Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics
Minutes of Meeting
The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics met at the AIP Woodbury Offices in the afternoon of 11 March, at the Howard Johnson Conference Center in Plainview, L.I., in the evening of 11 March, and at the AIP Woodbury Offices in the morning of 12 March 1983. For clarity in presentation with reference to the printed agenda, events recorded here are not necessarily in the same chronological order in which they occurred.
Members Present: N. F. Ramsey – Chairman, K. M. Baird (OSA), H. H. Barschall (APS), R. P. Bauman (AAPT), R. T. Beyer (ASA), J. A. Burton (APS), R. B. Clark (AAPT), M. Dresselhaus (APS), L. L. Elliott (ASA), R. M. Grant (ex officio), W. W. Havens, Jr. (APS), H. W. Koch (ex officio), J. W. Layman (AAPT), T. E. Madey (AVS), F. B. McDonald (APS), M. H. Mueller (ACA), J. W. Quinn (OSA), R. W. Schmitt (MAL), M. Strasberg (ASA), J. M. Wilson (AAPT), K. F. Wissbrun (SOR), A. E. Wright (AAPM)
Members Absent: P. B. Boyce (AAS), J. P. Glusker (MAL), D. Herriott (OSA), D. Lazarus (APS), J. L. Vossen, Jr. (AVS), H. F. Weaver (AAS)
Nonvoting Participants: J. R. Arthur, Jr. (AVS), F. H. Fisher (ASA), T. Ingoldsby (AAPT), W. H. Kelly (AAPT), *R. Marshak (APS), E. C. McIrvine (MAL), J. Meyer (AAPT), R. F. Sears, Jr. (AAPT), *E. A. G. Shaw (ASA), E. S. Sternick (AAPM), N. Suntharalingam (AAPM), H. Voss (AAPT)
Guests: *J. Baumgarten – Partner, Paskus, Gordon & Hyman; *R. Geballe – Chairman, Committee for Public Policy; *R. George – Director of Sales, AZTECH; *D. Remington &ndash Chief, Cataloguing Distribution Service, Library of Congress
AIP Staff: H. W. Koch, Director; G. F. Gilbert, Treasurer; R. H. Marks, Associate Director for Publishing; L. Slack, Associate Director for Educational Services; B. Dolowich, Controller; S. R. Weart, Director, Center for History of Physics; L. T. Merrill, Assistant to the Director; N. A. Davis, Assistant to the Secretary
*Present on 11 March only
1. Convene – Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Chairman Ramsey.
Introduction of New Members
Ramsey welcomed the new members present: Barschall (APS), Elliott (ASA), McDonald (APS), McIrvine (Member at Large, elected during the meeting), and Wilson (AAPT).
Resolution in Honor of John Willard Stout
The resolution prepared for presentation to Stout was shown. Slack noted that the wording reflected changes made at the suggestion of the Executive Committee.
The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Beyer, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the Governing Board approve the resolution in honor of John Willard Stout.
The text of the resolution is as follows:
The American Institute of Physics salutes John Willard Stout on the occasion of his retirement as Editor of The Journal of Chemical Physics after twenty-four years of distinguished service to the scientific community. Under his leadership the journal, by any measure, advanced and consolidated its position as unquestioned leader in its special field: He presided over a quadrupling of the size of the journal; his perception of what is significant made it a strong force for influencing the directions in which chemical physics has developed; and his devotion to high standards of quality made its articles the most cited of any journal in its field. The journal will long bear the mark of his skilled editorial hand and his informed taste in what constitutes the best in physics. The Institute, like the physics community, is in his debt for years to come. We wish him well in the future.
2. Minutes of Governing Board Meeting of 29-30 October 1982
Typographical changes were noted, following which the minutes were approved by acclamation.
3. Report of Chairman
- Establishment of Committee on Finances
Ramsey said that his report would omit items which would come up in the course of the agenda.
The Committee on Finances was established at the previous Governing Board meeting. At the February Executive Committee meeting, the structure of this new committee was discussed. It was recommended that it consist of three persons to be appointed to staggered three-year terms by the Chairman of the Governing Board. The committee will report to the Governing Board through the Executive Committee. Clark said this would be acceptable to the Committee on Fiscal Policy. Grant added that the primary charge initially would be to advise on investments. Ramsey said that if later a major effort is needed on fund raising, perhaps other people would be appointed, or a subcommittee would be formed to deal with that topic.
