Roger Bacon's Optics
Initial Conditions Episode 11: The Legacy of Ptolemy's Almagest
On 57 Diamonds from the Wenner Acquisition
Optimism and Other Poems
The T's of Ex Libris Universum
R is for Rarity
Splicing the Cable
Past & Present: Connecting the Public With Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788)
Q&A with a Book Donor
A Tale of Two Editions
Harvard Project Physics: The Role of History in Science Curriculum
The JLMs of Ex Libris Universum
The GHIs of Ex Libris Universum
The DEFs of Ex Libris Universum
The ABCs of Ex Libris Universum
Pierre-Simon Laplace Speaks
Banned Books Week: Galileo’s Dialogue