Executive Committee of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
Members Present: Frederick Seitz, Chairman; J. W. Beams; S. A. Goudsmit; W. C. Michels; R. A. Sawyer
Absent: W. S. Baird; R. H. Bolt; J. W. Buchta
Board Member Present: H. A. Erf
AIP Staff Present: Elmer Hutchisson; H. A. Barton; Wallace Waterfall; Mary Johnson
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
1. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of October 26 were approved as circulated.
2. Financial Matters
Financial Statement for Third Quarter 1958 and Budget for 1959
The Treasurer presented and explained a financial statement (copy attached) showing income and expense for nine months of 1958, a projection to the end of the year, and a proposed budget for 1959. He pointed out that some changes are being made, effective the first of next year, in the distribution of income and expense items to conform with changes in activities. Miss Setze, Assistant Treasurer, has gone into much more detail and spent more time than usual in preparing the 1959 budget. It is as good an estimate as the staff can make at the present time. Following is a summary of points made by the Treasurer in explaining the statement or brought out in discussion thereafter:
- Although total income for 1958 is expected to be higher than budgeted for the year, expenses for the year will be much higher than budgeted with the result that net income is expected to be only about $8,000.00. Increased publishing costs and expenses of the education and manpower activities (not budgeted but subsequently authorized) account for most of the expense increases. They and the newly established Corporate Associates Department also account for most of the increased expense budgeted for 1959.
- Budgeted net income for 1959 ($4,625) is so near a “break even” figure that we may show a loss for next year. We are generally in good shape financially but our surplus (accumulated income) is now not large and we should watch both income and expenses carefully.
- Administrative expenses (4th sheet) are accumulated and their distribution indicated for the first time. Future quarterly statements will include this sheet. Administrative expenses for 1959 are budgeted lower than the actual for 1958 because some administrative personnel are being transferred to departments. Allocation of administrative expense to departments (shown at bottom of page) is based on an analysis of time spent by administrative personnel on various activities. This allocation will be analyzed annually and changed where appropriate.
- Income from special projects, mostly grants, has become a major item ($68,352) anticipated in 1958). Income from such sources, grants already received or assured, is expected to total nearly $80,000 in 1959 but is shown as only $66,400 in the proposed budget because part is credited to the Education Department. Russian translation projects account for approximately $35,000 of this income. The total income from all grants may be higher than budgeted if grants which are requested or contemplated are received. Income mentioned offsets administrative expense.
- Income from Corporate Associates has arbitrarily been budgeted for 1959 at $37,000, 50% higher than 1958. Dues bills for 1959 based on the recently adopted schedule total nearly $74,000 and, if paid and more corporation are added, our income from this source may be much higher than budgeted.
- Advertising volume is increasing and our income from that source should be 10% better in 1959.
- All public relations expenses are included in one expense item on the 3rd sheet and a breakdown of this department’s expenses is shown on the 6th sheet.
- Education and manpower activities are similarly treated with an itemized statement as the 7th sheet. To the expenses of this department are credited the overhead and some money for staff and office expense available from grants for education projects.
- RSI, without credit for advertising, is expected to show a loss for 1958 and is also budgeted for a loss in 1959. Advertising revenue will make the over-all RSI operation show a profit of about $29,000 in 1958 and the figure should be even better for 1959 with the increased publication charge and more advertising.
- JAP shows a profit for 1958 and in the 1959 budget even without benefit of advertising revenue. Neither the expected income nor expense for the Conference on Magnetism supplement planned for the April 1959 issue have been included in the budget because of some uncertainties but they are expected to balance each other.
- JCP will show a loss for 1958 and is budgeted for more pages and a substantial loss in 1959. There is no compensating advertising revenue. The authorized subscription price increase will not improve income till 1960. A proposed drive to better the honoring of the publication charge may increase 1959 income.
- PT, after crediting advertising revenue, is projected to cost AIP about 72 cents per member receiving it in 1958. From the 1959 budget this figure would be 96 cents.
- PF is deliberately shown with no net income or expense because our Air Force agreement is such that we hope to break even and cannot make a profit. We’ll see.
- Publishing and other activities carried on for Member Societies have not been shown in AIP financial statements and are not included in the attached. It was suggested that a sheet indicating the magnitude of these activities should be included in future statements and the Treasurer agreed.
- Only a very small portion of the administrative expense shown on the 5th sheet is charged to Member Society journals. The total administrative expense charged to all editorial, circulation and reprint activities is budgeted at only $10,529 for 1959 and all Member Society journals together bear only a little more than half of this.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the budget for 1959 be adopted as presented.
Corporate Resolution Required for Investment Advisory Service
The Secretary read a resolution (copy attached to official minutes) which Bankers Trust Company requested the Institute to adopt in connection with our use of their Investment Advisory Service, which had been approved by the Executive Committee at its meeting of October 26. Upon motion made, seconded and passed unanimously the subject resolution was adopted.