Quinn asked the rationale for having this committee report to the Executive Committee. Ramsey and Koch said that financial matters are acted on by the Executive Committee. Bauman suggested an alternate wording: that the Committee report to the Executive Committee and the Governing Board.
Following discussion, the following motion was made by Clark, seconded by Bauman and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the Committee on Finances consist of three members, to be appointed for staggered three-year terms by the Chairman of the Governing Board, and that the Committee report to the Executive Committee and the Governing Board.
Ramsey concluded his report by noting that (1) the Journal of Applied Physics will have 24 issues starting in 1984, (2) the Executive Committee authorized extra pages for JCP and JMP to reduce the backlog of non-honored pages, (3) the APS Washington office is progressing well under Park, and AIP will have a Washington editor for PT who will share the office with Park, and (4) three new affiliated societies have been recommended to the Governing Board for approval for admission by the Executive Committee: the American Meteorological Society, the International Association of Mathematical Physicists, and the Materials Research Society.
4. Report of Annual Meeting of Corporation
Ramsey reported that this meeting, required by New York State law, was convened at 12:45 p.m. and adjourned at 12:55 p.m. on 11 March 1983.
5. Report from Assembly of Society Officers and Role of Committee on Public Policy – R. Geballe
Geballe said that the Committee on Public Policy is seeking input from the Governing Board as to what types of activities are appropriate for this committee. One, he noted, is planning the annual Assembly of Society Officers. He reviewed the agenda of the Assembly held on 10-11 March, noting issues and suggestions that had arisen at that meeting.
Resolutions Regarding NSF Funds
Kelly reported on the resolutions which were recommended by the Assembly for approval by the Governing Board. One important point appearing in these resolutions is the need for teacher institutes. He distributed copies of the draft of the resolutions and accompanying letter from Ramsey to Senator Garn, et al.
Elliott suggested a clearer definition of the need for teacher institutes. Grant said that the basis for these statements was the feeling expressed by Aldridge that these are what are needed at this time, and that Senator Garn's request for changes in program definition by NSF seemed to be leading to the deletion of such institutes.
Strasberg moved that the item be tabled until the next day so that a revised version could be drawn up. This was seconded by Madey; a vote by hand was taken; the directed motion to table failed.
Ramsey commented that the letter as it stood was clearer than the resolution, which he thought had too many "whereases"; he proposed that a drafting committee consider changes for presentation in the morning session. Named to this committee were Bauman, Elliott, Kelly, Layman, and Madey. Revised drafts of Resolutions 1 and 2 were distributed at the Saturday morning session and were discussed at length. That discussion is included here for clarity.
Schmitt said that before sending Resolution 1 we should ascertain the exact status of this bill; we should not cause confusion which may delay something that is set. The bill he saw three weeks ago did not have these specifications. Layman said that this present resolution reflects changes as of this midweek as reported by Aldridge in the Assembly. Wilson said that the resolutions are in consonance with the original NSF proposal.
During the meeting Havens called Branscomb, Chairman of the National Science Board, for his comments on the resolutions. Branscomb felt that any statement on the specific spending of the $15 million would be counterproductive. NSF should be allowed freedom to use these funds. Branscomb's opinion was based on the fact that citing specifics had been tried before and was clobbered by the Administration; the more specific, the less likely it is to be accepted. If the NSF plan is followed, there is plenty of flexibility.
Bauman said that we are looking for a balance among these items. He then attempted to call Knapp for further information, but could not reach him.
Wilson said that there are two possibilities: either the program will go through which Garn will support or it won't go through, but in any case we would be on record as supporting this proposal.
The following motion was made by Wilson, seconded by Madey, and was carried with one opposing vote. The vote was preceded by various amendments to the Resolutions and votes on each separately.
MOVED that the Governing Board approve the wording of both resolutions and the letter, subject to minor editing changes, with the understanding that the latest information be incorporated.
(Final versions of the resolutions are attached herewith.)
Havens said, regarding Resolution 1, that he would be against this motion if the last paragraph, as drafted, is included. Elliott felt that omission of the last paragraph would delete the sense that the Governing Board wants to convey. In her experience, the more vocal people are, the more likely they will get what they want.
Burton proposed stating "the subject areas where there are critical shortages" without underlining it. Quinn proposed changing "at least half" to "a significant portion". Ramsey proposed putting "teacher institutes and inservice retraining programs" ahead of everything in the series.
The following amendment to the above motion was made by Havens and seconded by Burton:
MOVED that these proposed amendments to the motion be accepted.
