March 8, 1940

Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics

Minutes of Meeting

I. The Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics Incorporated met in response to call of the Chairman, at nine-thirty a.m., Friday, March 8, 1940, at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, N.Y.

Present: Chairman Tate, Messrs. Compton, Pegram, Hardy, Rayton, Firestone, Fletcher, Waterfall, Davey, Hunter, Lillie, Harrison, Klopsteg and Palmer.

Absent: Mr. Gibbs.

Present by invitation: Mr. H. A. Barton, Miss M. M. Mitchell, Editors Hutchisson, Becker, Mayer, and later Roller and Mr. Urey.

II. Elections to Governing Board:

The Secretary reported that the following elections to membership on the Governing Board had been made at the Annual Meeting of the Institute on February 23, 1940:

On nomination of:

American Physical Society George B. Pegram to succeed himself – term to 1943
Optical Society of America R.C. Gibbs to succeed E.C. Crittenden – term to 1943
Acoustical Society of America Wallace Waterfall to succeed himself – term to 1943
Society of Rheology Wheeler P. Davey to succeed himself – term to 1942
A. Stuart Hunter to succeed Melvin Mooney – term to 1942
H. R. Lillie to succeed R. L. Peek Jr. – term to 1942
American Association of Physics Teachers George R. Harrison to succeed Frederic Palmer – term to 1943
Frederic Palmer to succeed F. K. Richtmyer – term to 1941

The Chairman introduced the new members of the Board.

These elections made the membership of the Board for 1940 as follows:

  Term to
American Physical Society John T. Tate 1941
Karl T. Compton 1942
George B. Pegram 1943
Optical Society of America Arthur C. Hardy 1941
W. B. Rayton 1942
R. C. Gibbs 1943
Acoustical Society of America Harvey Fletcher 1941
Floyd A. Firestone 1942
Wallace Waterfall 1943
Society of Rheology Wheeler P. Davey 1942
H. R. Lillie 1942
A. Stuart Hunter 1942
American Association of Physics Teachers Frederic Palmer 1941
Paul E. Klopsteg 1942
George R. Harrison 1943

III. Minutes of Meeting of March 10, 1939:

The Minutes of the last previous meeting of the Board were read and were motion approved.

IV. Report of Officers:

  1. Report of Chairman:

    The Chairman, Mr. Tate, reported particularly on the operations of the Institute in the year 1939 stating that it appeared to be the best year the Institute has had; that full discussion of the year’s work would be given in the Report of the Director of which mimeographed copies were available.

  2. Report of Secretary:

    Part of the report of the Secretary is given above under II – Elections to Governing Board.

    The Secretary reported also the death of Member of the Board, Mr. Floyd K. Richtmyer, on November 7, 1939.

  3. Report of Treasurer:

    1. The Treasurer submitted the Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 1939, made by Pasley & Conroy, certified public accountants, and submitted under date of January 29, 1940.

    2. On motion of the Treasurer the adoption of the following resolution was voted:

      Resolved: that the resolution voted by the Governing Board by mail ballot and reported in the Minutes of its Meeting March 26, 1938 designating the Irving Trust Company as depository of the American Institute of Physics Incorporated and authorizing certain officers of this corporation to sign checks and conduct other specified business on behalf of the corporation, be supplemented to authorize Miss M. M. Mitchell, Publications Manager, to sign checks against the Pay Roll Account of the Institute.

V. Report of Director:

The Director submitted a detailed report on the operation of the Institute for the year 1939, copies of which were distributed to the directors and one copy of which is attached to the official Minutes.

The Director requested Miss Mitchell, Publications Manager, to discuss the significance of a set of schedule sheets and graphs relating to the growth in the amount of publication, also a comparison of costs of publication. Copy of these sheets and graphs are included in the Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of February 22, 1940. A sheet was also shown giving a comparison of foreign subscriptions for 1940 with those for 1939.

VI. Report of Editor of Journal of Applied Physics:

Mr. Hutchisson, Editor of the Journal of Applied Physics, submitted the following report and commented upon it:

“During 1939 a new policy was adopted in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS; that of having special issues devoted to particular topics. Three special issues were produced during the year on the subjects (1) photo-elasticity, (2) television, and (3) spectrographic analysis. These special issues have been very well received, and it is believed that this policy should be continued for 1940 with similar issues on other topics such (as) photography, temperature measurements, magnetism, etc.

