TEAM-UP Project

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The AIP National Task Force to Elevate African American Representation in Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy (TEAM-UP)

The TEAM-UP project began in 2017 with the Task Force to Elevate the Representation of African Americans in Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy (TEAM-UP) commissioned by the AIP Board of Directors. TEAM-UP spent two years investigating the reasons for the persistent underrepresentation of African Americans in physics and astronomy and produced a report with its findings and evidence-based recommendations to increase the number of African Americans earning physics and astronomy bachelor’s degrees. Following the TEAM-UP Report’s release in 2020, AIP conducted workshops supported by the Heising Simons Foundation, webinars, and a number of efforts to help physics and astronomy departments implement the report’s recommendations and develop action plans for systemic change. 

Today, AIP has joined forces with several AIP Member Societies, the Society of Physics Students, and the broader physical society community to drive systemic change and increase successful outcomes for African American physics and astronomy majors with a new collective action initiative called, TEAM-UP Together. Visit the TEAM-UP Together webpage to learn more. 

Project Activities

  • TEAM-UP Together – A collective action initiative by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), American Astronomical Society (AAS), American Institute of Physics (AIP), American Physical Society (APS), and the Society of Physics Students (SPS) to double the number of African Americans earning bachelor’s degrees in physics and astronomy by 2030.
  • TEAM-UP Webinars 
    These webinars will more deeply explore the 5 key factors that contribute to African American student success in physics & astronomy
  • TEAM-UP Report Survey / Survey Results 
    Share how you are using the TEAM-UP Report and implementing its suggestions. See how others are using the report.
  • TEAM-UP Implementation Workshops – Past Activity 
    A core set of physics departments were selected to attend the TEAM-UP Workshops and work with the TEAM-UP Project to develop strategic plans for actions

Upcoming events

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