3. Appointments
Editorial Boards for JAP, JCP, PF and RSI
The Director distributed copies of a list of proposed additions to editorial boards of the four AIP journals for three-year terms to December 31, 1961. The names had been submitted by the respective editors as replacements for board members whose terms end on December 31, 1958. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the editorial boards indicated on the attached sheet be appointed for the four Institute journals, for three-year terms to December 31, 1961.
Advisory Committee on Student Sections
The Director reported that some years ago we had an Advisory Committee on Student Sections headed by Robert Shankland which had made a number of recommendations, many of which have since been put into effect. As suggested at the last meeting, a new committee now appears desirable to consider other possibilities and the Director said he would like to see Mr. Shankland accept the Chairmanship again. The Director reported further that we now have 51 Student Sections with a membership of a little over 1,000. After suggestions as to membership of such a committee was offered, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that an Advisory Committee on Student Sections be established.
The Director was authorized to contact Mr. Shankland and determine whether he will be willing to act as chairman.
Advisory Committee to the National Bureau of Standards
The Secretary reported receipt of a letter from the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council requesting additional nominations to this committee. They would like us to continue the present twelve members whose terms extend past July 1958 and name an additional thirteen. The NAS-NRC letter stated the qualifications for these thirteen and Mr. Lindsay, chairman of the committee, has given us his suggestions of people to fill these positions. The Secretary read the names suggested by Mr. Lindsay and, after brief discussion, it was agreed to leave the final choices to Mr. Lindsay. The following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that thirteen additional members, as selected by R. B. Lindsay, be nominated to the Advisory Committee to the National Bureau of Standards.
Nominating Committee for Executive Committee and Director-at-Large
The Chairman reported that he had asked Messrs. Michels, Joseph B. Platt and H. D. Smyth to serve as a nominating committee to present a slate at the March meeting of the Board and they had agreed. The following motion was then made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that Messrs. W. C. Michels, J. B. Platt and H. D. Smyth be constituted a Nominating Committee for Executive Committee and Director-at-Large.
The Chairman asked that the staff notify the appointees and furnish them the names of all Board members and any other information needed.
4. Publication Activities
Expansion of AIP Staff to Handle “The Physical Review”
The Director reported that Mr. Goudsmit had indicated he would like to have all editorial mechanics operations on “The Physical Review” handled in the Institute offices as they were some years ago but he believed it would be necessary to have a qualified physicist on the AIP staff to do the job satisfactorily. The Director said the staff agreed with this opinion and that an effort was being made, with Mr. Goudsmit’s help, to find a suitable physicist. Such a person could be helpful with JCP and other difficult manuscripts as well as “The Physical Review.” Mr. Goudsmit said he believed the person selected should spend several months at Brookhaven learning the operation before coming to AIP. The Chairman expressed the opinion that there was virtue in centralizing all such activities in the Institute and Committee members present concurred. It was left to Editor Goudsmit and the AIP staff to work out details.
Conroy, Smith & Company Survey
The Secretary stated that we are reaching a point where we will soon have to make a decision regarding a major change-over in our circulation operations. We are now studying the recommendations made by Conroy, Smith & Company who have proposed that we abandon the Addressograph and our present system, and adopt a Remington Rand or IBM punch card and Scriptomatic system. The Secretary explained the details of such a system briefly and said we are not yet sure what the cost would be but substantial savings are indicated in spite of the initial capital investment of approximately $17,000 and the cost of leased equipment. Our principal reasons for being interested in the new system are its greater capacity, speed of handling various operations, and the possibility of tie-in with Accounting which would simplify billing and allocation of funds. Many details have yet to be worked out, including the difficult change-over problems. The Secretary said the administrative staff had not yet reached a decision on the recommendations but proposed to use its best judgment and take such action as seemed best, unless the Executive Committee objected. There were no objections.
5. Corporate Associates
Confirmation of Mail Ballot on Sliding Dues Scale
The Director reported approval by mail ballot from all members of the Executive Committee of the proposed sliding dues scale for Corporate Associates (copy of proposal and ballot attached). Upon motion made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote, the results of the mail ballot were confirmed.
Advisory Committee on Corporate Associates
The Director stated that the advisory committee appointed to handle the first annual meeting of Corporate Associates had served its purpose and we would now like to discharge it and set up a continuing committee on Corporate Associates with Mr. C. G. Suits as chairman. He has agreed to serve, if appointed, and we would plan to discuss with him the membership of such a committee. After brief discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that an Advisory Committee on Corporate Associates be established, that C. G. Suits be appointed Chairman, and that the membership of the Committee be left to Mr. Suits and the Institute staff.
New Corporate Associates
The Secretary reported that the following corporations had requested to become Corporate Associates of the Institute and, on motion duly made and carried, they were so elected:
- CBS Laboratories
- General Radio Company
- General Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
- Vitro Laboratories, Division of Vitro Corporation of America
- The Western Union Telegraph Company
- Whirlpool Corporation (pending receipt of dues)
6. Sponsorship, with others, of an International Conference on Physics Education
The Director distributed copies of a proposal for an international conference on physics education (copy attached). He said that W. C. Kelly, our Director of Education Projects, and S. C. Brown, Treasurer of AAPT, were expecially (especially) interested in such a conference, and he displayed some clippings indicating the interest being shown in various countries. The Advisory Committee on AIP Education Program is in favor of it and recommends it to the Executive Committee. Also, AAPT will probably want to join in sponsoring the conference, and NAS and possibly NSF may also wish to join. Some financing would probably be necessary and either NSF or the Carnegie Foundation may be interested in sending people from this country to such a conference. The Director said he also proposes to write to people in IUPAP about it, and it would involve our submitting a proposal for funds eventually.
