Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
Members Present: R. A. Sawyer, Chairman; W. R. Brode; S. A. Goudsmit; W. W. Havens, Jr.; R. B. Lindsay; G. E. Uhlenbeck
Absent: J. W. Buchta
AIP Staff Present: Elmer Hutchisson; Wallace Waterfall; Henry A. Barton; Mary M. Johnson
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.
1. Minutes
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, the minutes of the meeting of October 1, 1960, were approved as distributed.
2. Financial Statement for Third Quarter and Budget 1961
Copies of the financial statement for nine months of 1960, projection to the end of the year, and proposed budget for 1961 were distributed (copy attached). The Treasurer discussed the many items on the various pages, in considerable detail, and there were a number of questions and some discussion. The more important points made may be summarized as follows:
Both projected income and expense for 1960 will be higher than budgeted. Income from subscriptions, publication charges, and Corporate Associates is substantially higher while income from publication projects and special projects is lower. Total income will be higher than budgeted even without investment income which was included in the budget but subsequently credited to Building Reserve by the Committee’s action. 1960 expenses will be higher than budgeted, principally because the conversion of circulation to punch card operation will cost about $20,000 more than predicted.
In 1960 the Advertising Department performed about as expected, Public Relations held very close to its budget, and the net expense of Education and Manpower will be about $10,000 more than budgeted.
The journals will vary from their 1960 budgets in the following ways: RSI about as budgeted, JCP net income about $10,000 higher than budgeted, JAP net about $8,700 above budget. PT net expense will be about $8,000 less than budgeted but, if PT advertising is credited to the journal, the over-all income from PT should exceed $20,000.00. PF and JMP were both subsidized through 1960 and show no net income or expense.
The Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1960, shows the net worth of the Institute to be $121,005.05 plus land, building, equipment and special funds (Compton, Future Physicists, Awards, Tate). For comparison, the net worth as of December 31, 1959, was $70,000.00 plus the same items.
In preparing the proposed 1961 budget a number of things which the staff believes should be done have been cut or eliminated in order to balance the budget. In preparing the projection to the end of 1960 and the proposed budget for 1961, the Treasurer has assumed adoption of the following recommendations for the reasons stated:
In adopting the 1960 budget the Executive Committee authorized putting $40,000 into an Operating Reserve and later acted to put all net income from RSI, JCP, and JAP into the Operating Reserve. If the later action is followed it will result in a large deficit for 1960 and an unwarranted increase in the accumulated deficit. It seems unwise to build the Operating Reserve higher than $40,000 under these circumstances. Therefore, it is recommended that the amount place in the Operating Reserve in 1960 be limited to $40,000 and that, in view of the tight 1961 budget, no addition to the Operating Reserve be planned in 1961.
Subsequent to adoption of the 1960 budget the Executive Committee authorized placing all investment income in the Building Reserve. This has been done in projecting income for 1960 but, to present a better balanced budget for 1961, it is recommended that only income from the Investment Advisory Account be placed in the Building Reserve in 1961 and other investment income be included in general operating income.
After discussion the following motion was made and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the above recommendations of the Treasurer regarding the Operating Reserve for 1960 and 1961 and investment income for 1961 be adopted.
3. Appointments
Editorial Boards for RSI, JAP, JCP, and PF
A list of proposed editorial board members for 1961 was distributed (copy attached) and, upon motion made and passed without dissenting vote, the proposed candidates were approved.
Representative to the USA National Commission of IUPAP
The Director reported that he had been the Institute’s representative on the subject Commission for the past three years and that he is eligible for reappointment. Upon motion made, seconded and passed, Mr. Hutchisson was appointed for another three-year term as AIP representative to the USA National Commission of IUPAP.
Representative to AAAS Council
The Secretary reported that our representatives on the above Council are Malcolm Henderson, whose term expires January 15, 1962. Upon motion made and passed without dissending (dissenting) vote, Mr. Henderson was reappointed AIP representative on the AAAS Council for a two-year term to January 15, 1963.
