processing group, consisting of 18 people, and the UNIVAC 90/30, is scheduled for 9 June. Only a small part of the last two groups will actually make the move. The last group is the Society of Physics Students with 7 people, which will move in at the end of June. We are planning eventually to have 200 employees in the Woodbury Building and 170 in New York.

We have been concerned about a smooth transition and have arranged for 9 car pools for those that were previously at Stony Brook. This has turned out to be very successful. Weber & Stevens have been very cooperative and offered to take on additional typewriter composition if we need them. Koch noted the excellent response to a 3-day advertisement for replacement of the few losses incurred in the move from Stony Brook. We, therefore, expect no problems in replacing the expected heavy losses in the Subscription Fulfillment and Data Processing groups.

The meeting was recessed at 10:45 a.m. and Board members were conducted on a tour of the Woodbury Building. Following a group photograph and luncheon, the meeting was reconvened at 1:10 p.m.

  1. Status of Implementation of Copyright Law

    Koch repeated his report of the previous day to the Executive Committee on the problem with the Ford Motor Company, whose general counsel has taken the position that only their board of directors can authorize copyright transfer for articles submitted for publication in technical journals. Ford has, therefore, offered only a limited republication license. Koch felt that AIP can either have every institution supply it with a list of rights, or have a complete transfer of copyright with certain reservations supplied back to the author's institution as we have been doing. Our copyright attorney, Charles Lieb, feels that the second alternative is the only way to go. Two other organizations, ACS and IEEE, have already turned down articles by Ford authors. We have permitted the acceptance for publication of some of these articles without the rigid transfer of copyright. The Executive Committee, on 31 March, recommended that we be consistent and refuse articles where there is not a specific transfer of copyright, except for articles from Government employees.

    Branscomb suggested that Koch have a friendly talk about it with Dale Compton, Ford's Vice President for Scientific Research, to transmit the sense of the Board rather than take formal action at this time. Koch could say that it is the sentiment of the AIP Board to express its concerns about this problem, and it is delegating this responsibility to the Executive Committee who will be very reluctant to change the already established policy.

    Koch reported that there are some 1,300 journals registered with the Copyright Clearance Center. The user primary libraries registered number about 115, of which about half are academic libraries. The collection of copyright fees has started and it is expected that payments to publishers will start in about a month. A significant source of such fees will be the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).

  2. 9b. Sale of Abstracts to PhysikalischeBerichte

    Koch noted that, in the absence of any agreement between The Institution of Electrical Engineers and AIP, the British rewrite all AIP abstracts in order to avoid violating our copyrights. They apparently do not want to get dependent on AIP. The Germans, on the other hand, have a unique responsibility for coordinating some four or five publishing programs. They want to be able to continue to develop them and they believe it is essential that they go completely to the English language, and they are willing to be a customer for AIP abstracts. We are proposing to market the German tape in the Americas and also a printed edition of Physikalische Berichte which they intend to produce. Koch stated that he intends to pursue the negotiations with Dr. W. Rittberger who is responsible for Physikalische Berichte, leading to an expected mutually satisfactory arrangement. There were no objections.

  3. Proposed Arrangement with National Technical Information Service for Document Access via AIP

    Koch reported that Chemical Abstracts is being asked more and more to provide means for getting copies of complete articles that have been included in their abstracting service. When a member of the American Chemical Society wants a copy of a journal article, Chemical Abstracts will transmit the order via telex to NTIS who will, in turn, use telex to direct the order to their fill source. Many of these fill sources are in the Copyright Clearance Center arrangement. Within two days, a copy of the article will be mailed to the requesting party.

    Koch proposed that AIP arrange with NTIS to be the fill source for AIP and Member Society journals and to couple it with NTIS if the Governing Board approves. This will provide a service to individuals of AIP Member Societies for obtaining reprints of articles of other publications handled by NTIS. He noted that AIP is, at present, providing such service for articles in AIP and Society journals under its Current Physics Reprint service.

    Under the proposed non-exclusive arrangement with NTIS, an order for a reprint of any AIP or Member Society journal article coming through NTIS would be filled and mailed directly to the one who ordered it and billed for by NTIS. AIP would receive $3.50 plus a copying fee for articles up to 20 pages. NTIS would receive its advertised price for such a reprint. If an individual of any of our 9 Member Societies orders through AIP reprints of articles in AIP and Society journals, as well as in other journals handled by NTIS, the order for AIP and Society journal reprints would be filled by AIP directly and billed for by AIP as heretofore, but the reprints of articles from other journals handled by NTIS would be filled directly by NTIS and billed for by AIP. The charge to the customer would be somewhat greater in order to cover the extra billing cost.

    The following motion was made and passed without dissent:

    MOVED that AIP be authorized to make an arrangement with the National Technical Information Service to have AIP become the fill source for NTIS for AIP and Member Society journal article reprints, and to provide reprint service to AIP customers of articles published in other journals handled by NTIS.

10. Proposals and Plans for Occupancy of Manhattan Locations

Marks referred to Attachment C to the agenda, and reviewed the background and need for giving attention to the AIP Manhattan locations. Until recently the possibility of acquiring better quarters has served as a deterrent to investing money and effort in upgrading our headquarters building. In view of the decreasing probability of finding a better building of suitable size and appropriate location, he felt it is timely to change the office layouts for improved efficiency and to provide better quarters for APS and the Center for History of Physics. Improvements are needed in lighting, air conditioning, and heating distribution systems as well as in the entrance lobby from the standpoint of building security and to provide a suitable public image of the physics community. He also mentioned the imminent expiration of our lease (30 June) at 304 East 45th Street where Physics Today, Advertising, Manpower Statistics, and the ASA Standards Secretariat are housed, and the need to accommodate the present occupants of that building in our headquarters building very soon after the Subscription Fulfillment and Data Processing Divisions are moved to our Woodbury location.