Besides the special issues, review articles have been published in the following fields: operational calculus; physics of flames and explosions; physics of recreating geological history; million-volt X-ray outfit; sound measurements in industry; nature of the metallic state; properties of oxide-coated filaments; filtration of sound, X-ray protection; radium protection; atomic power from splitting of the uranium nucleus; X-ray diffraction applied to chemical analysis.

A total of 53 original research papers were published in such rapidly advancing fields as klystron oscillators, lubrication, X-ray studies of crystals, luminescent properties of coatings, arc characteristics, solid dielectrics, electron diffraction, viscosity studies, electron beams, effects of ultraviolet radiation, oscillatory networks, etc.

Besides the above, 95 pages of news about physicists, resumés of recent research, innovations in instruments, book reviews, descriptions of laboratories and biographical sketches of authors, as well as 152 pages of advertisements featuring instruments and supplies of particular interest to the physicist, appeared in the 1939 issues of the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS.

It is interesting to note the sources of the papers in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS for 1939. The sources are divided as follows:

Sources of General Papers Sources of Contributed Papers
Universities – 20 Universities – 27
Industrial – 17 Industrial – 26
Government – 7  

Because papers were submitted during the past year much faster than it was possible to publish them, a considerable lag in the time of publications developed. Because of this lag, some papers could not be published for as much as twelve months. The average time between the receipt of a paper and its publication was five and a half months. It is hoped that in the future this lag may be reduced to approximately three months, which is all that is required to allow adequate refereeing and time of printing. The pressure of contributed papers is not quite so great at the present time as it was last May, but there are in the Editor's office at the present time 27 papers. Material is scheduled for publication through the July issue.

This report does not include figures on cost or circulation, since those figures are part of the Director’s report.”

The question of a reduced rate subscription rate to students for the Journal of Applied Physics was discussed.

On motion it was voted:

that the Board authorize the officers to study the question of a reduced rate subscription to students for the Journal of Applied Physics and the Executive Committee to put into effect any plan that it deems wise.

The question of special numbers, dealing with single subjects, of any journals of the Institute with special advertising was left for consideration by the Executive Committee.

VII. Report of the Editor of Journal of Chemical Physics:

Mr. Mayer, Assistant Editor of the Journal of Chemical Physics, reported that two hundred pages more of that journal had been published than was allowed in the budget; this being on account of publication of the papers from a symposium of “Inorganic and Physical Chemistry” under the American Chemical Society, that the result would probably prove favorable because of increase of subscriptions, and that it would be desirable to print the reports of another symposium in 1940 on the subject “Molecular Aggregates”.

The Editor reported that articles on surface reaction were being referred to the Journal of Physical Chemistry, that the Journal of Chemical Physics was publishing more papers on crystal structure.

In discussion of the report of the Editor of this journal the Chairman remarked that the Auditors’ Report showed that the journal had made a profit of six hundred dollars over the estimated budget.

VIII. Report of Editor of Review of Scientific Instruments:

Mr. Becker, Editor of the Review of Scientific Instruments, reported on the cost of publishing the Review of Scientific Instruments for 1939, also on the probable donation of $1500 from the Society of Apparatus Makers of America in order that editorials and review articles covering recent scientific instruments can be published.

Copy of this report is attached to the official Minutes.

IX. Report of Executive Committee:

On motion it was voted:

that the following actions of the Executive Committee be ratified and confirmed:

September 15, 1939: “to instruct the Treasurer to write off before the end of 1939 the inventory item of $211.17 for unbound sheets of the book “Physics in Industry” since it appears that the supply of bound volumes on hand will meet all the demands that may be expected for that publication.”

September 15, 1939: “that in view of the improved status of the Review of Scientific Instruments and the necessity of having that journal make a good showing between now and the end of the year on account of the recent increase in subscription price the publication of 32 pages for the present year in addition to those already allowed for in the budget be authorized.”

November 30, 1939: “that the Institute appropriate the sum of $1800 or such amount thereof as may be necessary as underwriting for the uncollectible “per page” charges, not otherwise underwritten, for articles published in the journals previous to the July 1, 1939.”

February 22, 1940: “that to be effective as soon as possible, probably September 1, 1940, the subscription price of the Review of Scientific Instruments for non-members of the societies of the Institute, be raised for domestic subscriptions from $3.00 to $3.50, for foreign subscriptions from $3.50 to $4.00.”