Representative to US National Commission for UNESCO
Mr. Hutchisson stated that he had been the AIP representative on the above Commission and that this has been a good connection for the Director. The actual choice is made by UNESCO and we are requested to submit three candidates unless the Director is renominated in which case he would automatically serve. Upon motion made, seconded and passed unanimously the Director was renominated as AIP representative to the US National Commission for UNESCO for a three-year term to 1963.
Nominations to Steering Committee for 1961 Magnetism Conference
The Director said that Messrs. J. A. Krumhansl, J. A. Osborn, J. S. Smart, and H. C. Wolfe have been very active in the Magnetism Conference and he recommended that they be nominated to the Steering Committee for the 1961 Magnetism Conference. Upon motion made and passed they were so nominated.
Committee to Nominate Chairman, Executive Committee and Director-at-Large
The Chairman proposed that a committee consisting of Messrs. George E. Uhlenbeck, Chairman; Richard H. Bolt, and C. J. Overbeck be appointed to nominate a Chairman of the Board, Executive Committee and Director-at-Large of the Governing Board for the coming year. Upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, Messrs. Uhlenbeck, Bolt and Overbeck were appointed the Nominating Committee.
AIP Publication Board
Mr. Lindsay reported that Mr. J. B. H. Kuper was elected Chairman of the Publication Board at its meeting on December 9 to replace Mr. Krumhansl who had resigned as Editor of JAP. Mr. H. C. Wolfe, AIP Director of Publications was elected Secretary of the Publication Board.
4. Staff Changes and Additions
Replacement for Mr. Maizell
The Director reported that Mr. Maizell, who had been directing our documentation work since its beginning in 1958, had returned to the Olin Mathieson Company. We had made arrangements to employ Mr. Robert Arnold to fill this vacancy but, just before he was to join our staff, his doctor advised him against assuming any new duties. Therefore, we are still seeking a replacement for Mr. Maizell and have already employed an assistant to the project director.
Replacement for Mr. Cunningham
The Director reported that Mr. Cunningham is not expected to continue his present duties, particularly the Visiting Scientists Programs, beyond the period for which he is committed, and we have engaged Professor R. W. Lefler of Purdue University for a period of one year to replace Mr. Cunningham in the Education Department.
5. Corporate Associates
Election of New Corporate Associates
The Director reported that the following organizations had requested to become Corporate Associates of the Institute and, on motion duly made and carried, they were so elected, effective 1961:
- Aerospace Corporation ($1,000)
- Applied Physics Corporation ($350)
- Wyandotte Chemicals Corporation ($350)
Status Report
The Director distributed a status report (copy attached) on Corporate Associates and stated that receipts are ahead of schedule although this may be due to the fact that we sent our dues bills our (out) early. At the present time dues range from $350 to $3,500 per year, depending on the number of physicists employed. Corporate Associates are entitled to receive all of the Institute journals if they wish, which leaves a net contribution of only about $150 if minimum dues are paid and all journals requested. The Director said he feels we should consider increasing the minimum dues to $500 and, after brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the Director be authorized, after consultation with the Advisory Committee on Corporate Associates, to adopt whatever changes in dues scale appear appropriate.
6. Report on Meeting of Advisory Committee on AIP Education Program
The Director recalled that the Advisory Committee had been broadened to include representative from all of the Member Societies and he reported that some members of the Committee are not entirely sympathetic with all phases of our education program. Mr. Lindsay, who is a member of the Committee, said he felt that only one or two people were actually critical of the program. The Director enumerated the various projects under way in the Education Department and described each briefly. The Advisory Committee had suggested that the Institute should undertake something in the way of adult education and, although this is a difficult problem to solve, we have made some progress in this direction through our public relations activities. Mr. Lindsay pointed out that the museum concept might be helpful in this respect.