The lease on 800 Second Avenue, housing members of the Publications Division, also expires on 30 June but there is no problem in extending it. The current plan is to extend this lease until 31 December 1980, giving the AIP management sufficient time to gain experience from the operation at Woodbury and to evaluate the desirability of building a 15,000 square foot extension to our Woodbury building to house the rest of the Publications Division by 1 January 1981.

The AIP architect has been asked to come up with an appropriate design for renovation, providing efficient office layouts for the expected occupants without any large structural changes. Marks noted that the proposed changes would provide ample space for our present needs with sufficient allowance for some modest future expansion envisioned for the next 10 years but not for undertaking new programs mentioned in Alex Harvey's report on a possible Center for Physics. Marks then went into some of the details, describing the proposed occupants for each floor.

Hirsh noted that at the San Jose meeting of the Governing Board on 29 October 1977, he got the impression that our present headquarters building was not structurally sound. Young agreed with Hirsh and then read the following paragraph from Page 7 of those minutes: "Our present headquarters building is essentially two buildings with a wall running down the middle. The architect found considerable settling in the old part. The wood beams are considerably further apart than the plans on file with the Building Department indicate. There is a dirt floor. He does not recommend putting any money into this building." Marks replied that the present building, with its faults, will provide for our needs for the next 10 years as outlined in his introductory comments.

Branscomb wondered about the request by the Governing Board last October to have AIP carry through some studies and come up with a 10-year plan. In reply, Marks stated that such a study was carried out and presented to the Executive Committee at its 19 December 1977 meeting in connection with our reexamination for possible purchase of the International General Electric building at Madison Avenue and East 32nd Street. Since the Executive Committee decided against serious consideration of that building, and since Board members would have an opportunity to read the details when they received the minutes of that meeting, we did not think it necessary to include those plans with the agenda for the present meeting. Branscomb thought all Board members should have copies of the 10-year plan. The plan should include what AIP estimates will be the Societies' needs and wants for the next 10 years, with all the uncertainties. With an over-all plan in mind, the Board could be asked to approve it step by step. (Subsequent to the meeting, a document entitled "Review of Manhattan Building Options for AIP and Society Headquarters" was sent to all members of the Board. Included as Appendix C, labeled "AIP Office Space Analysis 1978-1988" and dated 16 December 1977, was the 10-year plan submitted to the Executive Committee on 19 December.)

Duke agreed with Branscomb and added that he could not vote for the proposed renovation without hearing first a commitment on the part of management of its intention to move the Publications Division out of New York, which he thought was necessary. Ramsey expressed his concern that Marks's proposed plan may be too little or too much for a renovation. He mentioned the R. R. Wilson letter (copy attached to the minutes of the 19 December 1977 Executive Committee meeting as Exhibit C) suggesting fairly elaborate changes for the headquarters building, or AIP might just want to do a minimal job for now until we see how Woodbury works out.

Havens felt that, until such time as a good 10-year plan is proposed and agreed to by the Board, AIP ought to fix up the space that becomes vacant, with a minimum renovation to make it usable for the groups that are moving in from 304 East 45th Street. Hirsh agreed that this would be a good first step.

Fowler stated that, as far as he was concerned, Marks's proposed plan does not meet in any way some of the ideas he had in mind for a Center for Physics. He couldn't go along with this as a specific plan for headquarters. He couldn't see why the Accounting operation could not be moved to Woodbury.

Branscomb suggested that the Board appropriate sufficient money at this time for the needed expenditure of design money to provide a detailed plan for submission to the Executive Committee for its consideration at the June meeting. The plan should take into account the options Ramsey has talked about, including the bare minimum required to paint the walls. Ramsey recommended that a plan for the use of the headquarters building be developed during the coming months, and that the Executive Committee be delegated to authorize moderate amounts of money for renovation of space consistent with what looks like a desirable long-term plan.

The following motion made by Duke, seconded by Fredrick, and after both Duke and Fredrick accepted an amendment proposed by Hirsh, was passed unanimously:

MOVED that the AIP Governing Board instruct management to spend up to $75,000 to prepare design plans for the renovation of the New York headquarters, to be presented to the Executive Committee at the 23 June meeting, and

MOVED further, that the Board so empower the Executive Committee at the June meeting to make those financial commitments necessary for the transfer of people in the rented space at 304 East 45th Street to the headquarters building, and

MOVED further, that detailed plans are to be presented to the Executive Committee, which plans are to be circulated to all members of the Governing Board two weeks prior to the June meeting so that the Executive Committee's decision can be influenced by suggestions from Board members.

11. Annual Report for 1977 and Authorization to Publish in Physics Today

Koch mentioned a few highlights of the draft of the AIP Annual Report for 1977 which had been submitted with the agenda for the present meeting and, upon motion made and passed without dissent, the Annual Report for 1977 was adopted as the report of the Board to members, and authorization was granted for its publication in Physics Today.

12. Future Meetings

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Board be held in Columbus, Ohio, at the Chemical Abstracts quarters on 27 September 1978, in conjunction with the annual meeting of AIP Corporate Association which is scheduled for 28-29 September at Battelle Memorial Institute.

The Executive Committee will meet at headquarters on 23 June 1978.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m.