On motion it was voted:

to ratify the action of the Executive Committee taken in July 1939, following a mail vote of the Committee, raising the subscription price of the Review of Scientific Instruments for members of the founder societies from $1.50 to $2.00, the increase to be put into effect at the beginning of the 1940.

X. Election of Officers:

The report of the Nominating Committee was received and on motion it was voted:

that the Secretary cast the ballot of the Board for the election of the following to serve until the next annual meeting of the Board.

The ballot was cast as ordered for the following:

Chairman Paul E. Klopsteg
Secretary George B. Pegram
Treasurer George B. Pegram
Assistant Treasurer Henry A. Barton
Adviser on Publications John T. Tate

XI. Appointment of Committees:

After discussion of the several active committees of the Board it was on motion voted:

that the Chairman should appoint the members of committees with terms to the 1941 annual meeting.

The Chairman accordingly made the following appointments:

Executive Committee: Paul E. Klopsteg, Chairman, John T. Tate, Harvey Fletcher, A. C. Hardy, A. Stuart Hunter, and George R. Harrison.

Advertising Committee: M. J. Kelly, Chairman, J. A. Becker, and Elmer Hutchisson.

Employment of Physicists: R. C. Gibbs, Chairman, George R. Burnham, E. U. Condon, M. J. Kelly, D. C. Roller, and H. H. Sheldon.

Temperature Symposium Book: C. O. Fairchhild, Chairman, J. D. Hardy, R. B. Sosman, and H. T. Wensel.

Cooperation with Scientific Apparatus Makers of America: H. A. Barton, Chairman, A. C. Hardy, G. B. Pegram, W. B. Rayton, and J. A.Becker.

Conference on Applied Nuclear Physics: R. D. Evans, Chairman, Elmer Hutchisson, E. U. Condon, L. A. DuBridge, G. Failla, Clark Goodman, E. O. Lawrence, Harold C. Urey, and Henry A. Barton.

Council on Applied Physics:

  • Carl I. Bausch, Bausch & Lomb Optical Company
  • R. R. Beal, Radio Corporation of America
  • Carl Breer, Research Laboratories, Chrysler Corporation
  • Detlev W. Bronk, Johnson Foundation, University Hospital, Philadelphia
  • O. E. Buckley, Executive Vice-President, Bell Telephone Laboratories
  • L. W. Chubb, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Company
  • W. D. Coolidge, Directory of Laboratory, General Electric Company
  • Karl T. Compton, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • E. U. Condon, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Company
  • E. C. Crittenden, Assistant Director, Research & Testing, National Bureau of Standards
  • George O. Curme, Jr., Vice-President, Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp.
  • Wheeler P. Davey, Research Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Pennsylvania State College
  • W. F. Davidson, Director, Research & Testing, Consolidated Edison Co., Inc.
  • Donald W. Dunipace, Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company
  • Marion Eppley, Eppley Laboratories, Inc.
  • Paul D. Foote, Executive Vice-President, Gulf Research & Development Co.
  • Henry P. Gage, Corning Glass Works
  • John J. Grebe, Director of Physical Research, The Dow Chemical Company
  • L. O. Grondahl, Director of Research, Union Switch & Signal Company
  • George R. Harrison, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • A. W. Hull, General Electric Company
  • Norris Johnston, General Petroleum Corp. of California
  • M. J. Kelly, Director of Research, Bell Telephone Laboratories
  • A. W. Kenney, E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company
  • Paul E. Klopsteg, Central Scientific Company
  • C. H. Kunsman, Chief, Fertilizer Investigations, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Alfred L. Loomis, The Loomis Laboratory
  • John P. Magos, Testing Engineer, Research Testing Laboratory, Crane Company
  • E. J. Martin, General Motors Corporation
  • Archibald P. Meston, Research Corporation
  • George B. Pegram, Dean of the Graduate School, Columbia University
  • Harvey C. Rentschler, Westinghouse Lamp Company
  • E. W. Ritter, Director of Research and Engineering, R.C. A. Mfg.
  • J. C. Hostetter, Hartford-Empire Company
  • Charles A. Scharschu, Director of Research, Allegheny Steel Corp.
  • W. Schmidt, Agfa Ansco Corporation
  • Robert B. Sosman, United States Steel Corporation
  • John T. Tate, Dean of the College of Science, Literature and the Arts, University of Minnesota
  • Wallace Waterfall, The Celotex Corporation
  • E. C. Williams, Vice-President in Charge of Research, Shell Development Co.
  • H. Hugh Willis, Sperry-Gyroscope Co., Inc.
  • Henry A. Barton, Director, American Institute of Physics
  • L. A. Jones, Eastman Kodak Company


Proposed Guest List:


  • Maurice Holland, National Research Council
  • Raymond C. Stevens, National Research Council (Arthur D. Little, Inc.)
  • J. C. Patterson, National Association of Manufacturers


XII. Appointment of Representative on National Research Council:


On motion it was voted:

that Mr. H. A. Barton be nominated to the National Research Council as the representative of the American Institute of Physics Incorporated for the term from July 1, 1940 to June 30, 1943.