The Director reported that the AAPT-AIP apparatus drawings project was criticized, as well as the proposed AAPT-EFLA-AIP film evaluation project and it is possible that NSF may not provide the funds requested for the latter. There was a discussion of the AAPT Commission and its relation to our education program.
7. Report of Property Committee on Building Addition
The Secretary reported that architects had been working during the past year on various expansion ideas and, on November 2, the AIP Property Committee met at the Institute to discuss what had been developed. He distributed copies of several proposals for additional space which had been discussed at the meeting. At our present rate of expansion we will need additional space within two years and the staff has been investigating all possibilities suggested. The Ninth Federal Savings and Loan Association building on the corner of United Nations Plaza and 45th Street is for sale at an attractive price but it is on leased land, and the Property Committee felt it would not be a good buy unless we could acquire the land at little or no cost. The Director and the Secretary have talked with the owner but he has put the property in his children’s name and it is not for sale.
The Secretary said we had first considered building on the vacant lot the first few stories of a building which could be expanded upward and later become a part of a large new building covering our entire land. Building such a building piecemeal would involve many compromises and would be very expensive and the Property Committee rejected the idea. The Committee finally agreed that it would be more practical to build a three-story and basement addition of Class 3 construction on the vacant lot which, hopefully, would provide for our needs until about 1970. When we have outgrown it we can then replace both our present building and the addition with a new large building or sell and buy or build elsewhere. The proposed addition was estimated to cost about $400,000 and the architect is preparing working drawings. The Secretary said the staff hoped to be able to present definite plans, including plans for financing, at the March meetings of the Executive Committee and Governing Board.
The Executive Committee expressed general agreement with the Property Committee’s conclusions but Mr. Havens suggested we should not overlook the possibility of selling our property at a profit and buying some suitable building elsewhere. The Secretary agreed we should continue to investigate such possibilities and promised to do so.
8. Additional Dannie Heineman Awards
The Director reported that Mr. Heineman had proposed presenting his award for achievement in mathematical physics every year instead of every other year, as was originally planned. The American Physical Society has agreed to this suggestion and, after brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the American Institute of Physics accept the proposal and agree to administer the award of the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics every year for the ten-year period.
The Director commented that Mr. Heineman has been very pleased with the way the Institute has supervised the award in the past.
The meeting adjourned for luncheon at 12:20 p.m. and reconvened at 1:40 p.m.
9. THE PHYSICS OF FLUIDS Publication Charge
The Secretary reported that the staff recommends raising the publication charge for PF from $25 to $30 per page, and the following motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously:
MOVED that the publication charge for THE PHYSICS OF FLUIDS be increased from $25 to $30 per page, effective as soon as possible.
10. Compulsory Disability Insurance
The Secretary reported that, under a New York State law, the Institute will be required to provide disability insurance for employees, probably starting in March 1961. The staff proposes to deduct an amount up to $1.30 per month from each employee’s salary, which is the maximum allowed. This will leave a balance of about $1,400 per year which must be paid by the Institute but it is expected that some of this will be reclaimed by benefits collected. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the above proposal concerning payment of disability insurance premiums be approved.
The Secretary commented that our major medical insurance plan has been very helpful during the past year and benefits have exceeded premiums.
11. History and Philosophy of Physics
The Director stated that he had discussed our desire for a library containing biographies and books on the history and philosophy of physics with Mr. Heineman who was very sympathetic to the idea. The cost of such a library would be about $40,000, plus another $10,000 for an initial supply of books. Mr. Heineman said he might be able to assist us on the basis of $10,000 per year for four or five years, and it was the consensus of the Committee that we should accept such a contribution if offered. The Director displayed sketches of the proposed library and, in answer to a question, said it would be a working library. It was pointed out that it will require care and supervision and might necessitate the inclusion of some kind of storage vault in the basement of our addition.