Bauman spoke against these amendments, which he felt would delete what we want to promote. Layman added that the original plan allowed a wide variety of proposals. Garn's response was against this; he said that teacher training should be taken out of the plan. Our resolution would indicate the position we are taking, now and in the future.
The amendment to the motion was defeated, with one abstention.
The following motion was made by Strasberg, seconded by Schmitt and Madey, and carried with one opposing vote.
MOVED that the following amendment to Resolution 1 be made: (1) change "at least one-half" to "a substantial portion", and (2) move "teacher institutes and inservice training programs" ahead of "science education research".
Discussion turned to Resolution 2. Several editorial changes were approved by consensus.
The transmittal letter was discussed. Barschall felt that the Governing Board should not determine the text of this letter, which would be from Ramsey. Bauman clarified that this is a model for a letter, to be finalized by Ramsey.
The following motion was made by Clark, seconded by Bauman, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the wording of the transmittal letter be changed to fit more closely the wording of the resolution.
Dresselhaus thought someone should be delegated to check out the Washington scene before delivering the letter. Layman, who was to carry the letter and resolutions to Washington, assured the Board that he intended to do just that before delivering them.
6. Report of Nominating Committee
The updated report of the Nominating Committee was distributed in conjunction with Havens' report as Chairman of the Committee.
The policy on Executive Committee membership was that people should serve for more than one year. The Nominating Committee had looked at the distribution of Societies and tried to get a good balance on all committees. He noted that the Committee does not make appointments for the following committees: Fiscal Policy (comprised of Society Treasurers), Society Services (one representative from each Society), and Public Policy (Society representatives).
The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Mueller, and unanimously carried. (Ramsey left the room during this proceeding.)
MOVED that Norman F. Ramsey be elected Chairman of the Governing Board for 1983-84.
The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Strasberg, and unanimously carried. (Grant left the room during this proceeding.)
MOVED that Roderick M. Grant be elected Secretary of the Governing Board for 1983-84.
The following action was unanimously carried, on recommendation of the Nominating Committee.
MOVED that Edward C. McIrvine be elected Member at Large of the Governing Board for a two-year term.
The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Wright, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the report of the Nominating Committee be adopted.
Ramsey designated as committee chairpersons those suggested and indicated by asterisks in the report.
The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Mueller, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that there be a standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.
The following motion was made by Havens, seconded by Bauman, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the nominated membership of this new standing committee, the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws, be elected.
Grant reported that he is planning to rewrite the charge to the Nominating Committee as the documents previously used are now outdated.
(The full list of committee members as elected is attached herewith.)
7. Reports of Advisory Committees
History of Solid State Physics – S. Weart
Weart reported that this project is now in progress. The goal is to find and preserve data needed for scholars to understand the field. The Center is giving one-third of its total effort to this project and is working with teams from other countries. Most of the funding is from NSF, DOE, and several corporations; $250,000 has been pledged. The administration of such a project is complex; the methodologies are still being developed. Oral history interviews are being produced as part of the research. It is hoped to publish the results in book form, but the Center reserves the right not to publish it in book form, but as articles. Weart made available for distribution advance copies of the project's Newsletter No.2.
Status of Corporate Associates Program – E. C. McIrvine
McIrvine reported that the Advisory Committee on Corporate Associates met in January. There are presently about 120 Corporate Associates. The Prize for Industrial Applications in Physics (given every two years) will be sponsored in 1983 and 1985 by the General Motors Foundation (although Nils Muench of the General Motors Corporation has asked that we list General Motors Corporation as the sponsor in any promotional literature). The 1983 meeting will be held on 25-26 October at the Xerox Research Center at Palo Alto; the theme will be "Physics of Information Technology".
McIrvine noted that the needs of the Corporate Associate are somewhat different than academic needs. Their concern is to hold on to this group by making the topics attractive and relevant to the industrial sector. People from industrial labs don't often visit other industrial labs due to concern over violation of anti-trust laws; there is a constraint except on neutral territory, such as the AIP meeting provides. There is a strong feeling that the meeting should be held at corporate labs. Many industrial labs don't have meeting places holding many over 150, another factor in favor of keeping the size of the meeting fairly small. The Committee looks with favor on full membership for any lab that wishes to join.
Havens questioned having this meeting in the middle of the week, making it difficult for the academics. Koch noted that the Governing Board is scheduled for the preceding weekend and Monday, followed on Tuesday and Wednesday by the Corporate Associates meeting. This has been discussed with the Committee on Corporate Associates who have endorsed this format.