Mr. Goudsmit expressed the opinion that the aims of education and the economies in the different countries are too varied to make such a conference of value. Mr. Michels said he feels some good would come from just getting such a group together for discussion. After further discussion the following motion was made, seconded and passed without dissenting vote and with the understanding that no financial commitment was involved:
MOVED that the Institute explore the situation and, if appropriate, join with others in seeking funds for preliminary planning of an International Conference on Physics Education.
7. International Medal (John T. Tate Medal)
Mr. Michels said he has nothing new to report on this subject at the present time. The Secretary reported that he had received an offer from Peter Mills of the Acoustical Society to contribute $500 to the Institute for some worthwhile program and the Chairman suggested that this might be a good way to probably take about $20,000 for the endowment and the Chairman suggested an announcement of such a fund in PT to be called the John T. Tate Memorial Fund. The Chairman and Mr. Michels agreed to discuss the subject further in consultation with Mr. Buchta, and the Secretary was directed to write to Mr. Mills and tell him we are considering such a fund.
8. Future Meeting Dates
Annual Meeting
The Secretary stated that a date should be set for the Annual Corporation Meeting which is held every year in February and is required by New York State law. It is attended by proxies representing the five Member Societies and is more or less of a formality under our present Bylaws. He suggested Friday, February 27, 1959, as the date for the Annual Meeting and the Executive Committee approved.
March 27 Executive Committee and March 28 Governing Board Meetings
At the last meeting of the Executive Committee, the above dates in 1959 were set but, the Secretary pointed out, Friday, March 27, 1959, is Good Friday and Saturday, March 28, is the day before Easter. There was a discussion of alternate dates and April 3 and 4 were set as dates for the Executive Committee and Governing Board meetings, respectively, with the understanding that March 20 and 21 will be alternate dates if April 3 and 4 are found to be unsuitable.
9. Other Business
The Director reported that the Institute had secured the services of Robert Maizell, formerly of Olin Mathieson, to head our Documentation Research Project. He is now here and has begun the job.
The Director recalled that the TV program, “Continental Classroom” had been discussed by our Governing Board and that, at the request of the Board, he had written a congratulatory letter to the Fund for the Advancement of Education. We have now received a request for permission to use the letter from the coordinator of the program who is trying to get it accredited in colleges. The Director said he felt the letter should be changed before it was widely distributed and he then read a draft he had prepared for the purpose. It was the consensus that the proposed letter was satisfactory.
The Secretary reported that the American Physical Society, the Acoustical Society and the Society of Rheology had approved admission of the American Crystallographic Association as an Associate Member Society of the Institute. He also reported that R. B. Lindsay had been named by the Acoustical Society to serve another 3-year term on the Institute’s Governing Board, and that the American Physical Society had named Mr. Goudsmit for another 3-year term and Messrs. Weiskopf and Havens for 2-year terms.
The Secretary stated he had been told that McGraw-Hill had concluded a contract in the amount of about One Million Dollars with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for translations from the Russian including the “Journal of Technical Physics” for which AIP has a grant from NSF. He contacted NSF and was told that the McGraw-Hill contract covers mostly abstracting. Subsequently the Director, Secretary and Mr. Beyer, Chairman of our Advisory Board on Russian Translations, met with McGraw-Hill representatives to discuss the situation. We were told by McGraw-Hill that they have no intention of duplicating what we are doing. There appeared to be some uncertainty as to what McGraw-Hill is to do and how.
The Secretary reported that Earl Coleman of Consultants Bureau has recently formed the Plenum Press and proposed to enter the general book publishing business.
The Secretary stated that publicity is given to alleged errors made by the AIP staff in handling circulation problems whereas subsequent investigation shows the errors were not ours. He then cited details of two incidents in which we were taken to task and which, upon investigation, proved to be the fault of the member making the complaint.
The Secretary reported that we plan to have a meeting next week with the editors of “The Astronomical Journal” to talk about the possibility of our taking over publication for them. This may be preliminary to their applying for Membership or Associate Membership in the Institute.
The Chairman reported that the Physical Society of London, which has branches throughout the world, would like to invite some people to Australia for a meeting and there are two people in AEC whom they particularly want. Both Oak Ridge and people in the metals group in Washington are anxious for them to go but, in order for the invitees to receive travel expenses, a letter from some reputable scientific society recommending participation is necessary. The Chairman said that, if there were no objections, he was willing to write an AIP letter saying this is a good cause and would be in the best interests of science. Mr. Beams then made the following motion which was seconded and passed without dissenting vote:
MOVED that the Chairman be authorized to write a letter as described above.
The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.