Proposed Study
The Director distributed copies of a proposal and budget for the Committee on History and Philosophy of Physics to make a study of the recent history of physics, with emphasis on the artifacts of science. A large number of people are interested in the subject and we anticipate no difficulty in obtaining the necessary funds. Also, we have been negotiating with a man to direct the project and he appears to be willing to undertake it. After brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the Director be authorized to seek and accept funds for the proposed study, estimated to cost approximately $67,850 for two years.
It was pointed out that APS is considering a project on the history of quantum theory and a committee of three APS and three Philosophical Society members has been set up to work on it. It is not felt that there is any conflict between this and the proposed AIP study.
12. Report on John T. Tate Memorial Fund
The Director distributed the background and purpose of the subject Fund and reported that to date it has reached $15,388, including Institute matching funds. The goal was set at $20,000 and the Institute has agreed to match contributions up to $10,000.00. The staff now proposes that the Institute be authorized to add to the Fund immediately the balance of the $10,000 which had been earmarked for that purpose. In this way we can plan to make the first award about one year from now. We would present the award about every three years and it would consist of travel expenses from abroad, $1,000 in case, and possibly a medal. The Director said we will ask the Governing Board at its March meeting to suggest candidates. After some discussion as to the desirability of including a medal in the award, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the balance of $10,000 which was provided for the purpose of matching contributions, be added immediately to the John T. Tate Memorial Fund; and that the staff investigate the desirability of including a medal and proceed to plan for the first award.
13. Appropriateness of Advertisement on Page 73 of October PHYSICS TODAY
The Director displayed a copy of the subject advertisement and said that he received a report that it was causing some consternation in Europe because of its militaristic theme. During the discussion which followed it appeared to be the consensus that no action be taken to censor advertising, but that the Advertising Manager should be apprised of reaction to this ad.
14. Sponsorship of Summer Flights to Europe
The Secretary reported that the staff has inquired into the cost of chartered air trips to Europe as a result of the recent popularity of such plans. Many of our Society members travel to Europe during the summer and charter flights would afford them quite a saving. After brief discussion, the Executive Committee agreed that just as a service, it would not be desirable for the Institute to get into the transportation business but, if an important meeting were to be held in Europe, then it might be worth while for the Institute to arrange a chartered flight.
15. Outside Employment
The Secretary reported that some of our executives are offered opportunities to do outside work, such as consulting, and the Institute may wish to formulate an official policy on this subject. He said he feels our operations lie somewhere between those of an industrial organization, where such practice is frowned on, and an academic institution which is much more lenient. The Institute has never objected to outside work where it does not infringe upon an employee’s regular working hours and is not inimical to the best interests of the Institute. The Secretary reported that Mr. Wolfe had received an offer of work outside the Institute and he described the arrangement which has been proposed. It was felt that the arrangement would not encroach too much upon Mr. Wolfe’s or adversely affect his performance as Director of Publications. The Executive Committee appeared not to want to lay down any hard and fast rules and left the matter to the discretion of the Director.
The Secretary answered some questions about our internal operations and gave a brief report on conditions in the various departments of the Institute.
16. Future Meetings
The Secretary read a list of suggested meeting dates for 1961. We expect that we may not be able to have Arden House in October for the combined meeting of AIP Governing Board and Member Society officers, as we have for the past two years, and it was the consensus that we should try to obtain facilities elsewhere rather than postpone such a meeting to a later date. Following is a list of dates agreed upon for Governing Board, Executive Committee, and Annual Corporation meetings in 1961:
Executive Committee | Friday – February 3 (Hotel New Yorker) | |
Executive Committee | Friday – March 24 | Decided by mail ballot subsequent to meeting |
Governing Board | Saturday – March 25 | |
Executive Committee | Friday – June 9 | |
Combined meeting of Governing Board and Member Society officers | Wednesday-Friday; October 11-13 | |
Executive Committee | Saturday – December 9 | |
Annual Meeting | Friday – February 24 |
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.