Constitution and Bylaws Proposal
Slack gave the report of this Committee, in the absence of Chairman Crane. The proposed changes (with additional suggested changes from the Executive Committee and the lawyer) were distributed and reviewed. The proposed Bylaw change is subject to ratification of the proposed constitutional changes. Bylaws can be amended by two-thirds vote of the Governing Board, whereas Constitutional amendments require action by the Member Societies. He reviewed the meaning of affiliated society status: they can have services done for them, but with an overhead charge, and they have no representation on the Board.
Strasberg asked the reason for the proposed changes. Burton said that it is not appropriate for details of calculation of dues to be in the Constitution. Ramsey said this was not intended to change the structure; it remains a non-weighted average. Grant read the interpretation of the Executive Committee: that the average of the annual regular dues means a simple sum divided by the total count of the Societies in the sum. Strasberg said that if the intention is that the dues paid be equal, it should specify that the dues are equal for every Society; this point could be misinterpreted or misused.
After further discussion, with additional changes proposed by Madey and Bauman, the following motion was made by Beyer, seconded by Bauman, and unanimously carried. Bauman said that this should be with the understanding that editorial changes can be taken care of following the meeting.
MOVED that the following amendments to Article IX, as given in Attachment D, be adopted:
- Add the following new sentence at the end of this Article: "The dues paid per individual member shall be the same for all Member and Associate Member Societies."
- The word member is to be in lower case when referring to individual members.
- Line 8: delete "the" following the word "to".
Layman then made the following motion, which was seconded by Beyer, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the proposed changes in the Constitution, as set forth in Attachment D, with the addition of amendments to Article IX, be accepted for submission to the Member Societies for ratification.
(The proposed Amendments, as sent following the meeting to the Member Societies, are attached herewith.)
The matter of the proposed new Bylaw was then discussed. Quinn asked to which year's dues this new Bylaw would be applied. Ramsey suggested that it be the intent of the present Governing Board that if the amendment to Article IX – Dues is ratified, this Bylaw be adopted.
The following motion was then made by Bauman, seconded by Clark, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that it be the intent of the present Governing Board to recommend to successive Boards that if the amendment is ratified, this Bylaw be adopted.
The text of the proposed Bylaw is as follows:
The amount of dues to be paid to the Institute by each Member and Associate Member Society as required in Article IX shall be 2 dollars multiplied by the number of its members as certified in the previous year according to Article VI.
8. Status of AIP's New Computer System
Marks said that the AIP staff and AZTECH realized that the original timetable was too optimistic. A revised, realistic timetable has been agreed upon by AZTECH and AIP. This will extend the need for the Univac a few months longer.
Subscription and Membership Files – R. George
George presented an update of this developing system. In addition to a base record, there will be a Society record, which allows room for any Society to expand its record. Multiple addresses, with allowance for temporary addresses and "bill to" addresses, will be accessible via the main data record. A Business Publications Audit (BPA) capability will be included. The system will also include a manpower record. The service record, consisting of three parts (past, current, and future), will be maintained for about five years, giving history on subscriptions and other data. The entire system will be controlled by the product file. The system as now projected basically follows the original outline but is much more complex than AZTECH or AIP envisioned.
He showed the data dictionary which has been reviewed and is almost ready for final approval. An additional feature will be the remittance processor which will allow for immediate cash deposits.
George discussed access by Societies to the system from remote locations. Presently there are two ways: 1) dumb terminals, and 2) intelligent terminals, a microcomputer system marketed by Data General. The main problem with the microcomputer system is its expense. However, new equipment is expected in the near future which will be much less expensive. There are three basic speeds of communication with the computer. Most of AZTECH's customers use a 1200 baud modem and have no problem with that. The next is a 300 baud modem which is less expensive, though this is considerably slower. The third method would be a dial-up line leased from AT&T, enabling use of a much higher speed modem. Eight lines going from Woodbury to the New York office via a multiplexer are planned; two will be used by printers.
One of the things that will drive the system is a management module. The menu structure can be changed at will, providing maximum system flexibility. The password system is the basic controlling factor for security at each level.
Accounting Software – B. Dolowich
Dolowich said that the staff is now processing the accounting on the Univac 9030. They are testing software packages developed by M&O that can run on the MV8000. A target date of 30 September 1983 has been set for rewriting programs now on the Univac. AIP will timeshare on an MV8000 by the end of March, which will assist both implementation of the fulfillment system by programmers and training of personnel.
