Photos of the Month archive

We’re ringing in the new year by bringing you our favorite photographs of physicists kicking back and celebrating birthdays, accomplishments, and special occasions with parties!
As 2016 ends and we reflect back on the year, we’re looking back 50 years to 1966 and bringing you a variety of images from the Emilio Segrè Visual Archives that were taken a half-century ago.
On November 7, 1878, Austrian physicist Lise Meitner was born. This month, we are celebrating her remarkable life and accomplishments by featuring a selection of photographs taken throughout her scientific career.
This month, we share a few of our favorite images of physicists in disguise, dressed as animals, popular fictional characters, even other physicists! We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the more playful side of these scientists and are inspired to get creative with your own Halloween costume this year.
September is here and that can only mean one thing – back to school! This month, we’ve selected our favorite images of physicists in the classroom, sharing their knowledge of the physical sciences with students of all ages.
The summer may be coming to an end but baseball season is still going strong – thanks to physics! This month we’re featuring a selection of photographs from our collection that portray physicists partaking in America’s favorite pastime as both participants and educators.
Whoever said physics was all work and no play? Our collection of photographs this month contains a variety of images depicting physicists and their families enjoying the summer weather.
June is here and with it comes warm weather and opportunities to spend more time in the great outdoors. This month we are featuring photographs in our collection that depict physicists engaging in a multitude of outdoor activities.
Some of the most interesting photographs in our collection illustrate physicists participating in every day activities outside of the lab. This month we’re featuring six photographs that depict musically inclined physicists and their friends playing various instruments.
We’ve chosen to highlight some of our well-known physicists behind the lens.