XIII. World’s Fair Display:

Mr. Barton raised the question as to whether the Institute should attempt to have some exhibit at the New York World’s Fair 1940. The opinion of the Board was unfavorable.

XIV. Chinese Libraries:

On motion it was voted

that the journals published by the Institute should be sent for 1940 free of charge to three Chinese libraries, namely the Science Society of China Library, Shanghai; The National Central Library, Chungking; and the National Library of Peiping.

XV. International Standing of Journals:

Mr. Becker reported a comparison of the number of references to various journals of physics for 1938 in comparison with figures that had been previously assembled in 1934 showing interesting changes and especially advancement in position of the journals published by the member societies of the Institute.

Copy of this report is attached to the official Minutes.

XVI. Distribution of 1939 Report of the Director:

On motion it was voted:

that a digest of the Report of the Director for 1939 be sent to the members of the councils of all of the member Societies.

XVII. Representation in the American Council on Education:

On motion by Mr. Compton it was voted:

that whereas questions of education in physics are of vital importance to all five of the Societies in which the Institute of Physics is agent, and whereas the American Association of Physics Teachers particularly represents physicists with respect to education, and whereas it appears that the American Association of Physics Teachers may properly become a member of the American Council on Education, the Institute of Physics will undertake to contribute for 1940 the amount of the membership fee, $100, of the American Association of Physics Teachers if it becomes a member of the American Council on Education.

It was understood that the $100 would be provided in the budget through the publicity item under Education and Organization.

XVIII. Budget for 1940:

Earlier in this meeting the Director submitted a draft of a budget substantially as approved by the Executive Committee at its February meeting.

After agreement upon several amendments the following was on motion adopted as the budget for 1940:

Journal: Journal of Chemical Physics
Subject: Budget 1940

Income 1939 Actual 1940 Budget
Subscriptions $10,060.15 $10,060.00
Published Arts. (Net) 2,252.48 2,250.00
Single Copies (Net) 1,101.08 1,000.00
Total Income $13,413.71 $13,310.00
Operating Expense  
Printing & Mailing $8,174.27 $7,600.00
Engraving 1,039.82 970.00
Editorial Mech. Sals. 1,004.94 1,020.00
Exp. 289.30 300.00
Outside Edit. Sals. 1,409.96 1,400.00
Exp. 94.49 90.00
Subscription Sals. 526.52 580.00
Exp. 128.95 140.00
Misc. 57.91 70.00
Operating Expense $12,726.16 $12,170.00
(Other) Promotion 42.18 100.00
Total Expense $12,768.34 $12,270.00
Profit $645.37 $1,040.00
Pages and Covers 1,184 1,100
Subscribers 1,000 1,000

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Subject: Budget 1940

Income 1939 Actual 1940 Budget
Subscriptions $7,770.40 $7,850.00
Published Arts. (Net) 640.22 550.00
Single Copies (Net) 295.87 270.00
Total Income $8,706.49 $8,670.00
Operating Expense  
Printing & Mailing $5,611.20 $5,500.00
Engraving 767.45 770.00
Editorial Mech. Sals. 421.11 450.00
Exp. 153.33 160.00
Outside Edit. Sals. 1,649.95 820.00
Exp. 81.83 50.00
Subscription Sals. 1,905.49 1,890.00
Exp. 466.74 460.00
Misc. 118.93 140.00
Transfer office & back numbers 200.00
Operating Expense $11,176.03 $10,440.00
(Other) Promotion 100.00
Total Expense $11,176.03 $10,540.00
Profit $-2,469.54 $-1,870.00
Non-ad pp. & Covers 510 500
Subscribers 3,550 3,200

Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Subject: Budget 1940

Income 1939 Actual 1940 Budget
Subscriptions $12,543.60 $12,540.00
Published Arts. (Net) 1,263.26 1,200.00
Single Copies (Net) 449.14 450.00
Total Income $14,250.00 $14,190.00
Operating Expense  
Printing & Mailing $9,771.62 $9,750.00
Engraving 2,365.07 2,310.00
Editorial Mech. Sals. 824.13 900.00
Exp. 278.10 300.00
Outside Edit. Sals. 2,658.50 2,740.00
Exp. 276.21 250.00
Subscription Sals. 1,134.06 1,250.00
Exp. 278.01 310.00
Misc. 82.93 100.00
Travel 394.26 400.00
Operating Expense $18,062.89 $18,310.00
(Other) Promotion 103.46 300.00
Total Expense $18,171.35 $18,610.00
Profit $-3,915.35 $-4,420.00
Non-ad pp. & Covers 946 936
Subs. 2,300 2,300


It is hoped that actual circulation will be greater than 2300 in which case the deficit would be lower.

Advertising Department
Budget 1940

  1939 Actual 1940 Budget
Sales $15,427.04 $12,500.00
Printing Cost of Pages $2,606.76 $2,200.00
Salaries 2,761.47 2,000.00
Office Expense 404.91 500.00
Cash Discount 276.87 230.00
Travel Expense 80.60 50.00
Bad Debts 167.00 0
  $6,297.61 $4,980.00
Profit $9,129.43 $7,520.00

Organization & Education
Budget 1940

Income 1939 Actual 1940 Budget
Service Charge (15%) $10,027.36 $10,000.00
Additional Contribution (5%) 3,382.82 3,330.00
Other Contributions 315.00
Associate Dues 2,698.50 2,700.00
Special Projects 378.32 100.00
Other Income 15.97
  $16,817.97 $16,130.00
O & E Salaries $5,988.44 $7,470.00
Travel Gov. Bd. & Ex. Com. 680.32 680.00
Admin. 227.21 400.00
Office Expense 1,175.76 1,500.00
Interest 100.00 100.00
Publicity and Misc. 620.70 600.00
Special Projects: Placement Service 111.58 180.00
Temperature Symposium 460.14 100.00
Conference on Applied Nuclear Phys. 100.00
Institute Reprints & Bulletins 23.29 500.00
1941 Joint Meeting 100.00
Publications Policy Survey 239.77
Write off of P.I.I. Sheets 422.34
Total Operating Expense $10,049.65 $11,730.00
Depreciation & Repairs 334.79 600.00
Total Expense $10,384.44 $12,330.00
Profit $6,433.53 $3,800.00


Departmental Profits
  1939 Budget 1939 Actual 1940 Budget
Organization & Education $4,420 $6,433.53 $3,800
Advertising 8,180 9,129.43 7,520
Review of Scientific Instruments -3,890 -2,469.54 -1,870
Journal of Applied Physics -5,660 -3,915.35 -4,420
Journal of Chemical Physics 0 645.37 1,040
Net Operating Profit $3,050 $9,823.44 $6,070
Uncollectible Page Charge -1,311.00
Final Profit $3,050 $8,512.44 $6,070
Deficit Account
  1938 1939 1940 Budget
Deficit Balance January 1 $21,845.29 $20,814.44 $12,840.00
Deduct Year's Profit 1,030.85 8,512.44 6,070.00
  $20,814.44 $12,302.00 $6,770.00
Add Cost of Reproducing Back Issues of Journal of Chemical Physics   538.00  
  $20,814.44 $12,840.00 $6,770.00

1940 Budget
Changes made by the Board from the Budget figures approved by the Executive Committee on February 22, 1940

Journal of Chemical Physics
Subscription Income Up $60
Ed. Mech. Office. Exp. Up 30
Subscription Office Exp. Up 10
Net Profit Up 20
Review of Scientific Instruments
Subscription Income (basis-better data) Down $450
Subscription Salaries Down 90
Subscription Office Exp. Up 10
Net Deficit Up 370
Journal of Applied Physics
Subscription Income (basis-better data) Down $460
Ed. Mech. Sals. Up 40
Ed. Mech. Exp. Up 20
Subscription Sals. Down 70
Subscription Exp. Up 20
Promotion (was 350 not 300 as misprinted) Down 50
Net Deficit Up 520
Organization and Education
Office Expense Up $100
Publicity and Misc. Up 100
Placement Service Up 80
Conference on Applied Nuclear Physics Up 100
Institute Reprints & Bulletins Up 400
Depreciation and Repairs Up 100
Net Profit Down 480

XIX. On motion the Board adjourned.