Schedules for Implementation – B. Dolowich
Dolowich gave a status report on the fulfillment system. The original timetable was one year. Due to delays in the general design phase, AIP staff asked AZTECH to prepare a status report; this was discussed at meetings on 18 February and 2 March. Three areas of concern were identified:
- Cash processing. The auditors felt that it was better to deposit cash payments first and process them later. Reasonably priced NCR equipment was finally located to accomplish this task.
- Inclusion of SPS. The original plan was to rewrite the programs presently used for SPS, but after review, it was decided to incorporate them as another society. There will be two new files: a chapter file and a contribution file.
- Random expiry. This concept, new to AIP, had not been highly detailed in the RFP, but it was felt that this feature would offer increased operating flexibility and future cost savings.
Dolowich distributed charts showing the original and revised timetables. It was found that the one week allotted for review of material received was not sufficient, as feedback from AIP staff was essential. Once the detail design phase is completed, the bulk of AIP interaction will be completed.
The original contract was fixed price. After the negotiations, AZTECH and AIP arrived at the following allowances on work done that was claimed by AZTECH to be outside the scope of the contract:
- Cash processing: 75% of effort to be allowed.
- SPS: 100% of effort to be allowed.
- Random expiry: 25% of effort to be allowed.
AIP feels that, with the progress in the accounting area, we could benefit from and would like to take delivery of the computer in August 1983, but that we could take it in June 1983 as originally scheduled, if AZTECH prefers that date, after its negotiations with Data General.
The penalty clause date is now set at 1 March 1984. This date can be extended when AIP issues purchase orders to cover the special projects.
Madey asked what the cost per month of extending the Univac will be. Dolowich said that portions will be scaled down gradually, so it cannot be more than $11,000 per month. In addition, there will be substantial savings in keyboarding and programming which are difficult to estimate at this time.
Comments from Computer Needs and Society Services Committees
Quinn said that the ad hoc Committee on Computer Needs reviewed the previous actions of this Committee. Those who were able to attend met the previous night with the Executive Committee for an update on progress of the new computer. It seemed obvious that there was no additional work for it to do, and it is now inactive.
There was no report from the Committee on Society Services.
9. Report on Workshop on Financial Prorations
Description – G. F. Gilbert
Gilbert read the passage in the AIP Constitution (Article X) on services performed for Member Societies. There are two types of services: 1) out-of-house: purchased from outside vendors, and 2) in-house operations. Prorations refer to in-house operations. These now include 21 cost centers and are based on the workload. They have increased in the last few years, and Member Society Officers did not understand the mechanism for charging. Gilbert noted the booklet prepared for this workshop. Questions were answered in depth. The Member Society representatives who were present expressed the desire to simplify the prorations wherever possible and would like to have fixed prices developed where feasible; this would aid their budgeting. AIP staff presently has to use quoted prices, then issue variances. The staff can develop fixed prices on special projects; this will be done in consultation with the Committee on Fiscal Policy.
Comments of Committee on Fiscal Policy – R. B. Clark
Clark said that the Committee felt, after seeing the details of prorations, that fixed prices would make handling them more efficient.
10. Annual Report for 1982 and Authorization to Publish in Physics Today
The following motion was made by Layman, seconded by Elliott, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the annual report of the Director for 1982 be accepted and authorization be given to publish it in Physics Today.
Clark asked if, considering the cost of pages in PT, the full annual report need be printed there. Koch said he is required to send a complete report to all members, which is why it is printed in PT. He suggested the alternative possibility of printing something comparable to "Highlights of ____” which is an abbreviated form of the annual report rather than the extensive one.
It was moved by Clark, seconded by Wilson, and unanimously carried as a straw vote to convey the sense of the Governing Board.
MOVED that the Governing Board convey the sense that a briefer annual report of the Director to the Governing Board and all members would be favored.
(The meeting recessed at 5:30 and resumed at the Howard Johnson Conference Center, following dinner, at 7:30.)
Ramsey asked Koch to chair the evening session. Koch called the meeting to order and introduced the speakers.
11. Library of Congress Storage and Retrieval System – David Remington
(Chief, Cataloguing Distribution Service, Library of Congress)
In introducing Remington, Koch noted that AIP Management is now continually faced with questions on optical disc storage.
Remington noted that LC's concern with this technology is necessitated by its preservation and use-management problems, with its vast holdings and acquisitions. He noted that the preservation problem is the opposite problem of usage, and collections are deteriorating rapidly. There are many problems with non-print materials, one being that use causes deterioration. LC will use video discs to experiment with the special problems of non-print material. Optical discs will be used for print materials. Both of these are read by lasers.
One of the major problems in an institution such as LC is the time that it takes to move paper through a system. The average time from when material is requested to when it is delivered is 50 minutes. When new technologies are installed, the present concept of the library may have to change.
The image storage and retrieval system (a $4 million installation) in progress for print materials will transfer selected categories of print materials onto optical discs to preserve, manage, access, and display them. This gives high density and the ability to retrieve. One principle is that the higher the resolution, the lower the number of pages that can be stored. There are many problems, including that of copyright, that must be addressed in developing such a system. Technology allows us to protect all the interests, if the various interests communicate. The opportunities are larger than the differences.
12. Report of Register of Copyrights on Library Photocopying – Jon Baumgarten
(Partner, Paskus, Gordon & Hyman; Former General Counsel, U. S. Copyright Office)
Baumgarten noted that the Register of Copyright recently released a 400-page report (plus appendices) on the five years since the new copyright law went into effect. The way one approaches this report depends on one's background and interests. Publishers would welcome the report; it is essentially supportive of their position. Librarians would view it defensively and would challenge a number of points.
Baumgarten said he is disturbed by the conclusions of the report. It is very clear that there is widespread noncompliance with the law, and an imbalance in its application, and it proves that the situation is very bad. There is an outright ideological split between the library and publishing communities. The fundamental theme of the report is that the differences between the groups should be resolved by negotiations between the parties rather than by legislation. The report paves the way for these negotiations to go forward. It points out the following:
- Copyright is not an obstacle to access. If the means of access is reproduction, it assures a means for doing this.
- Publisher response to a request is usually excellent.
- Copyright provides an infrastructure without which authors have no place to go.
Publishers have advised the library community that they are willing to discuss the matter of access, but so far library organizations have not responded. Publishers are understandably concerned about the preparation of anthologies with lengths beyond the prescribed limits, without obtaining permission. What is presently going on is wholesale copying, which threatens the entire educational publishing field. The investment in publishing has to be recouped.
In the campus copying area, there are guidelines; the question is how much can go on outside of the guidelines. No one will benefit in a situation of uncertainty and confusion. Faculty and other users don't want to sit down and read Section 107 every time they need to copy material. It is hoped that the publishers' case against NYU currently in progress (which his firm is handling) will shed some light on the whole matter, and that some clearcut guidelines will emerge. The NYU case is not an attempt to stop faculty copying.
(The meeting was recessed at 8:45 p.m., followed by a reception and informal discussion. It resumed at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, 12 March.)
13. Financial Report for 1982
Estimated Financial Statement
Gilbert distributed the balance sheets and statements of revenue and expense which covered 1981 (actual) and 1982 (estimated) (copy attached herewith). He noted that the statement of revenue and expense covered AIP only (not activities carried on for member organizations). The large increase in revenue from non-member subscriptions in 1982 was due to the increased prices; subscriptions did not decline as had been anticipated. Journals are included here on an as-published basis. Special projects revenue rose considerably, due to sales of Physics Vade Mecum and income from the Temperature Symposium Proceedings. The Institute is now in a position to establish needed reserves, which were depleted to finance the Woodbury construction.
He then reviewed the balance sheets. $8 million in deferred payments represents the 1983 subscription income collected in 1982. This income is invested, which provides large amounts of cash and cash equivalents by the end of the year. Accounts Receivable are in good shape.
Establishment of Funds
Gilbert noted that the Institute income in the General Fund was built up as a result of unusually high income for 1982. AIP Management made recommendations which were approved by the Executive Committee at its 25 February meeting for transfer of funds to specifically designated funds, as follows: for amounts over $200,000 in the General Fund for 1982 income: 25% to Building Fund, 25% to Equipment Fund, and 50% to Publications Fund. The staff feels that these allocations support the premise of increasing the non-member subscription prices to replenish the reserves. These percentages will be reviewed annually at the time the budget is submitted.
Quinn asked why the allocation of funds is reviewed at the end of the year. Gilbert said that there could be a loss, and the figures have to be considered every year.
Financial Handling Charge
Gilbert said that the AIP Constitution provides that Member Societies pay to the Institute a financial handling charge, not to exceed 1%, on the monetary value of business done on their behalf; this charge must be fixed annually by the Governing Board.
The following motion, on recommendation of the Executive Committee, was made by Clark, seconded by Layman, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the financial handling charge for 1984 be fixed at five-eighths of one percent of business done on behalf of Member Societies.
New York City Real Estate Tax
Gilbert said that the Institute had been awaiting a decision on this matter. The mayor's committee to review these cases has yet to report on the impact to the city of withdrawal of tax-exempt status. Our legal counsel recommends that AIP sit tight until this report is received.
Gilbert noted the recent decision on the Asia Society. New York City appealed and won a reversal of the previous decision, which had been in favor of the Asia Society's tax-exempt status. The appellate court ruled that the Society's activities were not educational in the traditional sense of the word. Gilbert read from the letter from AIP's real estate tax counsel. It is their opinion that the programs of the Asia Society and AIP are similar. Board members felt that the programs were dissimilar enough to warrant AIP's being granted exempt status.
We are now in litigation on this matter and the tax has been paid under protest for the last two years; it is now about $3.00 per square foot. If the decision is reversed in our favor, we will get the payments back with interest.
Credit Card Billing
Gilbert said this was approved at the last Governing Board meeting and asked Dolowich to comment. Dolowich said this will be built into the AZTECH system, but to implement it now for the Univac may require special software to be written; he feels this would be a waste of money. Marks said that one reason for implementing it is that it will simplify foreign collections. It is a question of allocating the monies to the Societies; it can now be done by manual methods, but applying the current computerized methods have yet to be ascertained. The question now is one of priorities; the people involved are busy with the AZTECH planning. He could make an investigation on costs of implementing it now and have details by the end of May.
14. Policy Issues and Assignments to Advisory Committees
Koch said that he tries to greet each Committee and discuss the assignments for which they are needed. If these advisory committees work effectively, it is possible to avoid using the Governing Board meeting for writing and presenting reports. These reports are now contained in the Function Planning volumes. He noted several items brought up in the Assembly which will be referred to committees, that he feels can be handled better jointly through AIP than by individual Societies:
- Summer jobs for high school teachers. The Committee on Corporate Associates will be working on this.
- Posters for elementary schools. Koch will be working with SPS groups on this and other ideas; the purpose is to emphasize the importance of public awareness of physics. He showed bumper stickers and T-shirts which are available through SPS.
- TV shorts. The small investment in this effort is getting a big payoff. AIP is getting increasing mention on other TV programs. They will work with NSF on expanded funding.
- Joint Council for Technology and Science Education. Koch will be working with Geballe to involve the Committee for Public Policy.
Update of AIP Style Manual – Publication Board
Marks reported that the AIP Style Manual has been very well received and widely used by the publishing community as well as the physics community. The last revision was in 1979. A committee of the Publication Board is now looking at it to see what revisions are needed. APS is looking at their need to provide author information on the preparation of documents using Compuscript.
Quinn asked if references look the same in all journals. Marks said they try to make them standard, but differences exist among some AIP and Society journals. All journal styles are standardized for SPIN.
Standardized Copyright Policy – Committee on Publishing Policy
Marks said that this Committee tried to achieve a standardized policy which all AIP and Member Society journals could follow. The differences have been mainly in the area of how much free copying is to be allowed by libraries. The AIP policy for archival journals now is fairly close to that of APS, and this standardized statement has been recommended to the Member Societies. APS doesn't want to go through the CCC, so their journals don't carry this information.
Bauman said that the information on fair use and copying under the copyright law is not readily available, and he wondered if it could be published in PT. Marks said the staff will consider how to make this information and its ramifications available.
Sale of Computer Tapes of Abstracts – Committee on Publishing Policy
Koch said that the SPIN tape is primarily concentrated on AIP and Member Society journals. The total tape is called the AIP SPIN tape, but individual Member Societies own their sections. The product is disseminated on behalf of AIP and the Member Societies.
Approval was recently given for the sale of AIP's Datapoint software to Elsevier-North Holland. The New England Journal of Medicine and the publisher of Engineering Index are also interested in buying our software. It is very useful for AIP to connect with the engineering societies, as they have extensive marketing arrangements from which AIP could benefit. They are interested in linking the SPIN tape to Engineering Index, and they could be interested in the Datapoint software.
Koch reported that the FIZ arrangement is going very well. AIP Management expects to start negotiating with Chem Abstracts. All of these efforts are to the benefit of the primary journals and there is a need to protect our copyright as individual abstracts and articles are increasingly sold. The potential income is significant.
The intent is to disseminate as widely as possible our tape of abstracts. The systems which are potential users will be changing significantly and attempts are being made to make these more user-friendly. The Publication Board and the Committee on Publishing Policy are monitoring these techniques.
(The meeting recessed at 9:55 a.m. to allow for taking of the official photo of the 1983-84 Governing board and resumed at 10:15 a.m.)
15. Tentative Plans for Development of Function Planning in 1983
Koch noted this series of volumes generated each year, geared to functional operations of the Institute.
Educational Services Plan
Slack said that this year the major effort of the Function Planning exercise is in the area of education. Many efforts in this area connect with people outside of the staff. Up to now the staff has been reviewing programs, but the staff division managers are beginning to work with others on the Education Task Force: Ramsey, Geballe, Grant, and Wheeler. They expect to use teleconferencing and electronic mail for communications.
Ordering of the efforts has been in six categories: 1) responding to direct services; 2) public understanding of physics; 3) influence on classroom teaching; 4) dissemination of information about physics as a profession; 5) efforts in continuing education; and 6) improvement of communication with the Institute and with the Member Societies. The Task Force will identify the core programs of the divisions and consider new programs. They expect to order priorities and assign price tags, and hope to have the report out by June for discussion at the Woods Hole (September) meeting of the Executive Committee.
Publishing Plan Including Information Services
Marks said the implementation schedule is on target with the five-year plan formulated last year; it will be updated every year.
Management Review of Activities
Koch said that management reviews, as well as those of advisory committees, are important, and the staff is considering ways of doing these. They may want to use consultants to assist in management reviews of certain areas. In evaluating unit costs, AIP Management projects significant reductions in costs for handling member and non-member subscriptions. The costs for composition are decreasing steadily as more experience is gained on ATEX and UNIX. Management will review these and share the data with the Executive Committee.
Operational Plans for 1984 and Beyond
Koch said that the yearly pattern has been that, once the function plan is developed, we develop a budget plan for approval in December. Up to now, this has been a one-year budget process; it is hoped to do longer projections if time permits.
16. Requests for Affiliated Status
Koch said this status is a formality which permits AIP to provide services to additional societies. For these services, we compute the actual cost and add 15% overhead. In response to Clark's question, Koch said the Materials Research Society has expressed interest in becoming a Member Society, but the American Meteorological Society probably is not interested
American Meteorological Society
Koch reported that this Society has about 10,000 members.
The following motion was made by Wilson, seconded by Beyer, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the American Meteorological Society be accepted as an Affiliated Society of AIP.
Materials Research Society
Koch reported that this Society has about 1,400 members and expects considerable growth. Dresselhaus said they publish about 10 books a year. Koch said they are interested in affiliating with AIP and having us do some of their publishing. A Materials Research Letters Journal is now being done by Elsevier, but this journal has no official connection with the Society. The society is interested in developing a journal, to be done by AIP. Grant pointed out that the Executive Committee at its February meeting specified that AIP cannot do subscription fulfillment for the MRS if its journal is published by a commercial company.
The following motion was made by Schmitt, seconded by Clark, and unanimously carried.
MOVED that the Materials Research Society be accepted as an Affiliated Society of AIP.
17. Other Business
Resolution of Thanks
Wright moved that the Governing Board accept the following resolution, Clark seconded it, and it was carried, with two abstentions.
Whereas: During the course of the past year the affairs of the AIP have shown significant progress and reflect accomplishment of stated objectives, the Governing Board expresses its sincere thanks to Director Koch and his staff.
18. Next Meeting
Dates for the October meetings are as follows: Governing Board: 23 October (evening) through 24 October, followed by the Corporate Associates meeting: 24 October (evening) through 26 October.
Koch noted that in scheduling the 1984 March meeting, both the OSA and the APS have meetings late in March. 16-17 March were proposed for the AIP Governing Board meeting, to be held at Woodbury.
19. Executive Session
The staff was excused for the Executive Session, which met from 11:40 am to 12 Noon.
During its Executive Session, but for the public record, the following motion was made by Layman, seconded by Elliott, and passed unanimously.
MOVED that formal actions taken during Executive Session of the Governing Board normally shall be taken in the presence of the Executive Director.
20. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned, following the Executive Session, at 12 Noon.